Delores M


Curriculum Vitae

Department of Geological Sciences Work: (205) 348-4034

Box 870338, University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0338


2001 Ph.D., Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1997 M.S., Department of Geology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

1994 B.A. with Honors, Department of Geology, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC


|August 2016-present |Professor |The University of Alabama |

|August 2010 – July 2016 |Associate Professor |The University of Alabama |

|October 2012 – August 2018 |Graduate Program Director |The University of Alabama |

|August 2010 – present |Introductory Lab Coordinator |The University of Alabama |

|August 2011-May 2012 |CIRES Visiting Research Fellow |The University of Colorado |

|August 2003 – July 2010 |Assistant Professor |The University of Alabama |

|February 2002- July 2003 |Structural Geologist |BP Exploration Alaska |


Evolution of orogenic systems through field mapping – structural geology – reconstruction of fold-thrust belts – lithospheric scale studies – provenance studies - links between structure, sedimentation, tectonics, and erosion – use of thermochronometers, geochronometers, and isotopes to understand mountain belts – tectonic problems related to petroleum geology


|2020-2017 |Hydrocarbon Potential of the northern Pakistan fold-thrust belt |$165,737 |National Academy of Sciences and USAID|

|2018-2015 |Tectonics Program: Collaborative Research: Utilizing Cooling Histories to|$235,031 |National Science Foundation |

| |Determine the Sequence and Rates of Thrusting | | |

|2019-2018 |RGC: Determining the Age of Indus Basin Rocks in Ladakh, Northwest India |$6,000 |UA Office Research & Economic |

| | | |Development |

|2018 |CARSCA Program and UA Greece Initiative: Investigating the Geologic |$5,500 |Univ. of Alabama, Arts and Sciences |

| |Evolution of Greece | | |

|2016-2011 |Tectonics Program: Collaborative Research: Evaluating Ancestry of the |$219,545 |National Science Foundation |

| |Tibet Plateau: Did a Mesozoic Proto-plateau Exist? | | |

|2016-2015 |CARSCA Program: Identifying the age of the India-Asia Collision and |$3,250 |Univ. of Alabama, Arts and Sciences |

| |Evolution of the Himalaya, Ladakh-Zanskar, northwest India | | |

|2015-2012 |Control of Crustal Structure on the Mesozoic Architecture of the Eastern |$206,787 |Murphy Exploration Production Company|

| |Gulf of Mexico | | |

|2013-2008 |Tectonics Program: Collaborative Research: Testing Mechanical Models of |$254,261 |National Science Foundation |

| |Himalayan Orogenesis in NW India | | |

|2011-2008 |Mesozoic Reconstruction of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico |$103,315 |Murphy Exploration Production Company |

|2011-2009 |CGF: Birth of the Tibetan Plateau: Did Plateau Uplift Begin 230 Million |$3,500 |Univ. of Alabama Faculty Development |

| |Years Ago? | | |

|2008-2006 |RAC: Tracing the Evolution of the Appalachian Mountains using Neodymium |$5,000 |Univ. of Alabama Faculty Development |

| |Isotopes and Detrital Zircons | | |

|2018-2004 |2D/3D Move Grant of computer program |Academic |Midland Valley |

|2018-2007 |Use of Computer Program |Academic |Neurolog |


|2018 |Louisiana State University, Department of Geology and Geophysics |

|2017 |Appalachian State University, Department of Geology |

|2017 |Alabama Mineral and Lapidary Society |

|2016 |Birmingham Paleontological Society |

|2015 |Vanderbilt University, Department of Earth and Environmental Science |

|2015 |Washington State University, School of the Environment |

|2014 |Birmingham Paleontological Society |

|2014 |West Virginia University, Department of Geology and Geography |

|2013 |Tulane University, Earth and Environmental Sciences |

|2012 |Boise State University, Department of Geosciences |

|2012 |University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences |

|2011 |Foreland Basin Session, Geological Society of America |

|2011 |United States Geologic Survey, Anchorage |

|2009 |Wadia Himalayan Research Institute, Dehra Dun, India |

|2007 |University of Maryland, Department of Geology |

|2006 |Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China |

|2006 |Department of Geology and Mines, Thimpu, Bhutan |

|2004 |University of South Carolina, Department of Geology |

|2004 |Alabama Geological Society, Tuscaloosa |

|2003 |University of Chicago, Department of Geology |

|2003 |University of Alabama, Department of Geological Sciences |

|2003 |Wesleyan University, Department of Earth and Natural Sciences |

|2002 |Vanderbilt University, Department of Geology |

|2002 |Washington and Lee University, Department of Geology |

|2002 |University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Department of Geology |


|2018 |Geologic Society of America Fellow |

|2018 |Ph.D. student–Gourab Bhattacharya– Outstanding International student award |

|2016 |Earth Sciences Womens Network Spotlight |

|2015 |Ph.D. student – Subodha Khanal – Outstanding Dissertation Award |

|2015 |M.S. student – Lee Drago – Outstanding Teaching Award |

|2014 |Ph.D. student – Will Jackson – Outstanding Teaching Award |

|2013 |Ph.D. student – Subhadip Mandal – Outstanding International student award |

|2012 |M.S. Student – Lance Wilson- Outstanding Thesis in the Arts and Sciences College and at the University of Alabama|

|2011-2013 |Nominated for the Outstanding Commitment to Student Award |

|2003 |BP Performance Commendation – Alaska Helios Award |

|2002 |BP Performance Commendation – World Wide and Alaska Helios Award |

|2001 |Women in Science Travel Award, University of Arizona |

|2000 |American Geophysical Union Travel Award |

|1998 |GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Student Research Award |

|1998 |Dean’s Travel Grant, University of Arizona |

|1998 |ARCO Summer Scholarship, University of Arizona |


Peer-reviewed Publications

* denotes my student

Olsen, J., McQuarrie, N., Robinson, D., 2018, Determining kinematic order and relative age of faulting via flexural-kinematic restoration: a case study in far western Nepal, submitted to Basin Research.

Ghoshal, S., McQuarrie, N., Robinson, D.M., Olree, E., Valentino, C., and Olsen, J., 2018, Abrupt step in thrust geometry controls location and propagation of 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, submitted to EPSL.

Shang, F., Weislogel, A.L., Robinson, D.M., and Jackson, W.T.*, Detrital zircon geochronology from the Mesozoic Qamdo (Changdu) basin, southeastern Tibet: Implications for the Paleo and Meso-Tethys evolution, submitted to Tectonics.

