
CORE VERSION AAs a whole how satisfied are you with your life? 1.Not at all satisfied2.Not too satisfied3.Somewhat satisfied4.Very satisfied99.[I don’t know]In your daily life, what is the most upsetting or challenging problem that you face as a person?[Ask the most important]:..................................................................................................................................In your opinion, what is the most important problem Turkey is facing today?[Ask the most important] :..................................................................................................................................In your opinion, what is the most important problem world is facing today? [Ask the most important]:..................................................................................................................................Thinking back to the time of the presidential election, to what extent were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the performance of the Prime Minister?1. Very dissatisfied2. Dissatisfied3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied4. Satisfied5. Very satisfied99 Don’t knowHow would you describe the present economic situation in Turkey?1. Very bad2. Bad3. Average4. Good5. Very good99 Don’t knowPeople associate democracy with many diverse meanings. In order for a society to be called democratic, is each of the ones I will mention Absolutely essential, Important, Not very important or Not important at all?Not important at allNot very importantImportantAbsolutely essentialDon’t knowS7Freedom to criticize the government123499S8Jobs for everyone123499S9Free and fair elections123499S10A smaller income gap between rich and poor123499S11. In your opinion, how much of a free and uncensored media does the [country name] have today?1 Not free media2 Partly free media, with major problems 3 Partly free media, with minor problems4 Completely free media99 Don’t knowS12. In your opinion, how much of a free and uncensored Internet does Turkey have today?1 Not free Internet2 Partly free Internet, with major problems 3 Partly free Internet, with minor problems4 Completely free Internet99 Don’t knowI will read you some statements about your role in the political system. Please tell me if you Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree or Strongly disagree with each statement.S13. Generally, politics seems so complicated that people like me cannot understand what is happening.1. Strongly agree2. Agree3. Neither agree nor disagree [DO NOT ASK, BUT CODE IF THEY DO NOT AGREE OR DISAGREE]4. Disagree5. Strongly disagree99 Don’t knowS14. Politicians don’t care much about what people like me think.1. Strongly agree2. Agree3. Neither agree nor disagree [DO NOT ASK, BUT CODE IF THEY DO NOT AGREE OR DISAGREE]4. Disagree5. Strongly disagree99 Don’t knowThere are many ways to govern a country. Would you Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree or Strongly Disagree with the following alternatives?Strongly AgreeAgreeNeither agree/disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t knowS15Only one political party should be allowed to stand for election and hold Office1234599S16Elections and the National Assembly should be abolished so that we can have a strong leader running this country.1234599S17The army should govern the country1234599S18Religious leaders should govern the country according to religious principles.1234599S19. Which of the following phrases most closely reflects your own opinion?1. For people like me, one regime is the same as another. 2. Under some circumstances, an authoritarian regime, a dictatorship, is preferable to a democratic system3. Democracy is preferable to any other form of government.S20. In your opinion, how much of a democracy is Turkey today?1. Not a democracy2. A democracy, but with major problems3. A democracy, but with minor problems4. A full democracyS21. In general, are you Very satisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Not very satisfied or Not at all satisfied with the way democracy is working in [name of country]?1 Not at all satisfied2 Not very satisfied3 Somewhat satisfied4 Very satisfied99 BilmiyorumAccording to your own political opinions, where would you place yourself on a scale from left to right…[pause], or do you not normally use these terms ? I would now like you to classify parties according to the same left-right scale. In which column would you place [the largest governing party, the largest opposition party, etc.]?LEFTRIGHT[I don’t know/I don’t use these termsS22. How would you rate yourself based on this scale?1234567891099S23. Adalet ve Kalk?nma Party?1234567891099S24. Ya Cumhuriyet Halk Party?1234567891099S25. Milliyet?i Hareket Party?1234567891099S26. Bar?? ve Demokrasi / Halklar?n Demokrasi Party?1234567891099S27. Saadet Party?1234567891099S28. Many people feel close to a particular political party over a long period of time, although they may occasionally vote for a different party. What about you? Is there a particular political party that you feel closer to than all the other parties?1 No ->312 Yes98 Refused to answer99 Don’t knowS29. Which one?Write in:....................................................................................................................................................1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Party (AKP)2.Büyük Birlik Party (BBP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Party (BDP)/ Halklar?n Demokrasi Party (HDP)4.Cumhuriyet Halk Party (CHP)5.Demokrat Party (DP) – (DYP)6.Milliyet?i Hareket Party (MHP)7.Saadet Party (SP)99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No answer]S30. How strongly do you support this party: Very strongly, Somewhat strongly, or Not very strongly?1. Not very strongly2. Somewhat strongly3. Very strongly 99 Don’t knowWe would like to know your feelings towards some political figures and groups on a scale from 0-10. For example, if you feel very favorable towards one of the individuals or groups listed, you can give it a high score up to 10; if you feel very unfavorable towards this person or group you can give a low score down to 0 (zero); if you feel neutral towards it, you should give it a 5. If you have not heard enough about this person or group to have an opinion, feel free to indicate it.?ok olumsuz?ok olumluFY/CYS31. Ahmet Davuto?lu01234567891099S32. Devlet Bah?eli 01234567891099S33. Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu01234567891099S34. Kemal K?l??daro?lu 01234567891099S35. Recep Tayyip Erdo?an 01234567891099S36. Selahattin Demirta?01234567891099S37. Neonationalists01234567891099S38. Idealists01234567891099S39. Kemalists01234567891099S40. ?slamists01234567891099S41. Kurdish nationalists01234567891099During the presidential campaign how frequently did you follow political news through?Never1 day a week2 days a week3 days a week4 days a week5 days a week6 days a week7 days a weekDon’t knowS42.Newspapers, including online editions0123456799S43.Radio0123456799S44.Television channels’ news bulletins0123456799S45. Across all of the media sources you may have used to obtain information about the campaign, how many supported the same political party as you did?0. None1. Some2. Most3. All or almost all[ASK IF INDICATED USE OF DIFFERENT SOURCES IN 42-43-44]S46. During the presidential campaign, which newspaper did you read most often?1.Ak?am13.Sabah2.Birgün14.S?zcü3.Bugün15.Star4.Cumhuriyet16.Takvim5.Dünya17.Taraf6.Evrensel18.Türkiye7.Güne?19.Vatan8.Hürriyet20.Yeni ?afak9.Milli Gazete21.Zaman10.Milliyet11.RadikalOther:…………………………………………………………………..12.Posta99.[Fikri Yok / Bilmiyor / Cevap Yok]S47. Do you think this newspaper you read most often favored a particular political party or candidate?1. No ->492. Yes99 Don’t knowS48. Which political party or candidate? [Allow only one response]1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?S49. Do you think the radio program you listened to most often favored a particular political party or candidate?1 No ->512 Yes99 Don’t knowS50. Which political candidate? [Allow only one response]1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?S51. During the election campaign, which news bulletins did you watch most often on television?Write down:....................................................................................................................................................S52. Do you think the television news broadcasts you watched most often favored a particular political party or candidate?1 No ->542 Yes99 Don’t knowS53. Which political party or candidate? [Allow only one response]1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?S54. Do you use the Internet? If yes, how often? 1.I don’t use the Internet ->S752.I use it less than once in a month3.I use it once a month4.I use it 2-3 times a month5.I use it once a week6.I use it 2-3 times a week7.I use it everydayNow let’s talk about what kinds of activities you like to do on the Internet. Please tell me how often you use the Internet to do any of the following things. How often do you use the Internet to...Never1Less than Once a Month2Once a Month32-3 Times a Month4Once a Week52-3 Times a Week6Daily7S55. Post comments or entries on a blog or websites1234567S56. Send and receive messages with friends and family1234567S57. Search for information on candidates or political issues1234567S58. Use online social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter1234567S59. How often did you use Internet sources (websites, e-mail, social networking sites, applications or messaging) for political news during the presidential election?0.Never->S751.Once a week2.2 days a week3.3 days a week4.4 days a week5.5 days a week6.6 days a week7. 7 days a week99. Don’t answer/ Don’t knowHow frequently did you use a computer or mobile device to receive information about the election campaign from… [ASK FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING]Never1 day2 days 3 days4 days5 days6 days7 daysDon’t knowNot ApplicableS60.News Media012345679599S61.Party or candidate rmation/comments by people I know rmation/comments by other people online012345679599S64.Follow Information /comments by journalists, writers, researchers and scholars in TV news programs012345679599S65. During the course of the election campaign, did you post your own personal thoughts or opinions about a particular candidate or party via email, texting, or on social networking sites to which you belong?1. Never2. Rarely3. Sometimes4. Often99 Don’t remember, Don’t know, no answerS66. Overall, across all of the electronic sources you may have used, do you think the information provided via computers and mobile devices favored a particular party or candidate?1. No ->S682. Yes, mostly3. Yes, completely99 Don’t knowS67. Which political candidate? [Allow more than one response]1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?[IF S58 IS NOT 1]So you sometimes use social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter. People also get and share political news using these sites. How about you? How often did you use social networking sites to do the following in the last three months?Never1Less than Once a Month2Once a Month32-3 Times a Month4Once a Week52-3 Times a Week6Daily7S68. Read news headlines or short news summaries about the presidential candidates or the campaign1234567S69. Read messages from, or profiles of, the political leaders or parties about the presidential candidates or the campaign1234567S70. Read political opinions about the presidential candidates or the campaign1234567S71. Look at videos or images about the presidential candidates or the campaign1234567S72. Like, post or comment on anything related to the presidential candidates or the campaign, including news stories, opinions, images, or videos.1234567S74. Share news stories or videos about the presidential candidates or the campaign automatically that you view on news websites or blogs 1234567[ASK ALL]S75. Now thinking about people you talked to about the presidential election campaign; How frequently did you talk about the most recent election campaign with your family: often, sometimes, rarely or never?1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 Often99 Don’t knowS76. Do you think that the members of your family supported the same candidate that you did; supported another candidate; or divided their support among different candidate?1 Support divided among different candidates2 Supported another candidate3 Supported same candidate as respondent99 Don’t knowS77. How frequently did you talk about the most recent presidential election campaign with your friends: often, sometimes, rarely or never?1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 Often99 Don’t knowS78. Do you think that your friends supported the same candidate that you did; supported another candidate; or divided their support among different candidate?1 Support divided among different candidates2 Supported another candidate3 Supported same candidate as respondent99 Don’t knowS79. And what about your neighbors--how frequently did you talk with them about the most recent presidential election campaign: often, sometimes, rarely or never?1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 Often99 Don’t knowS80. Do you think that your neighbors supported the same candidate that you did; supported another candidate; or divided their support among different candidate?1 Support divided among different candidates2 Supported another candidate3 Supported same candidate as respondent99 Don’t knowS81. Finally, if you are employed