Allied OrBat
| |LOG OOO |
|U.S. II Corps | |
|(Maj Gen Lloyd Fredendall) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 1) |
|213th Coast Arty |40mm AA |Move: Feb 14th night |OO |
|213th Coast Arty Tpt |Truck |Move: Feb 14th night |O |
|19th Engineer Regt (L) |Engr Bn |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |OOO |
|19th Eng Tpt |Truck |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |O |
|1st Rangers (L) |Inf Bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OOO |
|II Corps LOG |Dump | |OOO |
|U.S. 1st Armored Division | |
|(Maj Gen “Pinky” Ward) |POL OOO |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 3) |
|1st Armrd Div LOG |Truck |Move: Feb 14th night |OOOO |
|1st Armrd Div POL |Bowser |Move: Feb 14th night |OOO |
|1st CCA HQ (E) |HQ | |O |
|3/1st Armrd Regt |Sherman | |OO |
|A+B/81st Armrd Recce |Recce Det | |O |
|Recce/1st Armrd Regt |Recce (M3) | |OOO |
|91st Armrd Arty |M7 HMC |Range 24” |OO |
|2/168th Inf Regt |Inf Bn | |OOO |
|3/168th Inf Regt |Inf Bn | |OOO |
|1st CCC HQ (E) |HQ |Move: Feb 14th night |O |
|2/1st Armrd Regt |Sherman |Feb 14th pm, Sbeitla |OO |
|1/6th Armrd Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 14th pm, Sbeitla |OOO |
|1/6th Armrd Inf Tpt |M3 HT |Feb 14th pm, Sbeitla |O |
|81st Armrd Recce (-) |Recce Det |Feb 14th pm, Sbeitla |O |
|3/13th Armrd Regt |M3 Lee |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |OO |
|3/6th Armrd Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |OOO |
|3/6th Armrd Inf Tpt |M3 HT |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |O |
|68th Armrd Arty |M7 HMC |Feb 14th night, Sbeitla |OO |
| | |Range 24” | |
|1st CCB HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 15th p.m., C |O |
|2/13th Armrd Regt |M3 Lee |Feb 15th p.m., C |OOOO |
|2/6th Armrd Inf (S) |Inf Bn |Feb 15th p.m., C |OOO |
|2/6th Armrd Inf Tpt |M3 HT |Feb 15th p.m., C |O |
|Recce/13th Armrd Regt |Recce (M3) |Feb 15th p.m., C |OOO |
|Replacement Bn |Sherman |Feb 21st p.m., H |OOO |
Any 1st Armored HQ can command any 1st Armored unit.
| |LOG OOO |
|U.S. 34th Inf Div (-) | |
|(Maj Gen Ryder) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|135th RCT HQ (E) |HQ | |O |
|1/135th Inf |Inf Bn | |OOO |
|2/135th Inf |Inf Bn | |OOO |
|3/135th Inf |Inf Bn | |OOO |
|135th RCT Arty |105mm |Range 24” |OO |
|135th RCT Tpt |Truck | |O |
|135th RCT LOG |Truck | |OOO |
|1/168th Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 16th a.m., G |OOO |
| |LOG OOO |
|U.S. 1st Infantry Division | |
|(Maj Gen Terry la Mesa Allen) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|26th RCT HQ (E) |HQ |Move: Feb 14th noon |O |
|1st Inf Div LOG |Truck |Move: Feb 14th noon |OOO |
|1/26th Inf |Inf Bn |Move: Feb 14th noon |OOO |
|2/26th Inf |Inf Bn |Move: Feb 14th noon |OOO |
|1/1st Div Arty |105mm |Move: Feb 14th noon |OO |
| | |Range 24” | |
|1/1st Div Arty Tpt |Truck |Move: Feb 14th noon |O |
|3/26th Inf (-) (S) |Inf Bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OOO |
|18th RCT HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 17th a.m., C |O |
|1/18th Inf (S) |Inf Bn |Feb 17th a.m., C |OOOO |
|2/18th Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 17th a.m., C |OOO |
|3/18th Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 17th a.m., C |OOO |
|1st Inf Div HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 18th a.m., B |O |
|1/16th Inf (S) |Inf Bn |Feb 18th a.m., B |OOOO |
|2/16th Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 18th a.m., B |OOO |
|3/16th Inf |Inf Bn |Feb 18th a.m., B |OOO |
|U.S. 9th Inf Div (elts) | |
|(Maj Gen Manton S. Eddy) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|3/39th Inf (-) (L) |Inf Bn |Feb 19th, a.m., H |OO |
