Karabachian 1Nicole KarabachianProfessor Ben JorgensenEnglish 1010Nov, 10 2015Pro-Choice“The United States Pro-Choice Movement is a sociopolitical movement in the U.S., supporting the view that a woman should have the legal right to an elective abortion, meaning the right to terminate her pregnancy and is a part of a broader global abortion.” ()Do women have a say on what happens to their bodies? And how can we prevent future unwanted pregnancies? Does human life begin at conception? There is no scientific proof as to when human life begins. It is a matter of own opinion or religious beliefs. Whether or not intercourse is taking place sperm cells and egg cells are very much alive and represent potential human beings. Although they are alive they are being wasted every day. Billions of sperm are produced and about half a teaspoon is wasted. Women are born with all of their eggs. However eggs are disposed through menstruation each month. Therefore these sperm and egg cells which are alive are naturally wasted. 2/3 of human conceptions are spontaneously aborted by nature. The idea is that, fetuses die every day, and they do not have the same rights that a human person should have.Some people say that a fetus should have rights. This standpoint is more of an opinion from religion. In Canada the court system ruled that a fetus is not a person who has legal rights. If a fetus had legal rights than that would mean women’s body rights and health would be in jeopardy. (). Others have also said that if a woman chooses to have sex, she is the one to pay for the consequences. I wonder if the same rules apply for incest or rape.Abortion has been practiced worldwide for thousands of years whether or not it is legal. The law has never stopped abortion from happening but only making it unsafe and unclean for women. Legalized abortions prevent women from going into a back alley and getting it done with unsterilized tools or doing the procedure themselves. Let’s say that a beautiful family of five are content with the size of their family. The mom gets pregnant. Financially this family cannot afford another mouth to feed and cannot afford the costs of doctor visits. The choice is carefully made by the parents and doctor to go ahead with an abortion. This decision was made for the best for this family. It can bring the family unit closer together and in the long run they can be comfortable financially. Families with unwanted children tend to live at lower levels of society. Unwanted children can sometimes end up in abusive and neglectful homes. Abused children typically grow up and go through life long psychological problems.After the procedure is done, some women may suffer guilt. But there aren’t many cases where life lasting agony takes place. The negative feeling may most likely come from not wanting to be pregnant. Feeling of emptiness may occur, but eventually fades away. For example, a few women who have gone in the clinics for abortions have mentioned that the experience was as smooth as it could be because of the medical and professionals assisting along the way. ()Although it may seem that women health clinics encourage abortions that is simply not the case. Partners, friends, and parents are typically the ones to put pressure on a woman considering an abortion. In that case the abortion clinics have counseling to make sure that the mother’s wants and needs are dealt with. Alternative options are always still available. Counseling reassures the mother of that. At the end of counseling, if the mother still seems unsure, she is given more time to consider her options. Before the procedure begins, the mother needs to be in her first trimester 12 weeks. Depending on the health condition of the mother or fetus later abortions can be done in 16 weeks. Some say that an abortion can cause infertility, miscarriages or death. The risk for complications or death are very low. And seem to be lower than actual child birth. When legal abortion is done in a safe way, future pregnancies can still occur. If the mother is under the age of 18 she typically can still go in and have an abortion procedure done. Especially if there is domestic violence within the household. Many argue that a parent’s legal consent is needed in order to move forward. Unfortunately a parents consent is required by law in most states. The influence of people swaying the mother against her will is absurd. There could be health conditions involved to where the pregnancy could harm the mother or fetus and ultimately result in death. We had women fight for our women’s rights so that we can go to school and vote and have a say when it comes to our opinions. This is 2015 and for people to say that women need to bend to the will of the laws that they make for us, is offensive. How is it that a politician, who is serving interests with ends far beyond mind, can make decisions about what I can and can’t do with my body? That is in diametric opposition to my own beliefs.Women who carry a baby for nine months, go through all of the ups and downs that come with pregnancy, and give away the child after birth is an excruciating pain no mother should be forced to go through. All though if that is the choice the mother makes than so be it. But if abortion is the option because adoption to them is more painful than that is the mother’s choice.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics show that 40-50 million abortions are done worldwide. And according to an article on international adoption is declining. There could be many reasons why there is a decline, but one of them could be because of lack on contraceptive methods, and sexual education. These poor innocent children have nowhere to go and are stuck in bad situations. It’s a bit contradicting that people are influenced by authority who are against Planned Parenthood And decide to take it upon themselves to shoot up a clinic. Here is an article on the subject: “Even though there is one man who pulled the trigger, there is a network of actors that created the culture of hate and violence that led to it,” Ms. Hogue said on a press call. “As we said, it’s not random. It was fomented by a very intentional campaign to demonize health care providers.” “For months, presidential candidates like Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have spread heinous lies about Planned Parenthood, sparking a wave of violence against women’s health and abortion clinics,” said Laura Leavitt, manager of the Courage Campaign. “And now, the same anti-choice, anti-women, right-wing extremists who sparked these violent attacks are pretending they had nothing to do with it.” (Valerie Richardson.) The Washington Times Wednesday, December 2, 2015She and other pro-choice advocates blamed a raft of Republican presidential candidates and lawmakers, along with pro-life groups such as the Center for Medical Progress and Operation Rescue, for their heated criticism of Planned Parenthood.Republican candidates, along with leading pro-life groups, have denounced the Colorado Springs shooting, which left three dead and nine injured. Apparently there were undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing prices on organs from the aborted fetuses. These videos have some disputes on whether or not they are reliable. Now if a woman decides to abort a fetus and the tissues, organs, or even stem cells can be used for someone in dire need then why is that an issue? Instead of throwing these fetuses away like garbage, use them for saving lives. Imagine the impossible: A society, with an educated populace, educated with the requisite tools to make choices, namely, those which give the right to the woman to choose however she wants to treat her body. Such an idea is born out of time, but with the light of insight, maybe people can let go of their instinct to try and enslave a woman’s body, to the point of thinking of her as simply a vessel for the fetuses that become humans. Such a society would be more than just. If our society had more detailed education on contraceptives, what kind there are, and how they’re used, the percentage of abortions would minimize in a few years. Education on moral values, self-esteem, and having the courage to stick up for oneself could potentially go a long way for children, teenagers, and even adults. Works Cited: ................

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