
Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

9 Beech Grove, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0AB Tel: 01985 213436

Chairman: Councillor Angus Neish Clerk Mrs Sarah Jeffries MILCM

Minutes of the meeting of Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council held at the Village Hall Maiden Bradley on Tuesday 10th April 2018 at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors, Patrick Nixon, Simon Wager, Sebastian Seymour, Poppy Wilcox, and Susanna Brigden.

In attendance: The Parish Clerk, Mrs Sarah Jeffries PSLCC. Councillor Patrick Nixon Chaired the meeting as the Chairman was not present.

Public Question Time Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s

No public were present.

17/257 Acceptance of apologies for absence

Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.

Resolved: Councillor Melvyn Thomas had sent his apologies due to ill health. Council resolved his reason for absence. Councillor Angus Neish had sent his apologies due to a farming accident. Council accepted his apologies.

17/258 Dispensations

Resolved: none requested

17/259 To receive declarations of interests Local Authorities

Declarations of Interest members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the relevant authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1464) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations).

Resolved: none given

17/260 Exclusion of the Press and Public Standing Order #1c

The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Resolved: not required

17/261 Chairman’s announcements

Resolved: none to give

17/262 To receive and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2018 (Previously circulated) LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)

Resolved: that they were a true record of the meetings decisions. Proposed Councillor Sebastian Seymour Seconded Councillor Poppy Wilcox.

17/263 Planning

Application Ref: 18/01745/FUL

Application for Full Planning

Proposal: - Side extension to unfinished garage to create garage/workshop and create a first floor one bedroom holiday let above.

At: Grange Farm Cottage, Dukes Lane, Maiden Bradley, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 7HX

Resolved: supported.

(Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority. The Principal Authority being the deciding body)

Planning Decisions

Resolved: noted that at the time of compiling this Agenda no planning decisions had been received by the clerk to bring to Councils attention.

17/264 Parish Steward

Resolved: Councillor Patrick Nixon reported that he had seen a parish steward in the area although he had been informed that they had all been moved onto pot hole filling.

Re Painting of the Church Railings

Resolved: Councillor Sebastian Seymour asked if the painting of the Church Railings could be actioned by any volunteers. It was agreed that an item be placed in the Parish News asking for interest in creating a working group.

17/265 Traffic Calming and Speeding Traffic - Action Plan Transport & Traffic

Speed Indicator Devices

Resolved: Councillor Simon Wagers report on his findings and that of the Estates Maintenance man re the Speed Indicator Device. The internal workings of the SID were solid state so no identification is given on any of the pieces, so without the plans they will be unable to repair it. A new unit will be required. The Clerk was instructed to Investigate quotations obtain companies and come back to council.

17/266 Community Speed Watch Volunteers

Resolved: Councillor Simon Wager reported that 7 volunteers had completed their forms, two more are still to come back to him with their forms. The Clerk reported that Council would be awaiting the metro count and its results before the next step would be taken to arrange train the volunteers.

17/267 Recreational Area

Resolved: Councillor Simon Wager reported to Council on the monthly Health & Safety checks actioned on the play equipment. No issues had been found. He also reported that he had actioned the below:

1. Oiled the gate hinges to stop them squeaking

2. Oiled the swing swivel points to stop them squeaking

3. Grass needs cutting in the play area, rest of the Rec seems OK for the moment

17/268 Defibrillator

Resolved: approved that when the precept comes in the Clerk uploads the invoice and then emails Councillors to action the payment. The Clerk was instructed to obtain the Location number from Julia Doel as it is not listed on the unit.

17/269 Village Hall – Action Plan Local Economy and Tourism

Resolved: no report received as Councillor Melvyn Thomas was not present.

17/270 Forces March

Resolved: noted that. The Clerk reported that she had followed up with Danny Greeno at the Forces March for a copy of its Insurance Documentation. All documentation was now in place for the event. The Clerk was instructed to add to Facebook and the Parish News details of the event. Council noted that a Donation to the village hall for the use of the recreational area.

17/271 Nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Annual Parish Council meeting in May

Resolved: noted that before the next meeting the clerk will need nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman. Councillors were asked to email the clerk their nominations before next month’s meeting. Council noted that Councillor Patrick Nixon is to stand down as Vice Chairman.

17/272 Annual Parish Meeting Arrangements & Ideas

Resolved: noted the invitations have all been sent out by the Clerk.

