
Ms. Siokalo2020-2021AP US Government and PoliticsPleasantville High Schoolsiokalom@@msiokaloSummer Reading AssignmentWelcome to AP U.S. Government and Politics! I am so excited about the upcoming school year. I am looking forward to the discussions we will have this year concerning our nation and the things that matter most. To aid in this process, please complete the summer assignment below. Instructions: Please choose one of the books below to complete your summer reading assignment. Do not wait for the last minute to complete, as this assignment takes a great deal of thought and analysis. Throughout the year, you will be given primary and secondary sources that may challenge your preset political opinions and understandings. It is important to recognize bias and political leaning, analyze it and perhaps provide an alternate point of view. Do not ignore opinions that are different than yours; hear them and challenge them with evidence. The works below vary in political ideology. Readings: It is best to actively read these texts (meaning mark it up- highlight, write in the margins, post-it notes etc). A good skill to practice, is writing questions as you read the text. Alexander, Michelle. (2012). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Stevenson,?B.?(2014).?Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption.?United States:?Random House Publishing Group.Taylor, Paul. (2016). The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and the Looming Generational ShowdownPart 1. Written Assessment (30 Points) All of the books which were assigned can provide understandings relevant to our coursework and the current world around us. Everyday, our political sphere shifts and changes. For this assignment, I would like you to compare your text and its themes to a current event and a text highlighting the event happening right now. The current event text may include: news articles, tweets, song lyrics, modern art pieces, news videos etc. The platform and how your compare/contrast them is entirely up to you. You must have direct quotes from both your original text and the current event text. The quotes you choose should not be more than two sentences each. It’s important that I get a sense of your writing ability and style. You may write in the first person- but be direct, no need for “I believe that, I think that…Questions to consider (if you need help getting started): What questions did you have while reading your original text? Is it possible to answer using your current event text?How can we, as students, change the political climate and do better? What sort of role does the mass media or famous artists have in our political sphere? How might the general population be impacted by this event and how can we predict how this event may evolve in the next 5 years?Requirements: 2 page minimum analysis (compare/contrast), 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double spaced.MLA in text citations and Work Cited DUE DATE: September 21st, 2020Part 2. Text Analysis and Discussion Seminar (30 Points) After closely reading one of the above texts, please select a passage which you found particularly interesting . On the day of your classroom socratic seminar you will need to be prepared to do the following: Contextualize the passage. You’ll need to briefly explain where the passage fits into the book; this may require a short summary or description of what you read. (no more than a paragraph)Explain your selection. Why is it interesting, relevant, or important? How can it apply to today’s political landscape? Actively participate in our discussion by posing an essential question that relates to the theme of the passage or the book as a whole. You will need to have your selected text with you on the day of the seminar. ................

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