Honors Anatomy and Physiology Honors Project

Honors Anatomy and Physiology Honors Project

1st Semester 2012-2013

Part One:

You will read four (4) articles scientific articles that deal with anatomy and physiology and are relatively current (within the last 3 years). These should be scholarly articles and not Wikipedia style articles. A list of websites that have articles are provided and you are welcome to search on your own.

You will identify the details, facts, opinions, and summarize the articles in a one to two page paper according to the attached rubric. You will also need to cite the article in APA format (NOT MLA) since this is a science course. You will submit your papers electronically through Emodo and and the due dates will be strictly enforced. Twenty (20) points will be deducted for each day that it is late.

Part Two:

You will choose ONE of the articles that researched and create an electronic presentation about it. This may be a PowerPoint presentation or a Web 2.0 presentation. Your presentation should also have citations in APA format as well. You will submit your papers electronically through Emodo and and the due date will be strictly enforced. Twenty (20) points will be deducted for each day that it is late.


The rubrics for Part One and Part Two are attached as well as posted on Edmodo. APA formatting and reference examples are also attached and posted to Edmodo. It is your responsibility to attach the Rubric to the end of your paper when submitting it to and Edmodo.

1st Period: Class ID: 5707102

Enrollment Password: rhoney1st

2nd Period: Class ID: 5707112

Enrollment Password: rhoney2nd

|Reading - Analyzing Information : Honors Anatomy Science Article |

| |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Identifies facts |Student accurately locates |Student accurately locates 3 |Student accurately locates 3 |Student has difficulty |

| |at least 4 facts in the |facts in the article and |facts in the article. |locating facts in an |

| |article and gives a clear |gives a reasonable |Explanation is weak. |article. |

| |explanation of why these |explanation of why they are | | |

| |are facts, rather than |facts, rather than opinions. | | |

| |opinions. | | | |

|Identifies opinions |Student accurately locates |Student accurately locates at|Student accurately locates at|Student has difficulty |

| |at least 4 opinions in the |least 3 opinions in the |least 3 opinions in the |locating opinions in an |

| |article and gives a clear |article and gives a |article. Explanation is weak.|article. |

| |explanation of why these |reasonable explanation of why| | |

| |are opinions, rather than |these are opinions, rather | | |

| |facts. |than facts. | | |

|Summarization |Student uses several |Student uses only 1-3 |Student summarizes most of |Student has great |

| |sentences to describe |sentences to accurately |the article accurately, but |difficulty summarizing the|

| |clearly what the article is|describe what the article is |has some slight |article. |

| |about. |about. |misunderstanding. | |

|APA Formatting |The document is in APA |The document is mostly |The document is written in |The document is not |

| |format |written in correct APA format|APA format but not correctly |written in APA format or |

| |The document is written |with few grammatical errors. |OR there are several |reference page is missing.|

| |with correct grammar, | |grammatical errors AND the | |

| |punctuation, and spelling. | |document is not precise and | |

| |There is a reference page. | |clear and is redundant. | |

| |The Document is clear and | | | |

| |precise and avoids | | | |

| |redundancy. | | | |

Presentation Rubric

Name: _______________________________________________

Date: _______________ Article Title: ______________________________________

| |Exemplary |Focused |Developing |Beginning |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Organization |Student presents information |Student presents information|Audience has difficulty |Audience cannot understand |

| |in a logical and interesting |in a logical sequence which |following the presentation |presentation because there |

| |sequence which the audience |the audience can follow. |because student jumps around. |is no sequence of |

| |can follow. | | |information. |

|Subject Knowledge |Student demonstrates full |Student is at ease with |Student is uncomfortable with |Student does not have grasp|

| |knowledge (more than required)|expected answers to all |information and is able to |of information; student |

| |by answering all class |questions, but fails to |answer only rudimentary |cannot answer questions |

| |questions with explanations |elaborate. |questions. |about subject. |

| |and elaboration. | | | |

|Graphics |Student’s graphics explain and|Student’s graphics relate to|Student occasionally uses |Student uses superfluous |

| |reinforce screen text and |text and presentation. |graphics that rarely support |graphics or not graphics |

| |presentation. | |text and presentation. | |

|Mechanics |Presentation has no |Presentation has no more |Presentation has three |Student’s presentation has |

| |misspellings or grammatical |than two misspellings and/or|misspellings and/or |four or more spelling |

| |errors. |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. |errors and/or grammatical |

| | | | |errors. |

|Eye Contact |Student maintains eye contact |Student maintains eye |Student occasionally uses eye |Student reads all of report|

| |with audience, seldom |contact most of the time but|contact, but still reads most |with no eye contact. |

| |returning to notes. |frequently returns to notes.|of report. | |

|Elocution |Student uses a clear voice and|Student’s voice is clear. |Student’s voice is low. |Student mumbles, |

| |correct, precise pronunciation|Student pronounces most |Student incorrectly pronounces|incorrectly pronounces |

| |of terms so that all audience |words correctly. Most |terms. Audience members have |terms, and speaks too |

| |members can hear presentation |audience members can hear |difficulty hearing |quietly for students in the|

| | |presentation. |presentation. |back of class to hear. |

Anatomy Websites


APA Formatting and Assistance


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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