
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA)Private Investment and Digital Entrepreneurship (PRIDE) ProjectEnvironmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Package No. BEZA S-135Final ReportAnnexes to ESMF ReportJanuary 2020Annex A: Terms of Reference (ToR) of the ESIA Study (Full Assessment)ObjectiveThe objective of the assignment is to assist the Government of Bangladesh in preparing Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) including an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the sub-project which was assessed based on the environmental and social screening to involve potential higher environmental and social risks and impacts through their implementation.Scope of WorkTask 1. Review of project and existing technical studies The consultant will define project activities and any linked and/or associated activities. The consultant will review and analyse the technical documents on environment and social, economic benefits related to the proposed infrastructure investments (Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility studies, preliminary designs, Environmental and Social Screening result, relevant field investigations and other surveys, modelling results, etc.). Task 2: Baseline Environmental and Social Conditions The Consultant will review, evaluate and update baseline data on the relevant environmental, social, economic and physical cultural heritage characteristics within the project area. Specifically, the baseline conditions should include information on: Physical environment: geology, topography, sediments/soils, surface and ground water hydrology, land pollution, water quality, air quality and sources of air emissions, noise emissions, utilities and sewage networks;Biological environment: existing flora and fauna at the site; natural habitats; waterbodiesSocial and economic: community structure; pedestrian and commuter activities; residential and commercial activities; description of direct and indirect livelihoods) Information on disadvantaged groups or persons for whom special provisions may have to be made, if affected, and in the context of developing mitigation measures;Assess whether there will be any displacements as a result of the physical works; Physical cultural property: Cultural heritage assets such as cultural, religious, historical or archaeological sites, including sacred and/or burial places, that might be affected during construction. Baseline data shall include but not limited to following: Primary data/monitoring shall define characteristics of the existing natural environment including soil, water, air, noise, land use, cultural properties and flora & fauna. Monitoring to be carried at critical locationsIdentification of specific areas for monitoring Air and Noise Monitoring at junctions, major settlements, school and hospitals etc. Water and soil monitoring. Tree inventory to be carried out, in consultation with relevant Government Department. Inventory of Cultural Property Resources shall be done along with measurements, details and photographs; consultation shall be done for gathering public opinion. Secondary Data to define meteorology, geology, climate change (flooding potential) quarries, borrow areas, disposal sites etc.Baseline conditions of ambient air and noise should be analysed by comparing with not only national standards but also WBG EHS guidelines valuesTask 3: Legislative FrameworkThe Consultant shall analyse the existing relevant laws/regulations, and add any new legislations, decisions and/or guidance notes relevant to the environment quality, health and safety, cultural property, waste management, hazardous substance storage and handling; noise emissions; protection of sensitive areas and endangered species, land-use planning, involuntary resettlement and expropriation; public information; environmental liability, etc. determining their relevance to the project. The Consultant shall also assess the institutional arrangements and institutional capacity for supervision and enforcement of ESMP during construction and operation. The consultant shall reference any international relevant legislation and treaties applicable to the project, including World Bank ESF and Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines. Task 4: Determination of potential environmental and social impacts The Consultant shall update the existing documents to determine impacts, direct, indirect and cumulative impacts, and immediate and long-term impacts related to the construction phase of the proposed works as well as once the works are finalized (operational phase). The Consultant shall propose mitigation measures and affiliated costs for each of the above identified impacts that will represent the content/summary of an Environmental and Social Mitigation Plan for the overall project during its construction as well as the operation phases. The Mitigation Plan is part of the overall project Environmental and Social Management Plan.Task 5: Analysis of Alternatives The Consultant shall review the available technical documents and summarize alternatives proposed during the project development, including the alternative of not constructing the proposed project. Such alternatives could be related to different options in terms of design of structures and facilities, selection of technologies, construction techniques, and project phasing, operating and maintenance activities. These alternatives must be compared on technical, economic, environment, and social merits and to the extent possible, with costs and benefits of each alternative. The concept of alternatives extends to siting and design, technology selection, rehabilitation/construction techniques and phasing, and operating and maintenance procedures. The alternative should also emphasize analysis of secondary/induced impacts and potential conflicts. The Consultant shall briefly compare these alternatives in terms of potential environmental and social impacts, cost and benefits. Task 6: Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) The ESMP shall be prepared in such a manner that environmental and social requirement (mitigation measures and monitoring, technical specifications) related to the construction phase could be incorporated in the bidding/contract documents. The ESMP should include proposed enhancements such as landscaping and “greening” of the sub-project area. The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) should be complied with in the ESMP. The ESMP should propose the criteria, procedures, and responsibilities for monitoring and enforcing all of the environmental measures included in the alignment sheets and the construction practices included on the construction specifications. The consultant shall review the authority and capability of institutions responsible for implementation of this project and recommend steps to strengthen or expand them, including proposals for intersectoral arrangements, management procedures and training, staffing, operation and maintenance training, budgeting, and financial support. This must include the institutional arrangement which needs to be set in place to implement the ESMP and the monitoring framework. The ESMP should clearly present estimated budget associated with proposed mitigation and monitoring actions as well as the institutions responsible for implementation. In addition to the World Bank Operational Policies, the consultant will refer to the following key documents: Guidelines for Managing the risks of adverse impacts on communities from temporary project induced Labor influx Environmental Health and Safety GuidelinesThe mitigation measures and environmental management plan should be sufficiently specific to provide clear guidance to the Contractors for enforcement by the engineer. The contract clauses should be focused towards specifications to be complied and enforcement with built in mechanism to take recourse on failure of implementation. For supervision, the ESMP will provide comprehensive checklists for the verification of compliance of environmental specifications by contractors and checklists for the reception of final works. The ESMP will also include a monitoring program. The mitigation measures and monitoring framework required during operations should also be prepared, in an Operations Manual and/or ESMP format for operations phase. Task 7: Stakeholder ConsultationsThe Consultant will assist the Client in undertaking at the minimum two structured consultations, during the preparation of the ESIA and ESMP. In addition, such consultations with primary and secondary stakeholders will continue throughout project implementation, as necessary to address EA related issues that affect them. For meaningful consultations with project-affected groups, communities, women of various age, persons with disabilities, elderly people, local NGOs and rights groups, all relevant documents must be provided in a timely manner prior to consultation and in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to the groups being consulted. Stakeholders should be consulted at least twice during ESIA preparation: shortly after E&S screening and before ToR is finalized, and once a draft ESIA report is prepared. Please also note the result of the stakeholder consultation should be reflected in ESIA report as well as in the project design and in implementation and operational approaches. The consultant shall be responsible for keeping a record of all such consultation meetings, for obtaining the informed views of the stakeholders.DeliverablesAfter commencement, separate reports will be submitted in as follows:An Inception and scoping report, including initial findings of environmental and social risks and impacts, proposed definition of project study area, full outline of ESIA, detailed workplan and schedule. the reports will be submitted within 1 month of signing of contract in 6 copies. Separate complete reports on Draft ESIA report will be submitted in at the end of 4th month of signing the contract, prior to disclosure and preparation of consultations on the drafts in 6 copies.Separate reports on Final ESIA report, taking into account feedback from consultations, will be submitted in by the end of 6th month of signing the contract in 6 copies.The reports summarizing the outcome of each stakeholder consultation opportunity according will be provided within one month upon completionDuration and TimingThe ESIA Report should be completed within 6 months from commencement. All draft deliverables should be presented in English, with final deliverables also translated into Bangla at the Consultant’s expense. The final presentation workshop should be held within 8 months of commencement of the contract.Staffing RequirementsThe consultants should propose a comprehensive team composition with task assignments for each key staff along with sufficient support staffs to meet the objectives and scope of the services. The estimated staff months for key professional staff is 30 and those of non-key staffs is 60. These staff-months are indicative and the consultants are free to propose their estimate supported by methodology proposed for the implementation of the service. Key professional experts to be evaluated during technical evaluation process for the assignment is given below. The consultant must propose suitable individuals as experts in these key positions; and submit their own estimate of the required number of person-months against each of these key positions to carry out the assignment in conformity with the scope of services and proposed methodology. Qualification and Input for Key Professional Staffs:PositionAcademic qualificationDesirable years of professional experienceSpecific ExperienceIndicative No. of positionTeam LeaderGraduation in relevant field12 years3 years of experience as Team Leader.Experience of environmental and social impact assessment preferably of infrastructure specially road, building and water supply & sanitation.Experience in World Bank project or similar Financier’s project.1Environmental Specialist/Scientist, or EcologistB.Sc. Engineering (Civil)/Ecology/relevant field8 years3 years of experience in the impacts assessment of infrastructure activities on natural