DATE: Approved 6 February 2003





(573) 596-0131 EXT 3-6294 DSN 676-6294





Paragraph Page

1 System Description......................................................................................... 1

2 Target Audience.............................................................................................. 1

3 Assumptions...................................................................................................... 1

4 Training Constraints.......................................................................................... 2

5 Training Concept (AC/RC)............................................................................... 2

6 Training Strategy (AC/RC)............................................................................... 3

6a New Equipment Training (NET) Strategy (WarMod)………………………. 3

6b Individual Training (Warrior)……………………………………………….. 4

6c Unit/Sustainment Training (Warfighter) ……………………………………. 4

7 Training Products..........................................................................................… 4

8 Training Support............................................................................................... 5

9 Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis (PFTEA)................................. 7


A Target Audience...…….................................................................................... A-1

B CATS Individual Training Strategy (Warrior)................................................ B-1

C CATS Unit Training Strategy (Warfighter)..................................................... C-1

D Training Development Milestones Schedule ………...................................... D-1

E Resources…………………….......................................................................... E-1

F References........................................................................................................ F-1

G Coordination..........................................…………........................................... G-1

H Acronyms…...................................................................................................... H-1

I Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) Requirements I-1




Narrative System Description: The CROWS is a new system that will be integrated into various turreted and non-turreted armored vehicles requiring a modern automated weapon system that enhances system lethality, increases battle space awareness and provides digital integration opportunities. The CROWS will be used in place of the existing, inferior turreted and non-turreted weapon system configurations. The system will be mounted on the host vehicle with the target acquisition and engagement control capability in the vehicle. The CROWS will include: weapons mount, electronics support unit, remote control unit, fire control, sensors, and associated hardware. The CROWS will provide protection and enhanced target acquisition, identification, and engagement capabilities to non-turreted light armored vehicles in units whose mission currently places the unprotected gunner at high risk of engagement from enemy direct and indirect fire weapon systems. Under armor protection, the gunner will operate the CROWS. The vehicle commander will have an operator’s station for command and control. Units to receive CROWS include Military Police, Infantry, Armor, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineer, and Chemical units performing missions across the entire operational continuum.

The CROWS will be capable of mounting the MK19 grenade machine gun (GMG), the M2 machine gun (MG), the M240 MG, and the M249 squad automatic weapon (SAW).

Army Modernization Information Memorandum (AMIM): To Be Determined (TBD).

New Equipment Training Plan (NETP) Number: AMR02002

First Unit Equipped: TBD.


Military Police, Infantry, Artillery, Armor, Cavalry, Engineer, and Chemical branches will use CROWS.

Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) 45B-Small Arms Repairer, 45G-Fire Control Repairer and 45K-Armament Repairer will repair the CROWS.


The initial CROWS will continuously evolve as items are added or replaced due to new technology.

Training at the institution will begin as units are fielded. Units will sustain training subsequent to receiving New Equipment Training (NET).

c. The Materiel Developer (MD) will develop the NET individual operator and maintainer tasks and the NET Training Support Package (TSP) using the Systems Approach to Training (SAT).

d. The CROWS will not cause any change to the current MOS structure.


Increases in course length for institutional requirements for training must be supported by trade-offs or fully justified for consideration as exceptions to zero-growth policy.

There are no known environmental constraints associated with the system at this time.

The System Manpower and Personnel Integration (MANPRINT) Management Plan (SMMP) will identify potential constraints for the CROWS and recommendations will be included in future System Training Plan (STRAP) revisions.

Training institutions will require maintenance personnel on-site.

5. TRAINING CONCEPT (Active Component (AC)/Reserve Component (RC)).

General. WARMOD XXI synchronizes training acquisition with force modernization. WARMOD’s focus is to enforce DoD and Army policy for the development and procurement of system TSPs concurrently with the acquisition of the materiel system. The Program Manager (PM) will be responsible for funding the development of the system training support package for validation by the system’s proponent. The proponent training developer will identify all training support product requirements necessary to execute the system's training strategy for test unit training, NET, institutional training, and unit sustainment training. These training products constitute the system's TSP and will be validated by the system's training proponent and tested during the operational test of the system. The PM will execute all system related training development activities in support of the proponent utilizing the TRADOC SAT process (IAW AR 350-35) with all training and doctrinal analysis data documented using ASAT. All training products and courseware design will be developed in accordance with Total Army Distance Learning Program standards and standardized design tools. Additionally, the PM will be responsible for maintaining currency of the system TSP through the life cycle of the system. Individual training courses and materials developed to support the CROWS will be implemented as Total Army Training System (TATS). New Equipment Training Plans (NETPs) will comply with the system training plan and also list the schedules, locations, and personnel for NET team deployment.

