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Sociology Common Assessment

SOC 101

Assignment to be given at the end of the semester.

Learning Outcomes-SOC 101

1. Understand the social science research process

2. Become more socially aware of the world

3. Become more interested in social activism, in other words, being involved in the global community

4. Develop a sociological imagination, in other words, critical thinking of social issues

5. Be able to communicate ideas about social issues through writing


Minimum 200 words per question:

1. You’re a sociologist researching homelessness in your city. List the steps of your research process from conception to implementation.

2. Using the various resources (online sources, events, books, etc.) you have used in class and out of class during the semester, discuss three world issues that you have learned more about. World issues are those that affect humanity across borders.

3. What organizations and/or activities have you considered participating in as a result of your experience in this class? How would your participation impact a social issue of concern to you?

4. Discuss how you, as a sociologist, critically think about social issues. Please give one example.

5. You are a writer for Sociological Perspectives magazine. The editor asks you to write a 200 word article (with an attached picture) on a social issue of concern to the community. Include what you will submit for publication.

Grading Rubric

| |22 |20 |15 |10 |0 |

|Question |Exemplary |Proficient |Developing |Needs Improvement |No idea |

|1 |Everything under |They include past |Student met 3-4 of |Students who have met less |Did not address |

| |"sufficient", plus |research or secondary|the criteria for |than 3 of the criteria for |assignment topic. |

| |what they will do |sources, hypothesis, |sufficient. |"sufficient". The answer | |

| |with the research to |population, | |is significantly less than | |

| |promote change (what |methodology, results.| |200 words. | |

| |are the implications | | | | |

| |of research) | | | | |

|2 |Not only discussed |Students discuss |Discuss the issues,|Mentions world issues, but |Did not discuss any|

| |the issue, but also |three issues |but supporting |did not have any supporting|world issues. |

| |included discussion |in-depth, including |evidence is weak OR|evidence. The answer is | |

| |of the solution to |supporting evidence. |included strong |significantly less than 200| |

| |the problem or | |supporting evidence|words. | |

| |practical way of | |for only two | | |

| |solving it. | |issues. | | |

|3 |Already participating|Include at least one |They discuss a |Organization and activity |Does not mention |

| |in the organization/ |organization or |worthwhile |does not address a social |any organization or|

| |activity, and how |activity and discuss |organization or |issue. The answer is |activity. |

| |they witnessed the |how this impacts a |activity but no |significantly less than 200| |

| |effects of that |social issue. |impact on the |words. | |

| |organization’s cause.| |social issue. | | |

| |May discuss long-term| | | | |

| |plans with this | | | | |

| |organization or | | | | |

| |activity. | | | | |

| |Demonstrates | | | | |

| |leadership in this | | | | |

| |area. | | | | |

|4 |A student was not |Students use |Student discusses a|Student discusses a social |Student does not |

| |only “proficient”, |sociological |social issue with |issue with no sociological |mention a social |

| |but discusses how |knowledge (i.e., |limited |knowledge OR discusses |issue. |

| |this has impacted |sociological |sociological |sociological knowledge with| |

| |their personal life. |perspective, terms, |knowledge. |no relation to a social | |

| | |and concepts) to | |issue. The answer is | |

| | |think about a social | |significantly less than 200| |

| | |issue. | |words. | |

|5 |Not only |Have a good “hook” to|Discusses a social |The article is |The article is not |

| |“proficient”, but |get readers engaged, |issue, but is not |significantly less than 200|related to a social|

| |includes information |with a powerful image|presented to the |words. No image included |issue. |

| |for how the reader |with its source. It |reader in an |or image is not related to | |

| |may get involved OR |addresses a social |engaging way OR |the topic. | |

| |create their own |issue. |includes a mediocre| | |

| |image OR connects | |image of the social| | |

| |their writing to | |issue. | | |

| |their image. | | | | |


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