habitats, water, land and biodiversity.Experience in Bangladesh terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is desirable.Experience in World Bank project or similar Financier’s project.1Social Development SpecialistGraduation in Social Scienceyears3 years of experience of direct and indirect social impacts (positive and negative) assessment of infrastructure development-related activities including water supply & sanitation.Proven experience in anthropological studies of indigenous populations preferably in Bangladesh.Experience in World Bank project or similar Financier’s project.1In addition to above listed positions of professionals; the consultant should make arrangements for other experts and support staff with adequate experience in relevant fields. Indicative list of other staffs / experts / support professionals who may be required for the assignment is given below but shall not be limited to those. During technical evaluation process, these staffs will not be evaluated individually. Responsibilities of BEZAFor smooth completion of the study; the Project Director, PRIDE (BEZA) shall assist the consultant, as far as possible, in collection of data, services and facilities.The consultant shall work under the direct supervision of the Project Director, PRIDE, BEZA. In case of any unforeseen events, be it in terms of physical or social obstacles at field levels; BEZA field office will take initiatives to solve them and ensure good working environment.Technical and project management issues shall be discussed in tri-partite meeting between BEZA, World Bank and the consultants. Annex B1: Structure of the ESIA Report (Full Assessment)ContentsChapter 1.Introduction1.1Background1.2The Proposed Project1.3Objectives of the Study1.4Scope of Study1.5Study Area 1.6Approach and Methodology1.7Structure of the Report1.8Limitation of the Study1.9The ESIA Study TeamChapter 2.Legal and Regulatory Compliance Consideration2.1Introduction2.2National Environmental Laws2.2.1National Environmental Policy, 19922.2.2National Environmental Management Action Plan, 19952.2.3The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 & Subsequent Amendments2.2.4The Environment Court Act, 20002.2.5National Conservation Strategy, 19922.2.6The Environment Conservation Act, 1995 & Subsequent Amendments2.3Relevant National Policies, Strategies and Plans2.3.1National Forest Policy, 19942.3.2National Agriculture Policy, 20132.3.3National Water Policy, 19992.3.4National Fisheries Policy, 19992.4The Protection and Conservation of Fish Act, 19502.4.1National Land Use Policy, 20012.4.2National Land Transport Policy, 20042.5National Water Management Plan, 2001 (approved in 2004)2.5.1National Strategy for Waste Management2.5.2The National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan, 20042.5.3Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC), 2015 (final draft)2.5.4The Energy Policy, 19962.5.5Industrial Policy, 19992.6Other Relevant Acts, Laws and Rules2.6.1Noise Pollution (Control) Rules, 20062.6.2National Water Act, 20132.6.3The Groundwater Management Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance No. xxvii of 1985)2.6.4Bangladesh Labour Act, 20062.6.5The Penal Code, 18602.6.6Wildlife Conservation (Protection and Safety) Act, 20122.6.7The Forest Act, 1927 and the Forest (Amendment) Act, 20002.6.8Private Forests Ordinance Act, 19592.6.9Vehicle Act, 1927, the Motor Vehicle Ordinance, 19832.6.10BEZA Act 2010 (Compliance to laws connect with environment)2.7World Bank’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Polices2.8Other Relevant National Plans2.8.1The GoB Seventh Five Year Plan 2016-20202.8.2Environmental Standards2.8.3Procedure for obtaining ECC from DoE, BangladeshChapter 3.Project Description3.1Location of the Project3.2Master Plan for BSMSN3.3Planned Activities under PRIDE Project3.3.1Land development3.3.2Green Areas/Open Spaces/Water Bodies3.3.3Administrative and Institutional Infrastructure3.3.4Industrial plots and related infrastructure3.3.5Public facilities3.3.6Transport and communication3.3.7Utility services3.4Associated Facilities3.5Present Status of the area3.6Implementation ScheduleChapter 4.Environmental and Social Baseline4.1Introduction4.2Baseline Data Collection4.2.1Ambient Air Quality measurement4.2.2Surface Water Quality4.2.3Ground Water Quality4.2.4Ambient Noise Level4.2.5Soil and Sediment Quality4.3Physico-Chemical Environment4.3.1Climate4.3.2Ambient Air Quality4.3.3Water Resources4.3.4Ambient Noise Level4.3.5Land Resources4.3.6Seismicity4.4Biological Environment4.4.1Aquatic Flora and Fauna4.4.2Terrestrial Flora and Fauna4.4.3Ecological Resources4.5Social Environment4.6Demographic Profile4.6.1Population4.7Literacy rate and educational facilities4.8Income & Poverty4.8.1Employment Status4.8.2Labour Market (wages)4.9Infrastructure facilities4.10Gender & Women4.11Historical, Cultural and Archaeological sitesChapter 5.Analysis of Alternatives5.1Introduction5.2“No-Project” Alternative5.3Alternative Site Consideration5.4Design AlternativeChapter 6.Public Consultations6.1Introduction6.2Approach and Methodology for Consultation6.3Information disclosure and consultation for the Updating ESIA6.4Key Informants Interview (KII)6.5Public Consultation Meeting6.6Focus Group Discussion (FGD)Chapter 7.Environmental and Social Impacts7.1Introduction7.2Rational for Applied Strategy of Impact Assessment7.3Determination of Impact Significance7.4Identification and Analysis of Significant Environmental and Social Issues7.5Assessment of Environmental and Social Impacts7.6Impact during Pre-construction and Construction Phase7.6.1Impact on Air Quality7.6.2Impact on Water Resources (Surface and Ground Water) and Quality7.6.3Impact on Land Resources (Soil)7.6.4Sediment Pollution7.6.5Impact on Noise7.6.6Impact on Ecosystem and Biodiversity (Aquatic & Terrestrial Ecology)7.6.7Impacts on Drainage Pattern and Hydrology7.6.8Community Health and Safety7.6.9Traffic & Transportation7.6.10Social Conflict7.6.11Impacts on Indigenous People7.6.12Vulnerable Group7.6.13Physical Cultural Resources7.6.14Occupational Health and Safety 7.6.15Generation of Employment7.6.16Skill Enhancement of Local people7.6.17Land Acquisition, Resettlements on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement7.6.18Gender Based Violence (GBV)7.7Impacts during Operation Phase7.7.1Impact on Land Use7.7.2Impact on Land Resources and Soil Quality7.7.3Impact on Air7.7.4Impact on Noise Quality7.7.5Impacts on Ground a Surface Water Resources7.7.6Impact on Ecosystem and Biodiversity (Both Aquatic and Terrestrial)7.7.7Impact on Community Health and Safety7.7.8Poverty alleviation and diversification in livelihood7.7.9Education for children including Girls’ Education7.7.10Women’s empowerment7.7.11Access to civic amenities and communication7.7.12Social mobility7.8Cumulative Impact7.8.1Cumulative Impact of all EZ Interventions7.8.2Other Projects nearby EZ SiteChapter 8.Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)8.1Objectives8.2Mitigation Measures8.3Responsible Party for Effecting ESMP8.4Environmental and Social Management Plan8.5Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan8.6Monitoring Indicators8.7Grievance Redress Mechanism8.8Enhancement Plan8.9Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan8.10Traffic Management Plan8.12Waste Management Plan8.13Management of Contractors and Code of Practice8.14Guidelines on environmental and social conditions in the BOQ/contract documents8.15Third Party Monitoring8.16Estimated Budget for Implementing the EMPChapter 9.Institutional Capacity Assessment and Implementation Arrangement9.1Key Tasks for Environmental and Social Risk Management9.2Institutions and Roles in Program Implementation9.3Institutional Setting and Implementation Arrangement9.4Assessment of Capacity of BEZA9.5Action Plan to Strengthen Staffing, Capacity, Systems and ImplementationChapter 10.Recommendation for Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)10.1Environmental and Social Commitment PlanChapter 11.Conclusion and Recommendations11.1Conclusion11.2RecommendationReferencesAppendicesAnnex B2: Structure of Environmental and Social AssessmentAn Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) describes the process of analysis and planning (used by a World Bank Borrower) to ensure that the environmental and social impacts and risks of a project are identified, avoided, minimized, reduced or mitigated.The ESA needs to meet the requirements of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard (ESS) 1. Based on the requirements of ESS Section B, the recommended structure of the ESA is as follows:Introduction – description of project background and objectivesProject Description – components, locations, cost estimate, implementation planSummary of Project’s Technical AnalysesSummary of Project’s Financial AnalysesDescription of Project Area – baseline environmental (physical and biological) and socio-economic conditionScoping of Potential Environmental and Social Issues – based on project description and baseline conditions, range and extent of potential issues should be described. Initial consultations with key stakeholders can be useful for the scoping exercise.Stakeholder Engagement - consultation with affected people and other interested parties to potentially significant environmental and social risks and impacts are identifiedAdditional Assessment Requirements - Identification of specific assessment tools to carry out the environmental and social assessment and to document the results of such assessment, including the mitigation measures to be implemented. These can include Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Environmental and Social Audit, Hazard or Risk Assessment, Cumulative Impact Assessment, Social and Conflict Analyses, Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA)Institutional Capacity – description of strengths and weaknesses of implementing agency’s environmental and social safeguards track record, capacity and training requirements.Annex C: Guidelines for ESMPAn Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is a document that details:the measures to be taken during the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of a project to mitigate adverse environmental and social impacts and/or enhance the project benefitswho is responsible for carrying out the measures and also supervision responsibilitiesmonitoring and reporting activities required to ensure that the measures are implemented and working properly.allocation of resources including capacity building and training requirementscontingency plansThe following table provides more guidelines for preparing an ESMP.ESMP ComponentGuidelineSummary of impactsThe predicted adverse environmental and social impacts for which mitigation is required should be identified and briefly summarised. Description of mitigation measuresEach mitigation measure should be briefly described with reference to the impact to which it relates and the conditions under which it is required. Description of monitoring programmeThe monitoring program should clearly indicate the linkages between impacts identified, measurement indicators, detection limits (where appropriate), and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions.Institutional arrangementsResponsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be clearly defined, including arrangements for co-ordination between the various actors responsible for mitigation.Implementation schedule & reporting proceduresThe timing, frequency and duration of mitigation measures should be specified in an implementation schedule, showing links with overall project implementation. Cost estimates and sources of fundsThese should be specified for both the initial investment and recurring expenses for? implementing all measures contained in the ESMP, integrated into the total project costs.The tables below show example ESMP and monitoring plans.Table 1: Example Environmental and Social Management PlanSub-Projects/ ActivitiesEnvironmental and Social ImpactsSuggested Mitigation Measures/Enhancement Measures/ Environmental Design Considerations Responsible partiesLand DevelopmentDemolition of existing infrastructureLand cleaningTransportation n of