User-level training will consist of equipment operation, range fire, and Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP). Training will be accomplished utilizing personnel trained during instructor and key personnel training (IKPT). Maximum use will be made of Graphic Training Aids (GTA), inert training rounds and simulators and simulations, to facilitate weapons and tactics training. The MD and proponent will provide the TSP.

Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADDS) and computer based training (CBT) (i.e. CD-ROM/Web based) will be used to support individual, collective and institutional training.

Leader training from non-commissioned officers to company grade officers will consist of employment of the CROWS at the team through company level, as well as any doctrinal changes. Training will be accomplished through the modification of existing professional development materials and unit training programs. The CROWS will be integrated with emerging simulations such as One Semi-Automated Force (OneSAF), Warfighters’ Simulation (WARSIM), Joint Simulation System (JSIM), and the Objective Force Training Support System. Existing simulations will need to be upgraded in order to facilitate institutional and unit training of non-commissioned officers and commanders on CROWS capabilities.

Maintenance training for CROWS will include Organization (ORG), Direct

Support (DS) and General Support (GS) maintenance. The MD and the US Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) will develop and provide the maintenance training.

The MD and the proponent Training Developer (TD) at the Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) will develop new individual tasks, collective tasks, and training materials (In Accordance With (IAW) TRADOC Regulation 350-70, Systems Approach to Training [SAT]) to support the CROWS. The TD will provide advice and standardization to the MD and assist other institutions to include CROWS into their course materials and training products. The TD and proponent doctrine developer will design and develop TTP. Doctrine and Tactics Training (DTT) will be developed by the proponent and incorporated as part of NET.

g. The RC training will follow the same training concept as the AC, based on monthly and annual training cycles and pre-deployment notification.


Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategy.

New Equipment Training (NET). Initial instruction on CROWS will be delivered from personnel who have completed the IKPT. After NET is conducted at the unit, the unit will be responsible for CROWS sustainment training. The method of NET delivery may be train-the-trainer or train-the-unit, pending gaining unit time frames. NET will be the primary mode of instruction until such time that CROWS are available to train at the institution.

Individual Training at the Institution. Existing institutional course material will be updated to reflect the CROWS capabilities from the initial-entry level of training to company level leadership development courses. CROWS training will include tactics, employment and range fire, tactical simulations, and similar training currently presented in One-Station Unit Training (OSUT), Advanced Individual Training (AIT), Basic Noncommissioned Officers’ Course (BNCOC), Advanced Noncommissioned Officers’ Course (ANCOC), Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC), Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC), Officer Basic Course (OBC), Captains Career Course (CCC). Leader training will include command and control of CROWS during army operations. The objective of this training is to ensure that soldiers and leaders are aware of the capabilities of CROWS in support of Army operations. Hands-on user training is anticipated in OSUT, AIT, BNCOC and OBC. Hands-on maintainer training is anticipated in AIT, BNCOC, WOBC, and WOAC. Familiarization and tactical training for CROWS will be included in ANCOC and CCC. Training time in OSUT, AIT, BNCOC, and OBC may increase once CROWS is integrated into existing weapons training. The objective of this training is to ensure that soldiers and leaders are aware of the capabilities and limitations of CROWS. The proponent TD will provide awareness-training materials in both digitized and paper formats as needed. Awareness-training will be incorporated into ANCOC, OBC and CCC for the affected schools.

Individual Training at the unit. The TSP included with the CROWS will provide a basis for the development of unit-level individual training. Unit commanders are responsible for providing the time required for individuals to achieve and maintain the level of task proficiency required by the appropriate Soldier Training Plans (STP). TADSS will be used to the fullest extent possible based on the most cost-effective methods for training.

Current Soldier Training Plans (STP) will need to be reviewed by branch proponents during normal revision cycles to include maintenance and weapons tasks for CROWS.

