1. | |This is an object.

It has buttons.

It helps you do math.

Answer:  a calculator | |

|2. | |It is a box. |

| | |It can hold toys. |

| | |It keeps a room clean. |

| | |Answer:  a toy box |

|3. | |It is a holiday. |

| | |It falls on February 14th. |

| | |It makes you think of hearts and love. |

| | |Answer:  Valentine's Day |

|4. | |It has eight legs. |

| | |It spins webs. |

| | |It catches and eats insects. |

| | |Answer:  a spider |

|5. | |It's an animal. |

| | |It can be found at the zoo. |

| | |It looks like a horse, but it has black and white stripes. |

| | |Answer:  a zebra |

|6. | |This is an object. |

| | |It is white and round. |

| | |You throw it and hit it with a bat. |

| | |Answer:  a bat |

|7. | |It has a keyboard. |

| | |It has a screen. |

| | |It has a mouse. |

| | |Answer:  a computer |

|8. | |This is an animal. |

| | |It eats fish and berries. |

| | |It hibernates in the winter. |

| | |Answer:  a bear |


Riddles #2


Tell students that you will be telling them clues about something. Have them write down (or tell you) what it is.

|9. | |You might see one in an ocean. |

| | |You might see one in a lake. |

| | |You might have one in a tank at home. |

| | |Some people like to catch them. |

| | |Some people have them as pets. |

| | |They sure do swim. |

| | |Answer:  fish |

|10. | |This is an object. |

| | |It is found in many classrooms. |

| | |It looks like the world. |

| | |Answer:  globe |

|11. | |It is all around you. |

| | |You breathe it. |

| | |You can feel it when the wind blows. |

| | |Answer:  air |

|12. | |People can ride in it. |

| | |It has wings. |

| | |It can move through the sky. |

| | |Answer:  an airplane |

|13. | |This is an object. |

| | |It is a cylinder. |

| | |It gives power to devices you use. |

| | |Answer:  a battery |

|14. | |This is an object. |

| | |It tells a story. |

| | |It has pages. |

| | |Answer:  Book |

|15. | |This is a container. |

| | |It is filled with milk. |

| | |Babies drink from it. |

| | |Answer:  bottle |

Riddles #1


Tell students that you will be telling them clues about something. Have them write down (or tell you) what it is.

|1. | |This is clothing. |

| | |You wear long socks with this. |

| | |They are usually waterproof. |

| | |Answer:  boots |

|2. | |You can write in this. |

| | |Many people use them to record their thoughts and feelings. |

| | |Sometimes teachers make their students keep one. |

| | |Answer:  a journal (or diary) |

|3. | |This is an object. |

| | |It can be locked. |

| | |You might walk through it |

| | |Answer:  a door |

|4. | |This is a recorded way to watch a favorite movie or television show. |

| | |You need a special player or a computer to watch them. |

| | |They look like CDs, but have both sound and pictures. |

| | |Answer:  a DVD |

|5. | |This is a person. |

| | |This person runs a country. |

| | |His term lasts four years. |

| | |Answer:  The US President |

|6. | |It has wings. |

| | |It can have a copilot. |

| | |It flies. |

| | |Answer:  an airplane |

|7. | |This is an object. |

| | |It rings. |

| | |You can talk to other people when you use it. |

| | |Answer:  a phone |

|8. | |It is the day you vote. |

| | |It occurs in November. |

| | |Every four years we vote for the President on this day. |

| | |Other years we vote for different representatives and officials on this particular day. |

| | |Answer:  Election Day |


Riddles #2


Tell students that you will be telling them clues about something. Have them write down (or tell you) what it is.