debrisLand filling/raising land levelLand AcquisitionPhysical or social disruption to the existing and nearby communitiesTemporary loss of income from street venting at the selected economic zoneUnhygienic/unsanitary environment due to demolition of old latrines and construction of camps in the development siteSoil erosion/ dust pollution/siltation/water pollution/Loss of vegetationTraffic congestion due to transportation of debris.Uneven land filling causing soil erosionLoss of Agricultural landDestruction of mangrove forestLoss of water bodies(surface/ ground)Barrow pitOver flowing of canal water can cause of floodingEngage the community members in the construction workTransport/handle debris from toilet in a hygienic mannerCompaction of developed or raised landTree plantation at the economic zone boundary/slope/open spacePlacement of construction equipment in a proper place to avoid traffic congestion and compaction of soils.Collection and disposal of construction debris in a designated dumping place.There should be installation of latrine and campaign on social awareness to stop the open defecation.Afforestation with indigenous tree/ plant species within the project influence areaEnsure proper compensation to the PAPsAttempt to avoid the forest area as much as possible Construction labor should be restricted from polluting the source or misusingthe source.Shifting of source to be completed prior to disruption of the actual source.Alternate arrangements shall be made to all the water users prior to theDam are to be prepared to protect the flooding if necessary;construction activity for the identified (during Design stage) water sources(surface and ground sources) that fall in the project siteNo borrow pit will be opened without the permission of the supervision consultant.ContractorMonitoring by BEZASub-Projects/ ActivitiesEnvironmental and Social ImpactsSuggested Mitigation Measures/Enhancement Measures/ Environmental Design Considerations Responsible partiesDesign, Construction, and Operation of Project InterventionsMultipurpose building for official workNoise and pollution due to constructionThe waste form the camps during the construction of buildingWater pollution due to unplanned discharge of domestic wastewaterUnplanned disposal of domestic solid wasteDrainage congestion/waterloggingGreater demand of bricks and cement puts pressure on fossil fuel and timber which in turn reduces the forest areas and pollute airUsing locally available construction materialsRooftop plantation and gardening may reduce the excess local temperatureAccommodate a drainage of wastewaterDesign and incorporate latrineKeep an arrangement of shelter during any disasterConsider rainwater harvestingConsider solar panel for electricity supplyKeeping adequate provisions (including fire/emergency exits) for fire safety in accordance with National Building CodeEnsure materials recovery facility (MRF); Recycling of grey water & black water.Promote air tightness and vapor barrier in building walls and surfaces.Use low solar heat gain coefficient of glass and use of natural lightFor energy saving daylight-controlled lighting systems and use of LED lighting is preferableEnsure roof top gardening as a part of green buildingZero emissions of polluted air & liquid from industriesContractorMonitoring by BEZASub-Projects/ ActivitiesEnvironmental and social ImpactsSuggested Mitigation MeasuresEnhancement Measures/ Environmental Design ConsiderationsResponsible PartiesDTW and Pump houseWater logging condition/drainage congestion.Depletion of ground water table through over extraction of water.Land subsidence and increase of salinity due to over pumping of water.Arsenic contamination or degrading water qualityDesign and construction drains with appropriate outletsEncourage water use efficiency/ demand management through awarenessFacilitate groundwater recharge, protect natural system.Water filtration/treatment/rain water harvestingThe digging of soil should follow the proper design to avoid the pollution and water logging.ContractorMonitoring by BEZAWater Distribution NetworkWater logging condition/drainage congestion.Dust from excavated pitAir and noise pollution during constriction Leakage or failure of distribution networkDesign and construction WDN with appropriate slopeEnsure water spraying to reduce dustEnsure proper supervision during laying of pipeGeneration less noise during constructionContractorMonitoring by BEZASewer NetworkNoise and soil pollution during the construction.Microbial contamination to the ground water from the failure of sewer line Disturb the top soilSoil erosion and siltationAccident can occur from laying of pipeEnsure effective design and supervision to control the failure of sewer line Frequent monitoring the line Ensure careful operation of mechanical equipmentRestore the top soilEnsure proper compaction Keep provision of PPEs and first aid kitContractorMonitoring by BEZADrains/ Drainage systemClogging/ stagnation of flow in the storm drainBackflow of water through drain (e.g., due to high water level at downstream discharge point, such as Khal/ river)Discharge from drain pollute downstream water bodyDesigning drain considering the downstream discharge point; adequate slope and x-section; RCC cover for drain, where appropriateNot allowing direct connection to drain from toiletContractorMonitoring by BEZAInternal roadLoss of agricultural and housing landsDust and noise pollution from construction workDrainage Congestion/ Water logging due to roadSoil erosion /Sedimentation of reservoir and loss of storage capacityDamage of natural drainage system due to new road constructionRisk of accidents due to vehicular traffic and transportSoil compactionProper slope of road surfaceWatering to reduce dust pollutionAvoid construction of roads and transportation facilities which might harm cultural or historical sitesConstruction of drain and culvert with appropriate designs to avoid water logging/drainage congestion.Improvement and widening of roads for fire protectionContractorMonitoring by BEZAPower LinesShort circuit and improper electrical connection may cause potential health and safety risk.Connections of line may interrupts the community people since main line will stop during connectionEnsure use of proper PPEsSwitch off before electrical connectionInform the local people about the concern prior to work startContractorMonitoring by BEZAGas linesDisturb the top soilSoil erosion and siltationDust and noise problem from trench cutting work for pipe layingHealth hazard due to use of mechanical equipment Community health and safety may fall in risk for the trenching work Restore the top soil Ensure proper compactionWater spraying to reduce dust controlCarefully use of hydraulic hammer and mechanical equipmentInform the local people prior to start the trenching workEnsure provision of fencing at trenching siteContractorMonitoring by BEZASolid Waste ManagementUncollected wastes blocked the drainage and sewage system.Air, water and soil pollution during the waste collectionSmoke from the open burning of uncollected waste.The loading and unloading of waste at transfer station pollutes the air and soil.Odor from waste disposal site and composting system.Contamination of ground water by leachate.Encourage 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle, recovery)Encourage composting of organic wasteConstruct/supply garbage bin and secondary transfer stationAdequate distance between waste bin and water body.Adequate distance should be maintained between the waste collection point and residence or office spaceProvision of Plasma gasificationContractorMonitoring by BEZAGreen and open spacesTree plantationLandscaped areasCompensate and enhance the ecological condition and improve the aesthetic beauty of landscape Urban tree canopyGreen belts at the periphery (to act as buffer) of the project site;Landmark area with signature architecture;Amphitheater/auditoriumProvision of tree plantation along the internal roadEnsure roof top gardeningContractorMonitoring by BEZALake / waterbeds Slurry will generate form the excavation of lake or water body Lake excavation may responsible for air, noise, dust and soil pollution for use heavy of construction vehicles and equipmentAdditional habitat for flora and fauna may create for provision of lakeIt can act as storm water retention lake Generated waste should be disposed in designated dump siteEnsure use of PPEs for associates labor health and safety;Effective use of machines to complete the work in short time,Selection of lake in the BSMSN 2A & 2Bshould select in such a way that no industry is sited at adjacent to the lake Created green buffer around the lake to attract thebiodiversity to use their habitat Proper maintenance and clearing the lake to livable environment for aquatic fauna Before disposal of excavating slurry, pollution of slurry needs to be determined ContractorMonitoring by BEZATable 2: Typical Impact and Mitigation Measures for ESMF Sub-ProjectsSub-projectTypical ImpactsTypical Mitigation MeasuresSub-project I.1: Land elevationSub-project I.2: Desalination plantSub-project I.3: Rain water captureSub-project I.4: Water resource managementSub-project I.5: Solid waste managementSub-project I.6: Waste pyrolysis/energySub-project I.7: Solar energy productionSub-project I.8: Sewage managementSub-project I.9: Waste water treatmentSub-project I.10: Flood managementPhysico-chemical environment:Air pollutionNoise pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollutionWater resources alterationsBiological environment:Terrestrial and aquatic flora changesTerrestrial and aquatic fauna changesSocio-economic environment:Occupational Health and Safety issuesCommunity impactsLabour influxTraffic impactsStorage sites of construction materials must be covered with shed so that no dust or small, particles from the stored cement, brick, sand or other materials mix into the open air. When land will be filled or excavated, regular watering on the excavated land would minimize the amount of dust produced from the land.Water-logging resulting from land filling and excavation must be mitigated.No runoff from storage areas is allowed to be discharged into water bodies.Tree plantation is required for overall environmental benefits in the area. Compensatory afforestation shall be at the rate of 2 to 4 times of the trees cut. Preferably same varieties of trees as are cut; shall be used for afforestation.Proposed building should be equipped with amenities of green building infrastructuresPrepare and implement RAP to acquire land (if required)Prepare an effective traffic management planEncourage engagement of PAPs in the development worksTraining PAPs for their livelihoods restorationSub-project A.8: Construction of sewer network and waste water/sewage treatment plantPhysico-chemical environment:Air pollutionNoise pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollutionBiological environment:Terrestrial and aquatic flora changesTerrestrial and aquatic fauna changesSocio-economic environment:Occupational Health and Safety issuesLabour influxTraffic impactsStorage sites of construction materials must be covered with shed so that no dust or small, particles from the stored cement, brick, sand or other materials mix into the open air. When land will be filled or excavated, regular watering on the excavated land would minimize the amount of dust produced from the land.Water-logging resulting from land filling and excavation must be mitigated.No runoff from storage areas is allowed to be discharged into water bodies.Covered vans or vehicles must be used to carry the wastes from the project area.No runoff from storage areas is allowed to be discharged into water bodies.Proposed building should be equipped with amenities of green building infrastructuresThe sewer network will consider green and resilient features and designsPrepare an effective traffic management planEncourage engagement of PAPs in the development worksSub-project B.2: Construction of a desalination plantPhysico-chemical environment:Air pollutionNoise pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollutionBiological environment:Terrestrial and aquatic flora changesTerrestrial and aquatic fauna