|1/47th Inf (L) |Inf Bn |Feb 21st, a.m., H |OOO |
|2/47th Inf (L) |Inf Bn |Feb 21st, a.m., H |OOO |
|3/47th Inf (L) |Inf Bn |Feb 21st, a.m., H |OOO |
|9th Div HQ |HQ |Feb 21st, p.m., H |O |
|9th Div LOG |Truck |Feb 21st, p.m., H |OOOOO |
|1/9th Div Arty |105mm |Feb 21st, p.m., H Range 24” |OO |
|1/9th Div Arty Tpt |Truck |Feb 21st, p.m., H |O |
|2/9th Div Arty |105mm |Feb 21st, p.m., H Range 24” |OO |
|1/9th Div Arty Tpt |Truck |Feb 21st, p.m., H |O |
|British 6th Armoured Division | |
|(Maj Gen Keightley) |POL OOO |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|1st Gds Bde HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 17th p.m., B |O |
|2nd Coldstream Gds |Inf bn |Feb 17th p.m., B |OOO |
|3rd Grenadier Gds |Inf bn |Feb 17th p.m., B |OOO |
|1st Gds Bde Tpt |Truck |Feb 17th p.m., B |OO |
|26 Armrd Bde HQ |HQ |Feb 18th p.m., B |O |
|6th Armrd Div POL |Truck |Feb 18th p.m., B |OOO |
|16/5th Lancers |Sherman |Feb 18th p.m., B |OOOO |
|2nd Hampshires |Inf bn |Feb 18th p.m., B |OOO |
|2nd Hampshires Tpt |Truck |Feb 18th p.m., B |O |
|6th Armrd Div HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 19th p.m., B |O |
|17/21st Lancers (I) |Crusader |Feb 19th p.m., B |OOO |
|2nd Lothian & Border Horse (I) |Crusader |Feb 19th p.m., B |OOOO |
|10th, Rifle Brigade |Inf bn |Feb 19th p.m., B |OOO |
|10th, Rifle Brigade tpt |Halftrack |Feb 19th p.m., B |O |
|12th RHA (I) |25pdr |Feb 19th p.m., B 24” Range |OO |
|12th RHA tpt |Quad |Feb 19th p.m., B |O |
|6th Arrmrd Div LOG |Truck |Feb 19th p.m., B |OOOO |
|Derbyshire Yeomanry |Recce (A/C) |Feb 19th p.m., B |OO |
|2/5th Leicesters |Inf bn |Feb 20th p.m., B |OOO |
|152nd Field Arty (I) |25pdr |Feb 20th p.m., B 24” Range |OO |
|152nd Field Arty Tpt |Quad |Feb 20th p.m., B |O |
|142nd Royal Armoured Corps (-) |Grant |Feb 21st p.m., B |OO |
Any of the British HQs can command any of the British units.
Nominal organisation
26th Armoured Bde
16th/5th Lancers, 17th/21st Lancers, 2nd Lothian & Border Horse, 10th, Rifle Bde
1st Gds Bde
2nd Coldstreams, 3rd Grenadiers, 2nd Hampshires
Divisional assets:
12th RHA, 152nd Field RA, 4xSqn RE, 1st Derbyshire Yeomanry
Extra assets from elsewhere:
2/5th Leicesters (of 139th Bde, 46th Div), elts 142nd RAC (of 25th Army Tank bde)
| |LOG n/a |
|French XIXe Corps | |
|(Gen Koeltz) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|XIX Corps HQ |HQ | |O |
|1/5th CdA |Tank sqn |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk BB |O |
|2nd CdA (L) |Inf bn | |OO |
|9th CdA (L) |Inf bn |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk BB |OO |
|2nd/9th CdA Tpt |Truck |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk BB |OO |
|2/3rd CdA |Recce Det |Move: Feb 14th noon |O |
|1/12th CdA |Tank sqn |Feb 22nd a.m., H |O |
|Corps Reserve | | | |
|2/1st RTA (L) |Inf bn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |OO |
|2/5th CdA |Tank sqn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |O |
|3/1st RTA (L) |Inf bn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |O |
|2/29th RTA (L) |Inf bn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |OOO |
|1/7th RTM (L) |Inf bn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |OO |
|2/7th RTM (L) |Inf bn |Pos from 19 a.m. B |OO |
| |LOG OOO |
|French Division Tunisie | |
|(Gen Barré) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|Tunisie Div HQ (E) |HQ |Feb 15th a.m., G | |
|1/3rd Spahis Algeriens (L) |Cav sqn |Feb 15th a.m., G |O |
|1/15th RTS (L) |Inf bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OO |
|2/15th RTS (L) |Inf bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OO |
