Articles of Confederation and Constitution WebQuest


Constitution WebQuest

1. *Go to

*Click on Explore Constitution

*Select an Article

Article 1:

- What branch of government does Article 1 of the Constitution focus on?

Article 1 Section 1

- Under Article 1 Section, 1 all legislative powers are given to

- Is Congress a unicameral legislature(one-house) or a bicameral legislature(two-house)? Explain.

Article 1 Section 2

- How long is a representative’s term in office?

Article 1 Section 3

- How long is a senator’s term in office?

Article 1 Section 8

- List three powers Congress is given under Article 1 of the Constitution.




- What is the most important power given to Congress?

Article 2:

- What branch of government does Article 2 of the Constitution focus on?

Article 2 Section 1

- The executive power is given to .

- How long is a President’s term in office?

- What is the main job of the President in the executive branch?

- What are the qualifications for becoming President of the United States?

Article 2 Section 2

- List three powers given to the President under Article 2 of the Constitution.




Article 2 Section 4

- How can a President be removed from office?

Article 3:

- What branch of government does Article 3 of the Constitution focus on?

Article 3 Section 1

- Who is given the judicial power?

- How long do Supreme Court Justices serve on the court?

- What is the main power of the judicial branch?

Article 4:

Article 4 Section 2

- Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all and of citizens in the several states.

Article 5:

- What does Article 5 of the Constitution focus on?

Article 6:

- What is the “supreme law of the land?”

Article 7:

- How many states were needed to approve the Constitution?

2. *Stay on

*Click on Explore Constitution

* Click on Constitution Day

* Click on Learn More

* Bill of Rights Video (7:00-11:05)

Bill of Rights Video

1. What was the new Constitution based on?

2. When did the Constitution make its ‘debut’ to the people? When was it signed?

3. How many states are needed to ratify the Constitution?

4. When did Pennsylvania ratify the Constitution?

5. When does the Constitution become law?

3. *Go to

*Click on Education

*Click on Today in History

Today in History

1. Find out something that happened ‘today in history’ and write about it here:

4. *Go to

*Click on Journey

*Click on History FAQ

*Find Life of George Washington

Read the article ‘Why was George Washington the first president?’ and answer here:

5. What changes to our government would you like to make today? Why?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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