SCHOOL YEAR 2004-2005

A. General.

1. Primary Instructor: Cornell T. McGhee, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Retired

2. Conference Period: 08:20-10:10 Monday through Thursday

3. Telephone Numbers: ROTC Office: (713) 495-6821

4. E-Mail: cmcghee@

5. Student Textbooks: Cadet Reference Manual, Field Manual 310.5 Drill and Ceremony, Field Manual 101-5 Staff Operations, Introduction to JROTC, A Character and Leadership Development Program, Leadership Theory and Application, Foundations for Success, Wellness-Fitness-and First Aid, Geography, Citizenship and American History, and Air Rifle Safety and Marksmanship.

B. Purpose: To motivate young people to be better citizens. JROTC prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. It is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.

C. Objectives:

Develop good citizenship habits.

Develop leadership potential.

Develop the skills necessary to work as an effective team member.

Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Understand the need for personal physical fitness and healthy lifestyle choices.

Understand how to resist negative peer pressure.

Become familiar with military history and the structure of the military services.

Understand the importance of high school graduation to a successful future.

Learn about college and other educational and employment opportunities.

D. Grading Criteria:

Total of 1,000 points can be earned per six weeks period in the following subject areas:

|Subject |Number of |Points Per Opportunity|Points Per Six |Percentage |

| |Opportunities | |Weeks | |

|Final Exam |1 |200 points |200 points |20.0 % |

|Assigned Leadership Position |1 |150 points |150 points |15.0 % |

|Instructor Qualification |1 |150 points |150 points |15.0 % |

|Daily Class Participation |30 |005 points |150 points |15.0 % |

|Weekly Uniform Inspection |6 |025 points |150 points |15.0 % |

|Weekly Quiz |5 |025 points |125 points |12.5 % |

|Essay |1 |075 points |075 points |07.5 % |

The Final grade will be based upon the total points received:

A = 900 points and above

B = 800-899 points

C = 700-799 points

D = 650-699 points

F = Less than 650 points

E. Merit and Penalty Points: Total points may raise or lower a grade by one letter grade.

Merit Points:

|Events and Activities |Maximum |

|Academic Achievement (National Honor Society, etc.) |25 Points |

|Activity Attendance (Competition or Parade) |25 points/per event |

|Recruiting a student who enrolls in JROTC |15 points/per student |

|Community Service participation |10 points per event |

|Fundraiser participation |10 points per event |

Penalty Points:

|Teacher / Assistant Principal reported discipline problems |25 points per event |

|Assignment to Saturday detention |25 points per event |

|Assignment to alternative to suspension (ATS) |15 points per event |

|Improper wear of JROTC uniform (in or out of school) |15 points per event |

F. Secondary Writing Requirement: Papers should be 200 words long (1 page), typewritten, double-spaced, 12 font. Ask your English Teacher to review the essay to ensure you have turned in your best effort.

1. Fall Semester:

a) You will write an essay on: How the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps is preparing me for a successful future. This assignment is due on 21 November 2004.

2. Spring Semester:

a) You will write an essay on: My best leadership trait. This assignment is due on 15 April 2005.

G. Miscellaneous: I will give you an examination every Friday! Make-up exams will be given only under unusual circumstances and will be coordinated with the instructor prior to the actual exam date.

H. Standards of Appearance:

You represent Cesar E. Chavez Senior High School, this JROTC unit, and the local community. While participating in any JROTC activity, hair and appearance will be worn in accordance with Army Regulation 670-1. Male cadets will not wear earrings while in any uniform or participating in any activity associated with JROTC. This includes class, competitions, workshops, football games, visits to the Cadet Battalion area, etc. Any piercing will not be worn in uniform. Shirt-Tails will be tucked in and pants will be fastened at the natural waist.

I. Senior Army Instructor Expectations:

□ I expect upper class cadets to teach junior class cadets; set the example in everything you do.

□ I expect upper class cadets to earn the Cadet Instructor Ribbon. The top six cadets will compete for the HISD Superior Instructor Ribbon.

□ I expect each upper class cadet to work hard during the assigned JROTC class period. There is enough time during the period to accomplish most duties and tasks. Additional time during after or before school is encouraged by not required.

□ I expect upper class cadets to do everything that is legally and morally permissible to earn the Distinguished Unit Trophy, earn scholarships to college, and to earn the respect of the local community.

□ I expect upper class cadets to learn the following:

o Principles of Leadership

o HISD Guiding Principles

o Decision Making Process

o 14 Leadership Traits


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