changesSocio-economic environment:Occupational Health and Safety issuesLabour influxStorage sites of construction materials must be covered with shed so that no dust or small, particles from the stored cement, brick, sand or other materials mix into the open air. When land will be filled or excavated, regular watering on the excavated land would minimize the amount of dust produced from the land.Water-logging resulting from land filling and excavation must be mitigated.No runoff from storage areas is allowed to be discharged into water bodies.Tree plantation is required for overall environmental benefits in the area. Compensatory afforestation shall be at the rate of 2 to 4 times of the trees cut. Preferably same varieties of trees as are cut; shall be used for afforestation.Proposed building should be equipped with amenities of green building infrastructuresSub-project B.3: Construction of a Rooftop and floating solar power systemPhysico-chemical environment:Air pollutionNoise pollutionBiological environment:Terrestrial and aquatic flora changesSocio-economic environment:Occupational Health and Safety issuesIntegrate rooftops systems with green roof and rainwater harvesting facilitiesDuring construction as well as operation phases of floating solar power systems, special care should be taken to minimize water pollutionSub-project B.4: Construction of high‐pressure steam pipelines connecting tenant firmsPhysico-chemical environment:Air pollutionNoise pollutionWater pollutionSoil pollutionBiological environment:Terrestrial and aquatic flora changesTerrestrial and aquatic fauna changesSocio-economic environment:Occupational Health and Safety issuesLabour influxTraffic impactsNo runoff from storage areas is allowed to be discharged into water bodies.Any organic wastes from construction camp site or any source at construction site should be properly collected and composted Encourage use of renewable energy, such as solar, wind or biomass energy, to meet energy requirements to reduce carbon footprints of buildings during construction and operation phases.Restriction of project works during migratory bird seasonEmission of dust can be mitigated by a number of measures together or separately, e.g. install dust covers on vehicles, dust suppression using water spray, etc.Noise pollution may be mitigated to certain degrees through minimizing work during night time, construction of sound barriers, etc.Prepare and implement RAP to acquire land (if required)Prepare an effective traffic management planEncourage engagement of PAPs in the development worksTraining PAPs for their livelihoods restorationTable 3: Example Environmental and Social Monitoring PlanProject Stage/ Affected ComponentEnvironmental/social Issue Parameters to be MonitoredLocation MeasurementsStandards/ GuidelinesFrequencyResponsible AgencyImplemented bySupervised byConstruction PhaseConsultation with affected PAPsRAP ImplementationAffected PAPsAffected HouseholdsMonitoringWorld Bank DailyAssigned ConsultantBEZAEmploymentEngaging local laborAssociates project workerCamp siteConsultation with local laborWorld Bank and GoBWeeklySupervision Engineer & BEZADredge materials Soil and water pollution of the project and surrounding areaLead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd),Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Arsenic (As), Selenium (Se) and Mercury (Hg)Proposed dredgingsitesMonitoringGovernment of Bangladesh (GoB) and internationalstandardBefore starting the dredging ContractorBEZAAmbient Air QualityDust generationDust Project activity areas and construction workers campVisual inspection of all active work areasMonitoringDailyContractorBEZAAmbient Air PollutantSPM, PM 2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NOx2 samples at Project site (one at 2A and other one at 2Bsite)24-hourAir quality standard by DOE, Bangladesh QuarterlyContractor byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZANoiseIncrease in ambient noise levelsNoise levels in Leq, Leq day, Leq night6 locations Project site at high noise generation location and adjacent sensitive receptor24-hour Noise Pollution Control Rules (2006)QuarterlyContractor by Engaging Environmental FirmBEZAWater QualityContamination of surface waterTurbidity, pH, DO, Total dissolved solids, oil & grease, BOD5, COD, NH3Two samples form CanalMonitoringSurface water quality standard as per Schedule 3 of ECR 1997QuarterlyContractor by Engaging Environmental FirmBEZAContamination of Groundwater qualitypH, Alkalinity, Cl, Fe, As, TSS, Salinity, Pb etc.2 Locations Project site and Closest borehole of the project siteMonitoringDrinking water quality standard as per Schedule 3 of ECR 1997QuarterlyContractor by Engaging Environmental FirmBEZATop SoilSoil Pollution Check liquid waste is carried out by experienced personnel and in proper way Careful and proper handling of oil and other hazardous liquids Project SiteVisual inspection of all active work areasMonitoringDailyContractor BEZASediment of KhalSediment PollutionHeavy MetalProject siteMonitoringInternational StandardQuarterlyContractor BEZAWaste Liquid waste, Solid WasteCheck storage, transportation, disposal, handling of hazardous waste Waste and effluents to be collected and disposed safely of camp. Wastes and garbage from construction sites to be disposed safely Project SiteVisual inspection of all active work areasMonitoringDailyContractor BEZAEcologyTerrestrial and aquatic flora and faunaTree and Aquatic SpeciesCanals and ForestVisual inspection MonitoringOnce for tree prior to starting construction and yearly aquatic monitoringContractor BEZAOccupational Health and SafetyWorkers Health & SafetyCheck quality of food and accommodation at construction camp; Check safe water supply, hygienic toilet at camp, construction of drain at campsite; Check toilets are close to construction site; First Aid Box with required tools and medicines; The heavy construction material to handled and stored safely putting due care on public safety; Heavy construction materials at construction site to be stored and handled safely; and Check of personal protective equipment (PPE) for worker at the sites Construction Camp & Construction areaVisual inspection of all active work areasMonitoringDailyContractor BEZACommunity Health and SafetyCommunity disturbance and potential safety hazard due to road trafficAccidents, incidents, and complaintsApproach Road Incidents, accidents, and community complaintsMonitoringBased on occurrence Contractor BEZAOperational PhaseNoiseIncrease in ambient noise levelsNoise levels in Leq, Leq day, Leq nigh and hourly Leq3 locationsProject site at high noise generation location and adjacent sensitive receptor24-hour Noise Pollution Control Rules (2006)1/year O&M Unit byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZAWater QualityContamination of surface waterTurbidity, pH, DO, Total dissolved solids, oil & grease, BOD5, COD, NH3, Tc, FcCanals inside the project areaMonitoringSurface water quality standard as per Schedule 3 of ECR 19971/year O&M Unit byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZAContamination of Groundwater qualitypH, Alkalinity, Cl-, Fe, As, TSS, Pb etc.2 Locations Project site and Closest borehole of the project siteMonitoringDrinking water quality standard as per Schedule 3 of ECR 19971/year O&M Unit byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZASoil QualitySoil PollutionHeavy MetalProject site soilMonitoring-1/year O&M Unit byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZASoil QualitySoil PollutionHeavy MetalProject site soilMonitoring-1/year O&M Unit byEngaging Environmental FirmBEZABiological EnvironmentHorticulture and Greenbelt DevelopmentSurvival rate ofplants and shrubsGreen beltMonitoringnumber successful growthQuarterlyBEZABEZADisaster Management Plan (DMP) Monitoring EarthquakeStructure Design Project AreaAs to be defined in the DMP to be prepared contractorNot SpecificContinuous Operation & Maintenance Unit BEZAFloodingStructure DesignProject Area As to be defined in the DMP to be prepared contractorNot SpecificContinuous Operation & Maintenance UnitBEZACyclone /TornadoProject Structure DesignProject AreaAs to be defined in the DMP to be prepared contractorNot SpecificContinuous Operation & Maintenance UnitBEZAAnnex D: List of Attendees in the Stakeholder ConsultationsDateStakeholder DetailsDetails of participants05.11.19Department of FisheriesMahmudul Islam Chowdhury, Sr. Upazilla Fisheries Officer, Mirsharai Upazilla05.11.19Department of AgricultureRaghu Nath Agriculture Officer, Mirsharai Upazila05.11.19Department of LGEDUpazila EngineerMirsharai Upazila05.11.19Upazila Forest Bit/ Range officeMd. Ikram Uddin Bhumik, Range officers, Mirsharai Upazila05.11.19Department of BWDBSM. Abdul MannanDGM, IMI ProjectBWDB05.11.19Department of Fisheries and Live-stockDr. Shamol Chandra PoddarUpazila Live-stock officer, Mirsharai05.11.19UNO Office, UpazillaMr. Md. Ruhul AminUNO, Mirsharai UpazillaAnnex E: Proposed geographical area coverageFigure: Geographical Location of BSMS within BangladeshFigure: Geographical Location of Project Area within BSMSNFigure: Land use Map of study areaAnnex F: ECoPs for the ContractorsThis Environmental Code of Practice (ECoP) is a guideline to reduce or eliminate environment risks due to various activities during planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance phases associated with each subproject to be implemented under this project.ECoP 1.0: Planning and Design Phases of subprojects These guidelines discuss the issues to be considered during project preparation to avoid/address environmental concerns through modifications in project design and incorporation of mitigation measures. Finalization of Alignment/Project Location Adequate consultations with the communities to identify the concerns and preferences need to be taken up during selection of the different subprojects. Consultations with the local communities are to be conducted to obtain their suggestions and incorporate their concerns to address the potential environmental impacts. Compliance to Legal Requirements The bid document shall include the various applicable clearances pertaining to environmental management and shall contain the necessary procedures for compliance of the same. Cost Estimation Some activities included in ECoP 1.0 have certain monetary involvement. These activities are outlined below: There will be one Focus Group Discussion (FGD), with at least 15 participants from different communities of the society, for adequate consultations to identify the concerns and preferences related to a particular infrastructure development project. Two surveyors will carry out walk in interview of at least 50 participants from different communities of the society affected by the infrastructure development project. ECoP 2.0: Site Preparation The preparation of site for construction involves: Existing land of proposed project is mostly equipped by the forest and agricultural land with some fishing cultivating pond thus to clear the forest as part of site preparation BEZA will inform the regional forest officer and will also asked them to suggestion for effective preservation of biodiversity of forest especially deer.Marking and clearance of the required project area of all encroachments by the PMU of BEZA prior to mobilization of Contractor; Informing the local community about construction schedule; and Site preparation by the contractor prior to commencement of construction. Scope of this ECoP includes only the measures to address environmental concerns expected during the site preparation. Site Preparation Activities Informing the local community and local ward councils about the likely schedule of construction After obtaining the consent of the community, the PMU of BEZA shall be responsible to stake out the subproject locations. Site Preparation Activities by the Contractor The contractor shall submit the schedules and methods of operations for various items during the construction operations to the PMU for approval. The clearance of site shall involve the removal of all materials such as trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, part of topsoil and rubbish. Towards this end, the Contractor shall