CATS Unit Training Strategy. Units will train their soldiers and leaders on employment, doctrine, and tactics for using CROWS. The CROWS will be incorporated into field and gunnery exercises for the unit. Current Mission Training Plans (MTP) and Drills will need to be reviewed by branch proponents during normal revision cycles to include maintenance and weapons tasks for CROWS.

User-level training will consist of equipment operation, tactics, practical exercises, range fire, field training exercises and maintenance of equipment. Extensive use will be made of GTAs, simulations and simulators to facilitate weapons, equipment, and tactics training. Distance learning may also be used as a training medium for leader training on CROWS capabilities. Proponents can use shared tasks for CROWS operational capabilities developed by the MANSCEN TD.


Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, & Simulations.

CROWS will be fielded with an embedded training system that will allow the gunners to train on the system without firing live rounds.

The CROWS may require a training device for the system maintainers.

A virtual CROWS training device will be embedded and included as part of the TADSS. This will allow the crew to train and sustain gunnery skills. This system will train using the actual CROWS and including individual scenarios (T) with the capability to link with other CROWS units to support collective scenarios (O).

CROWS will be able to integrate with MILES, SAWE (Simulated Area Weapons Effects) MILES, and Simulation Player Units (SPUs). The MILES will need to interface with the gunners display to alert the gunner to hits and rounds remaining.

A CROWS system will be required for classroom demonstration and hands-on practice.

TADSS shall simulate the CROWS capabilities and functions, and provide realism to external forces/stimuli and visual affects which prompt appropriate leadership action/reaction.

All new items added to the CROWS will be evaluated for embedded training consideration and documented in the appropriate STRAP.

Logistics and Readiness Requirements: The CROWS TADSS will meet Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) requirements.

The MD will provide the operator and maintenance technical manuals (TM). The MD will also provide digitized interactive multimedia-instruction (IMI) products to support operator and maintainer training at the institution and unit. The TD will produce a TSP that provides all required information to operate and employ the CROWS.

The TSP will be produced as a digitized product (CD ROM) as well as in a paper-based format. This will ensure that units who need to conduct initial and sustainment training will have immediate access to all necessary training materials.

Any changes to doctrine will be incorporated in the TSP.

The TSP will include a Unit Leader/Trainers Guide. This will include procedures for conducting a CROWS live-fire range.

Individual and collective tasks will be developed using the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT).


Detailed requirements will be updated as the CROWS training strategy matures.

Distance Learning Infrastructure: TBD

Facilities: See ranges.

1) Classrooms: TBD.

2) Existing firing ranges may require modification to enable training on all CROWS capabilities.

3) Maneuver Areas: TBD.

4) Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) Facilities: TBD.

Ammunition: The CROWS will give soldiers the ability to fire the following weapons: MK19, M2 .50 CAL, M249 SAW, and the M240. There is an expected increase of ammunition needed for all weapons to allow soldiers to effectively train with the CROWS then what is currently authorized in The Standards in Weapons Training (STRAC) DA PAM 350-38. Upon completion of NET training, the STRAC Manger will have developed a training strategy to allow soldiers to train IAW developed doctrine. This strategy will go through the STRAC process for approval, which will be reflected in DA PAM 350-38.

Other: TBD.

Training issues at risk: TBD.


A Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis (PFTEA) is required one year after the FUE to validate institution/sustainment training and to ensure mission requirements are met. The Directorate of Training Development, Maneuver Support Center will conduct the PFTEA for the proponent and plan for this in the Command Budget.

Feedback from the using units will be accepted and evaluated after fielding of the system. Upon completion of the PFTEA, appropriate actions will be taken to update/revise training procedures and materials.

Annex A Target Audience

|Functional and |Combat/Combat Support |

|Professional |School Courses Affected by CROWS |

|Courses | |


|OSUT |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|AIT |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|BNCOC |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|ANCOC |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|WOBC | | | | | |X | |

|WOAC | | | | | |X | |

|OBC |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|CCC |X |X |X |X |X |X | |

|Legend |

|OSUT |One Station Unit Training |

|AIT |Advanced Individual Training |

|BNCOC |Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course |

|ANCOC |Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course |

|WOBC |Warrant Officer Basic Course |

|WOAC |Warrant Officer Advanced Course |

|OBC |Officer Basic Course |

|CCC |Captains Career Course |

Annex B CATS Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)


Integrated Training Strategy for Career Management Field (CMF) 11

Narrative: Basic operation, capabilities, gunnery skills and range fire will be included.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per Fiscal Year (FY): Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 12 Series

Narrative: Basic operation, capabilities, gunnery skills and range fire will be included.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 13 Series

Narrative: Basic operation, capabilities, gunnery skills and range fire will be included.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 54 Series

Narrative: Basic operation, capabilities, gunnery skills and range fire will be included.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 63 Series

Narrative: Maintenance tasks will be included.

