Humboldt Unified School District #22

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1HUMBOLDT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #22Governing Board of EducationExecutive Session and Regular Meeting MinutesTuesday, June 14, 2011A regular meeting of the Humboldt Unified School District Board of Education was held at the Transportation Training Facility on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, in Prescott Valley, Arizona. An executive session was held prior to the regular meeting.6:15 PM EXECUTIVE SESSIONWELCOME AND CALL TO ORDERBoard President Richard Adler called the meeting to order at 6:24 p.m. ROLL CALLPresent were members Richard Adler, Howard Moody, Shelly Damschroder, and Gary Marks.AGENDA REVIEW/ACCEPTDr. Stanton requested that Executive Session Item 4A be removed because it had been addressed at the May 10, 2011 meeting.Howard Moody moved to approve the executive session agenda as revised. Gary Marks seconded and the motion carried unanimously.4.EXECUTIVE SESSION*A. The Board may vote to move into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (2) (Personnel) for discussion regarding a request for approval of an unpaid leave of absence for certified employee, Amie Cobb, May 1 – June 30, 2011*B. The Board may vote to move into executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (2) (Personnel) for discussion regarding a request for approval of an unpaid leave of absence for classified employee, Kimberlee Baldwin, June 30 – August 30, 2011Howard Moody moved to convene in executive session pursuant to 1) A.R.S. § 38-431(A)(2) (Personnel) for discussion regarding a request for approval of an unpaid leave of absence for classified employee, Kimberlee Baldwin, June 30 – August 30, 2011. Shelly Damschroder seconded and the motion carried unanimously.Minutes of executive sessions are confidential and it is unlawful to disclose or otherwise divulge to any person who is not present, other than a current member of the Board, or pursuant to a specific statutory exception, anything that has transpired or has been discussed during this executive session. Failure to comply is a violation of A.R.S. § 38-431-03. RETURN TO REGULAR SESSIONThe Board returned to regular session at 6:27 p.m. ADJOURNMENTGary Marks moved to return to regular session. Shelly Damschroder seconded and the motion carried unanimously.REGULAR SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE EXECUTIVE SESSION1. WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDERBoard President Richard Adler called the meeting to order at 6:28 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/FLAG CEREMONYBoard President Richard Adler led in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALLPresent were members Richard Adler, Howard Moody, Shelly Damschroder, and Gary Marks.4. AGENDA REVIEW/ACCEPT Howard Moody moved to accept the agenda as presented. Shelly Damschroder seconded and the motion carried unanimously.5. CELEBRATING SUCCESSESA. GES MathletesMrs. Kristine Kreutter, sixth grade teacher at Granville Elementary School, shared the exciting accomplishments of the 15 sixth grade students that participated in the Math Challenge held at Yavapai Community College in May. Many ribbons, medals, and a trophy were awarded to the HUSD team.6.REPORTSA. BoardShelly Damschroder:Was pleased to see college graduation announcements of former Bradshaw Mountain High School students in the newspaperRichard Adler:Attended the Prescott Valley Town Council meeting where long time members Fran Schumacher and Mike Flannery stepped down from their seats, and Henry Schmitt and Mary Mallory were sworn inB. SuperintendentParticipated in a webinar on teacher and principal evaluationsSpoke at the Bradshaw Mountain High School commencement ceremonyWorked with Mariela Bean and elementary principals on the Gear Up Grant applicationAttended the HUSD Summer Institute where 139 HUSD teachers participated in professional development opportunities7.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was no public participation.8.CONSENT ITEMSThe consent agenda included personnel recommendations, meeting minutes, payroll vouchers, accounting vouchers, student activity report, revised request for student travel, renewal of contracts / intergovernmental agreements, and gifts to the District. Shelly Damschroder read the donations. Consent Item P – Student Travel was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Howard Moody moved to approve the consent items with the exception of Item P – Student Travel. Gary Marks seconded and the motion carried unanimously.P.Revised request for out-of-state travel to Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado; Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado; University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming where BMHS boys’ basketball team members have been invited to participate in basketball camps (3), June 21 – July 2, 2011Shelly Damschroder believed that players attending the summer camps have an advantage in try-outs. She felt that the request of an additional (substitute) player to attend the camps was unnecessary because ten players were already approved. Gary Marks replied that two teams of five may play at the same time, having to forfeit a game if a player is injured. Richard Adler suggested that Athletic Director Cindy Dahl and the coaches meet to discuss the process of summer camps. Superintendent Stanton requested that in the future, travel requests include “up to _____# of players” so that a request for additional players does not have to be brought back to the Board.Shelly Damschroder moved to approve the revised request for an additional player to attend summer camps. Gary Marks seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS (no action will be taken) A. Update on Grant Awards at Lake Valley Elementary School B. Update on Staff Dress Code for school year 2010-11Phil Young, Director of Human Resources, reported that with the new regulation in place for one year, the principals were asked to document their assessment of the impact of that regulation on their campuses. There were no negative reports from the principals. C. Review of Meet & Confer Recommendation and First Reading of Policy GCBA – Professional Staff Salary SchedulesMr. Young noted that one page of the policy was missing from the Board packet.Phil Young, Director of Human Resources, reported that during the 2010-11 Professional Staff Meet & Confer process, the group reviewed current District practices regarding how teachers are placed and moved on the salary schedule. During the review, the committee specifically focused on how a person who earns a Master’s degree