
Pre-Chapter 1 DiscussionIntro with a partner: if you two were stranded on an island together, what would you succeed at? What would you have trouble with? Create 5 rules you would follow.Discussion #1: Would a group of teenagers survive by themselves on an island? Why/why not?Discussion #2: What rules does a society NEED to have? Do people HAVE to have a threat of punishment to follow them? What rules would you change/keep in school?Discussion #3: Are bullies strong or weak leaders? Are bullies rewarded in our culture?***************************************************************************Background Knowledge to Lord of the Flies?William Golding -?Short biography?from Book Drum?William Golding - In his own words (Audio)? ? ?Other people have read it too!? Movie:?Lord of the Flies (1963), review?Movie:?Lord of the Flies (1990), review ?TV: Lost?TV: The Simpsons, Das Bus?TV: South Park, Season 4 ?TV: Two and a Half Men?Music: Guster - Keep It Together?Book-In-A-Minute: Lord of the FliesAs you read through the chapter, or as a way to re-cap when you're done reading, fill a page with quick notes about the plot, some drawings regarding the chapter (suggestions will be in each chapter post), and 3-5 important quotations. Your notes will be effective if you can answer the above questions. Notes are due on the day we talk about the chapter.Why do we read this book in 2012?Pairing this novel with current events helps us see why Golding's work is still relevant today. ************************************************************************Chapter 1 - The Sound of the ShellHow do people create systems of control?What is the role of the outcast?How does school shape our understanding of social dynamics?Group Work: What words describe Ralph in the first three pages? What impression of him should the reader get? Why?Who is Ralph? What is he like? What kind of leader is he?Why doesn’t Piggy go exploring? What does Ralph say to him, and do you think it’s fair?What is a conch? What does it look like? How is it described?What does Piggy add to the group? What have been his suggestions so far, and would you listen to him?What does the island look like? Would you be scared of it?Who is on the island? Make a list of as many specific kids as you can, and see if you can estimate the number.Why do the boys vote? What is voting like to them? Do they take it seriously? Should they?The boys find a piglet in the woods. Why doesn’t Jack kill it? Read page 31 carefully...Who is Piggy? What is his family life like? Is he a leader or a helper?Who is Jack? What is he like? What kind of leader is he?Pick the five most important moments of the chapter and make predictions based on themArticle #1?Bully, Bullied, Bystander ArticleRead the article and answer any of the questions below:express and reflect: How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain: Bystanders tend to not get involved because...?evaluate and judge: Who is 'more to blame' in an ongoing bullying situation??inquire and explore: What resources are available for victims of bullying? Which are most effective??analyze and interpret: What are the power dynamics in this 'cast of characters' and how does a fourth 'character' change them??take a stand/propose a solution: Bullying is a significant problem in school because...?You Write: Social Dynamics of Bullying ?Choose any of the questions below and fill page 7 with your answers?- describe the group dynamics of your friends- are the social dynamics of high school groups healthy?- is bullying easier online? why/why not?- do kids at lunch segregate themselves? how so? do these groups change, or just individuals?- are little kids 'naturally' violent? does school teach them to be violent or not violent? how?- are 'socialized' kids (i.e. high schoolers) given positive ways to interact with each other?- what is the difference between a good and an effective leader? which style do you respond better to?- who 'outcasts' people? where does this happen in popular culture? in sports? why are people outcasted?Chapter 2 - Fire on the MountainGroup Work: Compare and contrast this meeting from the first one - have the boys changed?Is this whole thing a nightmare? How do the boys deal with their fear? Does it depend on their age or their attitude?How do the kids start their fire? What does this moment show about Jack, Ralph and Piggy?Look carefully at Jack’s behavior in the meeting - what do you notice about him?What does Ralph say they must do? Based off their behavior so far, will they succeed?Close Reading: Look at the description of the fire on page 41 - what is Golding telling us?“Until the grownups come to fetch us, we’ll have fun” - what ways did having fun already affect events on the island?Page 38 foreshadows most of the novel to come - what do you learn from reading it closely?How does Jack assert authority? How does Piggy try to? Who would you listen to - why?What is the ‘beastie’ that the small boy is afraid of?Prove It: Ralph and Jack work togetherRe-read Piggy’s speech at the end - is it an effective tirade? Why/why not? What do you learn at the end...?Article #2Choose from a?compilation of articles on bullies from the NYTimes, a search for articles on bullying from the Washington Post, or a search for articles on bullying from the newsource Reuters.?Read any current events article and answer any of the questions below:express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article??evaluate and judge:?What sources does the article use? Are they reliable??inquire and explore: What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect??analyze and interpret: What effect does this topic have on society??take a stand/propose a solution: What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose??Page 11?