Bianchi, T.S., Morrison, E., Robinson, D.M., Rosenheim, B.E., He, R., and Warrillow, J., 2018, Introduction in Chemical Oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico, Bianchi, T.S. ed., submitted to Texas A&M University Press.

(30) Jackson, W.T., Jr.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Jian, X., and McKay, M.P., 2018b, Cenozoic development of the nonmarine Mula basin in the southern Yidun terrane: deposition and deformation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau associated with the India-Asia collision, Tectonics, doi: 10/1029?2018TC004994

(29) Jackson, W.T., Jr.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Shang, F., and Jian, X., 2018a, Mesozoic development of nonmarine basins in the northern Yidun terrane: deposition and deformation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau prior to the India-Asia collision, Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2018TC004995

(28) Hunt, B.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., and Ewing, R.C., 2017, Sediment Source Regions and Paleotransport of the Late Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Bulletin, v. 101, p. 1519-1542, doi: 10.1306/10171615156.

(27) Essex, C.W.*, Robinson, D.M., and Weislogel, A.L., 2016, Regional Correlation of Lithofacies within the Haynesville Formation from onshore Alabama: Analysis and Implications for Provenance and Paleostructure, in Lowery, C.M, Snedden, J.W., and Rosen, N.C, eds. Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, GCSSEPM Special Volume, p. 309-343.

(26) Weislogel, A.L., Wiley, K.S., Bowman, S., and Robinson, D.M., 2016, Triassic-Jurassic Provenance Signatures in the Nascent Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region from Detrital Zircon Geochronology, in Lowery, C.M, Snedden, J.W., and Rosen, N.C, eds. Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, GCSSEPM Special Volume, p. 252-270.

(25) Mandal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Kohn, M.J., Khanal, S.*, Das, O., and Bose, S., 2016, Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes of the Askot klippe, Kumaun, northwest India: Implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonics, basin evolution and associated metallogeny of the northern Indian cratonic margin, Tectonics, accepted manuscript online March 11, doi: 10.1002/2015TC004064.

(24) Weislogel, A.L., Hunt, B.*, Lisi, A., Lovell, T., and Robinson, D.M., 2015, Detrital zircon provenance of the eastern Gulf of Mexico subsurface: Constraints on Late Jurassic paleogeography and sediment dispersal of North America, in Anderson, T.H., Didenko, A.N., Johnson, C.L., Khanchuk, A.I., and MacDonald, J.H. Jr., eds., Late Jurassic Margin of Laurasia—A Record of Faulting Accommodating Plate Rotation: Geological Society of America Special Paper 513, p. 1–17, doi:10.1130/2015.2513(02).

(23) Mukherjee, S., Carosi, R., van der Beek, P., Mukherjee, B.K, and Robinson, D.M., 2015, Tectonics of the Himalaya: an introduction, Geological Society of London Special Publications, 412, doi: 10.1144/SP412.

(22) Khanal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Kohn, M.J., and Mandal, S.*, 2015, Evidence for a far traveled thrust sheet in the Greater Himalayan thrust system, and an alternative model to building the Himalaya, Tectonics, v. 34, p. 31-52, doi:10.1002/2014TC003616.

(21) Mandal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Khanal, S.* and Das, O., 2015, Redefining the tectonostratigraphic and structural architecture of the Almora klippe and the Ramgarh-Munsiari thrust sheet in NW India, Journal of Geological Society of London Special Publications. In: (Eds.) S. Mukherjee, R. Carosi, P.A. van der Beek, B. K. Mukherjee and D. M. Robinson, Tectonics of the Himalaya, Journal of Geological Society of London Special Publications, 412, doi:10.1144/SP412.6.

(20) Khanal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Mandal, S.*, and Simkhada, P., 2015, Structural, geochronological and geochemical evidence for two distinct thrust sheets in the ‘Main Central thrust zone’, the Main Central thrust and Ramgarh-Munsiari thrust: implications for upper crustal shortening in central Nepal, In: (Eds.) S. Mukherjee, R. Carosi, P.A. van der Beek, B. K. Mukherjee and D. M. Robinson, Tectonics of the Himalaya, Journal of Geological Society of London Special Publications, 412, doi:10.1144/SP412.2.

(19) Robinson, D.M., and Martin, A.J., 2014, Reconstructing the Greater Indian Margin: A Balanced Cross Section in Central Nepal Focusing on the Lesser Himalayan Duplex, Tectonics, v. 33, p. 2143-2168, doi: 10.1002/2014TC003564.

(18) Robinson, D., and DeCelles, P., 2014, Finding the Lesser Himalayan Duplex in the Himalayan Thrust Belt of Far-western Nepal amidst Forests, Villages, Farms and Leeches, In: (Eds.) C. Montomoli, R. Carosi, R. Law, S. Singh, and S. M. Rai, Geological field trips in the Himalaya, Karakoram and Tibet, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, v. 47, paper 2.

(17) Khanal, S.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2013, Upper crustal shortening and forward modeling of the Himalayan fold thrust belt along the Budhi-Gandaki River, central Nepal: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 102, p. 1871-1891, doi: 10.1007/s00531-013-0889-1

(16) Robinson, D.M., and Pearson, O.N., 2013, Was Himalayan normal faulting triggered by initiation of the Ramgarh-Munsiari Thrust?: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 102, p. 1773-1790, doi: 10.1007/s00531-013-0895-

(15) Robinson, D.M. and McQuarrie, N., 2012, Pulsed deformation and variable slip rates within the central Himalayan thrust belt: Lithosphere, v. 4, p. 449-464, doi:10.1130/L204.1

(14) Robinson, D.M., Bailey, R.M.*, and Goodliffe, A.M., 2012, Structure of the Appalachian Thrust Belt under the Gulf Coastal Plain Sediments: GCAGS Journal, v. 1, p. 44-54.

(13) Robinson, D.M., Gates, M.G.*, and Goodliffe, A.M., 2009, Structure of the Wills Valley Anticline, Alabama: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 59, p. 663-671.

(12) Robinson, D.M., 2008, Forward modeling the kinematic sequence of the central Himalayan thrust belt, western Nepal: Geosphere, v. 4, p. 785-801, doi: 10.1130/GES00163.1

(11) McQuarrie, N., Robinson D.M., Long, S., Tobgay, T., Grujic, D., Gehrels, G., and Ducea, M., 2008, Preliminary Stratigraphic and Structural Architecture of Bhutan: Implications for the along strike architecture of the Himalayan system: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 272, p. 105-117, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.030.