adopt the following measures: In locations where erosion or sedimentation is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations should be so scheduled and performed that grading operations and permanent erosion and sedimentation control features can follow immediately, if the project conditions permit. The disposal of wastes shall be in accordance with the provisions of ECoP 4: Waste Management. All regulatory clearances shall be obtained before actual start of work. ECop 3: Construction Camp Project activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesSiting and Location of construction campsCampsites for construction workers are the important locations that have significant impacts such as health and safety hazards on local resources and infrastructure of nearby communities.The Contractor shall Locate the construction camps at areas which are acceptable from environmental, cultural or social point of view. Consider the location of construction camps away from communities in order to avoid social conflict in using the natural resources such as water or to avoid the possible adverse impacts of the construction camps on the surrounding communities. Local authorities responsible for health, religious and security shall be duly informed on the set up of camp facilities so as to maintain effective surveillance over public health, social and security matters.Construction Camp Facilities Lack of proper infrastructure facilities such as housing, water supply and sanitation facilities will increase pressure on the local services and generate substandard living standards and health hazards. Contractor shall provide the following facilities in the campsites A perimeter security fence at least 1.5m in height constructed from appropriate materials. Adequate housing for all workers A sickbay and first aid stationSafe and reliable water supply. Water supply from deep tube wells of 150 m depth that meets the national standards Hygienic sanitary facilities and sewerage system. The toilets and domestic wastewater will be collected through a common sewerage. Provide separate latrines and bathing places for males and females with total isolation by wall or by location. The minimum number of toilet facilities required is one toilet for every ten persons. Provide in-house community/common entertainment facilities. Dependence of local entertainment outlets by the construction camps to be discouraged/prohibited to the extent possible. All camp facilities shall be maintained in a safe clean and or appropriate condition throughout the construction period. Disposal of wastes Management of wastes is crucial to minimize impacts on the environment The Contractor should Ensure proper collection and disposal of solid wastes within the construction camps Insist waste separation by source; organic wastes in one pot and inorganic wastes in another pot at household level. Store inorganic wastes in a safe place within the household and clear organic wastes on daily basis to waste collector. Establish waste collection, transportation and disposal systems with the manpower and equipment/vehicles needed. Dispose organic wastes in a designated safe place on daily basis. At the end of the day cover the organic wastes with a thin layer of sand so that flies, mosquitoes, dogs, cats, rats, are not attracted. Locate the garbage pit/waste disposal site min 500 m away from the residence so that peoples are not disturbed with the odor likely to be produced from anaerobic decomposition of wastes at the waste dumping places. Encompass the waste dumping place by fencing and tree plantation to prevent children to enter and play with. Do not establish site specific landfill sites. All solid waste will be collected and removed from the work camps and disposed in approval waste disposal sites.Health and Hygiene There will be a potential for diseases to be transmitted including malaria, exacerbated by inadequate health and safety practices. The Contractor shall Provide adequate health care facilities within construction sites. Provide first aid facility round the clock. Maintain stock of medicines in the facility and appoint fulltime designated first aider or nurse. Provide ambulance facility for the laborers during emergency to be transported to nearest hospitals. Initial health screening of the laborers coming from outside areas.Train all construction workers in basic sanitation and health care issues and safety matters, and on the specific hazards of their work. Provide adequate drainage facilities throughout the camps to ensure that disease vectors such as stagnant water bodies and puddles do not form. Regular mosquito repellant sprays during monsoon. Carryout short training sessions on best hygiene practices to be mandatorily participated by all workers. Place display boards at strategic locations within the camps containing messages on best hygienic practices. Safety In adequate safety facilities to the construction camps may create security problems and fire hazardsThe Contractor shallProvide appropriate security personnel (police/home guard or private security guards) and enclosures to prevent unauthorized entry into the camp area.Maintain register to keep a track on a head count of persons present in the camp at any given time.Encourage use of flameproof material for the construction of labor housing/site office. Also, ensure that these houses/rooms are of sound construction and capable of withstanding wind storms/cyclones.Provide appropriate type of firefighting equipment suitable for the construction camps. Display emergency contact numbers clearly and prominently at strategic places in municate the roles and responsibilities of laborers in case of emergency in the monthly meetings with contractors.Site RestorationRestoration of the construction camps to original condition requires demolition of construction campsThe Contractor shallDismantle and remove from the site all facilities established within the construction camp including the perimeter fence and lockable gates at the completion of the construction work.Dismantle camps in phases and as the work gets decreased and not wait for the entire work to be completed.Give prior notice to the laborers before demolishing their camps/units.Maintain the noise levels within the national standards during demolition activities.Different contractors shall be hired to demolish different structures to promote recycling or reuse of demolished material.Reuse the demolition debris to a maximum extent. Dispose remaining debris at the designated waste disposal site.Handover the construction camps with all built facilities as it is if agreement between both parties (contactor and land-owner) has been made so.Restore the site to its condition prior to commencement of the works or to an agreed condition with the landowner.Not make false promises to the laborers for future employment in O&M of the project.ECoP 4: Waste ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesGeneral WasteSoil, air and water pollution from the improper management of wastes and excess materials from the construction sites.The Contractor shallDevelop waste management plan for various specific waste streams (e.g., reusable waste, flammable waste, construction debris, food waste etc.) prior to commencing of construction and submit to PMU for anize disposal of all wastes generated during construction in an environmentally acceptable manner. This will include consideration of the nature and location of disposal site, so as to cause less environmental impact.Adopt national 3R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) approach to minimize the production of wastes. Segregate and reuse/recycle of all the wastes, wherever practical.Prohibit burning of solid wastes at the construction site.Collect and transport non-hazardous wastes to all the approved disposal sites. Vehicles transporting solid wastes shall be covered with tarps or nets to prevent spilling wastes or liquid along the route during transport.Train and instruct all personnel in waste management practices and procedures as a component of the environmental induction process.Provide refuse containers at each worksite.Request suppliers to minimize packaging where practicable.Place a high emphasis on good housekeeping practices.Maintain all construction sites in a cleaner, tidy and safe condition and provide and maintain appropriate facilities as temporary storage of all wastes before transportation and final disposal.Hazardous WasteHealth hazards and environmental impacts due to improper waste management practices.The Contractor shallCollect chemical wastes in 200 liter drums (or similar sealed container), appropriately labeled for safe transport to an approved chemical waste depot.Store, transport and handle all chemicals avoiding potential environmental pollution.Store all hazardous wastes appropriately in bounded areas away from water courses.Make available Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for hazardous materials on-site during construction.Collect hydrocarbon wastes, including lube oils for safe transport off-site for reuse, recycling, treatment or disposal at approved locations.Construct concrete or other impermeable flooring to prevent seepage in case of spills.Construction WastesHealth hazards, air and water pollution and environmental impacts due to improper waste management practices.The contractor shall either re-use or dispose the waste generated during construction depending upon the nature of waste. The contractor shall dispose off the wastes in designated place that could not be re-used safely. The waste management practices adopted by the Contractor shall be reviewed by the PMU during the progress of construction. ECoP 5: Fuels and Hazardous Goods ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesFuels and hazardous goods.Materials used in construction have a potential source of contamination. Improper storage and handling of fuels, lubricants, chemicals and hazardous goods/materials on-site, and potential spills from these goods may harm the environment or health of construction workers.The Contractor shallPrepare spill control protocol and submit the plan to PMU for approval.Train the relevant construction personnel in handling of fuels and spill control procedures.Store dangerous goods in bounded areas on a top of a sealed plastic sheet away from watercourses.Refueling shall occur only within bounded areas.Make available MSDS for chemicals and dangerous goods on-site.Transport waste of dangerous goods, which cannot be recycled to a designated disposal site approved by DoE.Provide absorbent and containment material (e.g., absorbent matting) where hazardous material are used and stored and personnel trained in the correct use.Provide PPEs like protective clothing, safety boots, helmets, masks, gloves, goggles etc. to the construction personnel assigned to handle the wastes.Make sure all containers, drums, and tanks that are used for storage are in good condition and are labeled with expiry date. Any container, drum, or tank that is dented, cracked or rusted might eventually leak. Check for leakage regularly to identify potential problems before they occur.Store hazardous materials above flood plain level.Put containers and drums in temporary storages in clearly marked areas, where they will not be run over by vehicles or heavy machinery. The area shall preferably slope or drain to a safe collection area in the event of a spill.Put containers and drums in permanent storage areas on an impermeable floor that slopes to a safe collection area in the event of a spill or leak.Take all precautionary measures when handling and storing fuels and lubricants, avoiding environmental pollution.Avoid the use of material with greater potential for contamination by substituting them with more environmentally friendly materials.Return the gas cylinders to the supplier. However, if they are not empty prior to their return, they must be labeled with the name of the gas, they contained, information of the supplier, cylinder serial number, pressure, their last hydrostatic test date, and any additional identification marking that may be considered necessary.ECoP 6: Water Resources ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesHazardous Material and WasteWater pollution from the storage, handling and disposal of hazardous materials and general construction waste and accidental spillage.The Contractor shallFollow the wastes management guidelines proposed in ECoP 5 and 6.Minimize the generation of sediment, slurry, oil and grease, organic matter, litter, debris and any form of waste (particularly petroleum and chemical wastes). These substances must not enter into waterways, storm water systems or underground water table.Discharge from construction sitesDuring construction both surface and groundwater quality may be deteriorated due to construction activities. The construction works will modify ground cover and topography changing the surface water drainage patterns of the area including infiltration and storage of storm water. These changes in hydrological regime lead to increased rate of runoff, increase in sediment and contaminant loading, increased flooding, groundwater contamination, and effect habitat of fish and other aquatic biology.The Contractor shall Install temporary drainage works (channels and bunds) in areas required for sediment and erosion control and around storage areas for construction materials. Install temporary sediment basins, where appropriate, to capture sediment-laden run-off from site. Divert runoff from undisturbed areas around the construction site. Stockpile materials away from drainage lines. Prevent all solid and liquid wastes entering waterways by collecting solid waste, oils, chemicals, bitumen spray waste and wastewaters from brick, concrete and asphalt cutting where possible and transport to an approved waste disposal site or recycling depot. Wash out ready-mix concrete agitators and concrete handling equipment at washing facilities off site or into approved bounded areas on site. Ensure that tires of construction vehicles are cleaned in the washing bay (constructed at the entrance of the construction site) to remove the mud from the wheels. This shall be done in every exit of each construction vehicle to ensure the local roads are kept clean. Soil erosion and siltation Soil erosion and dust from the material stockpiles will increase the sediment and contaminant loading of surface water bodies. The Contractor shall Stabilize the cleared areas not used for construction activities with vegetation or appropriate surface water treatments as soon as practicable following earthwork to minimize erosion. Ensure that roads used by construction vehicles are swept regularly to remove sediment. Spray water on material stockpiles, access roads and bare soils at required basis to minimize dust. Increase the watering frequency during periods of high risk (e.g. high winds, high temperature, etc.).ECoP 7: Drainage ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesExcavation and earthworks and construction yards Lack of proper drainage for rainwater/liquid waste or wastewater owing to the construction activities harms environment in terms of water and soil contamination and mosquito growth.The Contractor shall Prepare a program for prevent/avoid standing waters, which PMU will verify in advance and confirm during implementation. Provide alternative drainage for rainwater if the construction works/earth-fillings cut the established drainage line.Establish local drainage line with appropriate silt collector and silt screen for rainwater or wastewater connecting to the existing established drainage lines already there Rehabilitate road drainage structures immediately if damaged by contractors’ road transports. Build new drainage lines as appropriate and required for wastewater from construction yards connecting to the available nearby recipient water bodies. Ensure wastewater quality conforms to the relevant standards provided by DoE, before it being discharged into the recipient water bodies. Ensure the internal roads/hard surfaces in the construction yards/construction camps that generate storm water drainage to accommodate high runoff during downpour and that there is no stagnant water in the area at the end of the downpour. Construct wide drains instead of deep drains to avoid sand deposition in the drains that require frequent cleaning. Provide appropriate silt collector and silt screen at the inlet and manholes and periodically clean the drainage system to avoid drainage congestion. Protect natural slopes of drainage channels to ensure adequate storm water drains. Regularly inspect and maintain all drainage channels to assess and alleviate any drainage congestion problem. Reduce infiltration of contaminated drainage through storm water management design.Ponding of water Health hazards due to mosquito breeding. Do not allow ponding of water especially near the waste storage areas and construction and labor camps. Discard all the storage containers that are capable of storing of water, after use or store them in inverted position.ECoP 8: Erosion and Sediment ControlProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesClearing of construction sites Cleared areas and slopes are susceptible for erosion of top soils.Reinstate and protect cleared areas as soon as possible. Mulch to protect batter slopes before planting. Cover unused area of disturbed or exposed surfaces immediately with mulch/grass turnings/tree plantations.Construction activities and material stockpiles The impact of soil erosion are (i) increased run off and sedimentation causing a greater flood hazard to the downstream, (ii) destruction of aquatic environment in nearby lakes, streams, and reservoirs caused by erosion and/or deposition of sediment damaging the spawning grounds of fish, and (iii) destruction of vegetation by burying or gullying.The Contractor shall Locate stockpiles away from drainage lines. Protect the toe of all stockpiles, where erosion is likely to occur, with silt fences, straw bales or bunds. Remove debris from drainage paths and sediment control structures. Cover the loose sediments and then spray water, if required. Divert natural runoff around construction areas prior to any site disturbance. Install protective measures on site prior to construction, for example, sediment traps Control drainage through a site in protected channels or slope drains. Install ‘cut off drains’ on large cut/fill batter slopes to control water runoff speed and hence erosion. Make sure to clean the sediment deposits and vegetation from the drainage structures before rainy season.ECoP 9: Air Quality ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesConstruction vehicular trafficAir quality can be adversely affected by vehicle exhaust emissions and combustion of fuels.The Contractor shallFit vehicles with appropriate exhaust systems and emission control devices. Maintain these devices in good working condition.Operate the vehicles in a fuel-efficient mannerCover hauls vehicles carrying dusty materials moving outside the construction site.Impose speed limits on all vehicle movement at the worksite to reduce dust emissions.Control the movement of construction traffic.Spray water on construction materials prior to loading and transport.Service all vehicles regularly to minimize emissions.Limit the idling time of vehicles not more than 2 minutes.Construction machineryAir quality can be adversely affected by emissions from machinery and combustion of fuels.The Contractor shallFit machinery with appropriate exhaust systems and emission control devices. Maintain these devices in good working condition in accordance with the specifications defined by their manufacturers to maximize combustion efficiency and minimize the contaminant emissions. Undertake servicing of all equipment regularly to minimize emissionsProvide filtering systems, duct collectors or humidification or other techniques (as applicable) to the concrete batching and mixing plant to control the particle emissions in all its stages, including unloading, collection, aggregate handling, cement dumping, circulation and others.Construction activitiesDust generation from construction sites, material stockpiles and access roads are a nuisance in the environment, cause air pollution and can be health hazard of the workers and surrounding local communities.Water the material stockpiles, access roads and bare soils as required to minimize the potential for environmental nuisance due to dust. Increase the watering frequency during periods of high risk (e.g. high winds, high temperature). Stored materials such as gravel and sand shall be covered and confined to avoid their being wind-drifted.Minimize the extent and period of exposure of the bare surfaces.Reschedule earthwork activities or vegetation clearing activities, where practical, if necessary to avoid during periods of high wind and if visible dust is blowing off-site.Restore disturbed areas as soon as practicable by vegetation/grass-turfing.Store the cement in silos and minimize the emissions from silos by equipping them with filters.Establish adequate locations for storage, mixing and loading of construction materials, in a way that dust dispersion is prevented because of such operations.Crushing of rocky and aggregate materials shall be wet-crushed, or performed with particle emission control systems.ECoP 10: Noise and Vibration ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesConstruction vehicular trafficNoise quality will be deteriorated due to vehicular trafficThe Contractor shallMaintain all vehicles in good working condition in accordance with manufactures maintenance procedures/protocols.Make sure all drivers will comply with the traffic codes concerning maximum speed limit, driving hours, anize the loading and unloading of trucks, and handling operations for the purpose of minimizing construction noise on the work site.Construction machineryNoise and vibration may have an impact on people, property, fauna, livestock and the natural environment.The Contractor shallAppropriately site for all noise generating activities to avoid noise pollution of local residents.Use the quietest available plant and equipmentModify equipment to reduce noise (for example, noise control kits, lining of truck trays or pipelines).Maintain all equipment in good working condition in accordance with manufactures maintenance procedures/protocols. Equipment suppliers and contractors shall present the proof of maintenance register of their equipment.Install acoustic enclosures around generators to reduce noise levels.Fit high efficiency mufflers to appropriate construction equipment.Avoid the unnecessary use of alarms, horns and sirens in the construction sites.Construction activityNoise and vibration may have an impact on people, property, fauna, livestock and the natural environment.The Contractor shallNotify adjacent landholders prior any typical noise events outside of daylight hours.Educate the operators of construction equipment on potential noise problems and the techniques to minimize noise emissions.Employ best available work practices on-site to minimize occupational noise levels.Install temporary noise control barriers where appropriate.Notify affected people if major noisy activities will be undertaken, e.g. pile driving.Plan activities on site and deliveries to and from site to minimize impact.Monitor and analyze noise and vibration results and adjust construction practices as required.Avoid undertaking the noisiest activities, where possible, when working at night near the residential areas.ECoP 11: Road Transport and Road Traffic ManagementProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesConstruction vehicular trafficIncreased traffic use of road by construction vehicles will affect the movement of normal road traffics and the safety of the road-users.The Contractor shallPrepare and submit a traffic management plan to the PMU for approval at least 30 days before commencing work on any project component involved in traffic diversion and management.Include in the traffic management plan to ensure uninterrupted traffic movement during construction: detailed drawings of traffic arrangements showing all detours, temporary road, temporary bridges temporary diversions, necessary barricades, warning signs/lights, and road signs.Provide signs at strategic locations of the roads complying