- You Write: Social Dynamics of Bullies Choose any of the questions below and fill page 7 with your answers?- describe the group dynamics of your friends- are the social dynamics of high school groups healthy?- is bullying easier online? why/why not?- do kids at lunch segregate themselves? how so? do these groups change, or just individuals?- are little kids 'naturally' violent? does school teach them to be violent or not violent? how?- are 'socialized' kids (i.e. high schoolers) given positive ways to interact with each other?- what is the difference between a good and an effective leader? which style do you respond better to?- who 'outcasts' people? where does this happen in popular culture? in sports? why are people outcasted?Chapter 3 - Huts on the BeachHow do you change a group? / How & why does a group change? What causes division in a group? - disputes between each other - actions, beliefs, religion, personal choices - change in personality (maturity, etc.)- gossip - back stabbing - money because everyone wants associated power- power struggles - different leadership styles, jealousy, popularity - violence - especially against each other - lack of resources Bullying Articles Read articles from PBS Kids, Teens Health, and? HYPERLINK "" StopBullying and judge the quality of their advice. Here are some questions to help you think critically about the article:express and reflect: How does this article connect to your life? inform and explain: What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article? evaluate and judge: What sources does the article use? Are they reliable? inquire and explore: What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect? analyze and interpret: What effect does this topic have on society? take a stand/propose a solution: What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose? You Write: Social Dynamics of Change- how has a group you've been in changed? did someone cause the change, or an event? did the change last? why? - if a bully leads a group, can anything change their power, or does it need to be stripped away? is there a difference between a bullying leader and someone who leads with confidence and tight control? - what good leaders have you had in teams/classes/life? What are the traits of an effective leader?- have you ever seen someone stand up to bullying? What happened?- where can kids realistically go if they feel like they are being bullied? what resources (people or places) are there at GCHS?- what needs to change about online/digital bullying? who needs to change? do parents need to step in?- can kids stop bullying on their own? is it part of human nature? is civilization part of human nature? why/why not? Chapter 4 - Painted Faces and Long HairIntro: Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here every dayYou learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play - ‘I wanna hear you scream’ - the choir (now hunters) are getting excited about killing- ‘scream’ - the beastie scares them - ‘playing’ at something really serious Group Work: How is time passing on the island?The Ship! Who was where, what did they do, and who’s really to blame for the fire going out?Symbolism! What happens to Piggy’s glasses, and why does it happen at this moment?A closer look at Roger…How does the hunter’s chant relate to everything Jack said when returning from the hunt?What happens between Ralph and Jack at the end of this chapter?Jack’s mask (why does he do it? what effect does it have on him? on the other boys?)“His mind was crowded with memories...” (70) compare Jack’s memories to Chapter 1 when he couldn’t bring himself to kill the pigWhat does Jack’s power rest on? How does he make himself powerful?Ralph and Piggy - how far have they come in their friendship?“There was the brilliant world of hunting...” (71) - what are the two ‘worlds’ that Jack and Ralph live in? Who is ‘right’ or are they both wrong?Why does Ralph call an assembly at the end of the chapter?Article: FearRead about "How Fear Works" and take 1/2 page of notes of what you learn (read through the 6 parts of the article). Then, answer any of the questions below:Here are some questions to help you think critically about the article:express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life?inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article?evaluate and judge:?What diagrams, pictures, graphs, charts, etc does the article use? Do they help you understand?inquire and explore:?What references does this article make? Which ones would you research further and why??analyze and interpret:?What effect does this topic have on society (especially look at common fears)??take a stand/propose a solution:?What is your opinion on this topic, and do you think fear is 'curable' since we know it so well??Citation for bottom of page: (yes, write it ALL out please)Layton, Julia. "How Fear Works"?HowStuffWorks "Science"HowStuffWorks, Inc. Web. 25 Nov. 2011. < Write: FearChoose any of the following to answer- what are you most afraid of? why are you afraid of it? what caused this fear, or is it one you can't explain?