

Mrs. Hollon

Teacher: Holly M. Hollon

Contact Information: phone- 502-839-5118, email-

Materials needed for class: Three ring notebook, loose leaf paper, a writing instrument

Course Description

This course is intended to take the student on an in depth study of the study of human

social behavior, including the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and

development of human society. This one semester course will investigate social structures

and interactions locally, nationally and internationally. Our study will focus on current

social issues and trends that affect us here at home as well as on the planet that we share.

This is a rigorous course that will integrate research, writing, and study skills. Students

will write weekly on their application of the information gained in class and from


Course Outline

Unit One: Culture and Social Structure

• What is Sociology?

• Cultural Diversity and Conformity

• Social Structure

Unit Two: The Individual Society

• Socializing the Individual

• The Adolescent in Society

• The Adult in Society

• Social Control and Deviance

Unit Three: Social Inequality

• Social Stratification

• Racial and Ethnic Relations

• Gender, Age, and Health

Unit Four: Social Institutions

• The Family

• The Economy and Politics

• Education and Religion

• Sports and Mass Media

Unit Five: The Changing Social World

• Population and Urbanization

• Collective Behavior and Social Change


Students will be required to do various projects throughout the trimester.


• Exams: Students will take an exam at the end of each unit of study.

• Weekly Quizzes: Students will take quizzes periodically to check for student understanding of material.

• Class Participation: Students are required to participate in class discussions, take notes, and pay attention. You are not to talk while others are talking. This is rude and disrespectful and will not be tolerated. You will lose class participation points for not participating in class. Also, sleeping during video segments is not permitted.

• Homework/Classwork: You will be required to do homework. When homework is assigned, you will be required to turn in the assignment the next day unless told otherwise. If you do not turn in your homework on time, it will not be accepted late. Late work is not accepted unless you have an excused absence. Field trip, class trips, or other types of trips are not excuses.

Make Up Work

Students who are absent are required to see Mrs. Hollon to get their make up work. Work will also be posted on the website. If a student does not make up his or her work within three days of an absence, they will not be able to make up the work after the time has passed.

Make Up Tests

Students will be required to stay after school to make up any tests he or she misses. Students are not allowed to make up tests during class time. Arrangements must be made to stay after school to make up a test.

Final Exam

Each student will be required to take the final exam. The final exam will consist of all units of study in each trimester.


Students will be required to read articles, primary sources, and other assignments during the trimester. Mrs. Hollon will make the readings available when the assignment is made.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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