(10) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., and Copeland P., 2006, Tectonic evolution of the Himalayan thrust belt in western Nepal: Implications for channel flow models: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, p. 865-885, doi: 10.1130/B25911.1.

(9) Robinson, D.M. and Pearson, O.N., 2006, Exhumation of Greater Himalayan rock along the Main Central Thrust, Nepal: Implications for channel flow: In Law, R.D., Searle, M.P., and Godin, L. (eds) Channel Flow, Extrusion, and Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, v. 268, p. 255-267.

(8) Dupont-Nivet, G., Robinson, D., Butler, R.F., Yin, A., and Melosh, J., 2004, Concentration of crustal displacement along a weak Altyn Tagh fault: Evidence from paleomagnetism of the northern Tibetan Plateau; Tectonics, v. 23, TC1020, doi: 1029/2002TC001397, 9 p.

(7) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., Garzione, C.N., Pearson, O.N., Harrison, T.M., and Catlos, E.J., 2003, Kinematic model for the Main Central Thrust in Nepal; Geology, v. 31, p. 359-362, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)0312.0.CO;2.

(6) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., Garzione, C.N., Pearson, O.N., Harrison, T.M., and Catlos, E.J., 2003, Reply to Comment: Kinematic model for the Main Central Thrust in Nepal; Geology, v. 31, e41.

(5) Robinson, D.M., Dupont-Nivet, G., Gehrels, G.E., and Zhang, Y., 2003, The Tula uplift, northwestern China: Evidence for regional tectonism of the northern Tibetan Plateau during late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic time; Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.115, no. 1, p. 35-47.

(4) DeCelles, P.G., Robinson D.M., and Zandt, G., 2002, Implications of shortening in the Himalayan fold-thrust belt for uplift of the Tibetan Plateau; Tectonics, v. 21, no. 6, p. 1062-1087, doi: 10.1029/2001TC001322.

(3) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., Patchett, P.J., and Garzione, C.N., 2001, The kinematic evolution of the Nepalese Himalaya interpreted from Nd isotopes; Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 192, p. 507-521, doi.10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00451-4.

(2) DeCelles, P.G., Robinson, D.M., Quade, J., Ojha, T.P., Garzione, C.N., Copeland, P., and Upreti, B.N., 2001, Stratigraphy, Structure, and Tectonic Evolution of the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt in Western Nepal; Tectonics, v. 20, p. 487-509, doi: 10.1029/2000TC001226.

(1) Robinson, D.M., and Miller, C.F., 1999, Record of magma chamber processes preserved in accessory mineral assemblages, Aztec Wash pluton, Nevada; American Mineralogist, v. 84, p.1346-1353.


Robinson, D.M., 2008-2018, editor, The Dynamic Earth Laboratory Manual, 132 p. (11 versions, new version every year)

Presentations at national and international meetings with published abstracts

* denotes my student

(95) my GSA abstract, Amy’s AGU abstract?

(94) Sizemore, T., Cemen, I., Wielicki, M., Heizler, M., Stockli, D., and Robinson, D., 2018, Integrating thermochronometric and geologic data to develop a new structural model for large-magnitude extension in central Death Valley, CA, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(93) Robinson, D., McQuarrie, N., Battistella, C., and Ghoshal, S., 2018, Geologic mapping, modelling, and kinematic reconstructions from far-western Nepal, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(92) Battistella, C., Robinson, D., McQuarrie, N., and Ghoshal, S., 2018, Using thermochronology to validate a balanced cross section along the Karnali River, far-western Nepal, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(91) Bhattacharya G., and Robinson, D., 2018, Deformation of the Indus Basin, Ladakh, NW India, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(90) Robinson, D., McQuarrie, N., Battistella, C., and Ghoshal, S., 2018, Incorporating geochronologic and thermochronologic data with geologic mapping in far western Nepal: Implications for tectonic models, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(89) Bhattacharya, G., Robinson, D., Orme, D., Najman, Y., Olree, E., and Bosu, S., 2018, Low-temperature thermochronology of the Indus basin in NW India: Implications for Miocene cooling, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(88) Ghoshal, S., McQuarrie, N., and Robinson, D., 2018, Determining sub-surface geometry by integrating transport-parallel distribution of cooling ages, surface geology and data from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, 33rd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.

(87) Olsen, K., Minzoni, R.T., and Robinson, D.M., 2018, Paleoenvironments and Reservoir Quality of the Norphlet Formation, southeastern Alabama, GCAGS Abstracts with Programs.

(86) Weislogel, A.L., and Robinson, D.M., 2018, Origin of Jurassic depocenters in the EGOM: Synthesis of structural and sedimentological analysis, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(85) Robinson, D.M., and Weislogel, A.L., 2017, Paleohighs and Paleolows in the Basement Rocks of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, AGU Abstracts with Programs, T21B-0561.

(84) Battistella, C., Robinson, D.M., McQuarrie, N., Ghoshal, S., and Patrick, S., 2017, Using thermochonology to validate a balanced cross section along the Karnali River, far-western Nepal, AGU Abstracts with Programs, T33C-0737.

(83) Bhattacharya, G., Robinson, D.M., Orme, D.A., Najman, Y., and Khanolkar, S., 2017, Depositional characteristics of the Indus Group in the India-Asia collision zone, northwest India, AGU Abstracts with Programs, T33C-0738.

(82) Bosu, S., Robinson, D.M., and Saha, A., 2017, A review of tectonic models and analytical data from the Almora-Dadeldhura klippe, northwest India and far western Nepal, AGU Abstracts with Programs, T33C-0739.

(81) Ghoshal, S., McQuarrie, N., Robinson, D.M., Olree, E., Valentino, C., and Olsen, J., 2017, Building a viable geometry for the central Nepal Himalaya using thermochronology and data from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, AGU Abstracts with Programs, T54C-04.

(80) Robinson, D.M., and McQuarrie, N., 2016, The Influence of Frontal and Lateral Ramps in Fold Thrust Belts on Structural Architecture and Erosion, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(79) Bhattacharya, G.*, Robinson, D.M., Orme, D., Olree, E.*, and Bosu, S.*, 2016, Miocene exhumation of the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone in NW India: An insight into the controls of tectonics and climate, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(78) Olree, E.*, Robinson, D.M., McQuarrie, N., Ghoshal, S., and Olsen, J., 2016, Kinematic modeling of central Nepal: Thermochronometer cooling ages as a constraint for balanced cross sections, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(77) Bosu, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Mamtani, M.A., and Bhattacharya, G.*, 2016, Kinematic Analysis of the Almora Klippe: Testing Tectonic Models of the Himalayan Thrust Belt, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(76) Robinson, D.M., Essex, C.W.*, and Weislogel, A.L., 2016, Regional Correlation of Lithofacies within the Haynesville Formation from onshore Alabama: Analysis and Implications for Provenance and Paleostructure, in Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, GCSSEPM Program and Abstracts, p. 21.