|9. | |It has eight legs. |

| | |It spins webs. |

| | |It catches and eats insects. |

| | |Answer:  a spider |

|10. | |It is an imaginary line on the globe or map. |

| | |It divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. |

| | |It is zero degrees latitude. |

| | |It's hot here. |

| | |Answer:  equator |

|11. | |It has wings. |

| | |It can fly. |

| | |It lays eggs. |

| | |Answer:  a bird |

|12. | |It is a kind of person. |

| | |You may have encountered one at school. |

| | |This kind of person enjoys harming others through nasty words or physical pain. |

| | |Answer:  bully |

|13. | |You can use this to communicate with people all over the world. |

| | |You can use it for research. |

| | |You type in an address to access information. |

| | |Answer:  the Internet |

|14. | |It is saved. |

| | |It can come in bills. |

| | |It is spent. |

| | |Answer:  money |

|15. | |It has no air to breathe. |

| | |Astronauts have visited it. |

| | |It has millions of craters. |

| | |It circles Earth. |

| | |You can see it on a clear night. |

| | |Answer:  moon |

|1. | |Which hand is opposite of your left hand?  (right hand) |

|2. | |What is one sport that you must have a ball to play?  (will vary) |

|3. | |What game can you play with a paper and a pencil that uses Xs and Os?  (tic-tac-toe) |

|4. | |What season of the year would most likely have snow?  (winter) |

|5. | |What is the first month of the year called?  (January) |

|6. | |What shape has no corners or straight sides?  (a circle) |

|7. | |How many months are in one year?  (12) |

|8. | |What should you say if someone gives you a gift?  (thank you) |

|9. | |What animal produces the milk we buy in the grocery store?  (a cow) |

|10. | |How old are you?  (Answers will vary.) |

|11. | |In what month were you born?  (various) |

|12. | |How many states are in our country?  (fifty) |

|13. | |What do you call a baby cat?  (a kitten) |

|14. | |What is the answer to the question two plus two equals?  (four) |

|15. | |What town do you live in?  (Answers will vary.) |

|16. | |What is your favorite color?  (green) |

|17. | |What do you see with?  (your eyes) |

|18. | |What is the last month of the year?  (December) |

|19. | |What do we all have between our eyes and our lips?  (noses) |


Answering Easy Questions #2


Tell students you will be reading questions and they should write the answer along with the question number on a sheet of paper.

|20. | |How many legs does a chair have?  (four) |

|21. | |What is a person who travels in a spaceship called?  (an astronaut) |

|22. | |What is 2 + 3?  (5) |

|23. | |What kind of person wears a tutu?  (a ballerina) |

|24. | |What is the shortest month of the year?  (February) |

|25. | |What colors are on a stop sign?  (red and white) |

|26. | |What is your favorite color?  (will vary) |

|27. | |Where should you look before you cross the street?  (both ways) |

|28. | |What jangles in your pocket and can be used in a vending machine?  (coins/money) |

|29. | |What is your middle name?  (Marie) |

|30. | |What animal eats dog food?  (a dog) |

|31. | |What is your favorite song?  ("Let Love In") |

|32. | |What color is the opposite of white?  (black) |

|33. | |What number comes between 20 and 22?  (21) |

|34. | |Who are Snow White's seven friends?  (The Seven Dwarfs) |

|35. | |What is the magic word for asking for something?  (please) |

|36. | |What colors are on the U. S. flag?  (red, white, and blue) |

|37. | |What animals went to school with Mary even though it was against the rules?  (lamb) |

Tell students you will be reading questions and they should write the answer along with the question number on a sheet of paper.

|1. | |Mercury is the planet that is closest to the Sun. Venus is between Mercury and Earth. What planet is second closest |

| | |to the Sun?  (Venus) |

|2. | |A scepter is a rod or staff that is used as a symbol of royalty. It is carried by a king or queen. What might a king |

| | |or queen carry?  (a scepter) |

|3. | |Green plants use energy from the sun to turn carbon dioxide and water into food. This is called photosynthesis. By |

| | |what process do plants make food?  (photosynthesis) |

|4. | |Blood flows through blood vessels. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood back to it. Which |

| | |blood vessels carry blood away from the heart?  (arteries) |

|5. | |John Adams, our second President, was the first to live in the White House. Who was first to live in the White |