or recently employed, how frequently did you talk about the most recent presidential election campaign with your co-workers: often, sometimes, rarely or never, or are you not employed?1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 Often99 Don’t knowS82. Do you think that your co-workers supported the same candidate that you did; supported another candidate; or divided their support among different candidates?1 Support divided among different candidates2 Supported another candidate3 Supported same candidate as respondent99 Don’t knowS83. Across all of your conversations about the most recent presidential election campaign, how many of your discussion partners supported the same political party as you did?1 None2 Some3 Most4 All or almost allS84. Are you?1 Single ->S902 Married / Living with partner3 Divorced / Separated from/not living with spouse ->S904 Widowed ->S905 Other [Specify] _____________ ->S90[ASK THE NEXT FIVE QUESTIONS IF MARRIED OR LIVING WITH A PARTNER]S85. How often did you talk to your spouse/partner about the recent presidential election? 1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 OftenS86. Which candidate, if any, did your spouse/partner support in the last presidential election? 0.No candidate1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?99 Don’t knowS87. Now I would like you to think of someone else with whom you most frequently talk about matters that are important to you. What is this person’s relation to you?1 Close family member2 More distant family member3 Co-worker4 Neighbor5 Prominent community member6 Close friend7 Religious Leader 8 Other [SPECIFY] _______________________ 95 Not Applicable [No Discussant] ->S96S88. How often did you talk to this person about the recent presidential election? 1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 OftenS89. Which candidate, if any, did he /she support in the last election?0.No candidate ->931.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?99 Don’t know[MOVE ONTO S96 FOR MARR?ED RESPONDENTS][ASK ONLY NON-MARRIED]S90. Now I would you to think of someone with whom you frequently talked about matters that are important to you? What is this person’s relation to you?1 Close family member2 More distant family member3 Co-worker4 Neighbor5 Prominent community member6 Close friend7 Religious leader [NOTE: this is a new response category]8 Other [SPECIFY] ___________ S91. How often did you talk to this person about the recent election? 1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 OftenS92. Which candidate, if any, did he / she support in the last presidential election?0.No candidate ->961.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?99 Don’t know[ASK ONLY NON-MARRIED]S93. Now I would like you to think of someone else with whom you most frequently talk about matters that are important to you. What is this person’s relation to you?1 Close family member2 More distant family member3 Co-worker4 Neighbor5 Prominent community member6 Close friend7 Religious Leader 8 Other [SPECIFY] _______________________ S94. How often did you talk to this person about the recent presidential election? 1 Never2 Rarely3 Sometimes4 OftenS95 Which candidate, if any, did he /she support in the last election?Write in : ....................................................................................................................................0.No candidate 1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?99 Don’t know[ASK ALL]S96. In total, how many different people did you talk to about the recent presidential election campaign? [WRITE NUMBER, FROM 0 to 9,999] _________________________ S97. Of these individuals with whom you talked about the campaign, how many supported the same political party as you did?1None2 Some3 Most4 All or almost allS98. Did you receive any advice from a community leader, a religious leader, or both concerning the best candidate in the most recent presidential election campaign?1 No2 Yes, local community leader3 Yes, religious leader4 Yes, bothS99. Which candidate was the advice about?1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?95 No adviceCould you please tell me if you are a member of any of these types of organizations?Not a member / Don’t knowBelongsS100. Workers and public servants unions01S101. Professional, business or farmers’ organizations01S102. Fellow townsmen groups01S103. Religious groups likes mosque building01S104. Sports clubs01S105. Political parties01S106. Other:......................................................................S107. (If indicated only one membership, mark it as the most important and move onto S108) Of the organizations to which you belong, which is the most important to you? Workers and public servants unions Professional, business or farmers’ organizationsFellow townsmen groupsReligious groups likes mosque building Sports clubsPolitical partiesOther:......................................................................S108. How frequently do you participate in meetings and other activities of this group? 1. Never 2. Rarely3. Sometimes4. Often[IF INDICATED MORE THAN ONE MEMBERSHIP]S109. Did you receive any information about the recent presidential election campaign from any one of these groups? 1. No ->S1132. Yes95 Not applicable [Not a member of any organization]S110. Which of these types of organizations provided you with this information? [MULTIPLE RESPONSES ALLOWED]Workers and public servants unions Professional, business or farmers’ organizationsFellow townsmen groupsReligious groups likes mosque building Sports clubsPolitical partiesOther:......................................................................S111. How did you receive this information? 1. Mail or other printed material2. Phone call3. E-mail or other electronic media4. Personal contactS112. Which party or candidate did this group support?0. No candidate1. Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2. Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3. Selahattin Demirta?99 Don’t know[ASK ALL]S113. More generally, would you say that you are very, somewhat, not very or not at all interested in politics?1. Not at all interested2. Not very interested3. Somewhat interested4. Very interested99 Don’t knowWe would like to know to what degree [citizens of X country] are familiar with certain public figures or country political characteristics [EACH COUNTRY TO DECIDE WHAT IS MOST RELEVANT, BUT AVOIDING TEXTBOOK INFORMATION]:Don’t know / can’t remember / incorrect answerDon’t know / can’t remember / incorrect answer S114. For example, do you remember the name of the Minister of Finance? Write in:………99S115. How about the leader of the largest opposition party in parliament do you know his/her name? Write in:………99S116.How about the name of the majority party’s leader in the parliament]?Write in:………99S117.How about the previous president’s name?Write in:………99S118.How about the first president during WWII?Write in:………99S119.How about the name of the first prime minister that came to office through democratic elections?Write in:………99S120. Have you taken part in a protest demonstration in the last twelve months? 