with the schedules of signs contained in the Bangladesh Traffic Regulations.Install and maintain a display board at each important road intersection to be used during construction, which shall clearly show the following information in Bangla:Location and types of construction of ongoing worksDuration of construction periodPeriod of proposed detour/alternative routeSuggested detour route mapName and contact address/telephone number of the concerned personnelName and contact address/telephone number of the ContractorInconvenience is sincerely regretted.Accidents and spillage of fuels and chemicalsRestrict truck deliveries, where practicable to day time working hours.Restrict the transport of oversize loads.Operate road traffics/transport vehicles, if possible, to non-peak periods to minimize traffic disruptions.Enforce on-site speed limit.ECoP 12: Cultural and Religious IssuesProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesConstruction activities near religious and cultural sitesDisturbance from construction works to the cultural and religious sites, and contractors lack of knowledge on cultural issues cause social disturbances. The Contractor shall Communicate to the public through community consultation and newspaper announcements regarding the scope and schedule of construction, as well as certain construction activities causing disruptions or access restriction. Do not block access to cultural and religious sites, wherever possible Restrict all construction activities within the foot prints of the construction sites. Stop construction works that produce noise (particularly during prayer time) should there be any mosque/religious/educational institutions close to the construction sites and users make objections. Take special care and use appropriate equipment when working next to a cultural/religious institution. Show appropriate behavior with all construction workers especially women and elderly people Resolve cultural issues in consultation with local leaders and supervision consultants Establish a mechanism that allows local people to raise grievances arising from the construction process. ECoP 13: Occupational Health and SafetyProject activity/ Impact sourceEnvironmental ImpactMitigation Measures/ Management GuidelinesBest practices Construction works may pose health and safety risks to the construction workers and site visitors leading to severe injuries and deaths. The population in the proximity of the construction site and the construction workers will be exposed to a number of (i) biophysical health risk factors, (e.g. noise, dust, chemicals, construction material, solid waste, wastewater, vector transmitted diseases etc.), (and (ii) road accidents from construction traffic. The Contractor shall Implement suitable safety standards for all workers and site visitors which should not be less than those laid down on the international standards (e.g. International Labor Office guideline on ‘Safety and Health in Construction; World Bank Group’s ‘Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines’) and contractor’s own national standards or statutory regulations, in addition to complying with the national standards of the Government of Bangladesh (e.g. `The Bangladesh Labor Code, 2006’) Provide the workers with a safe and healthy work environment, taking into account inherent risks in its particular construction activity and specific classes of hazards in the work areas, Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers, such as safety boots, helmets, masks, gloves, protective clothing, goggles, full-face eye shields, and ear protection. Maintain the PPE properly by cleaning dirty ones and replacing them with the damaged ones. Safety procedures include provision of information, training and protective clothing to workers involved in hazardous operations and proper performance of their job Appoint an environment, health and safety manager to look after the health and safety of the workers.Accidents Lack of first aid facilities and health care facilities in the immediate vicinity will aggravate the health conditions of the victims Provide health care facilities and first aid facilities are readily available. Appropriately equipped first-aid stations should be easily accessible throughout the place of work Document and report occupational accidents, diseases, and incidents. Prevent accidents, injury, and disease arising from, associated with, or occurring in the course of work by minimizing, so far as reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards. In a manner consistent with good international industry practice. Identify potential hazards to workers, particularly those that may be life-threatening and provide necessary preventive and protective measures. Provide awareness to the construction drivers to strictly follow the driving rules Provide adequate lighting in the construction area and along the roads.Water and sanitation facilities at the construction sites Lack of Water sanitation facilities at construction sites cause inconvenience to the construction workers and affect their personal hygiene. The contractor should provide portable toilets at the construction sites, if about 25 people are working the whole day for a month. Location of portable facilities should be at least 6m away from storm drain system and surface waters. These portable toilets should be cleaned once a day and all the sewerage should be pumped from the collection tank once a day and should be brought to the common septic tank for further treatment. Contractor should provide bottled drinking water facilities to the construction workers at all the construction sites. ECoP 14: Community/Public Health and Safety The safety and health of the public is impacted due to the hazards created during the construction period. This code of practice describes the measures that need to be taken to mitigate the impacts. Pre-construction Stage In order to incorporate public health and safety concerns, the PMU and the Contractor shall disseminate the following information to the community: Location of subproject activities, Borrow areas, Extent of work Time of construction Involvement of local labors in subproject construction Health issues - exposure to dust, communicable diseases etc. Construction Stage Proper safety/warning signs are to be installed by the contractor to inform the public of potential health and safety hazard situations during the construction phase in the vicinity of the project. The PMU shall carry out periodic inspections in order to ensure that all the measures are being undertaken as per this ECoP. Post-construction Stage The construction site shall be cleaned of all debris, scrap materials and machinery on completion of construction for the safety of public and users. ECoP 15:Accident and Emergency Plan Tractors, Motor Vehicles and other Self-Propelled Implements:These and all other vehicles must be immobilized when not in use.Machinery, Plant and EquipmentSharp points, spikes and sharp edges must be protected. Adequate support must be given to prevent moving or tipping up. Cutter bars, knives or other cutters must have their blades removed or approved guards covering them. Belts, gearing and other moving parts must be guarded so that there is no danger whatsoever and the public must be kept well clear. Hydraulics must be immobilized.HydraulicsAny equipment operated by hydraulics, i.e. trailers, tractor buckets, fork lifts, chutes must be suitably propped with steel props and at separate stages if in multi-stage rams. Any steam or pressure vessel or lifting appliance used must have undergone a recent inspection by a competent person.Tower Cranes and HoistsThe area over which the crane is exhibited must be protected in case of collapse.Digging of Holes and Other ExcavationsNo post holes are to be bored nor is any other digging or excavation to take place anywhere without written authorizationFencingSingle rope or post and rail fencing will normally suffice as providing minimum protection however, where there is a need to prevent total public access to a site or part thereof, secure wire mesh or vertical barrier rail type fences should be used.Storage of Flammable Liquids and GasStorage of these materials will not normally be permitted. These must be secured to prevent theft or misuse, they should be supported so that they cannot fall over and valves and pipes are to be kept clear of obstructions and free from external pressures.Protective ClothingStandardized protective clothing should be used wherever there is a requirement.ElectricityThe contractor will inspect all pre-wired installations when connecting the supply and a charge will be made should further testing be required. Contractors will be held responsible for the safekeeping of fittings and installations on their sites.TrafficAll vehicles used must comply with the relevant safety and road traffic regulations.Site safety rules for contractorsAppropriate personnel protective equipment (PPE) e.g. hard hats, vests, ear protection and safety boots to be worn when required.No persons are to use lifting equipment of any description unless they have undergone the relevant trainingAll lifting equipment to be accompanied by current certificate of inspectionExclusion zones are to be put into place around all heavy and or awkward lifting operationsAll tools and equipment to be kept in good working order and only to be used for the purpose for which they were intended, any defects in tools or equipment should be reported as soon as possible to the relevant contractor’s supervisor, or if deemed necessary to the site office immediately.All equipment and tools not in use must be safely and securely stored in the appropriate area, so that they may only be accessed by authorized persons and do not pose any danger to other workers or members of the public.All walkways, access points and emergency exits to be free from obstruction at all times.All contractors should ensure that they do not obstruct any emergency exits, thoroughfares or access points with any articles or materials.All contractors, sub-contractors and other staff are to ensure they are familiar with procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency or major incident.All incidents resulting in injury and any near misses to be reported to relevant project manager.Exclusion zones to be established around areas where work at height is being carried out, or where overhead loads are being slung.Any worker found, or suspected to be, under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be asked to leave the site.Health & safety compliance will be monitored by designated safety manager of the contractor who will liaise with suppliers, site management to ensure that the above rules are being followed. Fire SafetyAll workers should be aware of the location of firefighting equipment, fire alarm points and the locations of emergency exits and routes in the area in which they are working.Noise at WorkThe contractor has a duty to ensure that their staff are adequately protected against the harmful effects of noise. The contractor will supply their staff with appropriate noise projection gear. Loading/Unloading of VehiclesALL vehicles must observe the site speed limit at all times.All workers and visitors to wear hi-vis waistcoats at all times whilst on site.All goods vehicles must have their vehicle height clearly marked if in doubt of height clearance, should be seen to the site by a competent person from the contractor’s team.All delivery vehicles should be seen into and away from their unloading position by a competent person to avoid collisions, particularly with people.All workers should be aware of traffic in the vicinity of the unloading areas and on the roadways.Make sure when lifting articles and materials or equipment from vehicles or trailers, and or releasing load bars/straps/ties be aware that other equipment may have become dislodged which could fall.Be aware of slippery areas and trip hazards Try to ensure that adequate lighting is available both inside and out of the immediate loading/unloading area.An exclusion zone should be made around unloading areas to avoid unnecessary danger to crew and or public.Continual monitoring of ramps