
Women as Artists — 19th Century to the Present

Instructor: Gayle Clemans


worth 25% of total grade

There are two options:

1. You may write a 5-7 page (typed, double-spaced) research-based analysis paper

2. Or create an art project and accompanying 2 page (typed, double-spaced) paper.

1. 5-7 PAGE PAPER*

On an artist – or topic – of your choice. (This must be a different topic than the one you explored in your group presentation.)

If you choose a single artist paper, please keep in mind that this is a focused, research-analysis paper, NOT a full report on the life of the artist.

In addition to the usual introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, YOUR PAPER MUST INCLUDE:


After you have spent time researching and analyzing how the works of art address your theme, you should develop a thesis. A thesis should state how your chosen works of art reveal something specific about your theme. Your thesis should be included in your paper’s introductory paragraph.

• ANALYSIS of least two works of art.

• RESEARCH on the artist(s) and, if available, on the works of art you’ve chosen. If you can’t find information that is specific to your works of art, that’s okay! Apply relevant ideas and information to what you can see in the work. Avoid including any biographical or historical material that does not relate to your theme.


Any information ― except for common knowledge ― and any quote that you use in your paper needs to be cited. Chicago Style is usually used in art history, but as long as you consistently use one citation style, I will accept MLA or other citation style.

• BIBLIOGRAPHY with at least 3 sources (your textbook is fine to use, but

doesn’t count as one of the 3 required sources).

• IMAGES: photocopies or print-outs of the works of art in your paper. Each image should be labeled with the artist’s name, title, and date.

2. ART PROJECT AND ACCOMPANYING 2 PAGE (typed, double-spaced)


For this option, you must turn in:

A. a visual component:

• A work of art or craft — or a design/sketch for a work of art or craft — that incorporates or is influenced by an aspect of your group presentation.

• Works of art can take months or years to create; therefore, a completely

polished, finished product is NOT necessary, but the work must be complete

enough to communicate the goals of the assignment – no last-minute doodles


• This component will NOT be graded on the quality of the craftsmanship, but

on the degree of complexity and thoughtfulness in its relationship to your

topic. In other words, how does your work of art express meanings, ideas,

symbols connected to your topic? How do genre, subject matter, iconography,

media, form, scale, or formal elements (color, texture, composition, line, etc.)

play a role?

Your written paper will help communicate these connections, but there should

also be clear and thoughtful formal and/or iconographic expressions of your


B. a 2 page paper that includes:

• A discussion of what artist or topic you are exploring in your work of art.

• A careful description of how your work of art relates to your topic. For example, if you choose 19th century women photographers, and then you create a photograph, you should discuss whether your work changes or continues certain meanings, symbols, ideas, processes.

In other words, how does your work of art express meanings, ideas, symbols connected to your topic?

How do genre, subject matter, iconography, media, form, scale, or formal

elements (color, texture, composition, line, etc.) play a role?

• Some brief RESEARCH on the aspect of the topic you’ve chosen. Avoid including any biographical or historical material that does not relate to your theme.


Any information ― except for common knowledge ― and any quote that you use in your paper needs to be cited. Chicago Style is usually used in art history, but as long as you consistently use one citation style, I will accept MLA or other citation style.

• BIBLIOGRAPHY with at least 2 sources (your textbook is fine to use, but doesn’t count as one of the 2 required sources).

• Additional IMAGE(S) if you refer to another work of art: photocopies or print-outs of the works of art in your paper. Each image should be labeled with the artist’s name, title, and date.

* TIPS for both options:

Your writing should be fluid and error-free. Please edit carefully, ask a friend or relative to read your paper, and/or use a Writing Center for advice.

Titles of works of art should be italicized or underlined and the date should be included with the first mention of the work of art.

Full names of artists and art historians or other scholars should be used with first mention. Then, last names are fine.

On-line research

As always, be VERY careful with on-line sources. Just because an artist is mentioned in a blog does not mean that this information is reliable. Museum or gallery websites or university websites are often good bets (look for websites ending in .org or .edu). And there are many academic essays available through on-line databases (e.g. JSTOR), available through the library.

Wikipedia or other overly-general or unverified sources are NOT acceptable.

(Sometimes you can scroll down to the bottom of a Wikipedia entry to see if any academic sources were used and then find those!)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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