|2/7th RTA |Inf bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OO |
|3/7th RTA |Inf bn |Feb 15th a.m., G |OOO |
|67th Artillery Regt |Gun |Feb 16th a.m., Feriana |OO |
| | |Range 24” | |
|67th Arty Tpt |Truck |Feb 16th a.m. , Feriana |O |
|Div Tunisie LOG |Truck |Feb 16th a.m. , Feriana |OOO |
|1/3rd RMZT (L) |Inf bn |Feb 16th a.m. , Feriana |OO |
|2/4th RTS (L) |Cav bn |Feb 16th a.m., Kasserine |OO |
|Saulnier/GTM (L) |Inf bn |Feb 16th a.m., Kasserine |OOO |
|3/15th RTS (L) |Inf bn |Feb 18th a.m., H |OOO |
| |LOG OOO |
|French Division de Marche Constantine | |
|(Gen Welvert) |POL n/a |
| |Recovery Rate 1/3 (max = 2) |
|Constantine Div HQ (E) |HQ | |O |
|Div Constantine LOG |Pack mules | |OOO |
|2/GTM (L) |Inf bn |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk N |OOO |
|1/1st RTA (L) |Inf bn | |O |
|1/9th RTA (L) |Inf bn | |O |
|2/9th RTA (L) |Inf bn | |O |
|1/2nd RTA (L) |Inf bn |Withdraw Feb 15th p.m. |O |
|3/2nd RTA (L) |Inf bn |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk BB |O |
|1/7th RTA (L) |Inf bn |Feb 14th p.m., Fondouk BB |OO |
| | |Withdraw Feb 15th p.m. | |
|65th Artillery Regiment |Gun |Range 24” |OO |
|65th Arty Tpt |Limber | |O |
|2/2nd RTA (L) |Inf bn |Move: Feb 14th noon |O |
|1/7th RTA (L) |Inf bn |Returns Feb 22nd p.m. |OOO |
Any French HQ can command any French unit.
|Game turns |
|14 Feb Axis | |
|Allied | |
|14 Feb p.m. |Elements CCC/1st Armored assemble at Sbeitla |
|14 Feb night |Remainder CCC/1st Armored assemble at Sbeitla |
|15 Feb a.m. |Elements of FR Division Tunisie, US 1st Rangers, 3/26th Inf @ G |
|15 Feb p.m. |CCB/1st Armored @ C (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ B) |
| |WITHDRAW FR 1/2nd RTA & 1/7th RTA for refitting |
|16 Feb a.m. |US 1/168th Infantry @ G |
| |FR Division Tunisie elements assemble at Feriana & Kasserine |
|17 Feb a.m. |US 18th RCT @ C (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ B) |
|17 Feb p.m. |BR 1st Guards Bde @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
|18 Feb a.m. |FR 3/15th RTS @ H |
| |BR 26th Armoured Bde @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
| |US 1st Inf Div (-) @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
|19 Feb a.m. |US 2/39th Infantry @ H |
| |BR 6th Armoured Div (-) @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
| |FR XIX Corps reserve may be released |
|20 Feb p.m. |BR elements @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
|21 Feb a.m. |US repl/1st Armored Div @ H |
| |US 47th Regt @ H |
|21 Feb p.m. |US 9th Div Artillery @ H |
| |BR 142nd RAC @ B (or delay 1 turn to arrive @ A) |
|22 Feb a.m. |FR 1/12th CdA @ H |
|22 Feb p.m. |FR 1/7th RTA returns (joins Division Constantine HQ) |
Designer’s notes
This is a challenging orbat to model. Command & control above about regiment level failed almost completely in the American corps. Fredendall (US II Corps) and Ward (US 1st Armored) had little or no appreciable affect, and were generally ignored by subordinates, so there is no HQ for either of them (this is a bit harsh on Ward). It gets so bad that British General Anderson (1st Army) starts ordering individual bttns around, which does nothing to help Anglo-US relations. Eisenhower sends Patton (I Corps commander) and Harmon (2nd Armored Division commander) from Morocco to sort things out, but they don’t arrive until the Axis offensive is over.
The 19th Engineer Regt in reality had more than one assigned bttn, but in terms of what could be fielded coherently a bttn seems about right. The 213th Coast Arty is not a misprint: between the wars AA defence was the responsibility of the Coast Artillery.
