State of the Art Post Exploitation in Hardened PHP ...

State of the Art Post Exploitation in

Hardened PHP Environments

Stefan Esser

Who am I?

Stefan Esser


from Cologne/Germany


Information Security since 1998


PHP Core Developer since 2001


Month of PHP Bugs & Suhosin


Head of Research & Development at SektionEins GmbH

Stefan Esser ? State of the Art Post Exploitation in Hardened PHP Environments ? July 2009 ?


Part I


Stefan Esser ? State of the Art Post Exploitation in Hardened PHP Environments ? July 2009 ?


Introduction (I)

? PHP applications are often vulnerable to remote PHP code execution

? File/URL Inclusion vulnerabilities

? PHP file upload

? Injection into eval(), create_function(), preg_replace()

? Injection into call_user_func() parameters

? executed PHP code can do whatever it wants on insecure web servers

Stefan Esser ? State of the Art Post Exploitation in Hardened PHP Environments ? July 2009 ?


Introduction (II)

? post exploitation is a lot harder when the PHP environment is hardened

? more and more PHP environments are hardened by default

? executed PHP code is very limited in possibilities

? taking control over a hardened server is a challenge

Stefan Esser ? State of the Art Post Exploitation in Hardened PHP Environments ? July 2009 ?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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