Commack Schools

Name______________SUPA SociologySynthesis Paper: Self and IdentityThis paper should reflect your analysis and interpretation of the required materials listed below. You must include additional information from our class discussions, handouts, PowerPoint notes and/or clips from documentaries watched in class.PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLES, BUT RATHER A THOUGHTFUL ANALYSIS OF THE AUTHOR’S RESEARCH AS IT PERTAINS THE LARGER SOCIOLOGICAL THEMES.Use three (3) of the following eight articles:“Gender as Structure” (Risman, p.305)A review of four theories that explain sex and genderDoing GenderGender inequality and stratification“No Way My Boys Are Going to Be Like That: Parents’ Responses to Children’s Gender Nonconformity” How parents socialize children to gender normsParents and the social construction of gender, hegemonic masculinity, responses to gender nonconformity, parental motivation for the accomplishment of masculinity“Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The Critical Case of Very Young Children” VanAusdale and Feagin)A study of preschool children’s understandings of race and ethnicityUsing racial concepts to include, exclude, and controlAdult misconceptions of children’s sophisticated understanding of race“Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: The Development of Deviant Identities,” (McLorg and Taub, p.219-230)The social construction of deviant identitiesLabeling theory used to explain how eating disorders become defined as deviant behaviorsAcquisition of deviant identities by conforming to social labels“Doing Gender, Determining Gender: Transgender People, Gender Panics and the Maintenance of the Sex/Gender/Sexuality System” (Westbrook and Schilt, 315-329)An exploration of what accounts for genderImplications for transgendered or intersexed individuals living in a sex/gender system that recognizes “two and only two genders”Genitals=gender in “women only” spaces; reproducing gender inequality in gender segregated spaces.“Dude, You’re a Fag. Adolescent Male Homophobia” (Pascoe p.330-338)An examination of masculinity and homophobia in high schoolsHow gender is constructed and socialized in the USHow gender identity and he boundaries of masculinity are maintained and enforced“On Being Sane in Insane Places” (Rosenhan, p.48-57)A classic piece on labeling and social devianceA study of the social construction of illness and mental healthThe consequences of Labeling and depersonalizationYearning for Lightness: Transnational Circuits in the Marketing and Consumption of Skin Lightness” (Glenn, p. 393-407)How racism influences beauty ideals around the worldRacial and gender stereotypes of dominant Western culture influencing beauty standardsAfter you have chosen three articles, use specific evidence from all sources to write a thoughtful paper (2-3 pages) that examines some of the following questions:To what extent is the social construction of gender a process? In what ways do we “do gender”?How does gender role socialization reinforce gender inequality? What are the implications of living in a binary gender system that accepts “two and only two genders”?How is the presentation of self socially constructed?What are the larger implications of media shaping and limiting our view of gender and race?How do young children use racial and ethnic concepts to shape the way they socialize with others?How does gender inequality intersect with both class and race?How are male gender roles and a culture of masculinity enforced and maintained?What social processes are involved in developing deviant identities?How do racial and gender stereotypes of the dominant US culture influence global standards of beauty?How does the theory of symbolic interaction shed light on social processes that maintain inequalities and stratification?How does this unit illustrate the sociological perspective that “we are always participating in something larger than ourselves”?To what extent has your view on the process of expressing gender and/or race changed?Please use MLA parenthetical format to indicate author and page number for citations. ................

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