Procedures and Commands


1. First Sergeant (1SG) posts self where he wants the company to form in front of him and commands, “Company, FALL IN!”

2. The platoons fall in facing the 1SG, dress and cover automatically, and go to Attention. The 1st Platoon is to the 1SG’s left and the 2nd Platoon is to the 1SG’s right. The 1SG is centered between the two platoons.

3. The first squads are nine (9) steps in front of the 1SG.

4. The distance between the last cadet of the 1st Squad, 1st Platoon from the Squad Leader, 1st Squad, 2nd Platoon is five (5) steps.

5. The Platoon Sergeant falls in three (3) steps in front of and centered on the 1st Squad and six (6) steps away from the 1SG. The two Platoon Sergeants are aligned.

6. While falling in, Squad Leaders must take note who in the squad is missing and must be prepared to report this name to the Platoon Sergeant.


1. Once the platoons are formed correctly, the 1SG commands, “Receive the Report!”

2. Platoon Sergeants exchange salute with the 1SG. Platoon sergeants begin the salute in unison and hold the salute while the 1SG present arms and faces the first platoon sergeant and then the second platoon sergeant. After facing the 2nd Platoon Sergeant while at present arms, the 1SG will then go to Order Arms. After the 1SG drops his salute, then the two Platoon Sergeants in unison drop their salute, face about and, while turning head towards the Squad Leaders, commands, “Report!”

3. The 1st Squad Leader present arms and turning head towards the Platoon Sergeant, reports the attendance status of the first squad. For instance, “All present, Sergeant!” or “Cadet (name) absent, Sergeant!”

4. The Platoon Sergeant salutes after the Squad Leader reports. The 1st Squad Leader goes to order arms and faces to the front again at Attention.

5. The 2nd Squad Leader then reports the status of the 2nd Squad in the same way. The 3rd and 4th Squad Leaders do likewise.

6. Once the squads’ status has been reported to the Platoon Sergeant, the Platoon Sergeant faces about.

7. When the 1SG sees that both Platoon Sergeants have faced about, the 1SG commands, “Report!” and turns head toward the 1st Platoon Sergeant.

8. The 1st Platoon Sergeant presents arms, turns head to face the 1SG and reports the attendance status. For instance, “All present, First Sergeant!” or “Cadets (name) and (name) absent, First Sergeant!”.

9. After receiving the 1st Platoon Sergeant’s report, the 1SG salutes the 1st Platoon Sergeant. Once the 1SG completes his salute, the 1st Platoon Sergeant returns to order arms and faces to the front at Attention.

10. The 1SG then turns to the 2nd Platoon Sergeant who reports as did the 1st Platoon Sergeant.

11. Once the 1SG has received the report from both platoon sergeants, the 1SG faces about.

Company Commander Takes the Formation

1. When the 1SG faces about, this is the cue for the Company Commander (CC) to approach the 1SG, stopping three (3) steps to the 1SG’s front.

2. The 1SG presents arms and reports, “Sir, the Company is formed!”

3. The CC salutes. When the CC finishes his salute, the 1SG returns to Order Arms.

4. The CC then commands, “Post!”

5. On the command of “Post!” the 1SG faces about and marches to the rear of the company until three (3) steps behind the last squads, halts and faces about. The 1SG should still be in direct alignment with the Company Commander.

6. Simultaneously on the command of “Post!” the Platoon Sergeants execute a Right Face and march around the platoon on the side of the Squad Leaders and center one (1) step behind the 4th Squad.

7. Simultaneously on the command of “Post!” the Platoon Leaders execute a Left Face and march around the left side of the platoon and center on and six (6) steps in front of the 1st Squad.

Prepare For Inspection

1. Once the Platoon Leaders are in front of their platoons, the Company Commander commands, “Prepare your platoons for inspection.” Platoon Leaders present arms, turn head towards the Company Commander. The Company Commander will present arms, look first at the 1st Platoon Leader and then the 2nd Platoon Leader and then goes to Order Arms. The 1st and 2nd Platoon Leaders return to Order Arms in unison and face about.

2. The 1st Platoon Leader commands “Open Ranks, March!” Then, the 2nd Platoon Leader commands “Open Ranks, March!”

3. On the command “Open Ranks, March!” the 1st Squad takes two (2) full steps forward; the 2nd Squad one (1) full step forward; the 3rd Squad stands fast; and the 4th Squad takes two (2) half-steps backward.