0. No / don’t know1. YesS121. Did you work for any party or candidate during the presidential election campaign? 0. No / don’t know1. YesS122. During the campaign, did you try to persuade anyone to vote for or against one of the candidates? 0. No / don’t know1. YesS123. Did you have the opportunity to vote in the recent election in 10 August? 0. No / don’t know1. YesS124. For which candidate did you vote? 1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?4. Don’t remember / No answerS125. When did you decide to vote for that party [or candidate]? 1. On election day2. Last week before election day3. Few weeks before election day4. At least a month before election day5. Before election campaign started / Always intended voting for this party95 Not applicable (no vote)99 Don’t knowS126. And do you recall what party you voted for in the previous local election in 30 March 2014, or did you not vote? Which party was that 1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP)2.Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP)/ Halklar?n Demokrasi Partisi (HDP)4.Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)5.Demokrat Parti (DP) – (DYP)6.Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)7.Saadet Partisi (SP)8.Independent candidate9.Other (Write in………………………………………………………………………………………………..)96.None of these93.Didn’t vote99.Don’t know/rememberS127. During the previous local election in 30 March 2014, did a representative of any of the following parties contact you in person during the campaign? [ALLOW MULTIPLE RESPONSES]Mark those contacted None/ No answer/ Don;t know0->S129Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP)1Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP)/ Halklar?n Demokrasi Partisi (HDP)2Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)3Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)4Saadet Partisi (SP)5Independent candidate6Other (Write in)…………………………………………………………………..7S128. Could you please tell what you did, what you talked about with this party representative?Write in: ........................................................S129. How about the presidential election on August 10th, 2014? did a representative of any of the following candidates’ campaign contact you in person during the campaign? [ALLOW MULTIPLE RESPONSES]Mark those contactedNone/ No answer/ Don;t know0->S131Recep Tayyip Erdo?an1Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu2Selahattin Demirta?3S130. What did you do with this representative during their contact?Write in: ........................................................S131. During the presidential election campaign, did you attend the meetings of the following candidates?0No / Don’t know ->S1331Yes S132. Which candidate? Write in_____________________________________________________1.Recep Tayyip Erdo?an2.Ekmeleddin Mehmet ?hsano?lu3.Selahattin Demirta?I am now going to read you a series of alternative phrases. Could you please tell me to what extent you agree with one or the other phrases. A score of 1 represents complete agreement with the first phrase and rejection of the second phrase. Conversely, a 10 indicates that you prefer and completely agree with the second phrase. And scores between 2 and 9 represent intermediate PLETE AGREEMENT COMPLETE AGREEMENTWITH FIRST PHRASE WITH SECOND PHRASE12345678910POINTSS133. Our religious beliefs should provide the basis for the laws of our country. No single set of religious beliefs should be imposed on our country. S134. There should be a more equal distribution of wealth. There should be more incentives for individual initiative.S135. Maintain law and orderDefend civil liberties S136. Improve government services and social assistance, even if it means increasing taxesReduce taxes, even if it means reducing government services and social assistance. S137. It is best for the woman to stay home and take care of the kids, and that men are the provider for the family. It is best if both women and men equally share providing for the family and taking care of home and the kids.S138. It is a good idea to copy good practices from other people all over the world.Our country should defend our way of life instead of becoming more and more like other countries. S139. It is better for society if different [racial] and ethnic groups maintain their distinct customs and traditions.It is better if these groups adapt and blend into the larger society.S140. We should protect the environment, and try to make our cities and countryside more beautifulWe should encourage economic growth without environmental restrictions on business.S141. On the whole, how would you rate the freeness and fairness of the most recent national election in 10 August 2014? 1. Not free and fair2. Free and fair with major problems3. Free and fair with minor problems4. Completely free and fair99 Don’t knowPlease tell me if any of the following happened to you personally or to someone that you know. [IF YES TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING, ASK…]Did that happen to you, personally?No / Don’t knowYes, respondent personallySomeone respondent knowsS142. Prevented from attending an election event, like a campaign rally, by intimidation or fear. 012S143. Prevented from voting because your name was not on the voter list or because you were prevented from registering to vote.012S144. Prevented from voting by intimidation or fear. 012S145. Offered a reward or compensation to vote for a specific candidate or party. 012How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about how you feel about Turkish politics? Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeS146. Sometimes political issues are so complicated that people like me can't understand what's really going on12345S147. When people get together to demand change, the leaders in the government listen12345S148. When political issues or problems are being discusses I usually have something to say12345149. People like me don’t have a say in what government does12345S150. I feel that I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing my country today12345S151. Public officials don’t care what people like me think12345How much trust do you have in each of the following institutions in Turkey to do what is right?NoneA LittleSomeA Fair AmountA Great DealS152. Parliament12345S153. Courts of Law12345S154. News Media12345S155. Military12345S156. Presidency12345S157. Police12345S158. If there were a referandum today, would you vote for or against Turkey’s European Union membership? 