117/273 Litter Pick – Action Plan Crime & Community Safety

Resolved: Councillor Simon Wager reported that 17 volunteers had worked hard a lot of litter was collected. Wiltshire Council had not collected as the litter as it was not left outside of the Community Garden Councillor Angus Neish to be contacted re action. Clerk to email Councillor Angus Neish to action and if he was unable to take action the clerk was asked to email Councillor Sebastian Seymour.

17/274 Insurance reviewed

Resolved: noted that the quotation had not been received to date. The Clerk confirmed that she had actioned the quotation request on the 20th March 2018.

17/275 Back up Data

Resolved: approved the purchase of a licence from Allways Sync to manage the Councils Data. The Clerk was instructed to purchase then action a reimbursement as it was an online purchase.

17/276 Approval and signing of Parish Accounts for the month of March 2018 Internal Audit Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 reg 2

Resolved: approved the accounts for March 2018. Council noted that the Unity Trust Bank balance as of the 31st March 2018 was £5685.60.

17/277 Payments LGA 1972 s150 (5)

Resolved: reviewed and approved the items of expenditure listed below:

It was agreed that Councillor Sebastian Seymour and Councillor Patrick Nixon would action the online payments.


Wages April LGA 1972 s111 £ 402.64

HMRC PAYEE payment reimbursement £ 1.20

Postage Reimbursement LGA 1972 s111 £ 1.89

Travelling Clerk LGA 1972 s111 £ 7.74

Heat Light etc. LGA 1972 s111 £ 10.66

K. M. Dike Nurseries March Open Spaces Act 1906 ss 9 and 10 £ 276.17

1 & 1 Website 01.04.18 – 01.05.18 LGA 1972 s111 £ 11.99

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils Subscription LGA 1972 s111 £ 139.21

South West Ambulance Service proforma Invoice GPC £2160.00

Unity Trust Bank Charges LGA 1972 s111 £ 18.00

Receipts: To note receipt of income

Horningsham IT Usage Contribution £ 16.00

17/278 2017/2018 Year End Accounts

Resolved: approved the year end accounts and noted the budget status at year end. Council noted that following receipt of the Audit papers the clerk had sought an extension to the Audit reporting date to PKF Little John the Auditors from the 11th June 2018 as requested to the 13th June. The clerk highlighted to the Council that the Asset Register required the addition of the speed indicator device, it was noted again that there had been no increase in insurance cost noted in previous minutes. Council approved the Asset Register.

17/279 Clerk’s Report

VAT Claim

Resolved: noted that the Clerk had actioned a VAT claim for £189.07 for the dates 09.01.18 to 13.03.18.

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils GDPR Update

Resolved: noted the below information.

NALC is continuing to lobby the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and the Information Commissioner’s Office for sector specific advice and support.

NALC is also looking into identifying “approved suppliers” or a single national partner and into whether a sector-led data protection and cybersecurity body, to develop support for the sector and provide a sector led Data Protection Officer Service, may be feasible.

I have attached, for information, the briefing sent out by NALC to MPs, ahead of the second reading of the Data Protection Bill which took place on 5th March. This is to keep councils up to date with the work that NALC is undertaking on this matter.

In terms of next steps the Bill now moves to Committee Stage for detailed examination, meeting on 13, 15, 20, 22 and 27 March. There are no local MPs on the committee but if councils wish to lobby MPs, please feel free to draw upon the parliamentary bulletin. NALC will also be working with MPs to secure amendments to allow further debate and press for government action, especially regarding the cost of appointing a Data Protection Officer.


Resolved: noted that HMRC had sent a letter informing Council that the Clerks Tax code had been changed. The Clerk confirmed that this has been altered on the Payee system. The Clerk also confirmed that she had also actioned her P60 for the year end and updated the PAYE system for 2018/2019.

Wiltshire Council Area Board Grants

Resolved: noted that the Clerk had attended the recent Warminster Area board meeting held at Trowbridge City Hall. The Clerk confirmed that in assisting the Village Hall Committee, they were successful in obtaining £650.00 towards the new cooker purchase. In assisting the Church Yard Group, they were successful in obtaining £250.00 to purchase a new strimmer.

17/280 Meetings for Councillors to consider attending

Resolved: noted that there is a Highways meeting in Salisbury 7-9pm 1st May 2018. Councillor Patrick Nixon asked of another Councillor could go as the Highways Representative. This was noted.

17/281 Correspondence received

Report from Rural Police Department

Resolved: noted the contents of the Rural Policing Report. Council noted Debbie Robin’s apologies for tonight’s meeting had been sent.

Booklets, Brochures and leaflets on the below list were received.

Countryside Voice Spring 2018

Emails on the below list were received and sent to Councillors.