Location: USAOC&S

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 95 Series

Narrative: Basic operation, capabilities, gunnery skills and range fire will be included.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT


Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 11

Narrative: Training will include familiarization on the CROWS as well as Tactics, techniques and procedures of employment of the CROWS.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 12 Series

Narrative: Training will include familiarization on the CROWS as well as Tactics, techniques and procedures of employment of the CROWS.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per FY: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 13 Series

Narrative: Training will include familiarization on the CROWS as well as Tactics, techniques and procedures of employment of the CROWS.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per FY: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 54 Series

Narrative: Training will include familiarization on the CROWS as well as Tactics, techniques and procedures of employment of the CROWS.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 63 Series

Narrative: Training will include maintenance tasks.

Location: USAOC&S

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Integrated Training Strategy for CMF 95 Series

Narrative: Training will include familiarization on the CROWS as well as Tactics, techniques and procedures of employment of the CROWS.

Location: TBD

Lesson Plans: TBD

Course Start: TBD

Classes per Year: Based on student load

Student Load per FY: Based on ARPRINT

Analysis Requirements

Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents

Individual Training Plan (ITP): TBD.

Course Administrative Data (CAD): TBD

Program of Instruction (POI): TBD

Training Support Required: TBD

Annex C Short-Range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter)

| | |



| | |

| | |


| |


| |

| |

|a. Strategy (How individual skills will be sustained): Firing will be accomplished during annual/semi-annual/quarterly qualification|

|during unit range cycles. Individual task training will be progressive from initial to sustainment. Unit commanders are responsible|

|for providing training guidance, time, and resources for individuals to maintain a level of proficiency required by the appropriate |

|Soldier's Manual. |

|MOS |Training Event |Frequency |

|95B10 |MOS Training |Weekly |

|95B30 |MOS Training |Weekly |

|95B40 |MOS Training |Weekly |

| |

|b. Products required to sustain individual skills |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Soldiers Training | | | |

|Publications (STP) | | | |

|All |Normal Review Cycle | |MOS proponent |

| | | |Schools |

|Training Support Package |Normal Review Cycle | | |


| | | | |

| |TBD | |Material Developer |

|TMs: TBD | | | |

|Gunnery Tables |TBD | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Field Manuals/ |TBD | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Doctrine Update | | | |

|Conduct of Fire Trainer |TBD | |Materiel Developer/DOTD MANSCEN |

|(COFT) | | | |

|Graphic Training Aid (GTA) |TBD | |DOTD MANSCEN |

| |


| |

|a. Strategy (Type collective training, exercises, simulations, embedded training, crew drills, by which crews/unit will be trained to |

|employ the system, to include doctrine and tactics [See CATS training strategy]): MTPs will need to be reviewed and updated as required to|

|include additional capabilities. Collective training will be progressive from initial to sustainment. Collective tasks will be based upon|

|the commander's Mission Essential Task List (METL) and conducted and evaluated IAW the appropriate MTP. Unit initial and sustainment |

|training will concentrate on the repetitious application of tasks associated with CROWS employment. |

|Echelon |Event |Frequency |

|Battalion |TBD |Monthly |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Echelon |Event |Frequency |

|Battalion |TBD | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Company |TBD | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Platoon |TBD | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sect/Platoon |TBD | |

|Company | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Crew |TBD | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Soldiers Training | | | |

|Publications (STP) | | | |

|All |Normal Review Cycle | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Mission Training |Normal Review Cycle | | |

|Plan (MTP) | | | |

|All | | |MOS Proponent Schools |

| | | | |

| |TBD | |Material Developer |

|TMs: TBD | | | |

|Gunnery Tables |TBD | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Unit Leader/Trainers |TBD | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Guide | | | |

