|[pic] |Washington County Sheriff’s Office |[pic] |

| |E-Patrol Activity Update | |

| |1535 Colfax Street, Blair, NE 68008 | |

| |(402) 426-6866 * Fax (402) 426-6820 | |

| |Sheriff Michael Robinson | |


|DUI-Driving under the influence |DUS-Driving Under Suspension |DUR- Driving Under Revocation |NA-No Action |ABLE 1-OPD Helicopter |

|NC-No Contact |PD-Property Damage Accident |PI-Personal Injury Accident |SA-Special Attention |MM-Mile Marker |

|TS-Traffic Stop |UTL-Unable to Locate |B201-Blair Officer |NSP-Nebraska State Patrol |

|CCW-Carrying concealed weapon |P/O – Protection Order |EPC – Emergency Protective Custody |R/o-Reporting Officer |

|Time |Location |Activity |Disposition |Dist. |Officer |

|Dec 18 |

|0035 |Return PBX |Drug Intel |Obtained info |2 |920 |

|0203 |Fort Calhoun |Business Checks |16 buildings checked/Secure |1 |917 |

|0222 |Arlington |Business checks |16 checked, ok |2 |920 |

|0702 |6200 CR 9 |Vehicle stuck in snow |Vehicle was registered to address, no action |2 |922 |

|0712 |Hwy 75 & MM104 |Deceased deer on roadway |Removed |1 |927 |

|0750 |Fort Calhoun |School Patrol |No violations |1 |927 |

|0815 |Arlington |School Patrol |No violations |2 |922 |

|0937 |CR 4/ CR5 Cemetery |Vehicle parked at cemetery |Unoccupied |2 |922 |

|1300 |2600 CR 45 |Alarm |Homeowner provided property code |1 |927 |

|1515 |Arlington |School Patrol |No violations |2 |922 |

|1646 |Arlington |Dog at Large |Found dog uncatchable. R/P stated dog gets aggressive at cats and toward other people.|2 |922 |

|1726 |Hwy 133 & CR P28 |M/A |Having vehicle issue, got stuck in muddy shoulder, pulled out by private party |1 |927 |

|1743 |Nathans Lake CR P51 |Assist F312 w/ DUI |Arrested Kevin Kresl for DUI-2nd |2 |F312,922,943 |

|2008 |PBX |Re: Leaving child w/ ex |Info obtained |2 |932 |

|2136 |Hwy 75 & CR P16 |Car vs Deer |No damage observed. No report. |2 |932 |

|2319 |Arlington |Welfare Check |N/C |2 |932, 925 |

|N/A |CR 40 & CR 51 |Vehicle stuck in driveway |N/A |1 |925 |

|Dec 19 |

|0135 |Arlington |Business Checks |13 checked, ok |2 |932 |

|0241 |Fort Calhoun |Business Checks |10 BC. All Ok |1 |925 |

|1414 |CR 15 & CR P15 |1 vehicle PD |Non reportable damage, stop sign put back up, county roads notified |2 |927 |

|1646 |Hwy 30 & Hwy 31 |Piece of smoking debris near road |UTL |2 |927, 922 |

|1846 |14200 Forgotten Ln |Neighbors using address for deliveries |Info Report Taken |1 |925 |

|1914 |Hwy 30 MM 435 |TS-DUS |Cited Derek Hartford (02-10-89) for DUS |2 |932 |

|Dec 20 |

|0058 |Hwy 30 & Larsen Cir |MA |Vehicle broke down. Have help on way to tow it. |2 |925,940 |

|0200 |9900 CR 3 |1 vehicle PD |Accident report taken. Minor damage to pickup truck. Juvenile females in the vehicle. |2 |925, 932 |

| | | |Parents were contacted and picked up kids. | | |

|0405 |Arlington |Business Checks |11 BC. All Ok |2 |925 |

|0429 |Fort Calhoun |Business Checks |10 checked, ok |1 |932 |

|1247 |PBX |Cat stuck 60 ft up in tree |Neighbor rescued cat |1 |927 |

|1646 |13000 blk CR P33 |TS: DUI |Arrested Leslie Williby for DUI +.15-2nd |2 |922,98 |

|2154 |Arlington |Welfare check on son |Child was fine, no signs of drugs, mother was not intoxicated, ongoing civil issue. |2 |932,95 |

|2242 |CR 19 & 38 |TS |Jeff Sullivan 11/19/79 cited Marij ................

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