Communicating with Your Governing Board MembersWork as a team with your Local Association President: AUE Site Liaisons should contact the President of your Local Association so outreach to the Governing Board can be coordinated in solidarity with all schools in your district.Find your board members. Governing Board members and their contact information are on the District website. Local Association President often have this information or even personal text and cell phone contact information they can use to help facilitate the process.In person. If you want to visit with a board member in person and have a conversation, make an appointment. It is effective if this is done as a group of AEU Site Liaisons, Local Association Site Representatives, and the Local President.In writing. Email is typically the quickest way because paper mail sent to a school district address may not be distributed to the board until the following meeting. Coordinate your message with other sites.On the phone. Be polite and courteous.Online. Like, follow or friend your board on social media. Many board members have social media accounts, and it’s appropriate to send messages or ask questions. Remember that social media is a public dialogue that everyone can see it, including your students, parents and community members. Know your message. Be sure you know what you want to say.Build a relationship. Think of your communication as building blocks not only for this cause but other issues that may come up in the future.Your Local Association President may already have a relationship with board members and can help introduce you and other site leaders.Follow up. Reach out to your board members after you communicate with them.Remember, they are volunteers. School board members in Arizona receive no compensation. They put in countless hours. Like you, they care about the district they serve and most are frustrated with the lack of funding from the state, just like you. Explain the cause. Be sure they understand that we are demanding not only raises but also the need for additional funding for public education. School boards have had a front-row seat to the devastating cuts from the Legislature. Make sure your board understands that we are standing up for ourselves and our students.Ask for support. Tell them their actions are important. Specifically ask them to adopt this resolution.________________________ Governing Board ResolutionSupporting Educators and #RedforEd Whereas the _______________ Governing Board recognizes that the funding for schools in Arizona is a billion dollars below 2008 levels; and Whereas the______________ Governing Board is witness to the consequences of this chronic underfunding and sees the negative impact to teachers, staff, students, families, community and State; andWhereas the_____________ Governing Board has supported and worked for solutions to fund teacher pay raises and other educational needs, only to see the Arizona Legislature fail to stop enacting tax cuts that run counter to our efforts; andWhereas no one has worked harder nor waited longer for raises and restoring the money for resources for their classrooms and schools nor sacrificed more than our teachers and support staff; andWhereas on behalf of our students and families, we cannot allow this crisis to continue without a plan to address these issues, we support our school employees as they make their demands known for the necessary funding for a meaningful teacher pay raise and education funding;Whereas we are confident our community, including parents, families, caregivers, business leaders, teachers’ families, school district administrators, neighbors and friends will support our educators as they participate in #RedforED advocating for what they need to educate our children and secure the future of Arizona. Be it resolved that the____________ Governing Board is in full support of our educators and stands ready to take steps necessary to improve salaries and working conditions for our school employees.The_______________ Governing Board urges the Arizona State Legislature to work urgently on behalf of the children and families in our State to take swift and meaningful action to develop a viable plan to pay teachers the professional salaries they deserve. Resolved this____day of ______ ................

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