War Memorials News - 6th March 2018

Rural Opportunities Bulletin

Revised NPPF from the parish and town council perspective

Press Release: Griff Rhys Jones to speak at Parliamentary debate on the National Planning Policy

Hinterland - Rural intelligence from behind the headlines - Friday, 9 March, 2018

Press Release: Civic Voice publish results of a website poll asking “What should be the priorities for reforming the planning system?”

Frome Town Council - Planning Advisory Group 15.03.18

Dark Night Skies: Achieving Community Benefits - Seminar 20th March

Parish newsletter - 12 March 2018

Briefing Note 343 - Waste services update

Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 12 March, 2018

Frome Town Council - Planning Advisory Group 15.03.18

All to play for: a new future for planning and farming

Rural Economy Spotlight

Press Release: APPG for Civic Societies says 'One size fits all approach will not deliver the homes the nation needs'

Briefing Note 344 - Wiltshire Housing Land Supply Statement 2017.pdf

WALC newsletter and documents

Hinterland - Rural intelligence from behind the headlines - Friday, 16 March, 2018

Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 19 March, 2018

Parish newsletter - 19 March 2018

Important My Community and Neighbourhood Planning updates - everything you need to know

Briefing Note 345 - General Data Protection Regulations

Data Cyber security presentation & Data Storage

Rural Spotlight on Heart of the Village March 18

SCC's Planning and Transportation Committee

SCC's Annual Parish meeting minutes

War Memorials News - 22nd March 2018

Hinterland - Rural intelligence from behind the headlines - Friday, 23 March, 2018

Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England 2018

Cllr Mrs Wayman's April 2018 Highways Newsletter

Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Transport - March 2018

Briefing Note 346 - Ofsted March 2018

Council Matters Spring 2018

CPRE Success! Deposit return system announced for England

Council Matters Spring 2018

Hinterland - Rural intelligence from behind the headlines - Thursday, 29 March, 2018

Briefing Note 347 - Outdoor Education March 2018

Parish News round up from Cranborne Chase AONB (March 2018)

Civic update - 29th March 2018

Follow up to Briefing Note 345 - General Data Protection Regulations

Wiltshire Council Army Rebasing Newsletter April 2018

Temporary Closure of: C41 Druley Hill, Kilmington (Revised Date 06/04/2018)

Weekly Email News Digest - Tuesday, 3 April, 2018

SCC's Policy and Resources Committee meeting

War Memorials News - 3rd April 2018

17/282 Parish Clerks Delegated Powers

The Clerk will give Council details of any matters dealt with under her delegated powers since the last meeting of Council. LGA 1972 s101

Resolved: noted none reported

17/283 Notice of items to be taken into consideration at the next meeting in May.

Resolved: the below request policies

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

New version NALC Standing Orders

Review Financial Regulations

Review of delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, employees and other local authorities.

Review of the terms of references for committees if required

Appointment of any new committees, confirmation of the terms of reference, the number of members (including, if appropriate, substitute councillors) and receipt of nominations to them.

Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back.

Council’s period of eligibility to exercise the power of General Competence expires the day before the annual meeting, to review and make arrangements to reaffirm eligibility.

Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies.

Review the Council’s complaints procedure

Review the Council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998.

Review the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media

Review the Council’s Filming, Photographing, & Social Media Policy

Review the Council’s Complaints Procedure

Review the Council’s Equal Opportunities

Review the Council’s Lone and Isolated Working Policy

Review the Council’s Community Engagement Statement of Intent

Review the Council’s Petitions Policy

Review the Council’s Procedure for public sessions

Review the Council’s Grant Awarding Policies and Procedures

Review the Council’s Information and Communications Technology IT Email, Internet and Phone Policy

Review the Council’s Bullying and Harassment or dignity at work policy

Review the Council’s Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults

Review the Council’s Staff and Councillor Training and Development Policy

Budget Report - Councillor to report back

Certify the Accounting Statements- Annual Year End Accounts

Consider the Annual Internal Audit Report

Approve Annual Governance Statement

Approve Accounting Statement

Publish the Audit on the Website

Approve the dates for the Public to exercise their rights

Moving the time of Full Council meetings to start at 7.00pm on a Tuesday instead of 7.30pm.

17/284 Items for Parish Newsletter & Notice Boards

Resolved: Planning decision, Sid volunteers for Speed Watch and Volunteers to paint the Church railings.

17/285 Date of the next meeting

Resolved: that Tuesday 8th May 2018 is the date of the next ordinary Parish Council meeting. The Parish Meeting will start at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend.

The Meeting finished at 8.15pm.



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