(75) Weislogel, A.L., Wiley, K.S., Bowman, S., and Robinson, D.M., 2016, Triassic-Jurassic Provenance Signatures in the Nascent Eastern Gulf of Mexico Region from Detrital Zircon Geochronology, in Mesozoic of the Gulf Rim and Beyond: New Progress in Science and Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico Basin, GCSSEPM Program and Abstracts, p. 16.

(74) Gomes, S.W., Weislogel, A.L., Barbeau, Jr., D.L., and Robinson, D.M., 2016, Neoproterozoic provenance of the Early Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Mobile Bay, Alabama: Mexican and South American Connection with Eastern Gulf of Mexico through Continental Scale Paleo Drainage System; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48.

(73) Drago, L.W.*, Robinson, D.M., and Lu, Y., 2016, Comparison of crude oils found in Mississippian reservoir rock and potential source rocks in the Black Warrior basin, southeastern United States, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(72) Essex, C.W.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., and Barbeau, Jr., D.L, 2016, Regional Correlation of Facies within the Haynesville Formation from onshore Alabama: Analysis and Implications for Provenance and Paleo-Structure, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(71) Taggart, C.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., and Essex, C.W.*, 2016, Structural control on Upper Jurassic sedimentation south of the Middle Ground Arch, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(70) Wiley, K., Weislogel, A., Bowman, S.W., Robinson, D.M., and Barbeau, D., 2016, Facies and Provenance of Basal Clastics in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(69) Gomes, S.W., Weislogel, A., Robinson, D.M., and Barbeau, D., 2016, Temporal Variation in U-PB Geochronology of the Norphlet Formation in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Mobile Bay: Connection Between Sediment Provenance and Reservoir Quality, AAPG Abstracts with Programs.

(68) Bosu, S.*, Robinson, D.M., and Bhattacharya, G.*, 2016, Kinematic Analysis of the Almora Klippe: Testing Tectonic Models of the Himalayan Thrust Belt, SC GSA Abstracts with Programs.

(67) Robinson, D.M., Jackson, W.T., Jr.*, Weislogel, A.L., Shang, F., and Jian, X., 2015, Crustal Development of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Preceding and Post India-Asia continent-continent collision: Insights from terrestrial ‘redbed’ basins in the Yidun Arc Terrane, AGU Abstracts with Programs.

(66) Robinson, D.M., and Weislogel, A.L., 2015, Structural Controls on Sediment Transport Pathways in the Jurassic Eastern Gulf of Mexico, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 47.

(65) Jackson, W.T.*, Jr., Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Shang, F., and Jian, X., 2015, Utilizing Detrital Zircon Data to Understand Indistinct Provenance Age Signatures Throughout the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 47.

(64) Mandal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., Kohn, M.J., Das, O., and Khanal, S.*, 2015, Upper Crustal Structure and Shortening in the Himalayan thrust belt in Kumaun, Northwest India, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 47.

(63) Das, O., Robinson, D.M., Andrus, F., Mandal, S.*, Sen, K., and Khanal, S.*, 2015, Stable Isotopic Variation of the Gangolihat and Deoban Formations in Garhwal-Kumaun, Northwestern India: Implications for the Correlation of the Lower Lesser Himalayan Stratigraphy, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 47.

(62) Shang, F., Weislogel, A.W., Robinson, D.M., Shikha, S., Ruiqian, C., Jackson, W.T., Jr.*, Qi, Z., and Tripati, A., 2015, Low Latitude Terrestrial Climate of Southeastern Tibet Revealed Through Clumped Isotope Thermometry: Implications for the Late Cretaceous Elevation History of Southeastern Tibet, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 47.

(61) Weislogel, A., and Robinson, D., 2015, Structural and Paleogeographic Controls on Sediment Transport Pathways in the Jurassic Eastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Along-Strike Provenance Variation Within the Norphlet Erg, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(60) Robinson, D.M., Khanal, S.*, Kohn, M.J., and Mandal, S.*, 2014, A New Model for Building the Himalaya Using the Greater Himalayan Thrust System, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 46.

(59) Jackson, W.T.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Jian, X., and Shang, F., 2014, Mesozoic Deformation Recorded in Sedimentary Basins on top of the Northern Yidun Arc, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 46.

(58) Weislogel, A.L., Robinson, D.M., Shang, F., Jian, X., and Jackson, W.T.*, 2014, Mesozoic History of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Setting the Stage for Plateau Rise Associated with Cenozoic Himalayan Orogenesis, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 46.

(57) Robinson, D.M., Khanal, S.*, Kohn, M.J., and Mandal, S.*, 2014, Evidence for a far traveled thrust sheet in the Greater Himalayan thrust system, and an alternative model to building the Himalaya, in Montomoli C., et al., eds., proceedings for the 29th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Lucca, Italy.

(56) Robinson, D. M., and Molnar, P., 2014, Manifestations of a 10-15 Ma Tibetan Plateau Event in the Himalaya, in Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Systems, Conference Field Guide and Technical Program, J. Thigpen, A. Merschat and S. J. Brown editors, Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, April 1-4, Ashville, NC, p. 88.

(55) Jackson, W.T.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2014, Detrital Zircon Provenance of sedimentary basins atop the Yidun Arc, eastern Tibetan Plateau, in Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Systems, Conference Field Guide and Technical Program, J. Thigpen, A. Merschat and S. J. Brown editors, Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, April 1-4, Ashville, NC, p. 82.

(54) Gregg, A.*, Robinson, D.M., and Weislogel, A.L., 2014, Tectonic Evolution of the South Florida Basin, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(53) Hunter, I.*, Robinson, D.M., and Weislogel, A.L., 2014, Origin and Development of the Apalachicola Basin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(52) Robinson, D.M. and McQuarrie, N., 2013, A Linked Fold-Thrust Belt-Foreland Basin System Reveals Pulsed Deformation and Variable Slip Rates, GSA Abstracts with Program, v. 45.