- do other people scare you? does society make us more or less afraid of others?- is it natural to be afraid?- does fear make us more or less human?- who would you be if you weren't afraid of anything? is fearlessness a good goal to have?- have your fears changed since you were little or are they generally the same?Think of scary movies you have watched:- what kinds of movies scare you the most?- what do the main characters do that increases your fear?- how is the fear 'resolved' at the end of the movie (or is it?)?- what lessons do you learn about fear? Chapter 5 - Beast from WaterPay close attention to the body language in this meeting - the boys tell as much through their actions as they do with their words.Should we fear each other? Why/why not?Article: FearChoose any of the articles below and take 1/2 page of notes and 1/2 page answering any of the questions below. At the bottom, CITE YOUR SOURCE.?Use EasyBib for a quick way to find a citation using a URL. See Chapter 4 for a model on what final citation should look like.Easier:A Fear of Vampires Can Mask a Fear of Something Much Worse?- (do you trust this article? why/why not?)Medium:When Social Fear Disappears, So Does Racism - Science Magazine?(do you trust this article? why/why not?)Culture of Fear - Wikipedia (do you trust this article? why/why not?)Harder:Fear in the News: A Discourse in Control - Arizona State University (you don't have to read it all - read until you've taken a 1/2 page of notes)?(do you trust this article? why/why not?)Answer any of these questions on the second half of your page.?express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article??evaluate and judge:?What sources does the article use? Are they reliable??inquire and explore:?What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect??analyze and interpret:?What effect does this topic have on society??take a stand/propose a solution:?What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose??Remember to cite your source!You Write: FearChoose any of the following to answer thoughtfully?Fear:?- what are you most afraid of? why are you afraid of it? what caused this fear, or is it one you can't explain?- do other people scare you? does society make us more or less afraid of others?- is it natural to be afraid?- does fear make us more or less human?- who would you be if you weren't afraid of anything? is fearlessness a good goal to have?- have your fears changed since you were little or are they generally the same??Think of scary movies you have watched:- what kinds of movies scare you the most?- what do the main characters do that increases your fear?- how is the fear 'resolved' at the end of the movie (or is it?)?- what lessons do you learn about fear?Select any of the following quotations to reflect upon:- "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here" - Anonymous- "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood" - Marie Curie- "Many of our fears are tissue-paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them" - Brendan Francis?Chapter 6 - Beast from AirIs it better to face your fear or run away from it? Group Work: What is the 'beast from the air'? Look closely at the language Golding usesHow does Ralph handle Sam and Eric’s situation (quotes!)“Jack was excited. ‘What a place for a fort!’” (106). What about this end of the island appeals to Jack? Look closely at what benefits the area hasHow does Jack handle Sam and Eric’s situation (quotes!)“That’s all we’ve got” (107). What is Ralph focused on, and why does he react to this end of the island like he does?What do Sam and Eric see and how do they respond? What do Sam and Eric see and how do they respond? Close Reading: The last 5 lines of the chapter - what’s going on with the boys?Article: FearChoose any of the articles below (that you did not read for Chapter 5) and take?1/2 page of notes?and?1/2 page answering?any of the questions below. At the bottom, CITE YOUR SOURCE.?Use? HYPERLINK "" EasyBib?for a quick way to find a citation using a URL.?See Chapter 4 for a model on what final citation should look like.Easier:A Fear of Vampires Can Mask a Fear of Something Much Worse?- (do you trust this article? why/why not?)Medium:When Social Fear Disappears, So Does Racism?- Science Magazine?(do you trust this article? why/why not?)Culture of Fear?- Wikipedia (do you trust this article? why/why not?)Harder:Fear in the News: A Discourse in Control?- Arizona State University (you don't have to read it all - read until you've taken a 1/2 page of notes)?(do you trust this article? why/why not?)Answer any of these questions on the second half of your page.?express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article??evaluate and judge:?What sources does the article use? Are they reliable??inquire and explore:?What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect??analyze and interpret:?What effect does this topic have on society??take a stand/propose a solution:?What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose??Remember to cite your source!You Write: FearChoose any of the following to reflect on:?- "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here" - Anonymous- "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood" - Marie Curie- "Many of our fears are tissue-paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them" - Brendan Francis?