|Field Manuals/ |TBD | |MOS Proponent Schools |

|Doctrine Update | | | |

| |

| |


| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

TRADOC FORM 568-R-E, Aug 89

Annex D Training Development Milestone Schedule




|Operated Weapons Station | |ATZN-DT-WM-M |18 September 2002 |

|(CROWS) | | | |



| |Mr. Richard Wells | | |


| |SFC John Northcott | | |

|TSM: |CPT James Falcone |ATZD-SE |DSN 680-2539 |

|CD: |MANSCEN– | ATZN-CDM-M |DSN 676-7022 |

| |SFC John Northcott | | |

|TD: |MANSCEN– | ATZT-DT-WM-M |DSN 676-6294 |

| |Mr. Al Crane | | |


|PROPONENTS: | | | |

| | | | |


|SMMP: |TBD. |MANSCEN |SFC John Northcott |DSN 676-7022 |

|ORD: |9 APR 99 |MANSCEN |SFC John Northcott |DSN 676-7022 |

|ILSMP: |TBD. |TACOM RI |Mr. Steve Diericx |DSN 793-4596 |

|TTSP: |TBD. |MANSCEN |Mr. Al Crane |DSN 676-6294 |

|QQPRI: |TBD. |PM CSW |TBD. |DSN 880-7658 |

|BOIP: |TBD. |PM CSW |TBD. |DSN 880-7658 |

|NETP: |TBD. |TACOM RI |Mr. Steve Diericx |DSN 793-4596 |

| | | | | |

|COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) |

TRADOC FORM 569R-E, Aug 89

Annex E Resources


1. Facilities Requirements: An increase in range use may be anticipated

because of the inclusion of CROWS. Some ranges may need to be modified to support CROWS training.

2. Additional Equipment Requirements: (OPA)

EQUIPMENT BOIP Number Number Required


3. Additional OMA Funding Requirements:

Description Appn/Amount Freq Req’d $ Source

a. Training - TBD

b. Training Support -


Civilian Payroll OMA/$80.8K R FY02-05 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$22.3K N FY02 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$143.0 N FY04 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$61.3K N FY05 RA II (MDEP) Travel/Equip/OH

OMA/$16.9K N FY02 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$16.9K N FY03 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$68.3K N FY04 RA II (MDEP)

OMA/$31.3K N FY05 RA II (MDEP)

4. Additional Manpower Requirements. MDEP RA II shall program for the following:


a. Training -


Instr TBD

Overhd TBD


Instr TBD

Overhd TBD

b. Training Spt -


Tng Dev 0 0 1 0 1

Tng Eval 0 0 1 0 1


Tng Dev TBD

Tng Eval TBD




Finance TBD



Finance TBD

d. Other (Specify) TBD

Annex F References

1. Operational Requirements Document (ORD) for the CROWS.

|ANNEX G | | | | Coordination |

|SYSTEM: Common Remotely Operated Weapons Station |  |  |DATE: 26 April 2002 |

|  | |  |  |  |


| | | |NONCONCUR | |

| | |  |  |  |

| | | | | |

|FORSCOM |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|8th USA |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|7th ATC |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|CASCOM |1 |1 |Concur | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|STRICOM |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ATSC |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAARMC |1 |1 |Concur | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAADAS |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAAVNCS |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USACMLS |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAES |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAFAS |47 |33 |Concur | |

|  | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAIS |0 |0 | | |

|  | | | | |

|Coordination Continued: | | | |

| | | | |



|  | | | | |

|USAINTS |34 |10 |Concur | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USAMEDDCS |0 |0 |Concur | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|USASCS |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


|CENTER | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|PM-SA |3 |3 |Concur | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|SBCCOM |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|PM-LTV |0 |0 | | |

