K12 parent portal enrollment


K12 parent portal enrollment

Scenario #2: Register a child if you are not already 1 to LCS school Step 1: Create your parent portal account When you register any new student online, you must first create a parent portal account by switching to the parent portal registration screen and selecting Sign up for parent account. Fill in your name, email address, and password that you want to use for your parent portal account. Step 2: Check the received email Select your newly created account by clicking the link in the email you just received. It activates your new account and returns you to the parent portal registration page. Step 3: Access the online program Select the link I would like to apply for enrollment for a new child on the Students page shown below Step 4: Full Application And online application 11 pages. After opening the online registration form, make sure that you have fully filled out the online registration before you click submit or before trying to register any additional children to prevent errors. Please make sure you read any on-screen instructions very carefully to prevent potential registration errors. For extra kids just click on the link again. If you have a registered parent portal account, and enter your username and password. Your username is the personal email address you used when you registered your account. Get a P.I.N. number for each of your students by attending his or her school. This P.I.N. is unique to your student and only your student. Parents/guardians must show evidence at school to obtain this unique P.I.N. number do not share this P.I.N. number with others. Create a parent portal account if you don't already have one, visit and then click I don't have an account registered on the parent portal. The form appears below. Fill out the form and click Submit to register the parent portal account. * Important note: Your personal email address provided during registration will become your parent portal username. PDP employees must use a personal email address. Don't register your account with your @polk- email address. Go to the next section to connect students to your parent portal account. 2. Sign in to your parent portal account. 3. Select I would like to add a child who is already registered. 4. Fill out the form by entering your student ID, including 5,300, the student's date of birth, and the corresponding P.I.N. number you received at your child's school. When you're done, select the I'm not a robot check box, and then click Add When you click Add Student, the screen restarts and information for that student appears. 5. Repeat these steps to connect additional students to the parent portal account. During open enrollment periods, parents can create a parent portal account and join students who are not currently registered 2. Sign in to the parent portal. 3. On the left side of the home screen, you will see tabs listed as Portal, School Information, Settings, etc. Click the Forms tab. Select the Online apps box that appears on the Forms tab 5. On the next screen that appears, select a field called I would like to apply for enrollment for a new child. 6. The registration page will now appear. IMPORTANT NOTES: Please fill in all fields or your application may not be processed correctly. If you decide to save the application for later, you must fill out the primary address and next year's class level before saving the application. After joining all your students, you arrive at the home button of the parent portal. To see information in a specific category, click on one of the students, and then select the category you want to view. Examples: Infinite Campus Parent Portal New Parent User Portal - Part 1 - Request Parental Portal Activation Key Request Parent Portal Activation Key: Visit parent portal activation key lookup page What you need before registering: Your child's student number (This can be found on your student's report card or transcript.) The last four digits of your child's Social Security Number (SSN) or SSN-like number*, assigned to your child. *If you did not provide your child's SSN when registering/registering, they were assigned an SSN-like number. To get the last four digits of this number, you will need to apply to your child's school. How to obtain your child's GTID Georgia Test identification number (GTID) can be found in the parent portal, following the instructions below: Login to parent portal Select more (on the left side of the screen - in black box) Select GTID (in the middle of the screen - in white box) GTID number will fill in and you can copy and paste into the app You can switch between students in your family in the upper right corner of the screen *If your student does not have a GTID number, please contact the school, to make sure that all the necessary information has been submitted to the User's New Parent Portal - Part 2 - First time Creating a Parent/Guardian account must go to the login page of the parent portal. Do you want to select a new user? to open the Campus Portal Activation Key option. Activate the campus portal account screen Another screen will be displayed >> New user?. Enter the activation key assigned to you. After the activation key is used to create an account, it cannot be used again. Click Submit. The activation key will be checked and when approved, the screen prompts the user to create a username and password. Create a user name and password Enter your user name. Use a alphanumeric user name (both letters and numbers). Enter your password. alphanumeric password. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long. If system settings have been set to require a strong password, it must match three of the four qualifications: lowercase letter (a, j, r, etc.) uppercase (A, J, R, etc.) Number (3, 7, 1, etc.) symbol (@, %, , etc.) Retype the password in the Check password box. Click Create Account. To reset your username and/or password: Select forgotten password? link and email will be sent to the record address. Password reset process routes will be included. Select forgotten username? a link and an email will be sent to the address of the record containing your username. Users can be asked to get a forgotten username up to 5 times a day. On the sixth attempt, the user will be blocked from the account and will need to wait until the next day to try again. All usernames associated with the email address you entered will be listed in the email. If you can't reset your settings using the reset online feature, please send a Let's Talk ticket. Welcome K12 believes that together, we can inspire shine every day. We are committed to helping all of our students reach their potential. Part of our commitment involves keeping our students and their families well informed. Below you will find useful links to recent K12 ads, promotions, student contests and many others. Start strong and prosperous on K12, our mission is to help students reach their full potential through inspired learning and personalized learning. As students study at the K12-level school, their families become part of a nationwide community of teaching coaches, teachers, staff, and students. One advantage of being part of this community is access to national programming, engagement opportunities, and support--all aimed at helping students achieve their goals. We know that starting a new school can involve big changes for families. It takes time to adapt, and there may be problems. We are here to help ensure a smooth transition, working together with families and schools to ensure the support students and learning coaches need to start strong and thrive. Families are encouraged to use the apps and support provided by K12, their schools, and the K12 family community. Are you ready to join us? If you've recently edited or just want to view information, check out these short videos for some tips on how to start the school year from a strong one: Ready to access an online school? If you have an active online school account, you can sign in here: Live Walk to Class sessions helps new families switch to online learning through live, interactive training hosted by Blackboard Collaborate, and available at an online school on event schedules. The sessions are designed to help new families prepare for school and include important information about launch and support, as well as tips and strategies for training coaches across the country. Live Walk to Class Sessions training coaches the opportunity to connect with a larger community of K12 families and resources for further support from your student's school and K12. Sessions are offered from July to March moderated by experienced K12 training coaches and registration champions who are ready to help as needed. Registered families have access to K12 customers, including a team of agents who can provide technical assistance. There are also many resources on the customer support website. Here are a few that are especially useful for new families: CREATE YOUR OLS accounts > Annual contests are the perfect way to showcase your student's talents and a great way to connect with the larger K12 community. Follow the details here. Visit Learning Liftoff to see the full list of winners of the 2019 art competition. RECOMMENDED WINNERS OF THE 2019 POETRY COMPETITION Visit Learning Liftoff to see the full list of winners of the 2019 poetry competition. Listen from fellow parents and students how K12 transformed their educational experiences. I love the quality of the education Johanna receives,' Elissa said. She is challenged and engaged. I think the school is doing a great job balancing the curriculum out of the need to review and prepare for government tests. We just re-registered for the next year! -- Father Elissa Colon, mother of a student of the 3rd grade NCVA It is thanks to the online school that I can attend many concerts and competitions, and continue to build my future career, Said Anya. With my flexible online learning schedule, I'm capable of success in music, succeeding in my schoolwork too! -- 15-year-old Anya Yu from WAVA WAVA

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