1.I would vote for Turkey’s European Union membership2.I would vote against Turkey’s European Union membership 99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]S159. If Turkey does not become a European Union member what should be in her foreign policy agenda?1.Getting closer with the Turkic world2.Getting closer with the Islamic world3.Getting closer with the USA90.Other:.................................................................................99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]S160. In your opinion, should female public servants be allowed to wear a turban that covers their head, shoulder and hair when working?1.Yes, female public servants should be allowed to wear a turban when working if they want2.No, female public servants should not be allowed to wear a turban when working 99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]S161. How about female university students? Should they be allowed to wear a turban that covers their head, shoulder and hair in their universities?1.Yes, female university students should be allowed to wear a turban in universities2.No, female university students should not be allowed to wear a turban in universities99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]S162. How about female primary school students? Should they be allowed to wear a turban that covers their head, shoulder and hair in their schools?1.Yes, female students should be allowed to wear a turban in schools2.No, female students should not be allowed to wear a turban in schools99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]S163 People sometimes feel that their lifesyle is under threat; they worry about some events or groups’ preventing them from living their lives the way they do now. Considering your current condition, how worried are you about your lifstyle being under threat besides economic problems? How worried are you about having to change your current lifestyle? (ANKET?R KART G?STER)Not worried at allVery worriedFY/CY01234567891099S164. In your opinion, which country is Turkey’s best friend in international relations?Write in: :.............................................................................................................................S165. In your opinion, which country is Turkey’s biggest enemy in international relations?Yaz?n?z :...................................................................................................................................S166. Could you please tell me how worried you are about Turkey facing a military attack in the next few years?1.Not worried at all2.Somewhat worried3.A little worried4.Very worried99.[No opinion / Does not know / No answer]In your opinion, to what extent are the following threatening for our society? Not threatening at allQuite threateningVery threateningExtremely threateningFY/CYS167. United States of America123499S168. European Union123499S169. Iraq123499S170. Iran123499S171. Israel123499S172. Various minorities in our society123499S173. Christian missionaries123499Internet vA Question Type A:S174. Now I want to learn your opinion on two topics that has been discussed in the public.One of the topics was on how Turkey’s foreign policy should be.On this topic, the previous leader of the Justice and Development Party and the current President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, indicated that the Turkish national interest requires good relationships with the USA and Western World in general.What do you think on this topic? To what extent do you agree with the opinion that the Turkish national interest requires good relationships with the USA and Western World in general? Do you disagree completely, disagree, are you undecided or do you agree or agree completely?Disagree completelyDisagreeNeigther agree or disagree / I am undecidedAgreeAgree Completely99. [Don’t Know]S175. Another discussed topic during this year was the extent of local government’s duties and responsibilities. On this topic, previous leader of the Justice and Development Party and the current President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, indicated that local governments should be given more duties and freedoms on tax collection and provision of services such as health and education. What do you think on this topic? To what extent do you agree with the opinion that local governments should be given more duties and freedoms on tax collection and provision of services such as health and education? Do you disagree completely, disagree, are you undecided or do you agree or agree completely?Disagree completelyDisagreeNeigther agree or disagree / I am undecidedAgreeAgree Completely99. [Don’t Know]S176. Which one of the following would you consider to be the most important for a government in Turkey?Policies on providing solutions to social problems in areas such as crime, health and education in TurkeyPolicies on providing solutions to economic problems such as unemployment, inflation and economic growth in TurkeyPolicies on increasing the reputation of Turkey in order for the country to have more leverage in the international arena.Policies on providing security for Turkey to decrease the threats it faces in the international arena99. [Don’t Know]S177. To what extent do you feel knowledgable on Turkish foreign policy?1.I do not have any knowledge2.I have a little amount of knowledge3.I am neither knowledgeable or not4.I have knowledge 5.I have a lot of knowledgeAssume that there are protests for a more democratic regime in a neighboring country. Think that the rulers of the country are taking precautions that cause clashes between protesters and security forces as well as casualties on both sides and as a result, a considerable amount of people are escaping to Turkey.When all of these developments are considered as a threat to Turkey, three alternative options by the government are possible. To what extent, do you think these three alternatives are beneficial for Turkey? For each alternative, please indicate your evaluation on a scale ranging from 0 ‘not beneficial at all’ to 10 ‘most beneficial’.S178. Government can close the border with the neighboring country and start executing economic sanction. (Interviewer: show the card)Not beneficial at allVery BeneficialDK/NR01234567891099S179. Government can start providing every type of military and logistic support to the protesters. (Interviewer: show the card)Not beneficial at allVery BeneficialDK/NR01234567891099S180. Government can take all the military precautions against the neighboring country’s regime including use of armed forces. (Interviewer: show the card)Not beneficial at allVery BeneficialDK/NR01234567891099S181. From those three options I mentioned now, which one would