
Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ Period: _________

Lesson Four-The War Ends








SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development economically, socially, and politically.

← a. Describe the impact of events leading up to American involvement in World War II; include Lend-Lease and the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

← b. Evaluate the importance of Bell Aircraft, military bases, the Savannah and Brunswick shipyards, Richard Russell, and Carl Vinson.

← c. Explain the impact of the Holocaust on Georgians.

← d. Discuss the ties to Georgia that President Roosevelt had and his impact on the state.

Essential Questions

1. Describe the events that led to the end of World War II?

2. Discuss the ties to Georgia that President Roosevelt had and his impact on the state. Explain how Georgia will lose a hero and a friend.

3. Evaluate the lasting effects of World War II on Georgia?

← Georgia changed from a ___________ __________ state to an _____________ and _______________ leader.

← ________________ were built and ______________ ________________ left the fields to work in factories and industry.

← ___________ _____________ were built to train solders.

Georgia finally pulled out of the Great Depression and entered a time of prosperity again.

← _________ __________ Military Plant located in Marietta was built though the help of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It made _______ Bombers.

← Shipyards in _____________and ___________ made __________ ____________. Our ports were excellent sites to make ships and establish Naval bases.

← Fort Benning, Camp Gordon, Fort McPherson, and Fort Stewart were Army bases that were established to train _____________ soldiers.

← They became a permanent base during World War II to train __________ in combat. They also became _________ of ___________ (POW) camps.

← Hunter Air Field and Warner Robins Air Field were a training camp for __________ ___________ and the Air Force.

Georgia Looses a Friend

On ___________________, Franklin D. Roosevelt was spending time in __________ ___________ at the Little White House. He was having his portrait painted when he complained of having a headache. He died from having a stroke. __________________, Roosevelt’s Vice President, was sworn in as President.

Create a headline in a local newspaper that will run notifying America of the death for Franklin D. Roosevelt

Why will Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death be such a tragedy for the people of Georgia?


The first Atomic Bomb is Dropped

← In 1945, the United States demanded an _____________ Japanese surrender.

← When Japan refused, President ____________ authorized the use of the world’s first atomic bomb.

In your opinion, was the Atomic Bomb morally ok? Write your statement and explain why you feel this way.


The War Ends-Japan Surrenders

On August 6, the _____________, dropped the atomic bomb on ____________. Japan still refused and the US dropped a second bomb on ____________. Japan finally agrees to surrender.

Comic Strips were often used to explain or give possible real life scenes of events that occurred during World War II. Many times the characters would talk through situations to allow the American people to sympathize with possible war tactics. They were never silly; however, sometimes the wording could be funny.

Directions: Using the template provided, create your own comic that will describe a war situations that will allow the children in America to sympathize with possible war tactics. The comic cannot be silly; however, the wording can be funny to help children understand war.

Tying it all Together

1. Summary: As you read different handouts and information in the coach book pgs. 117-125 you have been collecting facts about World War II all week. In this summary box write in all the highlighted sentences creating a summary of World War II. The first section should be about World War II and the second section should be about the Holocaust and the results.

2. Word Splash: Locate 9 words that describe World War II and write them in your word splash box.

3. Key Terms: Define the key terms using your coach book.

4. Timeline: Create a timeline of key dates and events that occurred during World War II.

Word Splash


Key Terms

Nazi Party: _______________________________


Genocide: ________________________________


Holocaust: ________________________________


Propaganda: ______________________________


Lend-lease Policy: _________________________


Bell Aircraft Company: ____________________



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