| | |House?  (John Adams) |

|6. | |The name hippopotamus means "river horse." The hippo is a mammal with a big head and four legs which spends a lot of |

| | |time in water. What does the name hippopotamus mean?  (river horse) |

|7. | |Chicago, Illinois, is in the Central Time zone. Santa Fe, New Mexico, is in the Mountain Time zone. What time zone is|

| | |Chicago in?  (Central Time zone) |

|8. | |The word "dominant" means to be in command or control over all others. The word "important" means that something is |

| | |marked by significant worth or consequence. Which word would you use to describe an event that is |

| | |significant?  (important) |

|9. | |Saturn is the planet that is famous for its rings. Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter also have rings. Besides Saturn, name|

| | |a planet that has rings.  (Neptune, Uranus, or Jupiter) |

|10. | |A galaxy is a group of several billion stars. The Milky Way galaxy contains the Earth and the sun. What is the name |

| | |of the galaxy that contains the Earth and the sun?  (the Milky Way) |


Answering Questions (answer is in the question) #2


Tell students you will be reading questions and they should write the answer along with the question number on a sheet of paper.

|11. | |Scott Joplin was an African American musician and composer of ragtime music. Janis Joplin was an American rock singer|

| | |with a blues influence. Which Joplin wrote ragtime music?  (Scott Joplin) |

|12. | |The Richter Scale is used to measure the magnitude, or force, or an earthquake. Minor earthquakes have a magnitude of|

| | |less than five on the Richter Scale. An earthquake must have a magnitude of less than what to be a minor |

| | |earthquake?  (less than five) |

|13. | |Madison is the capital of Wisconsin. Milwaukee is Wisconsin's largest city. What is the capital of |

| | |Wisconsin?  (Madison) |

|14. | |Acorns come from oak trees. What comes from oak trees?  (acorns) |

|15. | |If two people work together, they are called partners. What are two people working together called?  (partners) |

|16. | |An almanac is a collection of facts and information. Many almanacs are published once a year so that the information |

| | |is up-to-date. How often are many almanacs published?  (once a year) |

|17. | |The month of March is named after Mars, the god of war, probably because battles that had been interrupted by winter |

| | |could now be resumed. What month is named after Mars, the god of war?  (March) |

|18. | |In 1923 the U.S. attorney general declared women could legally wear pants. Who could not legally wear pants until |

| | |1923?  (women) |

|19. | |In prehistoric times, people made and wore jewelry even before they made and used clothing. What did prehistoric |

| | |people make and use even before they made and used clothing?  (jewelry) |

|20. | |The Liberty Bell is a symbol of American independence. The Liberty Bell is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In what |

| | |city is the Liberty Bell?  (Philadelphia) |

|21. | |Each Scottish clan has its own tartan. A tartan is a woolen cloth with a plaid pattern. What kind of clan has its own|

| | |tartan?  (a Scottish clan) |

|1. | |long distance, dash, shot put, high jump  (track events) |

|2. | |marker, ink pens, pencils  (things to write with) |

|3. | |parakeets, pigeons, duck, goose, parrots  (birds) |

|4. | |Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentines Day, Fourth of July, Memorial Day  (holidays) |

|5. | |Arctic, Atlantic, Southern, Indian, Pacific  (oceans) |

|6. | |teacher, author, chef  (jobs) |

|7. | |Hawaii, Oregon, Michigan, California  (states) |

|8. | |tortilla, barbeque, sour cream and onion, cheddar, Doritos  (chips) |

|9. | |feet, head, hands  (parts of the body) |

|10. | |Titanic, March of the Penguins, A Night at the Museum, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Happy Feet  (movies) |

|11. | |banana, nectarine, plum, peach  (fruits) |

|12. | |Yangtze, Nile, Yukon, Mississippi, Rio Grande, Amazon  (rivers) |

|13. | |octagon, crescent, oval  (shapes) |

|14. | |yellow, white, blue, orange, red, purple  (colors) |

|15. | |Baikal, Michigan, Erie, Huron, Geneva  (lakes) |

|16. | |trick-or-treat, goblins, witches, ghosts  (Halloween) |

|17. | |glove, ball, bases, bat, hat  (baseball equipment) |

|18. | |White Sox, Tigers, Dodgers, Yankees  (Major League Baseball Teams) |


What is the Category - #2


Students are to listen to the list of words and then write down a category.

