The following files are available for download in PowerPoint format (228 files)

1. 101st Airborne Division safety lessons

2. 35th Signal BDE SBO

3. 9MM PMI

4. AAR doctrine

5. ACU presentations

6. ADA implementation


8. ADA “Northern Edge” 2001 poster

9. Air Assault movement operations

10. Alaska training

11. ALOC shift change briefing

12. AMDTC briefing

13. ANCD overview

14. Anti-coalition convoy training

15. Arab culture awareness

16. ARC-220 (15 files)

17. Area war reconstruction

18. Armrest IED’s

19. Army safety

20. AT4 classes

21. Atropine injections

22. AVR

23. Award writing classes

24. Award writing reviewing

25. BDOC (Base Defense Operations Center)

26. Base defense operations

27. Battle drill (Penetration)

28. Battle drill (TOC riots)

29. Battle drills (ECP)

30. Battle positions

31. BDOC maps

32. Booby trapped IED buildings

33. Breaching operations

34. Breakdown and VBIED

35. BRM

36. Carrying a casualty

37. CASEVAC friction points

38. Casualty reporting class

39. CCIR

40. Checklist (Guard mount)

41. CJTF vehicle searches

42. Clear a throat obstruction

43. CLP order examples

44. Code of conduct

45. Cold weather classes

46. COLT team AAR

47. Commanders smart book

48. Communications TOC charts

49. Conduct an AAR

50. Convoy operations (Tactical)

51. Counseling classes

52. Counseling cover sheet

53. Countermine slides I

54. Countermine slides II

55. Crossing contaminated areas

56. CSS I

57. CSS II


59. CTA-50 layouts

60. Cultural awareness (Iraq)

61. Customs and courtesies

62. Deliberate attack playbook

63. Desert Fury briefing

64. Dismounted Stinger operations

65. Driving hazards (Convoy operations)

66. EBP LTP classes

67. Employ chemical markers

68. Employment of crew served weapons

69. Engagement areas and planning

70. Engagement leaders preparation sheets

71. Entry Control points (ECP)

72. EO briefing

73. EPW handling

74. Estimating ranges

75. Ethical decision making

76. Evaluating a casualty

77. FBCB2 information (32 files)

78. Field discipline

79. Fighting position examples

80. Fighting position standards at NTC

81. Fire support tactics

82. Five most deadly IED TTP’s

83. FOB map setups

84. Foot marches

85. Force protection trends

86. Frago annexes (11 files)

87. GPS PLGR operations

88. Guard mount

89. Hand grenade range timeline

90. Heat injury treatment

91. HSS tracking charts

92. HTU data input sheet

93. HMMWV accidents

94. ID checking

95. IED briefings (Non-specific)

96. IED slideshow

97. Indirect fire

98. IPB classes (19 files)

99. Iraqi IED briefing

100. Iraqi sniper training

101. Islamic religion class

102. Land navigation classes (6 files)

103. Law of war briefing

104. Lead a convoy

105. Leaders validation (C2)

106. Leaders development in subordinates

107. Legal classes

108. Lensatic compass class

109. Load cards

110. LZ denial

111. M16 malfunctions

112. M16 PMI

113. M249 SAW PMI

114. M8 & M9 procedures

115. Making a leaders book

116. Marines rapid force closure (RFC)

117. Marking classified documents

118. MASCAL information (11 files)

119. Master driver training

120. Matrix ADA oporder

121. MDMP

122. MDMP & IPB

123. MDMP log

124. MDMP overview

125. Medical operations book

126. METL information (5 files)

127. METT-T factors

128. Military Thanks (appreciation slideshow)

129. Mine awareness slides

130. Mobilization

131. MOPP information (6 files)

132. Motivation

133. Motivators

134. Mountain environment operations handbook

135. MOUT TLP’s

136. Movement under fire I

137. Movement under fire II

138. MRE cookbook

139. MSE overview

140. NBC deception mission planning

141. NBC hazard reacting


143. NCO truth slideshow

144. NTC briefing


146. NTC communications items

147. NTC map grids

148. NTC smart book

149. OC responsibilities and duties

150. OE-254 information (5 files)

151. OIF Marines

152. OIF Up Armor techniques (Convoys)

153. OKOCA

154. OODA Iraq

155. Open ended questions

156. Open head wounds

157. Operational terms and graphics

158. OPFOR smart book

159. OPORD class

160. Parachute malfunctions

161. Paramilitary, insurgent & terrorist groups

162. Patrolling

163. Penetration battle drills

164. Perimeter defense priorities of work

165. Personnel searches

166. Planning for the AAR

167. Planning timelines

168. PMCS

169. POW classes

170. Pre-Combat checks

171. Preparing for an NBC attack

172. Preventative medicine measures

173. Processing captured materials

174. Promotion point jeopardy

175. Promotion point double jeopardy

176. Promotion point jeopardy

177. Pugil stick POI

178. QRF

179. Range estimation

180. Range police environmental safety briefing

181. React to nuclear hazard

182. Rescue breathing

183. Resupply

184. Risk management

185. Room clearing

186. S6 briefings

187. S6 smart book (4 files)

188. SASO tactical lessons

189. Sexual harassment

190. SIGO classes

191. SINGCARS operational checks


193. SOP (CJTF vehicle searches)

194. SOP (Entry Control Point – ECP)

195. Squad combat patrols

196. Squad defense

197. STD classes

198. Standard mission orders (7 files)

199. Suicide bombers operational mindset

200. Suicide bombers

201. Swing shift safety brief

202. Tactical combat casualty care

203. Tactical movement operations

204. Target locations

205. Terrain models

206. Terrorist on TV TTP’s

207. TLP’s (ADA)

208. TLP prepping for combat classes

209. TOC battle rhythm

210. TOC FA shift change briefing

211. TOC IDF reactions

212. TOC slides

213. Top 5 most deadly AIF TTP’s

214. Tower considerations

215. TPN switchboard

216. Training centers data base maps

217. Troop leading procedures

218. UMO air operations

219. UMO presentations

220. Unmasking procedures

221. Upper echelon movement planning

222. Urban operations observations

223. VBIED and breakdowns

224. Vehicle borne IED TTP’s

225. Vehicle IED standoff charts

226. Visual signaling

227. Weapons clearing barrel operations

228. Why we MDMP


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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