|Case / Map ID |Effects Of Stroke |

|Node ID |11519 |

|Authors Name |Joe Fake |

|E-mail Address |joe@fake- |

|Question |What are the signs that you often observe when an individual has had a stroke? |

|MCQ Type |( True / False Buttons |( Radio Buttons |

|(Tick as appropriate) |(Multiple correct answers) |(One correct answer) |

| |Label |T/F |Individual Feedback |

|A |Arm/leg weakness |T |the arm/leg may seem floppy or weak. The person may drop |

| | | |things. |

|B |Stomach ache |F |this is not an indicator of stroke. |

|C |Collapse (altered level of consciousness) |T |in some cases the individual may collapse when they have a |

| | | |stroke. |

|D |Fall/loss of balance |T |due to limb weakness or dizziness this may occur. |

|E |Pain in chest and left arm |F |this is not a typical stroke symptom and may indicate another |

| | | |medical condition such as heart attack. |

|F |Facial weakness/drooping of mouth on one side|T |muscle weakness can cause drooping of the mouth and drooling of|

| | | |saliva may be observed. |

|G |Nose bleed |F |this is not an indicator of stroke. |

|H |Speech difficulties |T |the person may have slurred speech, loss of speech or may |

| | | |appear confused in what they say. |

|Overall Feedback: |

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