Anthony DellaMoraHistory 134- Ancient World HistoryProfessor Kimberly Dyer28 February 2015Alexander the Great is one of the most recognizable names from the Hellenistic period of ancient history. He was known for his intelligence both on and off the battlefield. Much of his intelligence outside of war could be attributed to the philosopher Aristotle. The relationship between teacher and student is one that is well known for the influence that Aristotle had on Alexander the Great’s conquests later in life.When Alexander was fourteen years old, his father Philip II hired Aristotle as a private tutor for his son. (Mark) While studying under Aristotle, Alexander was taught many things. Aristotle is credited with teaching Alexander about politics and morals. Aristotle taught Alexander the Great about the facts of politics and warfare, but never taught him how to fight. () Aristotle is also believed to be responsible for teaching Alexander the Great how to negotiate and how to manage people. () These are all important things that the ruler of a country needs to know.Aristotle was happy to accept the job of mentoring the young Alexander. It offered Aristotle a high honor, provided him with an opportunity to continue his research in the most powerful of the Greek states, and it gave him the chance to influence the future leader of the empire. (SparkNotes) As payment, Philip II restored the city of Stagira, Aristotle’s home town that Philip had previously conquered. Aristotle had also taught Alexander the great about the practice of medicine, which Alexander took a great interest in. Alexander was known to practice medicine and prescribe treatments for his friends throughout his entire life. (SparkNotes) Alexander the Great also took an interest in the works of Homer, particularly the Iliad. Alexander is known to have taken Aristotle’s versions of Homer’s work with him on his conquests, as well as a variety of scientists. Alexander the Great’s desire to learn and to have accurate scientific information on his travels are credited to Aristotle’s teachings and enthusiasm. (Mark) Mark, Joshua J., “Alexander the Great”, , 14 Nov. 2013, Web. 28 Feb. 2015This Article talks about Alexander’s life and influence of Aristotle N.A. “Alexander the Great and Aristotle”, , N.A., Web. 28 Feb. 2015This site gives information on the types of things Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. N.A. “Aristotle”, , N.A., Web 28 Feb. 2015This site provides a biography of Aristotle SparkNotes Editors, “SparkNote on Alexander the Great”, , N.A., Web. 28 Feb. 2015This site gives information on Alexander’s education from Aristotle. ................

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