A World of Math

2013 –2014 MATH SYLLABUS Grade Level: 9-11 Subject: MathematicsTeachers: Mrs. Verma, Mrs. Terzic, Ms. GabouryDESCRIPTION:In high school math courses, Students will be given a series of mathematical problems in the end of each lesson and a summative assessment in the end of the unit. Students will use- Problem solving strategies to prepare solutions to each written situation. Logical reasoning to analyze problems and develop strategies that will lead to effective solutions effective communication of the processes to solve problems by using mathematical concepts Terminology to make connections to solve problems within and outside of mathematicsMATH COURSES:Math classes are determined by ability not grade. Prior to enrollment each new student will take a math placement test. Although a student’s placement test score will determine their math class, math teacher monitors student progress at the beginning of the semester to ensure that math placement test scores accurately reflect student ability.Intermediate AlgebraThis course prepares students for Algebra -1. Topics include sets, properties of real numbers, exponents and radicals, factoring of polynomial expressions, algebraic fractions, linear, quadratic and radical equations and their application.Algebra 1Algebra 1 provides a foundation in the basic concepts and skills of algebra. Students will be introduced to geometry through the study of angles, polygons, circles and geometric proofs.Algebra 2Students will learn such topics as scientific notation, conic sections, roots of quadratic equations, including complex roots, inequalities and system of inequalities, algebra of polynomials, algebraic word problems, gas law and set theory.GeometryGeometry includes all topics in a high school geometry course, including perspective, space, and dimension associated with practical and axiomatic geometry. Students learn how to apply and calculate measurement of lengths, heights, circumferences, areas, and volume. Geometry includes trigonometry and allows students to work with transformations. Students will use logic to create proofs and constructions and will work with key geometry theorems and proofs.Pre-calculus with Trigonometry and Analytic geometryPre-calculus engages and supports students in the learning process by developing both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. This course includes trigonometry, theory of algebraic equations, sequences, series, limits, exponentials, logarithms and functions analysis. Scope and Sequence: Essential Content and Skills include but are not limited to:Trigonometry Trigonometry uses the techniques that students have previously learned from the study of algebra and geometry. The trigonometric functions studied are defined geometrically rather than in terms of algebraic equations. Facility with these functions as well as the ability to prove basic identities regarding them is especially important for students intending to study calculus, more advanced mathematics, physics and other sciences, and engineering in college.Mathematical Analysis This discipline combines many of the trigonometric, geometric, and algebraic techniques needed to prepare students for the study of calculus and strengthens their conceptual understanding of problems and mathematical reasoning in solving problems. These standards take a functional point of view toward those topics. The most significant new concept is that of limits. This year long course will include the following units:1. Equations and Inequalities2. Graphs and Functions3. Polynomial and Rational Functions4. Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions5. Trigonometric Functions6. The Circular Functions and Their Graphs7. Trigonometric Identities and Equations8. Applications of Trigonometry9. Systems and Matrices10. Analytic Geometry11. Advance Algebra MATH STANDARDSThe high school standards are listed in conceptual categories including Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability, and Contemporary Mathematics.Number and Quantity ? The Real Number System (N-RN) ? Quantities (N-Q) ? The Complex Number System (N-CN) ? Vector and Matrix Quantities (N-VM) Algebra ? Seeing Structure in Expressions (A-SSE) ? Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions (A-APR) ? Creating Equations (A-CED) ? Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities (A-REI) Functions? Interpreting Functions (F-IF) ? Building Functions (F-BF) ? Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models (F-LE) ? Trigonometric Functions (F-TF) Geometry ? Congruence (G-CO) ? Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry (G-SRT) ? Circles (G-C) ? Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations (G-GPE) ? Geometric Measurement and Dimension (G-GMD) ? Modeling with Geometry (G-MG) Modeling Statistics and Probability ? Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data (S-ID) ? Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions (S-IC) ? Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability (S-CP) ? Using Probability to Make Decisions (S-MD) Contemporary Mathematics ? Discrete Mathematics (CM-DM)1st QUARTER PROJECT: Students will explain a concept learned in the first quarter by using multimedia/Hypermedia. It will be a group project. Classroom presentation is required. Students can use spreadsheet, database, podcasting, video casting, Power point, wikis etc. to present their projects. CLASS POLICIES:Attendance: Students must not only attend every class, but also be on time, be prepared, and take an active part in class. Plagiarism and Cheating: Plagiarism includes copying or paraphrasing another’s work, without crediting the source; submitting a work written by someone else, either in whole or in part, as one’s own work; or submitting work previously submitted for another course or instructor. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty on any assignment will result in zero credit for assignment and further disciplinary action.Homework: All Math assignments must be received on or before the due date, by the beginning of the class period. Late work will be given only half credit.Retakes: All failing tests, with the exception of the Semester exams, must be revised and retaken before the end of the quarter. Make-up Exams/Late Work: All assignment deadlines and scheduled exam dates are provided at the beginning of the semester; therefore, late work will not be given full credit, except under extraordinary circumstances with appropriate documentation.ASSIGNMENTS:Assessments (50% of final grade): Assessments will include class tests, quizzes, and semester exams. Students will be tested every other Friday on concepts covered that week. Students will be notified of test dates and asked to write the date in their agendas. Once they get their graded test sheets back, they need to get them signed by their parents. In the end of every semester, students will take semester exam covering all the standards and concepts taught in that semester. It is mandatory to take every semester exam. Math Projects (40% of total grade): In every quarter, students will be given a math project. An outlined rubric based on the presentation requirements of project will also be distributed. These projects will include math and technology, and will demonstrate the student’s comprehension of the concepts learned in that quarter. These may be group projects where each student will have equal accountability.Practice (10% of total grade): Practice includes classwork, homework and participation. Class participation is essential to the learning process. Students will be awarded positive grade for involvement in class discussion, asking pertinent questions and constructive classroom behaviors. Questions, discussion, disagreement, and laughter are all encouraged in this class. Homework will be given every Monday through Thursday as the lesson is completed and will be due the very next day. The homework will usually consist of 10-15 questions given in the end of each lesson. GRADING:Final average will be calculated as follows:Assignment % of GradeAssessments(Test, Exams) 50%Projects (Presentations, Group Projects) 40%Practice(Classwork/Homework/Participation) 10%Total 100%I acknowledge that I have read the syllabus and discussed it with my child.Student Print Name _______________________ Student’s Signature__________________ Date: ______________Parent’s Signature_______________________ Date: ______________If you need to send us an email: nverma@Vesna.Terzic@Amanda.Capello@ ................

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