Roman Time Capsule

Roman Time Capsule

Assignment: Working in groups we will construct a virtual time capsule for Ancient Rome in the form of a Powerpoint presentation. Each group will work on one aspect of Roman civilization, assembling a collection of Powerpoint slides of “artifacts” from their assigned topic. There will be groups working on each of the following areas:

1. Political Achievements

2. Roman Society

3. Roman Economy and Technology

4. Roman Culture, Art and Music

5. Religion (both Roman mythology and early Christianity)

Checklist: To assure that nothing important is left out, the following checklist has been established to make sure that MINIMUM requirements have been met. This should not be interpreted to mean that this is all that is required. All completing the checklist does is insure that your grade is at least a C.

The General Checklist: (only check an item off once it is completed)

____ all slides are image only (one image per slide) with a title

____ all slides have a completed note field with the reason why this object should be included in the time capsule.

____ all slides have been merged into the class presentation.

____ bibliographical slide indicating sources used.

Checklist for Political Achievements

____ slides with images of leaders: war, maps, emperors, and laws.

____ note field of slide of a famous ruler stating what makes them significant and the dates that they ruled or describes an important battle and state why it is important.

____ At least 5 of the 10 slides are about a Roman leader

____ One slide of the Twelve Tables

Checklist for Roman Society

____ Slides of food, clothing, and housing.

____ Slides of what people do for fun and what they do for work.

____ Slides of popular forms of Roman entertainment, including sports and games.

Checklist for Roman Economy and Technology

____ Slides of money and items made by Romans

____ Slides of trade routes and countries that traded with the Roman Empire

____ Slides of roads, bridges and aqueducts

Checklist for Roman Culture, Art and Music

____ Slides of Roman sculptures and Roman painting.

____ Slides with examples of Roman architecture.

____ Slides of Roman music and musical instruments.

Checklist for Religion

____ Slides of Roman gods from mythology.

____ Slides of Christianity within Roman empire

____ Slides of Pantheon


Follow Directions!

All library / research based projects are required to have a list of all sources used. The expectation is that you will apply those things that were taught during the Greek Citation project.

Each slide needs to be an image.

Notes need to be in the note field, in your own words in bullet points.

Your name needs to be in the note field of each and every slide that you made. Although this is a group project, the grade is based on individual performance.

Do not put any background or animations into slides until the show is completely merged and has been approved by me.

Your group needs to be ready to merge with at least a half hour remaining in the last class period that we are in the LMC, no excuses or exceptions. Therefore think about how much more you need to accomplish in order to stay on schedule. If you find that you are not on schedule, you need to do extra work outside of class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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