
Student name______________ Major: ____Year:_____ (Partner- Student name__________________) Class Code Day & time____

SPSU Art Appreciation 21st Century Artist Research Project Artist’s name _____________________________________


1. Artists name and brief info/biography. [Bullet format: (name, date of birth and location, current residence/studio location,; education - degree and institution; type of artist ie: painter, sculptor, digital/new media, etc.)]

Artist name:


Education undergrad: (school, degree earned, year graduated)

Education Graduate: (“)

Lives/ studio location:

Type of art creates: (painting, sculpture, media arts, etc.)

Known for:

2. Three images of artworks representative of the artist. [Try to place 3 across the page in chronological order oldest to newest; signature/famous artwork may be older; work since 2000 and recent work within last year preferred. under each image include (title, date, medium, location/collection of, may be single spaced)] (*NOTE: this Sample Template still includes images, remove) [pic] [pic] [pic]

TT Oil on Canvas Wall of Light

1994 2008 September 26, 2009

Galerie Boisserée, J. & W. Boisserée GmbH  Timothy Taylor Gallery New York, New York

3. Information: regarding the artist and his/her work; focus, concepts, ideas, objectives, goals, etc. behind the work; medium uses; special/unique aspects of the artist and work; influences upon the artist from the past; and impact and influence the artist has / is making on the art world today; (comparative analysis on relevance, impact and influence on art in the world.) [paragraph]

4. Quotes- Researched quotes; minimum of 3: one from the artist him/herself; two more from publications, curators, art critics, etc, regarding the artist; assessing and validating the artist and his/her work, and putting the artist into context. "Translate" the "art speak" what is being said in plain English, what is important, significant etc. about the artist/artwork; “Quote 1”- a quote by the artist; (include where quote was made and date, identify where found use correct MLA); Translation for Quote #1- what is the artist saying: your translation/interpretation. (what is being said/stated; what does it mean; etc.)

“Quote 2”; (where found, date, source use correct MLA)

Translation for Quote #2:

“Quote 3”; (where found, date, source use correct MLA)

Translation for Quote #3:

5. A one sentence synopsis/summation of this artist. [In your own words a statement that defines artist. (Be specific, read to see if vague or if enough specifics to identify style, characteristics of work, objectives etc. of the artist.)]

6. Sources: Site all sources for research and quotes. (Must have minimum of 5)

PART TWO: Student Analysis Reflection (if working with a partner each student must do this section separately)

(writing one page / minimum 4 paragraphs. * may use additional page if needed.)

Student reflection, analysis, evaluation and opinion of the artist and his/her work.)

1. Include why you selected the artist - what drew you to the artist initially; Personal perspective/reflection from the student. Discuss how your opinion of the artist changed - your perceptions of the artist and the artwork altered, was enhanced or any other reactions you had as you learned more through your research. Include your one sentence statement that defines the artist. How did you arrive at this?

2. Identify the quotes and paraphrase the content (same as in part one, and add your opinion)- What does the artist say about his/her work?; What are the "art experts" saying? Do you agree? Why or why not?

“Quote #1”


Agree/disagree- why?-explain

“Quote #2” etc.


Agree/disagree- Why? - explain

“Quote #3” etc.


Agree/disagree- Why? - explain

3. Identify the sources you used, the most useful and why, and any problems you may have had conducting the research and how you resolved them.

4. Evaluate your project: Overall result: good very good excellent

Part One:

Part Two:

Planning for Part Three- Presentation:

PART THREE: Presentation – outline:

Student name:_____________________ Partner student_____________________ Artist name: ______________________

Identify the sequence for presentation:

Basic information

Video clips (strongly encouraged 1-3 minute clip); include link ( have on a zip drive for presentation day)

Quotes to include

Visuals- images of artwork (best if in a power point so that they can be shown in sequence quickly)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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