Much of the US armor is down-rated because it was green as grass, although the units were fairly well up to strength. Only CCB had been in significant action before. Several of CCA’s units actually routed in the face of rumours of German advances twice during the early stage of the campaign, so they are shown as particularly weak. 2/1st Armored is a full battalion of Shermans, but the tactics it employed made Custer look careful (it managed to lose all but 4 vehicles in under an hour on the second day of the battle). The “replacement” battalion is formed largely by surviving crews of the smashed CCA and 2/1st, crewing 32 new Sherman tanks borrowed from the British 6th Armoured Division, where they were due to replace some of the obsolescent kit.
US Recce is a mess also. Terminology first: a US squadron is a battalion in German parlance (regt in British), and a US Troop is a German Company/British Squadron. The recce elements of the 1st and 13th Armored regiments are agglomerations of the M3 Stuart light tank components of each, including the entire 1st bttn of each regiment. Tactically they functioned as recce, which is how they’re shown here.
US infantry is technically all (L) since it only has the 37mm gun (having rejected the 6pdr) and the bazooka is only just entering service, but there are 4 or 5 independent Tank Destroyer bttns of half-track mounted 75mms floating around as well, so I’ve amortised those away and rated the US forces as mainly being decently equipped. Technically the 6th Armored Infantry should all be (S), but its performance doesn’t seem to warrant this: indeed quite a few of its half-tracks fell intact into German hands and were used by them.
US infantry units are massively dispersed, necessitating RCT HQ units. This also disperses the engineering capability as company groups (an RCT was the infantry equivalent of an Armored CC or a British brigade group). The two bttns of the 168th Regiment in 1st Armored’s orbat are really another RCT of 34th Division, but they don’t deserve an HQ of their own.
British infantry has liberal numbers of 6pdrs, and so really is *not* (L) by this point. Crusaders are well past their sell-by date and so get an (I) and an SP deduction. The Lothians have one squadron of Valentines (which aren’t any better). However the Lothians rate as a 4SP unit despite their suspect kit because they fought literally to the last tank. The British have three HQ units because historically they fought in multiple groups in different sectors of the front.
French organisation is a contradiction in terms. Technically there was a corps HQ and at least two division HQs, but they were all scratch outfits (Divisions de Marche). I have little idea which French regiments were technically assigned where – indeed it kept changing about as fast as a revolving door, so I’ve lumped them together basically geographically as at start.
French infantry comes in several types, the motorised Chasseurs d’Afrique (CdA), the Groupes de Tabors Marocaines (GTM) semi-irregular mountain units, and the assorted colonial infantry regiments (Regiment Tirailleurs Algeriens/Marocains/Senegalais - RTA/RTM/RTS). Most are stretched a bit for numbers and in dire shape for equipment, hence the generally low SP rating. Some of the colonial infantry are starting to re-equip with US kit, but since standard US kit at this point still has the 37mm AT gun, and there are no separate AT bttns, everything still rates as being (L). The battalions withdrawn are going for re-equipment: they are withdrawn even during the German offensive because their French kit is so wretched. A few bttns have been withdrawn and re-equipped already – in general these are shown as being stronger because they have a decent amount of kit, and probably had a chance to absorb replacement personnel too. The Goums (GTM) aren’t well equipped but they are groups a bit stronger than a bttn and effectively elite so they’re a bit stronger too. Most of the French infantry probably ought to rate as (I) as well as (L), but I don’t have the heart to do that to the French player(s) – substituting low SP levels and low replacement rates instead to make the formations brittle. Division Constantine is very weak indeed because it was badly mauled bearing the brunt of a previous German offensive a couple of weeks before.
French armour is even harder: technically all of the tanks formed a light armoured bde,(which would also include the motorised CdA infantry and the 2/3rd CdA armoured cars) but there’s little record of it fighting as a whole. Most of the kit (mainly Renault D1s) was obsolete by 1935, so it ought to be (I) if ever put together into a whole bttn. I’ve compromised by not allowing for that possibility. 3 Sqns is probably still overstating the effectiveness.
French artillery might also be overstated since the units were fairly weak, but one needs to give the French something to play with. Partly in compensation the US artillery has been somewhat slighted. Since US artillery was spread around as part of RCTs and CCs instead of being concentrated, its effect was distinctly limited: some of it shows up as (S) ratings on some infantry bttns, generally where there is a single arty bttn allocated to an RCT – thereby preventing the US from concentrating much of their artillery. The artillery of the 9th Division is an exception – being rated at full strength although they are actually one 105mm bttn short, which is only partly compensated for by having a pair of extra 75mm cannon companies. Their performance merits this rating: they operated as an artillery bde and it showed.
I’ve very little idea about the French colonial mounted units, although it seems somewhat likely that the 2/4th Tirailleurs Senegalais were basically the pre-war Gendarmerie.
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