FMFRP 12-25 The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him

FMFRP 12-25

The Guerrilla and

How to Fight Him

U.S. Marine Corps

PCN 14012250000

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Headquarters United States Marine Corps

Washington, DC 20380-0001


2 Januaty 1990


Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication (FMFRP) 12-25, The Guerrilla - And How To EigHim, is published to ensure the retention and dissemination of useful information which is not intended tobecoine doctrine or to be published in Fleet Marine Force manuals. FMFRPs in the 12 series are a special category: reprints of historical works which are not available elsewhere.


This publication is a compilation of articles by a wide variety of authors about guerrilla warfare. It addresses historical guerrilla campaigns, strategies to be used against guerrillas, and other points of interest dealing with guerrilla warfare. These ideas on guerrilla warfare will give today's military professional an excellent basis for formulating an idea of the modern day threat.

3. CERTIFICATION Reviewed and approved this date.




M. P. SULLIVAN Major General, U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commander for Warfighting Marine Corps Combat Development Command

Quantico, Virginia

Printed with permission of the Marine Corps Association, publishers of the Marine Cores

Gazette, Quantico, Virginia


lii 'Ci}ioiis rotlay tliiCItCti Iieetli,tit iii ((Ill 'oiId. ()tie---tlic

lOO--ittegatoii hy(llOgCli l)flhl)--FC(ltlitCS VSt rC5(JtlICCS of tech--

iiolot', eliot, ItitI iii(,iie'. It is an tiltittt.itc Vca)oii (if civilii_etl

anti SCiCtiti(i tttiii. HIC other--a hail atid

(if wood buried

III a 11CC 1i dy._s (IC(ej)tively simple, the \'ca)()ti of a peasant.

In tare aoceInent, the two leaders of the ((lily countries able

so far to llIaiieuvcr in space have (lirected the attention of their

to1) advisers to that rice paddy. Other deterrents, say President

Kcrittcdv, hc:VC the (.mItllluhIists rio strotigcr fount of war. I Jis--

toty, says (liairuiaziKhrushchev, lutist t)ritig YaIS (If ''hii)CratiOll,''

a fortit (if \ arfare th;it the ''pcace_loviltg'' Soviets may Support

without inconSistency-- ---according to Conlmutinisr dogtmma.

A re--cmmiplasizcd nhissioli lot- the Amimericami fighting titan is

1)haih): Prepai to master the guerrilla. lo bear the guicrrill:m on his own ground, the 1mm-st essential is kiiowledge------kiiowhedge about

the enemy hiimiisclf, his mmmcthiods, streligt Its, v,cakmiesses, tactics, auth tcchinR1tmes. Mill-c than that, to beat the guerrilla miteans to

tight riot in the sharp black mmmd 'hite of foritmal commibar, bitt iii 1

gray, fuzzy ilisctmrity where politics affect tactics and economics

inilitictice strategy. Fhie soldier must fuse wit hi m tie statesmitan, the

tttrti ,ioliticiati. 'I'o win, the soldier lutist thiiil amid oiidcistaiid, mmmd his odds

'ill limiprove to the ext cut that lie has done his hiotimework before lie arrives on the battlefield. Traditionally, iiiilitary knowledge,

an(l even foimuml doctrine, has been aired thirotmghi the open pages

of the proIc'siouah mutihitam)' jotmmmials: Arm)', Air loice, Naval

l-iistiiute Pro-eedings, tlithtary Rcv,ew, Air Uiiiveisity Quarterly,

Infantry, A-rmo-r------amid time Marine Corps Gazette. Fortunately, in


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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