Arizona State University

Speech and Hearing Clinic

Phone: (480) 965-2373

Fax: (480) 965-0076

Summer Program for Elementary Literacy and Language-Second Grade (SPELL-2)

Thank you for your interest in our summer program. SPELL-2 is a clinical and educational program designed to boost the oral language and literacy skills of children who have completed 2nd grade through fun and interesting teaching activities. Children who have completed 1st or 3rd grade are also eligible if they demonstrate difficulty with reading and writing skills. To qualify children must have age-appropriate thinking skills, be developing typically, or have diagnosed language impairment.

Monday through Thursday from Tuesday, May 31st to Thursday, June 23rd 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Arizona State University Tempe Campus in the Coor Hall Building – Floor 2 .Speech and Hearing Clinic. 975 S. Myrtle Ave.

Tuition: $495

The SPELL-2 program includes:

Classroom time. Children will have the opportunity to participate in teaching activities to increase reading and literacy skills including decoding, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, spelling and writing. Small group rotations within the classroom will be utilized to assist children at different levels on particular goals including oral language skills and improved social interaction.

Individual or small group therapy. Children with participate in sessions that focus on specific communication goals including improved speech production, grammatical formulation and narrative re-tell.

How children qualify:

• Enroll in the program by completing the required paperwork

• Be developing typically or have a diagnosed language or reading impairment.

• Speak English.

• Complete assessment testing in late May prior to the beginning of the camp

In order to enroll in SPELL-2 please send in the following:

← Completed registration/case history form

← Completed HIPPA form (HIPAA and consent for disclosure)

← A copy of your child’s most recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP) if applicable

← $100.00 deposit check made payable to ASU SPEECH AND HEARING CLINIC (this is refundable if your child does not qualify for the program). You may also pay via phone (480-965-2373) using Visa or MasterCard. Tuition is $495. There is no registration fee. Registration deadline is May 1st 2016. The remainder of the tuition is due May 26th.

Please email the forms to or print and mail the forms and check to:

SPELL Program - Arizona State University

Speech and Hearing Clinic

P.O. Box 870102

Tempe, AZ 85287-0102

We look forward to meeting you and your child! Please call (480) 965-2373 if you have any questions.



Kelly Ingram, M.S., CCC-SLP

Director, Speech and Language Clinic


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