you support the most?Government can close the border with the neighboring country and start executing economic ernment can start providing every type of military and logistic support to the ernment can take all the military precautions against the neighboring country’s regime including use of armed forces. S182. Please indicate how certain you are on whether Turkey is powerful enough to be succesful in this policy. In order to be succesful in this policy, please use the 10 point scale in which zero means no power at all and ‘10’ means that Turkey has all the necessary power. (Interviewer: show the card)No power at allHas all the necessary powerDK/NR01234567891099QUESTION TYPE ANow assume that the Prime Minister shares your opinion and follows the exact policy you mentioned. But according to the experts and current knowledge there is on this topic, the government shows signals of shifting to new and a harsher political stance, even if the developments remain more or less the same in the neighboring country and the border.S183. How supportive would you be of this policy change? Please make your evaluation on scale in which, ‘0’ means I do not support at all and ‘10’ means I completely support. (Interviewer: show the card)I do not support at allI completely supportFY/CY01234567891099Now assume that the Prime Minister defends this policy change by claiming that the nature of the conflict necessitates a new policy. However the opposition completely rejects Prime Minister’s explanation. But the experts and current information fully supports the Prime Minister’s claim. S184. Given these developments, to what extent would you support the Prime Minister’s abandoning of the previous policy and adoption of a new and a harsher policy stance? Please make your evaluation on scale in which, ‘0’ means I do not support at all and ‘10’ means I completely support. (Interviewer: show the card)I do not support at allI completely supportFY/CY01234567891099S185. Do you belong to a religion?1.No, I do not belong to a religion ->S1962.Yes, I am Muslim3.Yes, I am Christian ->21964.Yes, I am Jew ->S19690.Other:......................................................99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response][-!- ASK ONLY THOSE WHO RESPONDED ‘I AM MUSLIM’]S.186 Are you Sunni Muslim?1.Yes, I am Sunni Muslim ->S1882.No, I am not Sunni Muslim ->S18799.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response][-!- ASK ONLY THOSE WHO RESPONDED ‘I AM NOT SUNNI MUSLIM’]S187. Are you Alevi?1.Yes, I am Alevi2.No, I am not Alevi99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response][-!- ASK ONLY THOSE WHO RESPONDED ‘I AM MUSLIM’]S188. According to your belief, who amongst the following is the most important religious figure?S189. Who is the second most important figure among the following? First most importantSecond most important1.1.Hz Ebubekir2.2.Hz. ?mer3.3.Hz. Osman4.4.Hz. Ali5.5.Hac? Bekta?? Veli6.6.Said Nursi7.7.?eyh Ahmet Yesevi8.8.Ibn Muhanna96.96.[None]97.97.[Cannot choose all equally important]99.99.[No opinion/ Don’t know/ No response][-!- ASK ONLY THOSE WHO RESPONDED ‘I AM MUSLIM’]From the following list, are there any pictures of significant religious figures or religiously important places at your home?yesNo [No response/ Don’t know]S190.Kabe1299S191. Al-Aqsa Mosque1299S192.12 ?mams1299S193.Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi1299S194.Hz. Ali1299[-!- ASK ONLY THOSE WHO RESPONDED ‘I AM MUSLIM’]S195. Are there any pictures of other significant religious figures or religiously important places at your home?1.Yes [-!- Write clearly] .................................................................................2.No99.[Fikri Yok / Bilmiyor / Cevap Yok]S196. Considering the last year, how often do you pray?1.More than once a week2.Once a week (Fridays)3.Once a month4.In the months of Ramadan and religious festivals (kandils)5.On bairam holidays, once or twice a year6.Less than once a year7.Never; nearly never99.[No opinion/Don’t know/No response]S197. Indepently of how frequently you pray or not, would you say you are religious person? Ne s?kl?kta ibadet etti?inize bakmaks?z?n, kendinizi ne derece dindar biri olarak g?rürsünüz? How would you rate yourself if ‘0’ corresponds to ‘not religious at all’ and 10 to ‘very religious’? (SHOW CARD) Not religious at allVery religious[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S198. Now I would like to ask you questions about the economy. Considering the last year, what was the effet of the government’s policies on the economic condition of YOUR FAMILY? ‘0’ corresponds to a very bad effect while ‘10’ corresponds to a very good effect. Had a very bad effectDid not have much effectHad a very good effect[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S199. Again on a similar scale, considering the last year, what was the effect of the government’s policies on the economic condition of TURKEY? (SHOW CARD)Had a very bad effectDid not have much effectHad a very good effect[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S200. How satisfied are you with your current economic condition? ‘0’ corresponds to ‘not satisfactory at all’ while ‘10’ corresponds ‘to very satisfactory’. (SHOW CARD)Not satisfactory at allNeither satisfactory nor unsatisfactoryVery satisfactory[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S201. What do you think about the progress of YOUR FAMILY’s economic condition in the coming year? ‘0’ corresponds to ‘will become much worse’ at all while ‘10’ corresponds to ‘will become much better’. (SHOW CARD)Will become much worseWill remain the sameWill become much better[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S202. Again on a similar scale, what do you think about the progress of TURKEY’s economic condition in the coming year? (SHOW CARD)Will become much worseWill remain the sameWill become much better[No opinion / No response]01234567891099S203. In your childhood, which language(s) would you speak with your mother or father, and in your daily conversations?Write in:............................................................................................................99.[No response]DEMOGRAF?S204. Sex1.Male2.FemaleS205. Can I find out your year of birth? [-!- Record in four digits]Write in:............................................................................................................99.[No response]S206. Which city were you born in?Write in:............................................................................................................99.[No response]S207. Were you born in this city’s central district, in a district outside the center, or in a village? 