-133350-276860Revision SheetFinal Exams Term-12017-2018Subject: ChemistryGrade: 12 A & B & CRequired Materials:Chapter:22 Section: 1,2,3,4(Textbook pg. 669-697)Chapter:23 Section:1,2(Textbook pg. 707-715)Final Exam Date:13-12-2017(Wednesday)-293370-467995Student’s name:__________ “I can do it” Class/Section: 12 / __ Subject: Chemistry Date: _____________ CCS: 12.Chem.10a,b,dIndividual Work Objective: to describe the organic compoundsto explain biochemicals.Chemistry Revision SheetRequired Materials:Chapter:22 Section:1,2,3,4Chapter:23 Section: 1,2Q. SHORT ANSWER Answer the following questions in the space provide.1._____ A saturated organic compound(a)contains all single bonds.(b)contains at least one double or triple bond.(c)contains only carbon and hydrogen atoms.(d)is quite soluble in water.2.Arrange the following in order of increasing boiling point:a.ethaneb.pentanec.heptadecane3.Recall that isomers in organic chemistry have identical molecular formulas but different structures and IUPAC names.a.Two isomers must have the same molar mass. True or False?b.Two isomers must have the same boiling point. True or False?4.Explain why hydrocarbons with only single bonds cannot form geometric isomers.5.Write the IUPAC name for the following structural formulas:a.b. c.6.Draw the structural formula for each of the following compounds:a.1,2,4-trimethylcyclohexaneb.3-methyl-1-pentyne7.Each of the following names implies a structure but is not a correct IUPAC name. For each example, draw the implied structural formula and write the correct IUPAC name.a.3-bromopropaneb.3, 4-dichloro-4-pentene8.Match the general formula on the right to the corresponding family name on the left.a.alcoholb.alkyl halidec.etherd.aminese.ketonef.carboxylic acidg.esterh.amine1.2.3.4.R—OH5.6.R—X7.9._____ Lactose and sucrose are both examples of(a)lipids.(b)monosaccharides.(c)disaccharides.(d)proteins.10._____ Carbohydrates made up of long chains of glucose units are called(a)monosaccharides.(b)disaccharides.(c)polysaccharides.(d)simple sugars.11._____ The disaccharide that is commonly known as table sugar is(a)lactose.(b)fructose.(c)sucrose.(d)maltose.12._____ The polysaccharide that plants use for storing energy is(a)starch.(b)glycerol.(c)cellulose.(d)glycogen.13._____ Many animals store carbohydrates in the form of(a)starch.(b)glycogen.(c)cellulose.(d)glycerol.14._____ Which class of biomolecules includes fats, oils, waxes, steroids, and cholesterol?(a)starches(b)monosaccharides(c)disaccharides(d)lipids15.Relate the structure of carbohydrates to their role in biological systems.16.What is a condensation reaction, what is a hydrolysis reaction, and how do they differ?17.Why can cows digest cellulose, while humans cannot?18.Describe how phospholipids are arranged in the cell membrane.19._____ Proteins are polypeptides made of many(a)lipids.(b)carbohydrates.(c)starches.(d)amino acids.20._____ The side chains of amino acids may contain(a)acidic and basic groups.(b)polar groups.(c)nonpolar groups.(d)All of the above21._____ The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide chain is its(a)primary structure.(b)secondary structure.(c)tertiary structure.(d)quaternary structure.22._____ The secondary structure of a protein that is shaped like a coil, with hydrogen bonds that form along a single segment of peptide, is(a)a looped structure.(b)the active site.(c)an alpha helix.(d)a beta pleated sheet.23.According to the text, which amino acid(s) contains a side which molecules form covalent disulfide bridges with each other?b.that is hydrophobic?c.that forms hydrogen bonds?d.that is basic?24.Name two types of carbon-containing molecules that are not organic.25._____ Carbon atoms form bonds readily with atoms of(a)elements other than carbon.(c)both carbon and other elements.(b)carbon only.(d)only neutral elements.26.Explain why the following two molecules are not geometric isomers of one another.27.a.In the space below, draw the structural formulas for two structural isomers with the same molecular formula.b.In the space below, draw the structural formulas for two geometric isomers with the same molecular formula.27._____Hydrocarbons that contain only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms are called(a)alkanes.(c)alkynes.(b)alkenes.(d)unsaturated.28._____When the longest straight-chain in a hydrocarbon contains seven carbons, its prefix is(a)pent-.(c)hept-.(b)hex-.(d)oct-.29._____The alkyl group with the formula —CH2—CH3 is called(a)methyl.(c)propyl.(b)ethyl.(d)butyl.30.What is a saturated hydrocarbon?31.Explain why the general formula for an alkane, CnH2n+2, correctly predicts hydrocarbons in a homologous series.32.Why is the general formula for cycloalkanes, CnH2n, different from the general formula for straight-chain hydrocarbons?33.Match the reaction type on the left to its description on the right.(a)An atom or molecule is added to an unsaturated molecule, increasing the saturation of the molecule.(b)A simple molecule is removed from adjacent atoms of a larger molecule.(c)One or more atoms replace another atom or group of atoms in a molecule.(d)Two molecules or parts of the same molecule combine.substitutionadditioncondensationelimination34.Addition reactions with halogens tend to proceed rapidly and easily, with the two halogen atoms bonding to the carbon atoms connected by the multiple bond. Thus, only one isomeric product forms.a.Write an equation showing the structural formulas for the reaction of Br2 with 1-butene.b.Name the product.35.Identify each of the following substances as either a natural or a synthetic polymer.a.celluloseb.nylonc.proteins36.The text gives several abbreviations commonly used in describing plastics or polymers. For each of the following abbreviations, give the full term and one common household usage.a.HDPEb.LDPEc.cPEDegreeEnhance &CommentsTargetValueToleranceKeep your school clean! ................

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