(51) Mandal, S.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2013, The Structure and Stratigraphy of the Almora Thrust Footwall and the Implications for the Evolution of the Himalayan Thrust Belt, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 45.

(50) Robinson, D.M., and Martin, A.J., 2013, Exposure of the Lesser Himalayan Duplex in Central Nepal, European Geologic Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

(49) Robinson, D.M., and Martin, A.J., 2012, Testing Variations in Shortening Estimates in Central Nepal along the Modi and Kali Gandaki Rivers. 27th annual Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal.

(48) Khanal, S.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2012, Is the fault that carries the Kathmandu klippe the Main Central thrust or an intra-Greater Himalayan thrust? 27th annual Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal.

(47) Robinson, D.M., Bailey, R.M.*, and Goodliffe, A.M., 2012, Structure of the Appalachian Thrust Belt under the Gulf Coastal Plain Sediments, GCAGS national meeting, Austin, TX.

(46) Khanal, S.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2012, Evidence of Two Parallel, Orogen Scale Thrust Sheets Bounding the Base of the Greater Himalaya in Central Nepal, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 44.

(45) Mandal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., and Kohn, M., 2012, Tectonostratigraphic Architecture of the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt in Kumaon, NW India, and the Correlation with Western Nepal, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 44.

(44) Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., and Hunt, B.W.*, 2012, Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Basin: Insights from Facies and Provenance of the Norphlet and Haynesville Formations, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(43) Wilson, K.L.*, Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., and Erickson, J., 2012, The Origin and Development of the Tampa Embayment: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(42) Robinson, D.M., 2011, Using reconstructions, exhumation data and the synorogenic sediments to

determine the evolution of the Himalayan mountains, Far-Western Nepal, Indian Monsoon and Himalayan Geodynamics Conference, Abstracts with Program, p.61.

(41) Mandal, S.,* Robinson, D.M., and Paul, S.K., 2011, The Lesser Himalayan Stratigraphy of Northwest India: Implications of New U-Pb Detrital Zircon Age Data, Indian Monsoon and Himalayan Geodynamics Conference, Abstracts with Program, p. 37.

(40) Robinson, D.M., 2011, Extracting the Unroofing History from Foreland Basin Sediments, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43.

(39) Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Hunt, B.W.*, Lovell, T.R.*, and Wilson, K.L.*, 2011, Late Jurassic Sediment Transport Pathways into the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Implications for Terrane Configurations, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43

(38) Mandal, S.*, Robinson, D.M., and Paul, S.K., 2011, New U-Pb constraints from the Lesser Himalaya Sequence, Himachal-Uttaranchal Area, Northwestern India, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43.

(37) Wilson, L.*, Robinson, D.M., Erickson, J., 2011, The Origin and Development of the Tampa Embayment and its Role in the Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs

(36) Hunt, B.W*., Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A. L., Lovell, T.R., 2011, Regional Norphlet Formation Facies Correlation, Analysis and Implications for Paleo-Structure and Geologic Provenance, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs

(35) Weislogel, A.L., Lovell, T.R.*, Robinson, D.M., Hunt, B.W.*, 2011, Sources of Earliest Clastic Input into the Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Their Control on Reservoir Prospectivity, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(34) Robinson, D.M., 2010, The Evolution of the Central Himalayan Mountains: Recovering the Erosional History from the Remaining Sediment, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42.

(33) Robinson, D.M., 2010, Correlation of Stratigraphy Along Strike in the Himalaya, in Leech, M.L., Klemperer, S.L., and Mooney, W.D., eds., Online proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2010-1099,

(32) Robinson, D.M., Erickson, J., Weislogel, A., Hatch, G., Hunt, B.*, Wilson, K.L.*, Lovell, T.*, and Smelser, B.*, 2010, Evaluating the Basement Architecture and Mesozoic Prospectivity of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Programs.

(31) Robinson, D.M., Weislogel, A.L., Hunt, B.W.*, Wilson, K.L.*, and Lovell, T.R.*, 2010, Determining the Mid Jurassic Sedimentation patterns and basement architecture of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Northeastern-Southern GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, n. 1, p. 80.

(30) Hunt, B.W.*, Robinson, D.M., Lovell, T.R., Wilson, K.L.*, and Weislogel, A.L., 2010, Offshore Correlation of the Norphlet Formation, Destin Dome, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Northeastern-Southern GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, n. 1, p. 74.

(29) Wilson, K.L.*, Robinson, D.M., Hunt, B.W.*, and Weislogel, A.L., 2010, Basement Architecture and Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Northeastern-Southern GSA Abstracts with Programs. v. 42, n. 1, p. 74.

(28) Lovell, T.R., Weislogel, A.L., Hunt, B.W.*, and Robinson, D.M., 2010, The Provenance and Paleogeography of the Late Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Northeastern-Southern GSA Abstracts with Programs. v. 42, n. 1, p. 80.

(27) Ojha, T.P., DeCelles, P.G., Quade, J., Gehrels, G., Kapp, P., Wissler, C., Robinson, D.M., and Murphy, M.A., 2010, Role of GIS in Geological Data Interpretation, Map Making and Data Storage: A Case Study from the Nepal Himalaya, in Leech, M.L., Klemperer, S.L., and Mooney, W.D., eds., Online proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2010-1099,

(26) Robinson, D.M., Paul, S.K., Chambers, J.A., and Kohn, M.J., 2009, Controls on the Architecture of the Himalayan thrust belt, NW India, EOS Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T41D-03

(25) *Khanal, S., and Robinson, D.M., 2009, Upper crustal shortening and forward modeling of the Himalayan fold thrust belt along the Budhi-Gandaki River, central Nepal: EOS Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T43C-2122

(24) Robinson, D.M., *Gates, M.G., and Goodliffe, A.M., 2009, Structure of the Wills Valley Anticline, Alabama, GCAGS Abstracts.

(23) Robinson, D.M., 2008, Integrating Forward Modeling and Unroofing Data from the Central Himalayan Thrust Belt, Western Nepal, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 40.

(22) Robinson, D.M., Bailey, R.M.*, and Goodliffe, A.M., 2008, Structure of the Appalachian Thrust Belt under the Gulf Coastal Plain Sediments, Southeastern GSA Abstracts with Programs.

(21) Goodliffe, A., and Robinson, D.M., 2007, Teaching marine geology and geophysics: Examples of exercises based around high quality seismic reflection data, well data, and other marine geophysical data from the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea: EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED33B-1218.

(20) Robinson, D.M., 2006, Balanced Cross-sections and Kinematic Reconstructions: An example from Western Nepal, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.