1.Central district2.A district outside the center3.A villageS208. Which among the following fits best regarding your most recently attained education status?0.No formal education1.Primary school graduate2.Secondary school graduate3.Lise mezunu4.Continued higher education after high school but did not graduate5.College/Higher education graduate6.Beyond college education (Masters, PhD)99.[No opinion / Don’t Know / No response]S209. Currently do you have a job where you get paid? If not, have you ever worked in a job where you got paid before?1.I currently have a job where I get paid2.I currently do not have a job where I get paid, but I had before 3.I have never had a job where I got paid ->S215S210. Are (were) you a wage/paid worker, self-employed, unpaid family worker? 1.Wage/paid worker 2.Self-employed with no employee(s) 3.Self-employed with employee(s) 4.Unpaid family worker S211. Are (were) you working in the public or private sector?1.Public sector2.Private sector[-!- ASK ALL.]S212.What is (was) your occupation? [-!- If “unemployed”, “housewife”, “retired” or “have never been employed” responses are given] That is, what is the name of your occupation or your title?If you are working for more than one employer or you are both self-employed and working for an employer at the same time, please indicate the one that you regard as your primary job. If you are retired or currently unemployed, please indicate the last primary job you had. [Occupation]:................................................................................................................................S213. Which of the following describes you best?1.Employed (public servant/worker/ self-employed or family worker) 2.Unemployed/looking for job/willing to work 3.Student4.Apprentice, getting job education5.Sick, handicapped, disabled6.Retired7.Housewife90.Other [-!-Please write] .................................................................................99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S214. Are you the breadwinner of your household? Or is it someone besides you? 1.Yes, I am the breadwinner of my household2.No, I am not the breadwinner of my householdS215. Do you have a spouse or a partner? [-!- If yes] Do you live together?1.Yes and we live together2.Yes, but we do not live together3.No, I do not ->S223S216. How long have you been married with your spouse/ living together with your partner? [-!- Record in years. Put down zero if shorter than a year][Please write] .:..................................................................................S217. Can you please tell your spouse/partner’s year of birth? [-!- Record in four digits]Write in:............................................................................................................S218. What is the education level of your spouse/partner that you live together? Can you please tell their most recently attained education status?0.No formal education1.Primary school graduate2.Secondary school graduate3.High school graduate4.Continued higher education after high school but did not graduate5.College/Higher education graduate (BURADA MASTER DOKTORA YOK)99.[No opinion / Don’t Know / No response]S219. Currently is your spouse/partner that you live together have a job where they get paid? If not, have he/she ever worked in a job where they got paid before?1.He/she currently has a job where He/she gets paid2.He/she currently does not hav a job where He/she gets paid, but they had before 3.He/she never had a job where He/she got paid ->S223 [-!- Ask only those who have a partner/spouse that is (or had been) employed]S220. Is (was) your spouse/partner that you live together a wage/paid worker, self-employed, unpaid family worker? 1.Wage/paid worker 2.Self-employed with no employee(s) 3.Self-employed with employee(s) 4.Unpaid family worker S221. What is the occupation of your spouse/partner that you live together? [-!- If “unemployed”, “housewife”, “retired” or “have never been employed” responses are given] That is, what is the name of their occupation or their title?If he/she is working for more than one employer or he/she is both self-employed and working for an employer at the same time, please indicate the one that he/she regards as their primary job. If he/she is retired or currently unemployed, please indicate the last primary job they had. [Occupation]:................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................S222. Which of the following describes your spouse/partner that you live together best?1.Employed (public servant/worker/ self-employed or family worker) 2.Unemployed/looking for job/willing to work 3.Student4.Apprentice, getting job education5.Sick, handicapped, disabled6.Retired7.Housewife8. Working for mandatory public service (bu da bi oncekinde yok!)90.Other [-!-Please write] .................................................................................99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]HERKESE SORULACAK!S223. Many people cosider themleves as a part of a social class. Do you consider yourself to be a part of a social class? 1.Yes, I see myself as a part of a class2.No, I do not see myself as a part of a class ->S225S224. Do you then consider yourself as a part of the upper class, upper-midder class, middle class, lower-middle class or lower/working class? 1.Upper class2.Upper middle class3.Middle class4.Lower middle class5.Lower or working class99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S225. In our time, some people do not vite for some reason. Did you have the opportunity to vote in the most recent general elections on June 12th, 2011? 1.Yes 2.No ->S22799.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S226. Which party did you vote for in June 12th, 2011 elections?[-!- Do not read the options][Voted party]:..................................................................................................1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP)Other [-!- Write in clearly]2.Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP)4.Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) 5.Demokrat Parti (DP) – (DYP)97.Undecided/spoiled vote 6.Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]7.Saadet Partisi (SP)8.Independent candidate[-!- ASK ALL]S227. If there were general elections today, which party would you vote for[-!- Do not read the options] [Name of the party]:...............................................................................................1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP)Other [-!- Write in clearly]2.Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP)4.Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) 5.Demokrat Parti (DP) – (DYP)97.Undecided/spoiled vote 6.Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]7.Saadet Partisi (SP)8.Independent candidate[-!-S228 will be asked only to undecided voters]S228. Do you feel yourself closer to voting for a party? If yes, which party is it?