4. Simultaneously, when the squads move, the Platoon Leader takes four (4) half-steps backward and the Platoon Sergeant takes two (2) half steps backwards.

5. Except for the forward and backward steps, there is no other movement in the platoon. All steps are executed sharply and strictly while maintaining the position of Attention. Dress and cover must be maintained while taking the steps.

6. Once the platoons have Opened Ranks, the Platoon Leaders face about. Everyone remains in the position of Attention, keeping head and eyes to the front. There is no movement.

7. Once both platoon leaders have faced about, the Company Commander will face about to await the Inspecting Officer.

In-Ranks Inspection

1. The Inspecting Officer (IO) will approach and stop in front of the Company Commander.

2. The Company Commander will present arms and report, “Sir, the Company is prepared for inspection!”

3. The IO returns the salute and the Company Commander returns to the position of Attention as the IO inspects the Company Commander, answering any questions that may be asked.

4. The IO will then face to the left and approach the 1st Platoon stopping in front of the 1st Platoon Leader. The platoon leader remains at Attention and does not salute. The platoon leader will be inspected, answering any questions that may be asked.

5. Once the Platoon Leader has been inspected, the IO will make a half-left face and march toward and stopping in front of the 1st Squad leader.

6. When the IO starts toward the 1st Squad leader, the Platoon Leader executes a Right Face and marches to a point to the left of the IO who is now standing in front of the 1st Squad leader.

7. The Platoon Leader commands, “2nd, 3rd, 4th Squads, AT EASE!” These squads relax somewhat at the At Ease position but there is no talking or unnecessary movement or looking around. Everyone should be listening to the questions (and answers) being asked of the 1st Squad members.

8. When the IO is finished inspecting the 1st Squad leader, he will face to the right, take a step over to the next person in line, and face to the left in order to inspect the second person. As the IO faces to the right, the Platoon Leader also faces to the right and then the left so as to be in front of the 1st Squad leader. This facing and inspecting process proceeds down the line of the 1st Squad.

9. As the IO finishes inspecting the last person in the 1st Squad, the IO will march around and behind the 1st Squad followed by the Platoon Leader. As the Platoon Leader comes around the 1st Squad, he commands, “2nd Squad, ATTENTION!”

10. The IO stops in front of the 2nd Squad leader and the Platoon Leader is to the IO’s left. Now, the Platoon Leader commands, “1st Squad, AT EASE!”

11. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Squads are inspected as was the 1st Squad with the Platoon Leader calling the squads to be inspected to Attention and commanding the squad just inspected to be At Ease. The 4th Squad, once called to Attention, will remain at Attention and will not be put At Ease.

12. After the last person in the 4th Squad is inspected, the Platoon Sergeant comes to Attention on his own and the IO will inspect the Platoon Sergeant. The Platoon Leader stays to the IO’s left.

13. After inspecting the Platoon Sergeant, the IO will march around the platoon on the side of the squad leaders. The Platoon Leader will follow.

14. At the front of the platoon, the Platoon Leader will stop centered and four (4) steps in front of the 1st Squad, faces to the left (so he now faces the platoon) and commands, “Platoon, ATTENTION!” The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Squads will come to Attention; the 4th Squad is already at Attention from when they were inspected.

15. The Platoon Leader now commands, “Close Ranks, MARCH!” On this command, the 1st Squad takes four (4) half-steps backwards, the 2nd Squad takes two (2) half-steps backward, the 3rd Squad stands fast and the 4th Squad (and Platoon Sergeant) takes one (1) full step forward. The Platoon Leader does not need to take any steps because after Close Ranks, March the 1st Squad will be six (6) steps in front of the Platoon Leader.

16. Except for the forward and backward steps, there is no other movement in the platoon. All steps are executed sharply and strictly while maintaining the position of Attention. Dress, cover and alignment must be maintained while taking the steps.

17. Once reformed, platoon members must continue to maintain strict military bearing. Head and eyes are to the front and there is no movement.

17. Once the platoon is reformed, the Platoon Leader faces about toward the IO. The IO will briefing point out the strengths and flaws noted during the inspection. The Platoon Leader remains at the position of Attention and maintains military bearing.


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