- "Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom" - Bertrand Russell- "Fear consumes the truth and poisons all the vidence, leading us to false assumptions and irrational conclusions" From The Monstrumologist?by Rick Yancey?- Create your own quotation about fearChapter 7 - Shadows and Tall TreesArticle: Do we live in a violent society??Choose one of the articles below to read. Use EasyBib to cite the source at the bottom of the page. Take 1/2 page of notes and use the other 1/2 page to answer the following questions.?The Media Role in Violence - Accuracy in MediaAddicted to Violence: Has the American Dream become the American Nightmare? - Center for Media LiteracyDo We Live in a Culture of Violence? - Psychology Today?Teenagers Use Violence to Boost Their Social Standing - Science Daily?The Decline of Violence - Scientific American?Teens Often Lack Tools to Deal with Abuse - Boston Globe?National Council on Crime and Delinquency?Violence: An American Tradition - YouTube Video Series from a documentary of the same name (contains images of death)?express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article??evaluate and judge:?What sources does the article use? Are they reliable??inquire and explore:?What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect??analyze and interpret:?What effect does this topic have on society??take a stand/propose a solution:?What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose??You Write: Violence and Control?Consider any of the following questions and answer them thoughtfully?Violence:- what role does violence play in your life?- why are some people more violent than others?- how does environment influence violence? do different environments you have been in been more violent than others? how so?- what is the difference between physical violence and emotional/mental violence?- are groups of people more violent than individual people?Control:- how are you controlled every day? who controls you? what systems control you? what would happen if those people/systems disappeared?- how can control be a positive force in your life?- how do you control yourself?- what situations do you need to control yourself more in? why these situations?The Relationship Between Violence and Control:?- how does violence relate to control?- are human beings naturally violent? therefore is control natural?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extra Credit: Do We Live in a Violent Society??Choose another source from the bulleted list above and take a 1/2 page of notes and 1/2 page reflection.?Chapter 8 - Gift for the DarknessIntro:?Write as many sentences as possible using these words: (each sentence must have at least two of the words)Jack, Ralph, Simon, Piggy, the boys, the littluns, fear, violence, power, control, the lagoon, Castle Rock, the jungle Group Work: Introduction sentence (give characters and situation) - “Sharpen a stick at both ends” (136). What does this mean in the big picture?Introduction sentence (give characters and situation) - “What makes things break up like they do?” (139). Why is this important?Simon’s conversation with the Lord of the Flies: Read pages 207-208. Why is Simon’s conversation important?Article: Violence in Sports?1) The article will be passed out and discussed on Monday, December 5th.?2) If you're absent, read?Sports: When Winning is the Only Thing, Can Violence Be Far Away?Write your source information at the bottom of the page. Use EasyBib to create your citation.express and reflect:?How does this article connect to your life??inform and explain:?What is the article trying to teach? What would you pass on to someone who asks about this article??evaluate and judge:?What sources does the article use? Are they reliable??inquire and explore:?What references does this article make to other events, people, etc? How do they connect??analyze and interpret:?What effect does this topic have on society??take a stand/propose a solution:?What is your opinion on this topic, and/or what solution would you propose??You Write: Violence and Control in Sports?Consider the following questions and answer them thoughtfully?Violence- are sports in 2012 more violent than they need to be?- does violence in our sports reflect our society?- are sports fans more or less violent than players?- is violence in sports healthy?- should little kids play violent sports?Control- who controls the violence in sports?- should athletes be punished for over-the-top violence?- what is the role of referees? does society have referees?- should all athletes referee youth sports? Chapter 9 - A View to a DeathClasswork Connections I give a lecture on the death in Chapter 9. If you miss class, download this handout and closely annotate it (underline, circle, comment, etc). Staple it to the Chapter 9 Classwork page in your notebook. At the bottom, write a thesis that explains why Golding uses this language for this scene. : _________________________________ Period: ________ Date: ____________Lord of the Flies Chapter 9 (151 – 153) He ran stumbling through the thick sand to the open space of rock beyond the fire. Between the flashes of lightning the air was dark and terrible; and the boys followed him, clamorously. Roger became the pig, grunting and charging at Jack, who side-stepped. The hunters took their spears, the cooks took spits, and the rest clubs of firewood. A circling movement developed and a chant. While Roger mimed the terror of the pig, the littluns ran and jumped on the outside of the circle. Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society. They were glad to touch the brown backs of the fence that hemmed in the terror and made it governable. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” The movement became regular while the chant lost its first superficial excitement and began to beat like a steady pulse. Roger ceased to be a pig and became a hunter, so that the center of the ring yawned emptily. Some of the littluns started a ring on their own; and the complementary circles went round and round as though repetition would achieve safety of itself. There was the throb and stamp of a single organism. The dark sky was shattered by a blue-white scar. An instant later the noise was on them like the blow of a gigantic whip. The chant rose a tone in agony. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” Now out of the terror rose another desire, thick, urgent, blind. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” Again the blue-white scar jagged above them and the sulphurous explosion beat down. The littluns screamed and blundered about, fleeing from the edge of the forest, and one of them broke the ring of biguns in his terror. “Him! Him!” The circle became a horseshoe. A thing was crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast was like a pain. The beast stumbled into the horseshoe. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” The blue-white scar was constant, the noise unendurable. Simon was crying out something about a dead man on a hill. “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!” The sticks fell and the mouth of the new circle crunched and screamed. The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws. Then the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall. The water bounded from the mountain-top, tore leaves and branches from the trees, poured like a cold shower over the struggling heap on the sand. Presently the heap broke up and figures staggered away. Only the beast lay still, a few yards from the sea. Even in the rain they could see how small a beast it was; and already its blood was staining the sand.THESIS:Read for Information?In the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, the 'core rule' is called Spirit of the Game.?Read the following 3 online resources and take 1pg of notes to answer 'What is Spirit of the Game?'.Make it clear which notes are from which source.?Source 1 - USA Ultimate - Spirit of the Game?Source 2 - Ultimate Peace: Promoting Peace through Spirit of the Game?(includes video)Source 3 - World Flying Disk Federation - Spirit of the GameYou Write: Violence and Control and PeaceConsider the following questions and answer them thoughtfully?- should we ban violent sports in order to have a less violent society?- what rules would every sport benefit from?- are athletes role models, and therefore held to a different standard than others?- how teams positively shape who you are?- should all coaches go through a specific type of training to help their athletes become better people?- should 'spirit of the game' be a rule in every sport? why/why not?- should everybody play a team sport? why/why not?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extra Credit:? Read the following snippets of analysis.Choose one?to be your model and write it at the top of your page.Then, write 3 more original?snippets answering the question 'how did it get to this point?'Credit given only for 3 original snippets.?Format: Intro/lead in sentence, "quotation" (#). Conclusion sentence.Lord of the FliesConnections to Chapter 9 How did it get to this point? Consider looking at:- thematic connections (violence, loss of control, man/beast, fear, etc)- foreshadowing (Simon, the chants, circles/meetings, dealing with fear, etc)- motifs (reoccurring events/symbols - circles, the chant, etc) - writer’s craft (imagery, word choice, syntax, etc) During the meeting in Chapter 5, Simon says that maybe there isn’t a beast, that “maybe it’s only us” (89). That he recognizes mankind’s capacity for evil, and that the boys don’t listen to him both foreshadow the group’s inability to control their own fear and themselves, ultimately sacrificing Simon’s clarity and their own humanity. (Ms. Kennett). Simon was talking to Ralph when he is becoming increasingly worried about the fact that they might never be rescued. Ralph is then coming to the realization that the island isn’t that great. Simon is trying to calm Ralph down, and he says “I just think you’ll get back alright.” (111) in italicized. This could show how Simon was foreshadowing his own demise, thinking that everyone else will survive the island, but he will not. (Rachael)When the boys reenact a pig hunt for the first time, it was all too easy for them to forget that it was just a game. Everyone wanted “to get a handful of that brown vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering” (115). It doesn’t take much for the boys to lose their humanity in a hunt, and by showing this level of brutality that the boys are capable of is foreshadowing that they will inevitably kill. (Marisa)When Jack and the others began to attack Simon, they got completely caught up in the moment and let the need to kill take over. Jack had “tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up.” (51) to Ralph early on. This convulsion to kill eventually did encompass rational thought upon all the boys while they killed Simon. (Emily)Simon’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies foreshadowed his own death. “You’re not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island!” (144) After this event, all of the boys are dancing and chanting: their new idea of fun. Shortly after, they savagely kill Simon, as the Lord of the Flies basically told him would happen. (Jess)When Simon is attempting to express his opinion of the fear on the island, he is unable to do so, “Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s essential illness.”