[Name of the party]:............................................................................1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP)Other [-!- Write in clearly]2.Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP) / Halklar?n Demokrasi Partisi (HDP)4.Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)96.None 5.Demokrat Parti (DP) – (DYP)97.Undecided6.Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]7.Saadet Partisi (SP)8.Ba??ms?z AdayS229. In your childhood, would there be talks of a political party with praise in your Daily conversations among your family; would there be displays of partisanship?1.Yes, there would2.No, there would not99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S230. Do you remember whether your mother supported a party, If you remember, which party was it? [-!- Do not read the options. If their response is among the options below, code. Inot, code as 90 and write down clearly. ][Party supported by mother]:......................................................................................................S231. Do you remember whether your father supported a party, If you remember, which party was it? [-!- Do not read the options. If their response is among the options below, code. Inot, code as 90 and write down clearly. ][Party supported by father]:......................................................................................................S232. Do you support any party today? [-!- If yes] Which party? [-!- Do not read the options. If their response is among the options below, code. Inot, code as 90 and write down clearly. ][Party supported by respondent] :.............................................................................................1.Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (AKP/Ak Parti)17.Milliyet?i Hareket Partisi (MHP)2.Ba??ms?z Türkiye Partisi (BTP)18.?zgürlük ve Dayan??ma Partisi (?DP)3.Bar?? ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP)19.Saadet Partisi (SP)4.Büyük Birlik Partisi (BBP)20.Türkiye Komünist Partisi (TKP)5.Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)21.Türkiye Partisi (TP)6.Demokrat Parti (DP)22.Yurt Partisi (YP)7.Demokratik Sol Parti (DSP)8.Emek Partisi (EMEP)31.Adalet Partisi (AP)9.Gen? Parti (GP)32.Anavatan Partisi (ANAP)10.Hak ve E?itlik Partisi (HEPAR)33.Do?ru Yol Partisi (DYP)11.Hak ve ?zgürlükler Partisi (HAK-PAR)34.Milli Selamet Partisi (MSP)12.Halk?n Sesi Partisi (HSP/Has Parti)35.Sosyal Demokrat Halk?? Parti (SHP)13.Halk?n Yükseli?i Partisi (HYP)14.???i Partisi (IP)90.Other [Write down clearly] 15.Liberal Demokratik Parti (LDP)96.[-!- DO NOT READ] Does not support a party 16.Millet Partisi (MP)99.[-!- DO NOT READ] [No opinion / Don’t know / No Response][ASK THOSE WHO STATE THAT THEY SUPPORT A PARTY]S233. Which of the following statements describes your attitude towards the party you support best? Okuyacaklar?mdan hangisi tuttu?unuz partiye dair yakla??m?n?z? en iyi ?ekilde yans?tmaktad?r?1.I support it, but I would support another if I found one.2.I don’t feel myself close to the party I support.3.I feel myself close to being a part of the party I support.4.I feel myself like a inseparable part of the party I support.98.[No opinion]99 [No response][-!- ASK ALL]S234. Among the following groups, can you please tell which group you feel belong to? [-!- Code the first indicated] groups1.Turkish2.Kurdish3.Laz4.Circassian5.Georgian6.Arab7.Roma8.BosniacOther [Write]:……………………………………..99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S235. Besides this group, is there any other group that you feel belong to? [Code the second indicated group]1.Turkish2.Kurdish3.Laz4.Circassian5.Georgian6.Arab7.Roma8.BosniacOther [Write]:……………………………………..99.[No opinion / Don’t know / No Response]S236. Among the following, which languages and dialects can you speakYes, I can speakNo, I cannot speak[-!- DO NOT READ]No answerS237. English/ German/French [Code 1 if any of these languages can be spoken]1299S238. Arabic1299S239. Kurdish1299S240. Other, Write in:..................................In your household, how many many people live including you and your children?S241. 18 years and above [-!- Make sure you include the respondent]:...................S242. Children between school age and 17 years :...................S243. Children between a year old and school age:...................S244. How many persons in total? [-!- Check the total number given]:...................S245. What is your average total monthly income that you personally make? (In Turkish Liras)[Average personal monthly income] :................................................................................................S246. What is your average total monthly household income? (In Turkish Liras) [This includes the peronal income asked in the previous question. If the respondent indicates less than the amount given in S266, please remind. If the he/she is the breadwinner of the household, write down the amount indicated in S266.] [Average household monthly income] :............................................................................S247. What is your marital status1.Married S2492.Living together with a partner3.Separate (Formally married but living separately from spouse)4.Divorced 5.Widowed6.Single, never married99.No answer[ ASK IF NOT “MARRIED”]S248. Is there anyone you are living together, for instance on imam marriage, although you are not formally married?1.Yes2.No99.[No answer]S249. How would you describe where you currently live?1.A big city center2.The outer neighborhoods, slums of a big city3.A small city, town4.A village5.A rural farm or a stand-alone rural house Thank you very much for answering our questions.S250. Would you be willing to give us your e-mails address so that researchers can contact you in the coming year? Would you give your approval for sharing your name and e-mail address with them?Yes, you can share my e-mail with researchers ( Write in: …………………………………………..)2. No, do not share my e-mail and personal information with researchersQuestions to be answered after the interviewS251. The characteristics of place of interview: 1.Metroplois2.The outer neighborhoods of a metropolis3.Small city or town4.Village5.Hamlet, a settlement consisting of a single houseS252. The respondent’s residence was:1.A squatter’s house2.Zoned (legal), average 3. Zoned (legal), luxuriousS253. Was the respondent alone?1.Yes, he/she was alone 2. No, he/she was not aloneS254. Was the interviewee candid during the interview?1.Yes, he/she was candid in the beginning2.Yes, he/she was candid until the middle3.Yes, he/she was mostly candid 4.Yes, he/she was candid from beginning to end5.No, he/she was not candid ................

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