Palmetto Middle School’s

Palmetto Middle School Orientation


Welcome to Palmetto Middle School! Our former sixth graders want to share some tips with you. They remember that it was a little scary coming to a huge new school and they want to make you feel good about coming. Here are questions they had and the answers they created for you. Please also visit the school Web site at

On the first day, how do I get to school and where do I go when I get there? Buses drop students off in front of the school. Sixth graders all come inside and go to the sixth grade hall. Car riders must be dropped off in the car circle behind the school. (Cars are NOT allowed in front of the school.) Be sure to arrive early because the car lines are long and slow. Car riders enter the sixth grade hall from the back of the school. The entry doors are on the far left side of the building – the side away from the football field. Students may not be dropped off before 7:20 when the doors are opened and teacher supervision begins. Students arriving after 7:20 will come inside and sit silently in the sixth grade hall. Teachers will supervise students and send them to classes at 7:40. You must have a book to read.

What time do I need to be at school? The car line is very, very slow so you need to be in the parking lot before 7:40. You should be in the building by 7:45 because that is when students are sent to homeroom classes. This allows students time to stop by the restroom and go to lockers before homeroom. Any student not in their classroom by 8:00 is tardy and is required to go to the Attendance Office to get a Tardy Slip in order to be admitted to class.

Can I eat breakfast at school? Breakfast is offered each morning in homeroom for students who have placed their orders. The first few days of school, breakfast is served in the cafeteria. Breakfast costs $1.20. If you have free or reduced lunch, it will be the same for breakfast.

What do I need to bring the first day? What supplies do I need? Bring a sturdy three ring binder, pencils, paper, and tabbed dividers. You also need a pencil pouch inside your binder, and you might want to bring a water bottle.

Will I get lost? NO!!!!! Our sixth graders always say that their greatest fear was that they would get lost. We have never lost a student! Your schedule helps you and teachers will be in the halls to direct students.

Am I the only person who doesn’t know everyone? Remember that all the sixth graders are new in our school and everyone is a little bit worried because they don’t know everyone. Our students come from Cedar Grove, Palmetto, and West Pelzer Elementary Schools. Our school is much larger, but we will take care of you. You will see your old friends and make many new friends. During lunch and recess you will be with the entire sixth grade.

Will I be “run over” by the bigger seventh and eighth graders? Each grade level is kept separate. Sixth graders do not mix with the other grades before school, during regular classes, related classes, or recess.

Will I have lunch? You have lunch every day, and you get to choose what you want and serve your own tray. As you go through the line you enter your lunch number into the computer. Lunch costs $2.40. Anything not listed on the district menu will cost extra; for example, Gatorade, chips, ect.

What if I lock everything in my locker and can’t remember the combination? Your teacher has the combination, and the principals have keys that open the lockers if there is an emergency.

Do I need a special book bag? All book bags must be kept in the locker during the school day, not in the classrooms. The lockers are approximately 9”x11”x27”.

Do I need to bring my schedule to school, or hang it on the refrigerator at home? You absolutely must bring your schedule in your notebook to school every day all year.

How will I find the bathroom and when can I go? Your teacher will show you which restroom you will use and when you are allowed to go. Please bring a doctor’s excuse if you need extra opportunities to go to the bathroom.

What if I get sick? Tell your teacher if you are sick. You may not go to the nurse without a pass from a teacher.

Can I bring medication to school? All medication is kept by the school nurse, and your doctor must fill out a district form before you can bring the medication. Take the completed form and the medication to Mrs. Crawford as soon as you arrive at school.

What if I get in trouble? Our teachers are very patient and kind and will take the time to teach you our school rules – so you shouldn’t have any problems. Most students do not have behavior problems. Students who choose to disrupt class, be disrespectful, or be unkind to another student are given demerits. You will be given a paper explaining the Demerit Code of Conduct. If you receive a total of eight demerits in a nine-week period, a letter is mailed to your home. If you receive 12 demerits, you are assigned 2-4 days of In School Suspension (ISS). ISS students go to a special classroom all day and quietly do work assigned by their teachers.

What are Related Arts Classes? During two 45 minute classes each day, you leave your regular teachers and get to go to related arts classes. Our school offers Band, Chorus, Strings, Art, Gateway to Technology, Computer Application, Physical Education, Academic Enrichment, and Resource Classes. Our school also offers the unique opportunity to attend Christian Learning Center (CLC) during the time of a Related Arts class. To attend CLC, your parents sign a permission form for you to ride a bus to the classes held near the Baptist Association Building. CLC is like attending Sunday School/ Bible Study with your friends from school. You are brought back to school in time for your next class.

Can I bring a cell phone to school? According to school board policy, phones are allowed at school but they must be turned off and stored out of sight. Phones may only be turned on after 3:00. Failure to follow the policy will result in the phone being confiscated and disciplinary action being taken. Please be aware that many cell phones are lost or stolen at school. The school board policy states specific rules and penalties for violation of the rules.