(89). This failure to convey his ideas about the fear can link to the rest of the group’s misunderstanding of what this fear actually is, which ends up leading to Simon’s demise. (Steve)Throughout the entire story, all of the boys on the island have been in a mind state where the fear of a greater power is lurking on the island along with them. This constant fear of a beast, and the hunting ways they have developed through the insanity Jack develops leads to the terrible death of Simon, and shows how the entire society is drastically evolving in a negative way. (Brendan) The chant that the boys keep saying throughout the book is a motif, but it is slightly altered each time it is said. It starts off being geared toward the hunting and killing of the first pig, “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in” (75). When the group kills Simon, their chant is different, it is more geared toward the beast, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!” (152). This second chant shows fear of the “beast” that is living on the island, all of the “tribesman” attack Simon because they think he is a beast, which is just a made up figure. Even the punctuation changes in the second chant, they are yelling this chant louder due to the exclamation marks. This shows that the boys have gone from simple hunting to barbaric murder, they have lost common sense. (Greg) Chapter 10 - The Shell and the GlassesConsider the following questions and answer them thoughtfully. Fill the page.If you did something wrong...- is it better to face it and admit it to yourself, or deny it and know the truth?- what makes you blame others rather than yourself?- how do you physically show that something is bothering you?- do you want to be around people? why/why not? - why is it easier to make excuses?- which is worse, the choice or the memory of the choice? If you were in charge... (of a fictional group of any size) - what would you wear to show you were in charge?- would you be more powerful if you wore a mask?- who would your enemy be?- what would be more powerful than you? how would you deal with that? - would you show weakness?What's the best way to demoralize the enemy?Chapter 11 - Castle RockYou Write: PowerConsider the following questions and answer them thoughtfully. Fill the page. Fair Play and Power- Have you ever been outraged at someone for being unfair? What was the situation, and what happened?- Do people need judges, referees, policemen etc, or could we all just be good if we wanted?- Have you ever been in a situation where things have gone too far? Did anyone try to stop it? Identity and Power- How do uniforms (job, sports, etc) give identity? How do they take it away?- If you commit a crime, should your picture be published? What 'levels' of crime would you be okay with this? Why those levels?- How do you act differently around different people? What situations do you have more/less power in? Do these situations change who you are, or just how you act? - Consider any movie with a masked character: are they more or less powerful because of their mask?Human Power versus Animal Power - What gives you the power of free speech? How is free speech different from animals talking to each other? - Would you rather have a weak but supremely clever bodyguard, or a massive but dumb bodyguard? Why?- How self-disciplined are you about doing long-term projects? What reasoning helps you succeed/not succeed?- What is the difference between the power to act and the time to think? Which is more important? Why?Checks and Balances- What checks and balances are built into our government? How do they relate to Lord of the Flies?- Define: what is 'having power' mean? Who has power in our school? Community? Country? Who shouldn't have power? - How much power should one person have? How much power do you want?- What happens when someone gets too much power? Is it human nature? Why/why not? Chapter 12 - Cry of the HuntersConsider the following questions and fill the page with your thoughtful answer. Bullies, Bullied, Bystanders- what kind of bully would you prefer: one you can see, or one you couldn't? - have you ever been a bystander and gotten caught up in something? did it end well or not? why? Fear- would you choose to know the moment you will die, or live in ignorance? why? - why are chase dreams such a common dream? Violence & Control - is the threat of violence used to control you? - how can people be controlled without the use of violence?Power- is knowledge power? - when are you powerless? ................

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