and loading bays should be carried out to alleviate the potential of harm.Equipment must not block any designated fire/ambulance lanes at any time.Appropriate signage should be used to make people aware of the dangers of the area.Mechanical HandlingVehicles must observe the site speed limit at all times.All vehicles must comply with any current and or relevant standardsVehicles must be parked in a safe place ensuring that no emergency routes are blocked.Construction and Dismantling of StructuresBe aware of other work going on around you.Accident ProcedureIf an accident occurs firstly make sure that nobody is in any immediate danger i.e. from electrocution, traffic, falling truss etc.Do not move the patient unless they are in further danger.Send someone to call for medical help.If trained, administer first aid, or otherwise summon a trained first-aider.Clear by-standers and onlookers from the areaAnnex G: Sample Environmental Screening FormSub Project Name Sub Project Details in Brief:Sub Project location/s:Project DetailsSl.noComponentsDetails1Sub Project components2Details of Alignment / Components (main components including construction activities)3Location of the sub project Sites &Current Land use (Provide information for all sites involved in the project), any historic land use (related to heritage, or contamination)Site Survey No:/s (with ownership), Geographical co-ordinates of the site location [including any off-site sub components [attach map]Proposed Resource UseResource UseSl.noProposed ResourcesArea/QuantityUnitDetails(i).Land Area proposed to be used: Location wise (in sq km / sq m)(ii).Estimated energy consumption for the project activities – Source wise(iii).Estimated usage of water quantity for the project: Ground Water and Surface water?Baseline Environmental ConditionsSl.noEnvironmental AspectsYesNoDetails1Is the project site located on or adjacent to any of the following (Provide information for all sites and alignment of the project components/subcomponents, associated activities; mention distance to these features in meters/kilometers)i)Critically Vulnerable Coastal Areas, Eco-sensitive Areasii)Cultural Heritage site, Protected monumentsiii)Natural Forests / Protected Areas Is the sub project in an eco- sensitive or adjoining an eco-sensitive area?If Yes, provide details.iv)Any other Wetlands/ Mangrove/ Estuarine Region?v)Any Natural Habitat areas, areas with natural features?vi)Any other Sensitive Environmental Components?vii)Any Residences, schools, hospitals, sensitive receptors?viii)Any culturally – socially important paths, areas/religious occupancies, burial grounds, tourist or pilgrim congregation areas, borders, etc?ix)Any Drinking water source, upstream and downstream uses of rivers, etc?x)Any Low-lying areas prone to flooding/areas of Tidal Influence?xi)Any areas affected by other disasters?2Is the site in Critical / Over Exploited condition?3Is the area disaster-prone? If yes; list all disaster zone categories applicable4Describe the soil and vegetation on siten/an/a5Is the site area and condition suitable for proposed development?6Describe existing pollution or degradation in the site(s)n/an/a7Any other remark on baseline condition?Anticipated Environmental Impacts: Impacts on Land, Geology and SoilsSl.noImpactsYes/May createNoDetails8.Will the proposed project cause the following on Land / Soil:i)Impact on Surrounding Environmental Conditions including Occupation on Low lying lands/flood plainsii)Substantial removal of Top Soil (mention area in sqm)iii)Any degradation of land / eco-systems expected due to the project?iv)Loss or impacts on Cultural/heritage propertiesv)Does the project activity involve cutting and filling/ blasting etc?vi)Will the project cause physical changes in the project area (e.g., changes to the topography) due to earth filling, excavation, earthwork or any other activity?vii)Will the project involve any quarrying/mining etc?viiiWill the project / any of its component contaminate or pollute the Land?ix)Will the project contribute to any long- term significant adverse (negative), large scale, irreversible, sensitive impact at a regional scale or area broader than the project sites?Impacts on Water EnvironmentSl.noImpactsYes/ May CreateNoDetails9Will the subproject or its components cause any of the following impact on Water sources (Quantity or Quality):i)Will the activities proposed at the site(s) impact water quality (surface or underground) and water resource availability and use? Will this sub-project involve the dredging of water bodies, sea, canals, etc.ii)Impacts on Water Resourcesiii)Pollution of Water bodies/ground water nearby or downstreamiv)Will the project affect the River /cannel flow pattern, stream pattern or any other irrigation canal?v)Will the project result in stagnation of water flow or pondage or weed growthImpacts on Biodiversity and Host CommunitiesSl.noEnvironmental ImpactsYes/ May CreateNoDetails10Will the subproject or its components cause any of the following impacts on Biodiversity or the neighbourhoodi)Will the project necessitates cutting of?Trees / Loss of Vegetationii)Will the project result in Health & Safety Risks in the neighbourhood including the release of toxic gases, accident risksiii)Potential risk of habitat fragmentation due to the clearing activities? (e.g. Hindrance to the local biodiversity like disturbing the migratory path of animals/ birds etc.)iv)Potential Noise and Light Pollution or disturbance to surrounding habitats/communitiesv)Potential disruption to common property, accessibility, traffic disruptions, conflicts or disruption to the local community within the subproject area?Impacts due to Storage and Wastes: Pollution and HazardsTypeYesNoDetails11Will the subproject or its components cause any impact due to storage of materials, wastes or pollution due to releases during various project activitiesi)Will the project use or store dangerous substances (e.g., large quantities of hazardous chemicals/ materials like Chlorine, Diesel, Petroleum products; any other?ii)Will the project produce solid or liquid wastes; including construction/demolition wastes (including dredging, de-weeding wastes, muck/silt, dust); polluted liquids?iii)Will the project cause or increase air pollution or odor nuisance?iv)Will the project generate or increase noise levels which will impact surrounding biodiversity or communities?v)Will the project generate or increase visual blight or light pollution?vi)Will the project cause water pollution?(of waterbodies/ groundwater)?vii)Will the project involve dangerous construction activities which may be a safety concern to workers/ host communitiesviiiIs there a potential for release of toxic gases or accident risks (e.g. potential fire outbreaks)12Describe any other features of the project that could influence the ambient environment13Were the probable environmental impacts discussed with stakeholders?Suggested Environmental Enhancement MeasuresEnhancement MeasuresYesNoDetails14Has the subproject design considered the following enhancement measures?i)Energy conservation measures/ energy recovery options incorporated in subproject designii)Considered waste minimization or waste reuse/recycle optionsiii)Rainwater harvesting, water recycling and other water resource enhancement measuresiv)Considerations for extreme events, drought, flood, other natural disastersvi)NOC for water withdrawal from surface water sourcevii)Mining Permit (for dredging)viii)NOC for transportation and storage of diesel, oil and lubricants, etc.ix)Others (Mention)This Screening sheet must be completed for each of the proposed subproject and forwarded to the Environment Specialist in Respective PMU along with the following enclosures. Enclosures: Provide maps with the geographical location of the project; and an appropriately-scaled map clearly showing the project area and project sites with land use, existing buildings, infrastructure, vegetation, adjacent land use, utility lines, access roads and any planned construction, and any other information to describe the project, locations and possible impact as required.Project Categorization and Need for Safeguards Instruments, OversightProject Category□ Low □ Moderate □ Substantial □ HighKey ReasonsSafeguards Instruments Required□ Detailed ESIA and ESMP□ ESA□ RAP □ Site-specific ESMPStatusAgency / OfficialName, Signature with Date and SealPrepared byEnvironmental SpecialistEnvironmental Expert- in– chargeChecked and Categorized as (low, moderate, substantial, high) byPMUEnvironmentalSpecialistReviewed & accepted byPMUEnvironmentalSpecialistAnnex H: Sample Social Screening FormSubproject Name …………………………………Subproject location …………………………….Land Use, Resettlement, and/or Land AcquisitionSl.noComponentsYesNoDetails1Does the project involve acquisition of private land?2Alienation of any type of Government land including that owned by Urban Local Body?3Clearance of encroachment fromGovernment/ Local body Land?4Clearance of squatters/hawkers fromGovernment/ Local Body Land?5Number of structures, both authorized and/or unauthorized to be acquired/ cleared/6Number of households to be displaced?7Village common properties to be alienated Pasture Land (acres) Acquisition / burial ground and others specify?8Existing land uses on and around the project area (e.g., community facilities, agriculture, tourism, private property) will be affected?9Will the project result in construction workers or other people moving into or having access to the area (for a long-time period and in large numbers compared to permanent residents)?10Are financial compensation measures expected to be needed?Loss of Crops, Fruit Trees, Household Infrastructure and livelihood11Will the project result in the permanent or temporary loss of the following?11.1Crops?11.2Fruit trees? Specify with numbers11.3Petty Shops11.4Vegetable/Fish/Meat vending11.5Cycle repair shop11.6Garage11.7Tea stalls11.8Grazing11.9Loss of access to forest produce (NTFP)11.10Any others - specifyWelfare, Employment, and Gender12Is the project likely to provide local employment opportunities, including employment opportunities for women?13Is the project being planned with sufficient attention to local poverty alleviation objectives?14Is the project being designed with sufficient local participation (including the participation of women) in the planning, design, and implementation process?Historical, Archaeological, or Cultural Heritage SitesBased on available sources, consultation with local authorities, local knowledge and/or observations, could the project alter:15Historical heritage site(s) require excavation near the same?16Archaeological heritage site(s) require excavation near the same?17Cultural heritage site(s) require excavation near the same?18Graves or sacred locations require excavations near the same?Tribal Population/Indigenous People19Does this project involve acquisition of any land belonging to Tribal people?Beneficiaries20Population proposed to be benefitted by the proposed projectApprox. no.:21No. of Females proposed to be benefitted by the proposed projectApprox. no.:22Vulnerable households /population to be benefittedApprox. no.:23No. of Families to be benefittedApprox. no.:This Screening sheet must be completed for each of the proposed subproject by respective social team and forwarded to the Social Specialist in Respective PMU along with the following enclosures. (Enclosures: Land details for the project sites, location, survey numbers, extent available and required, land use classification, current use of the site, land ownership, alienation/acquisition status, as required along with a certificate giving availability of sites required for the project by the borrower.)Project Categorisation and Need for Safeguards Instruments, OversightProject Category□ Low □ Moderate □ Substantial □ HighKey ReasonsSafeguards Instruments Required□ Detailed ESIA and ESMP□ ESA□ RAP □ Site-specific ESMPStatusAgency / OfficialName, Signature with Date and SealPrepared bySocial SpecialistSocial Expert / in –chargeChecked and Categorized as (low, moderate, substantial, high) byPMUSocial SpecialistReviewed & accepted byNPMUSocial Specialist ................

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