|19. | |campfire, marshmallows, fishing pole  (camping) |

|20. | |t-shirt, socks, sweatshirt, skirt, jeans, shoes  (clothing) |

|21. | |lollipop, jelly bean, gumdrop  (candy) |

|22. | |jigsaw, rebus, crossword, riddle, brain teaser  (puzzles) |

|23. | |quilt, footboard, comforter, sheet  (bed) |

|24. | |cheddar, Brie, Muenster, mozzarella  (cheese) |

|25. | |airplane, train, bike, bus, car  (transportation) |

|26. | |basketball, hockey, football, baseball, soccer  (sports) |

|27. | |pots, kitchen, recipe  (cooking) |

|28. | |beagle, pug, Dachshund  (dogs) |

|29. | |peanut butter, chocolate chip, snicker doodle, sugar, Oreo  (cookies) |

|30. | |Jackson, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington  (presidents) |

|31. | |waves, fish, seaweed, sand, shells  (the ocean) |

|32. | |chalk, pencil, crayon, marker, pen  (writing utensils) |

|33. | |earrings, rings, ankle bracelets, bracelets, necklace, charms  (jewelry) |

|34. | |teacher, desks, principal, pencils  (school) |

|35. | |Earth, Venus, Neptune  (planets) |

|36. | |Saturday, Friday, Sunday, Thursday  (days) |

|37. | |cupids, cards, flowers, hearts, stuffed animals  (Valentine's Day) |

Adding Words to a Word List - #1


Tell students to listen to the list of words and then to write their own word that fits.

|1. | |social studies, spelling, penmanship, science  (English, math, reading) |

|2. | |chocolate, mint patty, jelly bean, lollipop, gumdrop  (lemon drop, bubble gum, taffy) |

|3. | |easel, brushes, water dish, canvas  (sponges, paint) |

|4. | |tractor, cows, horses  (barn, chickens) |

|5. | |Rose, Jill, Sheri, Caitlyn, Mary  (Emma) |

|6. | |German Shepherd, collie, poodle  (Labrador, beagle) |

|7. | |Joe, Harold, Anthony, Frank  (Ryan, Jose) |

|8. | |turtles, ducks, fish, chickens, iguanas  (crocodiles, geese, turkeys) |

|9. | |hammer, wrench, saw, level  (drill, tape measure, screwdriver) |

|10. | |baseball, soccer, wrestling, volleyball, basketball  (golf, lacrosse, tennis) |

|11. | |Oreo, snicker doodle, peanut butter  (chocolate chip, sugar) |

|12. | |Italian, Chinese, Swahili, French  (Spanish, English, German) |

|13. | |baseball cap, fedora, bonnet, tam, beret  (turban, beanie, skullcap) |

|14. | |Scorpio, Leo, Libra, Aquarius  (Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn) |

|15. | |floating toys, pail, towel, life jacket, swimming suit  (sunscreen) |

|16. | |apple, butter, lasagna, egg  (cookie, juice, beans) |

|17. | |Africa, South America, Europe, Antarctica, North America  (Australia, Asia) |

|18. | |glass, cup, platter, bowl  (mug, plate) |


Adding Words to a Word List - #2


Tell students to listen to the list of words and then to write their own word that fits.