How will I get home from school? Car riders are dismissed around 3:00. Bus riders will be dismissed from the classroom when your bus arrives. Be sure you know your bus number. All car riders must be picked up in the car circle behind the school. (Car riders can NOT meet their ride in front of the school, this is only for buses.) All car riders are picked up in the car circle behind the school. Students picked up other places are considered walkers and will be dismissed around 3:05. Sixth graders will be standing on the side of the circle closest to the sixth grade classrooms. Any other student riding with a sixth grader should go stand with them. Decide how you will get home, before you come to school.

What is the PARENT PORTAL? Parents may go to the school office and request a password to access the Parent Portal on the district website. You must bring your driver’s license or a government issued identification. This gives the parent the ability to monitor their child’s grades throughout the nine weeks. Students are also encouraged to use Parent Portal to monitor their grades.

What if I have problems learning? Palmetto Middle feels that failure is not an option for students. We have many programs that our school developed to be sure that every student gets extra help and attention. The teachers and principals work closely with parents when a child is having difficulties and have frequent contacts and conferences with the parents.

✓ Enrich Students will get an extra 45 minutes with each of their four core teachers once a week to fine-tune areas of weakness or build on specific skills. This time is built into the daily schedule. SSR will take place during part of the Enrich class. Make-up tests and Second Chance tests may also be given during this time on Fridays.

✓ Second Chance Students are given a second chance to take any major test. Teachers require students to master the material before allowing the second chance. Second chance tests are more difficult than the first test and must be completed within ten days of the first test. Second chance tests can be given during Enrich, or parents can arrange a time outside of school hours with a teacher for special circumstances. Students can not make above an 89 on a Second Chance test.

✓ F.I.D.O.(F’s, Incompletes, D’s, and zerO’s aren’t permitted). Students who have D’s, F’s, incomplete work, or zeroes are not permitted to attend many of our special events. Students are strongly encouraged and constantly reminded to make up work and re-do work to improve. Students not meeting the criteria are kept in the classroom for extra assistance.

✓ Academic Enrichment This is a standard driven program designed for students scoring “Below Basic” on PASS or who are recommended by a teacher. Students receive additional help in Math and ELA through the Odyssey software.

✓ Content Mastery Students with documented learning disabilities attend this class during related arts time. Special education teachers give special assistance in a small group setting.

Our school also offers many reward programs to celebrate students’ successes. These include:

✓ Palmetto’s Finest Students with no nine week average lower than 80, no behavior problems, no unexcused absences, and who have completed and documented a required number of hours of community service, receive a special reward after each nine week grading period. Some rewards in the past have been skating, movies, or pizza, and bumper stickers. Their Palmetto’s Finest Card also allows them to go to the front of the very long lunch line during the next nine weeks.

✓ Honor Roll Students scoring All A’s or A’s and B’s are rewarded and recognized in the newspaper and school newsletter,

✓ F.I.D.O Events Students with no F’s, D’s, incomplete work, or zeroes are given a special reward at certain times during the year.


• Major Assessments (tests, essays, projects) are scored on a 100-point scale and will count for 50% of the quarterly average.

• Minor Assessments (quizzes, classwork) are scored on a 100-point scale and will count for 50% of the quarterly average.

• Homework will not count toward the student’s average. A score of 1-4 will be given for all homework assignments. A score of 4 means the student has mastered the material. 3 means they understand, but there were mistakes. 2 means the student has not mastered the material. A score of 1 means that the student did not try.

Opening your locker

1-Turn the dial around clockwise (right) twice to clear it.

2-Turn it clockwise (right) to the first number. (It must be exactly on the number, you can’t go past and back.) Pause!

3-Turn the dial counterclockwise (left) all the way around once, then go around counterclockwise (left) again and stop at second number.

4-Turn the dial clockwise (right) to the third number and let go. This is the special trick to open the locker - turn the dial clockwise (right) like a doorknob while you pull the locker door open with your other hand.

Dress Code – The dress code is in your student handbook.

Weekly Reviews – Students receive a weekly review in each subject each week except math. The review is due the following week.

Science- Tuesday History-Wednesday ELA-Thursday

MyHomework- The MyHomework app is a calendar on students’ ipads that teachers add tests and assignment to. It is like an agenda. Parents can also use the app on their phone to keep up with their child’s assignments and upcoming tests. Students can sign up in class the day they get their ipads.

Remind 101 on cell phones – Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed and up-to-date with what’s happening in your class. By joining Remind, you’re choosing to receive text messages. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. Teachers are able to send messages directly to your cell phones. Students are also encouraged to participate. There will be only one Remind code that all 6th grade teachers use.

Text @egkf8b to 81010


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