(Date)To whom it may concern, The first paragraph should be one or two sentences stating who you are and why you are writing. (“My name is Mr. John Doe and I am writing on behalf of PFC Joe”)The second paragraph should discuss who you’re writing about. Discuss how you know him, the nature of your relationship, and how much interaction you have had. It is important that you establish how well, and under what circumstances, you know this person. After establishing how you know him/her, speak to the positive traits and accomplishments you have observed. For example, you can include:Work performance (if you worked with him/her).Any specific character traits you observed from your interactions.What type of person is he/she? What are his/her best character traits? Substantiate this using specific instances of superior character, caring, compassion, work ethic, or positive attributes in general.His/her adherence to moral standards, demeanor, respect for others, his/her trustworthiness.Attitude-specifically following the incident.Does he/she learn from his mistakes-specifically after the incident?Does he/she have good rehabilitative potential (meaning the ability to reenter civilian society and be a productive member of society)?If you served with him/her, would you serve with him again and why?The fourth paragraph should be a short statement of your closing thoughts such as requesting the board/court to consider your statement in arriving at an appropriate sentence, the court/board should take all the positive things he/she has done instead of look solely at the crimes they have been convicted of, or to ask the court/board to consider a lenient sentence. Comments on what sentence should be imposed should not be included. These are just examples. Please feel free to include your own personal thoughts and remarks. The point of contact for this letter the undersigned at (your email) or at (your phone number)SIGNATUREFIRST M. LAST ................

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