|19. | |Colorado, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, California  (Washington) |

|20. | |caroling, tree, snow, cards  (mistletoe, gifts, Santa) |

|21. | |Africa, Australia, Asia, Antarctica, South America  (North America, Europe) |

|22. | |alligator, lizard, turtle  (crocodile, snake) |

|23. | |reading, spelling, music, science  (social studies, art, math) |

|24. | |saucer, glass, bowl  (plate, cup) |

|25. | |jazz, opera, classical, reggae, pop  (country, gospel, rock) |

|26. | |golf, baseball, football, skiing, hockey  (basketball, soccer, tennis) |

|27. | |green, blue, red, yellow  (orange, purple) |

|28. | |peaches, bananas, oranges  (strawberries, apples) |

|29. | |forty-eight, thirty-two, one, seventeen  (seventy, six) |

|30. | |poodle, Dachshund, Labrador retriever, beagle, pug  (pit bull, St. Bernard) |

|31. | |apatosaurus, triceratops, pterodactyl  (stegosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex) |

|32. | |crayons, markers, pens, highlighters, pencils  (colored pencils) |

|33. | |centimeters, kilometers, grams, feet  (meters, inches, pounds) |

|34. | |south, southeast, east, northeast, northwest  (north, west, southwest) |

|35. | |maple, elm, oak, pine  (fir, willow) |

|36. | |ear, arm, eye, shoulder, toe  (elbow, knee, leg) |

Taking Notes #1


Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|1. | |In cold weather, you need warm clothes for recess. |

|2. | |The class will go on a scavenger hunt. Students must find a pinecone, a brown rock, and a feather. |

|3. | |Your next report will be about the Choctaw Indians. It will be due on the twenty-eighth of this month. |

|4. | |I will have the fish for dinner, and a salad with Italian dressing, and no tomato. |

|5. | |Billy wants a hamburger, Lisa would like a chicken sandwich, and I want a salad. |

|6. | |Play the first song, but skip the second. |

|7. | |Bebe's birthday party is this Saturday from 2 - 4pm. |

|8. | |Please buy apples, peaches, and nectarines at the fruit market. |

|9. | |Do you want orange juice or apple juice with your cereal for breakfast? |

|10. | |Please read chapters one and two of the book. |

|11. | |The character in the story suffered many hardships. His father left him, his dog died, and he lost his job. |

|12. | |For dinner, we will have hamburgers, French fries, and salad with dressing. |

|13. | |When you get home from school, please call your mom. |

|14. | |I need green, yellow, and purple paint to finish my project. |

|15. | |Add the two numbers, and then divide the total by six. |

|16. | |I have four dollars, three quarters, and four dimes to spend. |


Taking Notes #2


Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|17. | |Please go to the music room and wait for the music teacher. |

|18. | |I have math, spelling, and science homework tonight. |

|19. | |Turn right at the stoplight and then left at the second stop sign. |

|20. | |Go to the library and check out a copy of Black Beauty. |

|21. | |We went on a field trip to the zoo and saw lions, bears, penguins, polar bears, and a giraffe. |

|22. | |Study the first ten words on your vocabulary list. A spelling test will be given in two days. |

|23. | |Since it will be rainy tomorrow, you will need to bring an umbrella to school. |

|24. | |Our field trip will begin at ten o'clock and end at one-thirty. |

|25. | |Students who ride the bus will be dismissed 15 minutes early on Thursday. |

|26. | |Please draw, paint, or sculpt a model of the house in the story. |

|27. | |Your assignment is to write a short story that includes the words hollow, tower, and pound. |

|28. | |Please bring me the sports section of the newspaper. |

|29. | |We will go to the movies after dinner tonight. |

|30. | |Remember, students, the library will close early tomorrow. All books must be turned in before 1pm. |

|31. | |For lunch, would you like a grilled cheese sandwich or soup? |

|32. | |Your field trip permission slips are due on Friday. |

|33. | |For a chance to win a year's supply of brussels sprouts, dial 555-4967. |

Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|1. | |It is very simple to make macaroni and cheese. You need to boil water and then add the noodles. After the noodles are|

| | |cooked, you drain the water. Then you add the powdered cheese, milk, and butter. Stir them all together and enjoy! |

|2. | |For tonight's homework, you are to interview one person in your family. Find out about that person's favorite food, |

| | |favorite school subject, and best friend. |

|3. | |Please type your reports with a large font, one-inch margins, no title page, and double space the entire document. |

|4. | |On an answering machine: "Hello, this is Dr. Smith's office. I'm calling to remind you of your appointment on Monday |

| | |at 2:00. Please call 555-9876 if you need to change your appointment. Thank you!" |

|5. | |Lisa couldn't find her clothes. She lent her shoes to Mary and her favorite pair of jeans to Sue. Carrie borrowed her|

| | |purple sweater, and Wendy has her leather coat. |

|6. | |Please download all of the Justin Timberlake, Cheetah Girls, and Hilary Duff songs to my IPOD. Then, delete all of |

| | |the Nellie tracks. |

|7. | |I invited Bill, Lisa, Cassie, Devon, and Jake to join us. I forgot to ask Bill, Nancy, and Jeff if they were |

| | |available. |

|8. | |There will be a scavenger hunt tomorrow morning. Please arrive at Daisy Park at 8am. Bring your gloves and a bag in |

| | |which to collect items from the hunt. |

|9. | |There are a few simple steps to using a washing machine. First you sort the clothes into the washer. Next you add the|

| | |detergent and choose the type of cycle for the machine. Finally, you start the washing machine. |

|10. | |When you pick up food at the fast food restaurant, would you get me a chicken sandwich, a small salad and a small |

| | |drink? I'd also like a small dish of chocolate ice cream. Make sure they put a lid on the ice cream! |

|11. | |To register for the kickboxing workshop, put your name, age, and address on a 3x5 card and drop the card in the box |

| | |beside the door on your way out. |


Taking Notes #2


Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|12. | |On an answering machine: "Hello, this is Mrs. Anderson from the bakery. I am calling to see what you would like |

| | |written on the birthday cake you ordered. The order form is unclear. Would you please call me at 555-2253? Thank |

| | |you." |

|13. | |Your sister is sick at home. You will need to go to her teacher and collect her homework and then go to her locker |

| | |and get her math book, her science book, and her language arts book. |

|14. | |Monday we had soup for lunch, chicken and broccoli for dinner, and oatmeal for breakfast. Today we will be served the|

| | |leftovers and tomorrow go out to eat. |

|15. | |I need to bring many things with me to camp. I already have a sleeping bag, lantern, and backpack. I need to get |

| | |hiking boots, a shovel, and a tent. My cousin will lend me her warm jacket. |

|16. | |Try-outs for the school play are next Friday. Please pick up a copy of the script and study the lines. Come prepared |

| | |to sing a short song as well. |

|17. | |Yesterday at practice, we worked on our dribbling, passing, and shooting skills. We will go over strategies for |

| | |offense and defense tomorrow. |

|18. | |My favorite Disney characters are Cinderella, Snow White, Tinker Bell, and Peter Pan. I don't care for Captain Hook, |

| | |Bambi, or the Seven Dwarfs. |

|19. | |I need to write thank you notes for my birthday gifts. I got a book from my Aunt Lisa, a video from my Uncle Dave, |

| | |and money from my Grandma. I also got some new clothes from my parents. |

|20. | |Dr. Martin's office called to remind you about your appointment on the tenth of this month. He would like you to |

| | |bring your old glasses and contact lenses to the appointment. Please bring someone with you to the appointment to |

| | |drive you home, as your eyes will be dilated for about an hour. |

|21. | |For tomorrow's art project, bring a smock or an oversized t-shirt to protect your clothes and be sure to wear |

| | |close-toed shoes. Those who show up wearing sandals will sit in the hall during art class. |

Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|1. | |A square number is a number that can be written as the product of multiplying two of the same integers. For example, |

| | |16 is a square number because 4 x 4 equals 16. Other square numbers include 4, 9, 25, and 36. |

|2. | |The best way to visit all of the rides at the amusement park is to buy the express pass. The express pass cuts down |

| | |the wait time in lines by thirty minutes per line. It also will grant you admission from park to park without waiting|

| | |in line to purchase tickets. No money is required at restaurants and gift shops, as the express pass allows people to|

| | |charge purchases to their account. |

|3. | |Roberto Clemente grew up in Puerto Rico. He became a member of a Major League Baseball team called the Pittsburgh |

| | |Pirates. When he wasn't playing baseball, he would go back to Puerto Rico to set up baseball camps for young boys and|

| | |coach them. He died in 1972 when his plane crashed on the way to Nicaragua. He was taking food, clothing, and |

| | |medicine to the victims of a terrible earthquake there. Roberto Clemente cared about others, and it showed in the way|

| | |he lived his life. |

|4. | |The water cycle has a few key steps. Water gathers in lakes, rivers, or oceans. The sun's rays heat the water and |

| | |cause it to evaporate. The evaporated water gathers in the sky as clouds. When enough water gathers in the clouds, it|

| | |can fall to the ground as precipitation. |

|5. | |Self-control is the ability to choose to do what is right and avoid doing what one knows to be wrong. A person who |

| | |displays self-control does not act impulsively. He or she doesn't believe that wanting something is the same as |

| | |having a right to it. A person with self-control can set limits and can walk away from things that don't seem right. |

| | |People who develop self-control have inner strength. |

|6. | |If an opponent runs a man-to-man defense, the "star" offense should be used. If they use a zone, use the "moon" |

| | |offense. If a team is winning by a large margin, they should run a zone offense. If the game is close or they are |

| | |losing, a man-to-man defense should be run. |

|7. | |One delightful character trait is enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the opposite of apathy. If you give each job your best |

| | |effort, and you display a good attitude while you work, then you have enthusiasm. |


Taking Notes #2


Tell students to listen and take notes. Ask them to repeat what you have said from their notes.

|8. | |The Circuit Exercise Routine consists of thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity and several different exercises. |

| | |The first ten minutes are spent walking on the treadmill followed by twenty-five jumping jacks and twenty sit-ups. |

| | |The next ten minutes will be spent riding the stationary bike and then doing thirty push-ups. The last ten minutes of|

| | |cardio activity involves running on the track followed by ten pull-ups. |

|9. | |To get from our house to the university, take Interstate 94 to Interstate 75 and head south. This highway travels |

| | |through the states of Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Once in Florida, |

| | |take exit 238 to Miller Road and turn left. The university is three blocks down on the right. |

|10. | |It is easy to bake a loaf of bread in a bread maker. First you buy a boxed mix. Then you add a cup of water to the |

| | |loaf pan. Next, you pour the mix over the water. After you make a hole in the middle of the dry mix, you pour in a |

| | |packet of yeast. Don't let the yeast get wet! Then you put the loaf pan into your bread maker and close the lid. |

| | |Press the set button to the kind of bread you are baking, and finally, press the start button. In around three hours,|

| | |you will have a hot, fresh loaf of bread to enjoy! |

|11. | |Due to the storm, tonight's classes have been cancelled. If power has been restored by tomorrow, students are to |

| | |report to their regular buildings for class. Only the middle and elementary schools have backup generators. If the |

| | |power is still out, high school students should report to the middle school, middle school students should report to |

| | |the elementary school, and all elementary classes will be cancelled until further notice. |

|12. | |Preheat oven to three hundred fifty degrees. Grease the bottom of a 13 x 9 pan and put it to the side. Next, prepare |

| | |the batter. Sift together in a separate bowl, two cups of flour, one teaspoon of baking soda, and a pinch of salt. In|

| | |another small bowl, add two sticks of softened butter or margarine, one cup of sugar, and two eggs. Combine each bowl|

| | |and mix until the batter is dough-like. Place the mixture into greased pan and bake for one hour. |

|13. | |Geometry is the study of spatial relationships. Some topics covered in geometry include angles, edges, 2- and |

| | |3-dimensional shapes, and symmetry. Geometry is used in many professions, such as architecture, engineering, and art.|


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