while employed by the District is placed and moves on the salary schedule.Current Practice: If an employee earns a Master’s degree while employed by the District, they can choose to EITHER be placed on the MA/Grade 4 column OR, if they are already at Grade 5, 6, or 7 because they have already earned a number of extra credit hours beyond their BA, they can stay on the BA+ track at Grade 5, 6, or 7. The language in the policy says when an employee earns a Master’s degree, the employee may opt to either be placed at the MA step or may choose to continue on the BA+ schedule. The problem for some teachers is that, if they continue on the BA track, they cannot move beyond the Grade 7 (BA+76) column which is furthest a person can move on the BA track.Meet & Confer Proposed Practice: As stated in the proposed Policy GCBA: Professional Staff Salary Schedules, there is new language relating to how a person is placed on the salary schedule when earning a Master’s degree. It states that when an employee earns a Master’s degree, the employee will be placed on the MA/Grade 4 column the following school year, provided appropriate documentation is submitted no later than September 1st of the year to be moved. If the employee who earns a Master’s is already on a BA+52/Grade 5 or higher column, that employee will remain in that current column, but be permanently moved to the Master’s row for the year after the Master’s is awarded. In subsequent years, as the employee on the Master’s row earns additional credit for horizontal movement, the employee will continue to move through the MA steps available on the Salary Schedule. may opt to either be placed at the MA step or may choose to continue on the BA+ schedule. However, the decision can only be made once at the time the Master’s is received. This process allows a person who earns a Master’s degree to move along the Master’s track through and including Grade 9/MA+60.Teachers Brian Mulcahy and Marty Boles spoke about the current and the proposed Certified Salary Schedules and the affect of each regarding teacher placement and movement. With the current schedule a teacher loses money after earning a Master’s degree if the Master’s salary track is chosen. It was recommended that teachers in this situation be moved straight down on the schedule, staying on the same grade but able to move to the right from there on. There would be no immediate cost to the District. The next reading will be on June 28, 2011. D. Discussion and First Reading of Policy Section J – Students as part of the 5-year draft policy reviewThere were no recommended changes by the Board to the proposed revisions to Section J – Students.First Reading complete. E. Discussion and selection of a date for the Governing Board RetreatAfter a brief discussion, July 11, 2011 was selected as the tentative date for the Governing Board Retreat. The date will be set as soon as Ms. Damschroder confirms her work schedule. F. Discussion of Arizona School Boards Association’s proposed action agenda items for fiscal year 2012, and instruction to the HUSD delegate as to the Board’s direction in voting at the Delegate Assembly to be held on June 25, 2011 Ms. Damschroder is the delegate for the District and will vote on items in the best interest of the District. Mr. Adler will attend as an ASBA committee member. ACTION ITEMS (matters on which the Governing Board may take legal action)Discussion and possible action to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Mountain Institute – Joint Technology Education District (JTED) for Special Supplemental Funding of JTED Programs/Courses for fiscal year 2011-12Mr. Moody recused himself from voting on this item (and moved to the audience seating area) because he drafted the agreement on behalf of JTED. He was available to answer questions about the agreement.Superintendent Stanton reported that recent changes in Arizona law have cut funding for JTED Programs/Courses. JTED desires to assist the District by providing funding for JTED Programs/Courses offered in future years to offset the decreased funding the District will receive from the State of Arizona.The purpose of this agreement is to ensure a reasonable flow of funding to the District over a period of years to be determined based on approved Budget Funding Requests from the District, and to establish the terms and conditions under which the District may request and JTED will provide funding for future years for JTED Programs/Courses which meet the criteria. Dr. Stanton and Finance Director Cynthia Windham discussed the agreement extensively with JTED. The agreement is the same for all participating districts. Gary Marks moved to approve the IGA between Mountain Institute JTED and the District for supplemental funding of JTED Programs/Courses. Shelly Damschroder seconded. The motion carried 3 – 0.Mr. Moody returned to the Board table.Discussion, second reading, and possible action to approve revisions to Section I – Instruction as part of the five-year draft reviewKathy Kay, Director of Curriculum, included in the Board packet a summary of recommended revisions to Board policy based on Board discussion at the First Reading along with policy documents with the recommended revisions.Mr. Marks suggested that the last sentence in the second paragraph of Policy IJM – Special Interest Materials Selection and Adoption read: This approval may be given to materials that are of obvious educational quality, supplement and enrich text and reference book materials, are timely, up to date, and support American democratic ideals.Howard Moody moved to approve the revisions to Section I – Instruction as recommended by the Arizona School Board Association as part of the five-year draft review, including the revisions listed on the summary as suggested at the First Reading on May 10, 2011, except for the added language to Policy IJM. Gary Marks seconded and the motion carried unanimously.11.ANNOUNCEMENTSA. Next Scheduled Board Meetings are: June 28, 20116:30 p.m.Special Meeting@ Transportation Training Center July 12, 2011 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting @ Transportation Training CenterThe Governing Board Retreat is tentatively scheduled for July 11, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Shelly Damschroder moved to adjourn. Gary Marks seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.APPROVAL _______________________________________________________________________ Richard Adler, President Howard Moody, Vice President ______________________________________________________________________ Shelly Damschroder, Member Gary Marks, Member ................

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