(19) Czechowskyj, R.*, Robinson, D.M., Williams, L.A., and Kalakay, T., 2006, Kinematic Reconstruction of the Sevier thrust belt, in southwest Montana using the Synorogenic Beaverhead Group, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.

(18) Robinson, D.M., 2006, Modeling the tectonic evolution of the Himalayan thrust belt of western Nepal; 20th Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan Workshop, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 26, p. 157.

(17) Robinson, D.M., and Goodliffe, A., 2005, Utilizing the Classroom Performance System in Large Introductory Geology Classes; GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 37.

(16) Robinson, D.M., and McQuarrie, N., 2004, A Comparison of Modern Fold-Thrust Belts and Plateaus to Ancient Systems; GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 5, p. 433.

(15) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., and Pearson, O.N., 2004, Evaluating the lower-mid crustal channel flow model in Western Nepal; Channel Flow Conference, Geological Society of London.

(14) DeCelles, P.G., Gehrels, G.E., Robinson, D.M., Pearson, O.N., Martin, A., Quade, J., Ojha, T.P., Upreti, B.N., and Copeland, P., 2004, Kinematic history of the Nepalese Himalayan fold-thrust Belt; International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy.

(13) DeCelles, P.G., Gehrels, G.E., Kapp, P., Martin, A.J., Robinson, D.M., Copland, P., Patchett, P.J., and Pearson, O.N., 2004, Kinematic and Erosional Histories of the Nepalese Himalayan Fold thrust Belt: Implications for Mid-Crustal Channel Flow; Channel Flow Conference, Geological Society of London.

(12) Robinson, D.M., 2003, Deciphering a Duplex: an Example from the Western Nepal Himalaya; EOS Transactions AGU, Fall Meet Suppl., Abstract T22B-0511.

(11) Robinson, D.M., and DeCelles, P.G., 2002, Rates of Shortening in the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt, Western Nepal; GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 34.

(10) Robinson, D.M., Garzione, C.N., DeCelles, P.G., and Pearson, O.N., 2001, Kinematic Alternative to Reactivation of the Main Central Thrust in Nepal; EOS Transactions AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T12F-07.

(9) DeCelles, P.G., Robinson, D.M., and Zandt, G., 2001, Implications of Shortening in the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt for Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau; EOS Transactions AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T12F-05.

(8) Pearson, O.N., DeCelles, P.G., Robinson, D.M., and Gillis, R., 2001, Structural and Microstructural Geology of the Ramgarh Thrust Sheet, Far-Western Nepal; EOS Transactions AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T12F-09.

(7) Dupont-Nivet, G., Butler, R.F., Yin, A., Robinson, D., Zhang, Y., and Qiao, W.S., 2001, Paleomagnetism of the Arka Tagh South of the Altyn Tagh Fault: Implications for Intracontinental Deformation Processes in Asia; EOS Transactions AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T12F-06.

(6) Dupont-Nivet, G., Butler, B., and Robinson, D.M., 2001, Oroclinal Bending South of the Altyn Tagh Fault System: Constraints for the Total Offset; GSA Abstracts with Programs, Cordilleran Section.

(5) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., and Patchett, 2000, Revealing the Unroofing History of the Nepalese Himalayas using Neodymium Isotopes; GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 32.

(4) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G. and Gehrels, G.E., 2000, Contributions of Himalayan and Tibetan Upper Crustal Shortening to Thickening of the Tibetan Plateau; EOS Transactions AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T52B-15.

(3) Robinson, D.M., DeCelles, P.G., Patchett, P.J., Kowalczyk, A., Garzione, C.N., and Isachsen, C.E., 1999, Regional Paleotectonic History and Characterization of the Lesser, Greater, and Tethyan Himalayan Zones using Nd Isotopes; GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, A96.

(2) DeCelles, P.G., Quade, J., Robinson, D.M., Gehrels, G.E., Ojha, T.P., English, N., and Copeland, P., 1999, How the kinematic history of the Himalayan fold-thrust belt controls seawater 87Sr/86Sr: Thrust Tectonics Conference; Royal Holloway University of London, p. 5-6.

(1) Robinson, D.M., Miller, C.F., and Ayers, J.C., 1997, Investigating Magma Chamber Dynamics through the Examination of Accessory Minerals: The Aztec Wash pluton, southern Nevada, GSA Abstracts with Programs; v. 29, n. 6, p. 391.

Unpublished Research

Dissertation Research: Robinson, D.M., 2001, Structural and Nd-isotopic Evidence for the Tectonic

Evolution of the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt, Western Nepal and the Northern Tibetan Plateau,

Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 224p.

Master’s Thesis: Robinson, D.M., 1997, Investigating Magma Chamber Dynamics through the

Examination of Accessory Minerals: The Aztec Wash pluton, southern Nevada, unpublished MS

Thesis, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 71p.

Departmental Honors Senior Thesis: Robinson, D.M., 1994, Discovering gravimeter and magnetometer

resolution using diabase dikes cropping out in a rock quarry, unpublished Senior Honor’s Thesis,

Guilford College, Greensboro, NC.


2012-2018: Graduate Program Director; Highlights: increase in graduate student graduation from 12 in 2011-2012 to 16 in 2016-2017; increase in graduate student enrollment from 50 in F2011 to 66 in F2017; increase in applications from 45 in F2011 to 69 in F2017, with a high of 81 in F2015;

increase in external fellowships from 0 in F2011 to 7 in F2017.

2009-2011; 2012-present: Supervisor for GEO 101 Laboratories (The Dynamic Earth);

Highlights: supervise and teach 17 GTAs per semester who teach an average of 900 undergraduate

students per semester; teach GTAs various teaching styles, troubleshoot and review graduate

students; create, edit and review laboratory manual.


