Taking Thyroxine Guide Lines: - YOUR THYROID And YOU

Taking Thyroxine Guide Lines:

This article applies mostly to Synthetic Thyroxine

Arguably the most important and contentious issue for people with Hypothyroidism is the taking of their daily dose of Thyroxine. There are many theories and that’s all they are on the time and how to take Thyroxine.

What you are about to read has been proven over a long period of time, to be the best and most effective applications for the Exogenous administering of Thyroxine.

The Tablets:

Synthetic Thyroxine in Australia is available in 50 – 75 – 100 and 200 microgram tablets, is a hormone (not a drug) and one of the safest medications available here. It has very few if any side effects although in the product information sheet, there is the standard list of side effects that pharmaceutical companies are compelled to include by law. Synthetic Thyroxine like most tablets contain fillers and binders in such miniscule amounts that in most cases cause no adverse reactions. From my experience, some people after taking the tablets for a while may see that they contain Lactose and then they consider them to be un suitable, but unless they were servery lactose intolerant, not knowing it was there, most would find it had no effect. FYI, you should always read the product information leaf let that comes with your medication, and follow the directions for your health’s sake.

I must point out before going further:

In Australia we have only one manufacturer of Synthetic Thyroxine and that is Sigma Pharmaceuticals, they produce the brand name “OROXINE and the generic EUTROXSIG”.

Both of these products are identical, the only difference is the name, so the generic is the brand and vice a versa. This being the case the strength of the dose is constant.

If you have been researching Thyroid disease especially on the internet, you would no doubt have read a variety of and some what contradicting stories of how and when people think it is best to take their Synthetic Thyroxine.

In other countries they have various companies producing Thyroxine, some Synthetic, some Semi Synthetic and some Natural, aka Armour Thyroid. With these different manufacturers and products the strength of the dose can vary, leading to all sorts of problems when people chop and change brands. I wanted to point this out because it has a great bearing on some people’s Thyroid function and quality of life.

A matter of contention:

There is a trend going round over the internet to take your Thyroxine late in the afternoon or before going to bed.

I dispute this for the following reasons:

1 – Taking Thyroxine mid to late afternoon sees the tablet getting caught up in natural bio chemical changes the metabolism goes through preparing the body for night and sleep, for example “Serotonin converting into Melatonin”. Serotonin is a chemical for day light hours to help keep us awake, where as it converts into Melatonin (a strong chemical change) to settle us down for the night. That is the long and the short of it !

Thyroxine takes some time to establish into the serum and being a very sensitive hormone looses potency due to other chemical changes. The change of dosage quite often varies from person to person, taking the consistency out of the equation, hence leaving the patient irregularly underdosed and possibly heightening symptoms over time.

Some people say it works for them but we don’t know the circumstances of their daily life activities, e.g. shift workers.

2 – Much of the same reasons for taking Thyroxine before going to bed with the added feature of sleeplessness with a lot of people and being wasted when the Thyroid function is at it’s low point.


The time proven method for most people is to take your Thyroxine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of water. Taking it at about the same time each day so the body get’s used to it and while the Thyroid function is most active.

Taking other medication (and food) should be delayed for at least ¾ of an hour, the only exception is heart med’s and they should be taken as prescribed by your doctor. In this case we find a suitable time before lunch that gives the tablet a chance to get involved in the system.


The KISS Principal Applies Here.

You never take your Thyroid medication within 4 hours of having your Thyroid blood sample taken.

I can’t make it and plainer than that.

If you take your Thyroid medication before having the blood test done you will more likely than not get a false high reading. The end result is the doctor usually reduces your dosage, to that you will most likely find your self under dosed. That is how you will stay with the doctor having no idea why you keep presenting symptomatic.

Please be warned that far too many doctors don’t have enough practical experience or knowledge treating all thyroid conditions. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism being the two predominate conditions.

IF ! And that is a big IF – you have a doctor who tells you when to and when not to take your Thyroid medication correctly you are one of the more fortunate patients.



Remembering to do these two things will give Synthetic Thyroxine the best possible chance to do it’s job.


Thyroid Australia (Brisbane)

E-Mail rick@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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