EARLY ROME: Myths & Etruscans

EARLY ROME: Myths & Etruscans

I. ORIGINS: (MYTHO-HISTORY); Livy (59B.C.E.-19.C.E.)-myths

A. Main myths: 1. Aeneas as ancestor

a. Flees Troy (Trojan War) ca. 1200 B.C.

b. Dido/Carthage—moves on

c. Italy-settles at Alba Longa

2. Romulus as founder—753 B.C. ab urbe condita

a. Romulus & Remus—spurious birth, abandoned in Tiber

b. Romullus—as adult, kills Remus; founds Rome; first King

c. Rape of Sabine women—need wives at Rome—explaines “mixed” population @Rome

d. Romulus’ death:

1) murdered by his people; or 2) gods snatched him up to heaven

II. Etruscans & Rome:

A. Origins—Asia Minor? (prob.); to N. W. Italy ca. 1200-800 B.C.E.?

B. Advanced Culture:

1. Engineering, builders (arch, roads)

2. Military: had horse & chariot, metal weapons

3. Religion: Ancestor worship, augury; king/priest; belief in Afterlife (tomb art, artifacts)

4. Art: “realistic” style

5. Women—high/”equal” status with men

Evidence: tombs, art, banquets, later literature

III. Etruscans & Early Rome

(Monarchy era: 753-509B.C.E.) (Etruria, Latium)

A. As Neighbors: Northeast, Northwest of Rome (along coast)

1. trade, competition, intermarriage, culture influences

2. conquest of Rome?—last 3 kings of Rome = Etruscan

(Tarquin dynasty in 6th century B.C.E.)

B. As Rulers (kings)—Began Rome’s “urban” society

1. encouraged trade

2. “state” religion—Temple of Jupiter

3. Gov’t. organized: king/priest & Senate

Senate = 300 men=100 from ea. of 3 Tribes; 3 Tribes =30 Curiae; 3 Tribes later = 21 Tribes

4. social organization: a. patricians (patrons) & b. plebeians

5. military organization: (Army) -- earliest = 3000 infantry + 300 cavalry (from the 3 Tribes)

a) cavalry b) infantry (hoplite “centuries”—Servius Tullius );

after ca. 575 B.C. = 60 centuries

C. Monarchy ends, 509 B.C. w/expulsion of Tarquin the Proud

1. Cause: (Myths?): Lucretia’s rape

a) Lucius Brutus drove out Tarquin & formed Res Publica (Republic)

b) Tarquin got neighbor Lars Porcina to attack Rome, but Horatio at bridge (singlehandedly) kept Lars (Etruscans) from bridge until Romans tore it down.

2. Result: Rome becomes anti-monarchy, anti-Etruscan

3. Rome besieges Veii (Etruscan) for 10 yrs;

4. Camillus = 2nd ‘founder’ of Rome, ca. 390 B.C.—bec. Rome defeated Gauls @ Alba River

IV. Problems w/Livy’s history:


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