Arguments Against School UniformsEducationby Demand Mediaby Neil Kokemuller?School uniform policies are intended to remove social barriers among students.Related ArticlesSchools have uniform policies to create unity in student dress and promote inclusiveness and safety. Despite these sensible motivations, critics of uniform policies often note mixed results on uniforms deterring violence. Furthermore, they point out, policies place limitations on freedom of expression and creativity.Mixed Results on DisciplineOne of the most common arguments against school uniforms is actually a counter to the argument that such a policy limits school violence. Studies and anecdotal reports from schools have been mixed as to whether uniforms actually decrease the incidence of violence. In a January 2012 "Family Education" article, child psychologist Dr. Alan Hilfer suggested that any reductions in violence likely have more to do with heightened school awareness and discussion of violence.Restricted ExpressionA major reason students, as well as some parents and educators, don't like uniforms is that they restrict student individuality. Clothing is a major element of a student's personal style and a format for creative expression. Hilfer reported that older students especially resent uniform requirements. This criticism is particularly valid if a school wants a creative, expressive culture where students are free to think critically. Uniforms encourage and reflect sameness.High CostsLower-to-middle-class income earners often argue against the costs of uniforms if families are responsible for covering them. If schools share in or take on the costs, taxpayer dollars typically support uniforms. The argument about costs to families is somewhat mitigated in that families would typically have to buy or obtain other clothes for a student. Another cost factor, though, is the increased burden on administrators, staff and faculty to enforce policies.Inter-School ConflictsWhile uniform policies are intended to create school unity and deter gang activities, conflicts may arise between students at different schools. Students at a school with uniforms may feel sensitive to jabs and criticism from students at schools where uniform policies don't exist. Additionally, students at schools may look to their particular uniforms as a source of school pride, which may serve as a catalyst for inter-school conflicts if taken to the extreme.*Now discuss with your partner: What is the main idea of this article? What are some details that support this main idea? Did this article persuade you? Why or why not? ................

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