Biology Media Folder

Anatomy & Physiology Media Portfolio

Just think of all the media that is available to us today- Newspapers, magazines, internet, and television. We are so fortunate to have these resources at our fingertips. This semester you will collect different articles relating to the various systems of the body and other topics that relate to anatomy and physiology. You will be amazed at how many times you will hear or read about something we have covered in class. You will put all of your articles and research into a portfolio to be turned in April 12th. In addition you will be required to present articles to the class. A spiral sketch book works wells as a portfolio. Your portfolio will be graded on content and presentation. This is a TEST grade.

Your portfolio will contain the following sections:

• Title Page

• Table of Contents Page

• Nervous system

• Endocrine system

• Immune system

• Musculoskeletal system

• Cardiovascular system

• Respiratory system

• Digestive system

• Reproductive system

• Medical Research

• Reflection- What I learned (1-2 pages)

Article sources may be print or online. Wikipedia is NOT a reputable website. Web sites ending in .gov or .edu are preferred. Web sites for news media like CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or National Geographic, Discovery, & Web MD are good resources as well. Articles must be dated within the last 5 years.

Systems Sections ~ In each system section of your portfolio you will have a minimum of 2 articles that relate to that system. You must have a copy of the article, the name of the article, the date (within the last 5 years), the author’s name, resource it came from, and a short summary. Summaries must be hand written on a 3” x 5” index card (you may use both sides of the card). For the television samples you must write down the name of the news program or show, the date and time it ran, what was said, and who said it.

Medical Research section ~ Must include media material relating to one medical topic. This is your opportunity to pick an illness or pharmaceutical, research it and follow it in the media. You will write a 1 to 2 page paper detailing the illness or pharmaceutical and include a minimum of 2 articles w/summary index cards relating to it. Research paper will include but not be limited to the system(s) impacted by illness or pharmaceutical, symptoms or symptoms treated, prevalence, include any other anatomical or physiologic information you feel is pertinent. The articles in this section are in addition to the 2 articles required for each system section.

Reflection section ~ You will write a 1-2 page essay focusing on three things you learned by completing this portfolio. This section will also contain six peer evaluations and all rubrics associated with this project.

Presentations ~ Every two to three weeks until this project is due you will be required to present one of your articles. You must present a total of three articles. The class will be divided into two or three groups, each week one group will present. You will bring ALL of your articles and completed summary index cards to class with you when it is your turn to present. The folder containing all of your articles will be handed to your teacher upon entering the classroom. Articles will be counted by your teacher and you will be allowed to choose one for that day’s presentation. Both your presentation and summary card will be graded. If you do not have an article and summary card completed upon entering the classroom you will not be allowed to present that day. The three presentations = 24% of your portfolio’s final grade.

You are in group ________; your first presentation will be ____________.

This is a major project and will count as one test grade. Have fun! This project will be due April 12th, 2015.


Presentation rubric

This rubric will be used on presentation days. You will receive up to 8 points for each presentation. If you do not have this rubric you may not present. If you do not have an article with completed summary card upon entry into the classroom you may not present.

|Date: |Date: |Date: |

|Number of articles: |Number of articles: |Number of articles: |

|Presentation |Presentation |Presentation |

|Title: |Title: |Title: |

Presentations will include:

• Title

• Author

• Resource

• Verbal summary of article

• Summary index card

Anatomy & Physiology Media Portfolio Rubric Due April 1, 2015

|Format | |

|Final draft stage. Portfolio is neat, readable, and all elements are in the | |

|correct order. (10pts) |10 |

|Articles | |

|Articles have correct information cited (12) | |

|Articles summary completed (24) |36 |

|Medical Research | |

|Complete information is contained w/in the paper (10) | |

|2 Articles w/summaries (4) |14 |

|Reflection | |

|Written with careful thought and consideration (10) | |

|Peer reviews (6) |16 |


|Presentation points (24pts) |24 |

Peer Review rubrics

Use the following three rubrics for peer reviews. Please give the name of the presenter, the name of the article, what the article was about. Please give a grade between 1 and 10. You must complete only one peer review each week you are not presenting for a total of 3 peer reviews.

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade: | |

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |

Peer Review rubrics

Use the following three rubrics for peer reviews. Please give the name of the presenter, the name of the article, what the article was about. Please give a grade between 1 and 10. You must complete only one peer review each week you are not presenting for a total of 3 peer reviews.

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |

|Date: | |

|Name of presenter: | |

|Name of article: | |

| | |

|Summary: | |

|Grade(1 to 10): | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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