2016-2019 Geological Society of America – Career Contribution Committee, Chair 2018

2018 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Different Personalities of Granites and Rhyolites: A

Session in Honor of Calvin Miller, Indianapolis, IN

2015 Consultant for PBS/NOVA regarding Himalayan Tectonic Development

2015 Convener: AGU National Meeting: Title “Tectonic Development of Orogenic Middle Crust”,

San Francisco, CA

2015 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Bridging Two Continents: Geologic Configuration of

the Tibetan Plateau Region Prior to the Indo-Asian Collision: Setting the Stage for Development

of a High Elevation Plateau”, Baltimore, MD

2014 International Advisory Committee, 29th Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan Workshop

2014 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Exploring the Development of the Himalayan-

Karakorum-Tibet Orogenic System from the Mantle to Mountain Peaks”, Vancouver, Canada

2013 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Quantifying Mountain Evolution from the Lithosphere

to the Landscape”, Denver, CO

2013 Convener: EGU National Meeting: Title “Integrating Multiple Techniques to Determine the

Evolution of the Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan Orogenic System: Surface, Sub-surface & Deep

Earth Processes”, Vienna, Austria

2012 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Appalachian-Ouachita-Marathon Fold-Thrust Belts and

Foreland Basins: Their Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Structural Evolution, and Economic

Significance”, Charlotte, NC

2012 HKT Field Trip Leader: A Geologic Traverse through the Himalayan thrust belt, Central Nepal

2010 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title “Transformative Science in the Himalaya and Tibet:

insights from geophysical, geochemical, and geologic studies” Denver, CO

2010 Participant, NSF-GEO Workshop: “Future directions for NSF-sponsored geoscience research in

the Himalaya/Tibet” Tiburon, CA

2010 Convener: GSA NE/SE Regional Meeting: Title: “Evolution of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts from

Rift Margin to Passive Margin” Baltimore MA

2006 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title: “The Power Behind Balanced Cross Sections and

Kinematic Reconstructions”, Philadelphia PA

2004 Convener: GSA National Meeting: Title: “Thrust Belts and Plateaus: The Anatomy of Convergent

Systems”, Denver CO


NSF Tectonics, NSF Petrology and Geochemistry, NSF Postdoc, Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), National Geographic Society, J. of Structural Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geology, GSA Bulletin, Geosphere, Basin Research, J. Geological Society of London, Tectonics, J. of Asian Earth Sciences, AAPG Bulletin, International J. of Earth Sciences, J. of Geology, Sedimentary Geology, Geoscience Journal, Tectonophysics, J. of Geophysical Research

Reviews of Journal Manuscripts Reviews of Grant Proposals

Oct 2004 – Sept 2005 1 Oct 2004 – Sept 2005 2

Oct 2005 – Sept 2006 1 Oct 2005 – Sept 2006 3

Oct 2006 – Sept 2007 6 Oct 2006 – Sept 2007 2

Oct 2007 – Sept 2008 9 Oct 2007 – Sept 2008 4

Oct 2008 – Sept 2009 4 Oct 2008 – Sept 2009 2

Oct 2009 - Mar 2010: 5 Oct 2009 - Mar 2010: 1

April 2010 - March 2011 2 April 2010 - March 2011 3

April 2011 - March 2012 4 April 2011 - March 2012 3

April 2012 – March 2013 9 April 2012 – March 2013 3

April 2013 - March 2014 5 April 2013 - March 2014 2

April 2014 – March 2015 6 April 2014 – March 2015 3

April 2015 – March 2016 5 April 2015 – March 2016 1

April 2016 – March 2017 8 April 2016 – March 2017 2

April 2017 – March 2018 13 April 2017 – March 2018 2



Global Tectonics, Spring in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017

Petroleum Systems & Structural Geology, Spring in 2006, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018

Graduate Writing – Communicating Geology, Fall in 2014 - 2017

Structural Modeling and Validation, Spring 2016

Advisor for the Imperial Barrel Award Team, Spring 2011

Seminar on the Gulf of Mexico and Himalaya, Fall 2009

Undergraduate upper level

Structural Geology, 2003-2009

Capstone Field Course, 2005-2008, 2011-2018

Undergraduate lower level

Introduction to Physical Geology; The Dynamic Earth, 2004-2010, 2012-2013


2012-2017: Management and Leadership Courses (~12 hrs/yr)

2010-2013: Nominated for Undergraduate Dedication for Teaching, Univ. of Alabama

2011: Awarded an iPad for Teaching Development in College of Arts and Sciences, UA, Jan. 2011

2010: Participant in Workshop “Principles of Management” UA, Dec. 14-15, 2010

2008: Participant in NSF funded workshop “Teaching Introductory Geoscience” 4 days

2005: Speaker at Geological Society of America Session entitled “Utilizing the Classroom Performance

System in Large Introductory Geology Classes”

2004: Participant in Workshop “Assessment in the Classroom” 5 days, UA

2004: Participant in NSF funded workshop “New Advances in Teaching Structural Geology”, 6 days



BP Explorations Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, AK: Monitored drilling wells; 95% of the time spent in pay zone, over 20 miles of horizontal drilling; responsible for 12 wells/year; developed future prospects in fluvial and offshore marine environments, regional correlation of structural geology and stratigraphy.

RESEARCH ASSISTANT August 1997 - May 2001

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ: Developed balanced cross sections, gained proficiency in isotope

lab and using mass spectrometer, collected over 50 Sm-Nd isotopic ratios


BP Explorations Alaska, Inc, Anchorage, AK: Reconstructed the tectonic history of NPRA, North

Slope, Alaska, using seisworks, stratworks, and 2-D reconstruction software

RESEARCH ASSISTANT August 1995 – August 1997

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN: Development and testing of growth and dissolution of zircons using piston cylinder apparatus and scanning electron microscope


Geological Society of America (1995 to present)

American Geophysical Union (1998 to present)

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2000 to present)

Association of Women Geoscientists (2012 to present)

Earth Science Women’s Network (2012 to present)


2013-2018: Member, Assessment Committee

2012-2018: Graduate Program Director, Chair of Graduate Program Committee

2011-present: Member, Tenure, Promotion and Retention Committee

2011-present: Member, Field Course Committee

2008-present: K-5 outreach in local schools

2014-2015: Chair, Sedimentology Search Committee

2014-2015: Member, Energy Search Committee

2012-2013: Member, Geophysics Search Committee

2011-2014: Chair, Textbook and Intellectual Property Committee

2011-2012: Member, Faculty Development and Space Committee

2004-2010: Science Fair Judge for local high schools

2008-2013: Member, Establishing Criteria in Faculty Evaluation for Merit Pay Increases

2007-2013: Chair of the Awards and Honors Committee

2007-2009: Oil Company Liaison

2006-2008: Library Liaison

2005-2006: Member, Sedimentology Search Committee

2005-2006, 2012-2013: Five-year Plan committee

2004-2005: Member, Geodynamics Search Committee

2004-2009: Member, Textbook Committee

2003-2011: Member, Graduate Program Committee

2003-2009, 2011-2013: Member, Student Research and Travel Committee

2003-2008: Member, Undergraduate Program Committee



Former Graduate Students (17)

Marty Gates, M.S., Dec. 2006, “Structure of the Wills Valley Anticline in the Vicinity of Mentone,

Alabama”, now at U.S. Corps of Engineers, Mobile AL

Ryan Bailey, M.S., Dec. 2007, “Seismic Interpretation and Structural Restoration of a Seismic Profile

through the Southern Appalachian Thrust belt under Gulf Coastal Plain Sediments”, now at Anadarko,

Houston, TX

Rachael Czechowskyj, M.S., Dec. 2007, “Kinematic Reconstruction of the Sevier Thrust Belt using the

Synorogenic Beaverhead Group, Southwest Montana”, now at Murphy Oil Company, Houston TX

Subodha Khanal, M.S., Dec. 2009, “Upper Crustal Shortening and Forward Modeling of the Himalayan

Fold-Thrust Belt along the Budhi-Gandaki River, Central Nepal”, entered UA Ph.D. program.