| | | | | |

Annex H Acronyms


AC Active Component

ACAT Acquisition Category

AIT Advanced Individual Training

AMC Army Material Command

AMIM Army Modernization Information Memorandum

ANCOC Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course

ARPRINT Army Program for Individual Training

ARTEP Army Training Evaluation Program

ASAT Automated Systems Approach to Training

ATC Army Training Command

ATEC Army Test and Evaluation Command

ATSC Army Training Support Center

BCT Basic Combat Training

BNCOC Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course

BOIP Basis of Issue Plan

CA Combat Arms

CAD Course Administrative Data

CASCOM Combined Arms Support Command

CATS Combined Arms Training Strategy

CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer

CCC Captains Career Course

CD Combat Developer

CGSC Command and General Staff College

CMF Career Management Field

CROWS Common Remotely Operated Weapons Station

CS Combat Support

CSS Combat Service Support

CTC Combat Training Center

DCD Directorate of Combat Developments

DOD Department of Defense

DOTD Directorate of Training Development

DS Direct Support Maintenance

DST Driver Skills Trainer

DTT Doctrine and Tactics Training

EST Engagement Skills Trainer

EW Electronic Warfare

FM Field Manual

FUE First Unit Equipped

FY Fiscal Year

GMG Grenade Machine Gun

GPU General Purpose User

GS General Support Maintenance

Annex H Acronyms


GTA Graphic Training Aid

IKPT Instructor and Key Personnel Training

IMI Interactive Multimedia Instruction

ILSMP Integrated Logistics Support Management Plan

ITP Individual Training Plan

JRTC Joint Readiness Training Center

JSIM Joint Simulations System

LCSMM Life Cycle System Management Model

MAC Maintenance Allocation Chart

MANPRINT Manpower and Personnel Integration

MANSCEN Maneuver Support Center

MCA Military Construction, Army

MD Materiel Developer

METL Mission Essential Task List

MG Machine Gun

MILES Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System

MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War

MOS Military Occupational Specialty

MOUT Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain

MP Military Police

MTP Mission Training Plan

NET New Equipment Training

NETP New Equipment Training Plan

OBC Officer Basic Course

OMA Operations and Maintenance, Army (Funding)

OH Overhead

OneSAF One Semi-Automated Force

OPA Other Procurement, Army

ORD Operational Requirement Document

ORG Organizational Maintenance

OSUT One Station Unit Training

PEO Program Executive Office

PFTEA Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis

PM Program Manager

PM-LTV Program Manager, Light Tactical Vehicles

PM-SA Program Manager, Small Arms

POC Point of Contact

POI Program of Instruction

QQPRI Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirement


RC Reserve Component

RAM Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability

Annex H Acronyms


SAT Systems Approach to Training

SAW Squad Automatic Weapon

SBCCOM Soldier and Biological and Chemical Command

SIGINT Signals Intelligence

SMA Sergeants Major Academy

SMMP System MANPRINT Management Plan

STP Soldier Training Plan

STRAP System Training Plan

STRICOM Systems, Training and Instrumentation Command

TADSS Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations TATS-C Total Army Training System Courseware

TBD To Be Determined

TD Training Developer

TES Tactical Engagement Simulation

TM Technical Manual

TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command

TRAS Training Requirements Analysis System

TSM Training Systems Manager

TSP Training Support Package

TTP Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

TTSP Training Test Support Package

USAAC United States Army Armor Center

USAADAS United States Army Air Defense Artillery School

USAARMC United States Army Armor Center

USAAVNC United States Army Aviation Center

USACHCS United States Army Chaplain Center and School

USACMLS United States Army Chemical School

USAES United States Army Engineer School

USAFAS United States Army Field Artillery School

USAIS United States Army Infantry School

USAINTS United States Army Intelligence School

USAMC United Stated Army Materiel Command

USAMEDDC&S United States Army Medical Department Center

and School

USAMPS United States Army Military Police School

USAOMES United States Army Ordinance Munitions and Electronics Maintenance School

USAQMC United States Army Quarter Master Center

USASC United States Army Signal Center

USASSI United States Army Soldier Support Institute

USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command

WARMOD Warfighter Modernization

Annex H Acronyms


WARSIM Warfighters’ Simulation

WOAC Warrant Officer Advanced Course

WOBC Warrant Officer Basic Course

Annex I Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS)

Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations

Requirements for the CROWS

|Purpose/Function |NET |Institution |Unit |CTC |TADSS |

|Gunnery |X |X |X |X |Virtual Training Device, GTA |

|Maneuver/Gunnery | |X |X |X |DST, OneSAF, WARSIM, |

| | | | | |Virtual Training Device |

|Maintenance |X |X |X |X |GTA |

|Force-on-Force | | |X |X |EST, WARSIM, |

| | | | | |OneSAF |

|Simulation |X |X |X |X |OneSAF, TES |

|Simulator |X |X |X | |DST, Virtual Training Device |

|Training Devices |X |X |X |X |Inert Dummy Rounds, OneTESS, MILES, |

| | | | | |SAWE MILES, SPU |


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