115823938044Youth ActivitiesAs I remember growing up in a military home, my father was in the Navy, and I grew up with great admiration for themilitary. Although I never knew about the VFW, I believe I would have enjoyed taking part in activities at the VFW. Today we should all be teaching our young abut patriotism.This year there are two new components to the youth activities program: Patriotism through Literacy and Illustrating America.Patriotism through Literacy:What is patriotism through Literacy? Very simply it is helping our youth learn about America through books, historical fiction and creative nonfiction. There are many benefits of Patriotism through Literacy, helping youth gain a better understanding of American history, helping to foster a love of books leading to a lifetime of learning, teaching kids about different times in American history, spending time with kids in the community in creative ways.How can you participate in Patriotism through Literacy you ask? I’m glad you asked, volunteer at your local library to read kids a historical or creative nonfiction picture book, host a read-a-thon award small prizes for # of books read, or hours spent reading, host a writer’s workshop for the older youth and teens. If you are able invite an author of historical or creative nonfiction to your post, have a book signing and/or discussion of the book.Illustrating America:What is Illustrating America?It is an art contest for elementary and/or middle school (jr. high) students. The benefits of Illustrating America are, encouraging students’ artistic abilities and rewarding them for their hard work. We can enjoy seeing how our youth see the world through their eyes in their drawings and paintings. A chance to get kids interested with the hope that when they are in high school, they will enter the YoungAmerican Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Participation is relatively easy, host contests for students’ grades K-8, there are three grade divisions: K-2, 3-5, & 6-8. There is one National winner in each grade division, with awards for first, second, & third place in each grade division. Approach local schools, reach out to local homeschooling families, or other organizations through print and online media, information is available at resources Much like the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest, Auxiliaries start by promoting the contest at schools and throughout the community, collect patriotic artwork for judging, Auxiliary & Department Awards are up to each auxiliary & department award will be determined. (coloring sheets, digital are, & photography are not accepted).Details & deadlines: Student deadline is March 31,2020. Entries are submitted to a local VFW Auxiliary Youth Activities Chairperson by the deadline date. The Auxiliary first place winner for each grade division will be sent to the Department Youth Activities Chairperson for judging. District Judging is optional; however the winners must meet Department deadlines.Department Judging: All Auxiliary or District entries must be received by the Department Youth Activities Chairperson by April 15, 2020. Departments will judge and send first place winners in each grade division to National Headquarters by May 5, 2020. (only one first place winner in each grade division is eligible for the National competition). All entries will be judged with one winner in each grade division. First-place winning entries in each grade division will receive an award and be displayed at National Convention.Along with the two new components of the Youth Activities Program there are still the other components.Creating, sponsoring, and working with Youth Groups: an Auxiliary can sponsor a youth group & engage them in any one of the Auxiliary programs. Include them in activities that honor our veterans or assisting our active duty service members and their families.Remember by involving youth in Auxiliary programs can lead to increased membership.Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans National Citations: Through this national citation, youth groups can be recognized for their efforts and service projects honoring our veterans & assisting active- duty service members & their families. Recognize a youth group by applying for a citation. Applications for citations are available at resources We as an organization can help our youth develop great traditions and good citizens, by recognizing our youth for the good work they do and strive for these activities become a part of their daily lives.Patriotic Youth Award: this award is meant to recognize individual youth for their patriotism and /or support of our veterans, active duty service members or their families. The patriotic youth award is available at: resources under youth activities.Random Acts of Patriotism (R.A.P.): Keep an eye out for a child thanking a veteran? Or maybe a child placing their hand on their heart correctly? That is an opportunity to give them a R.A.P. coin and/or card. The cards can be downloaded for free and printed at home, the template is available at resources The coins can be purchased from the VFW store at or by calling 1-833-VFW-VETS. This can be a fun and unique way to engage our youth and encourage patriotism. Try coming up with ways to reuse the coins and /or cards, have a store where youth can trade them in for various items, have a family night and admission could be R.A.P. coins and/or cards, have a family movie night and use the cards and/or coins for concessions.Patriotism through Literacy: Promote and support reading among youth using this fun and simple (potentially free use the local library) initiative. Introduce youth to historical figures and teach them about events that have occurred throughout our nation’s history. Through this fostering a love for reading that can lead to a lifetime of learning. Dr. Seuss said, “Reading can take you places you have never been before.” Reading stretches our imagination. There aremany benefits of reading such as, increased grammar and writing skills, improved focus and concentration while also helping children to understand and share the feelings of others.Illustrating America: This is open to all students, including home- schooled students, in grades K-8 at time of local entry and a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. National. It will be judged on patriotic theme and technique. The Department winner in each grade division will be forwarded to Auxiliary National Headquarters. See the brochure at what-we-do/youth-activities for more details on requirements. Students must attend school in the state of the sponsoring Auxiliary. DEADLINES: Local Auxiliary – March 11 Department – April 15 National Headquarters – May 5 Contest Rules:*Art must be two-dimensional. *Art must be on canvas or paper.*Watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen, ink, oil, marker, or other media maybe used. * do not frame. *Submit canvas entries on a stretcher or frame or canvas board. *Other entries must be matted in white. *Do not use color mats, reinforce the back with heavy paper. *Mounted and floating may also be used. * The art should be no smaller that 8” x 10” but no larger than 18” x 24”, not including mat. COLORING SHEETS, DIGITAL ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY ARE NOT ACCEPTED.Involve Youth in ALL Auxiliary Programs, youth play an important role in our future. Some project ideas: Visiting and volunteering in VA and non-VA facilities, arching in patriotic holiday parades, send cards and small gifts to National Home for Children, organizing assembly, collection, and delivery of care packages for our troops, just to name a few. Explore every option for youth groups, not just school or church, there are sports teams, youth community service groups……. Make your auxiliary accessible for todays youth, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat.Auxiliary Awards: Citation to every Auxiliary that participates in/promotes Patriotism through Literacy. Citation and $50.00 to one Auxiliary in the nation for most outstanding participation / promotion of Patriotism through Literacy.AWARDS FOR DEPARTMENTS AND DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN:Citation to each Department Chairmen for participation in this program.Serving Our Veterans with Aloha Keepsake to one Department Chairman in each of the 10 Program Divisions for best promotion of Illustration America.Outstanding Performance Award in each of the 10 Program Divisions based on criteria listed on page 3 and for the promotion of Program Goals on Page 56. ................

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