Bertram Hayes-Davis, M.S. May 2010, “The Tectonic Relationships of the Hillabee Chlorite Schist and

the Adjacent Rock Units in Southern Cleburne County, Alabama”

K. Lance Wilson, M.S., Dec. 2011, “Basement Architecture and Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Gulf of

Mexico”, now at Marathon Oil Company, Houston TX

Bryan Hunt, M.S., May 2013, “Regional Norphlet Facies Correlation, Analysis and Implications for Paleostructure and Provenance, Eastern Gulf of Mexico”, now at Sandridge Oil Company, Oklahoma City, OK

Subhadip “Subho” Mandal, Ph.D., Dec. 2014, “Structural, Kinematic and Geochronologic Evolution of

the Himalayan fold-thrust belt in Kumaun, Uttaranchal, Northwest India”, now at Core Labs, Houston


Subodha Khanal, Ph.D., Dec 2014, “Structural and Kinematic Evolution of the Himalayan thrust belt,

Central Nepal”, now at Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta, GA

Andrea Gregg, M.S., Dec. 2014, “Tectonic Evolution of the West Florida Basin, Eastern Gulf of Mexico”,

now at Murphy Oil Company, Houston, TX

Craig Cato, M.S., Dec 2014, “Seismic Interpretation and Structural Analysis of the Alleghanian Fold-

Thrust Belt in Central Alabama”, now at XTO Energy, Houston, TX

Ian Hunter, M.S., Dec. 2014, “Origin and Development of the Apalachicola Basin”.

Caleb Essex, M.S. Dec. 2016, “Regional Correlation of facies within the Haynesville Formation from

Onshore Alabama: Analysis and implications for provenance and paleostructure”, now at Chesapeake,

Oklahoma City, OK

Catherine Taggart, M.S. May 2017, “No Triassic structural control of the formation of the Middle Ground

Arch, Eastern Gulf of Mexico” now at Abraxas, San Antonio, TX

Will Jackson, Ph.D. August 2017 “Nonmarine Stratigraphic Successions in the Yidun Terrane: Insights

into Mesozoic through Early Cenozoic Deformation and Deposition in East Tibet” now an Assistant

Professor at the University of South Alabama

Leonard Drago, M.S. August 2017, “Comparison of Crude Oils Found in the Mississippian Reservoir

Rock and Potential Source Rocks in the Black Warrior Basin, Southeastern United States” now at

SynTerra Corporation, Greenville, SC

Elizabeth Olree, M.S., May 2018, “Kinematic and Flexural Isostacy Modeling in Central Nepal: Using

Erosional, Depositional, and Cooling Histories to Validate a Balanced Cross Section” now at

Geosyntec, St. Louis, MO

Current Graduate Students (2)

Gourab Bhattacharya, Ph.D., entered Aug. 2014, Indus suture zone, northwest India

Claire Battistella, M.S. entered Aug. 2016, Thrust belt kinematics, far western Nepal

Additional Research Service

Total MS Committees served on excluding own students: 34

Total PhD Committees served on excluding own students: 10

Total Undergraduate Research Advised: 8

Summer Interns Advised: 1

Faculty Sabbatical Sponsor: 1

Research Reports

2009-2018 Yearly National Science Foundation and National Academy of Science reports

2008-2018 Yearly Reports for Midland Valley for use of Move

2012-2018 Yearly Reports for Graduate Program Assessment

2009-2018 Yearly Reports to the Center for Sedimentary Basin Studies


*organized & convened session

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, 2001, San Francisco, CA

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2002, Denver, CO

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, 2003, San Francisco, CA

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2004, Denver, CO

Channel Flow Conference, Geological Society of London, 2004, London, ENGLAND

Appalachian Earthscope Conference, 2004, Arlington, VA

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT

Himalayan-Karakorum Tibetan Workshop 20th Annual Meeting, 2006, Cambridge, ENGLAND

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2006, Philadelphia, PA

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2008, Houston, TX

Southeastern Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2008, Charlotte, NC

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting, 2009, Shreveport, LA

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, 2009, San Francisco, CA

*Northeastern-Southeastern Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2010, Baltimore, MD

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, 2010, New Orleans, LA

Himalayan-Karakorum Tibetan Workshop 25th Annual Meeting, 2010, San Francisco, CA

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2010, Denver, CO

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, 2011, Houston, TX

Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2011, Minneapolis, MN

Indian Monsoon and Himalayan Geodynamics Conference, 2011, Dehra Dun, INDIA

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, 2012, Long Beach, CA

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2012, Charlotte, NC

Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting, 2012, Austin, TX

Himalayan-Karakorum Tibetan Workshop 27th Annual Meeting, 2012, Kathmandu, NEPAL

*European Geologic Union Annual Meeting, 2013, Vienna, AUSTRIA

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2013, Denver, CO

Geological Society of America, Penrose Conference, Linkages and Feedbacks in Orogenic Systems, April

2014, Ashville, NC

American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, April 2014, Houston, TX

Himalayan-Karakorum Tibetan Workshop 29th Annual Meeting, Sept. 2014, ITALY

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Oct. 2014, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Nov. 2015, Baltimore, MD

*American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 2015, San Francisco, CA

American Association of Petroleum Geologists, June 2016, Calgary, CANADA

GCSSEPM Mesozoic Gulf of Mexico Meeting, Dec. 2016, Houston, TX

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 2016, San Francisco, CA

American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 2017, New Orleans, LA

Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibetan Workshop 33rd Annual Meeting, Sept. 2018, SWITZERLAND

*Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Nov. 2018, Indianapolis, IN


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