ASA Institute

LIB 100

Information Literacy

Created (6.13.08)

INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: Professor Jaszczerski

OFFICE: 875 31st Street Learning Center 4th floor

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 12-8 and by appointment




BLOG: (Google Professor Jaszczerski)


This course provides an introduction to information and its sources. Students learn how to determine the need, access, evaluate and incorporate information for a specific purpose and to use it legally and ethically.


Taylor, Terry. 100% Information Literacy Success. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2007.


● Prepare for all reading and writing projects on the due dates

● Submit the semester project in MLA or APA style in a manner typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman font at 12pts. (Don’t forget to put your name and class section number on anything you hand in. Please keep a copy for yourself.)

• Complete the competency-based lab assessment in the library or a designated lab and have the verification form signed by a librarian or a designated lab assistant.


The volume of material discussed in each class session is extensive. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that each student attend every class session. If attendance at a class session is not possible, it is the responsibility of each student to learn any material missed and to be prepared to actively participate in the next session. All students are required to be on time.


Midterm exam 25%

Final exam 35%

Quizzes 10%

Participation 10%

Project 20%

Competency-Based lab assessment Required to Pass


● No cell phones, beepers or other electronic devices (except dictionaries)

● Class will always start on time

● Doing work for other classes during class time will not be tolerated

● No magazines, newspapers, or other unrelated texts may be read during class time

• No children in


1. ASA Institute is committed to educating students to become learners for life. The Association of College and Research Libraries is one of the Committees of the American Library Association. It sets out standards of Information Literacy, which are used as the foundation for this course. As it states in its Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education: “Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning. An information literate individual is able to:

Determine the extent of information needed

Access the needed information effectively and efficiently

Evaluate information and its sources critically

Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base

Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose

Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally”

2. The course in Information Literacy will enable ASA students to reach the following objectives:

• To understand and use basic library and Internet materials and services, reference tools, databases and other online resources

• Comprehend the nature of research

• Be able to formulate and clearly define a research topic and plan a search strategy

• Become critical thinkers as they analyze and evaluate the information and materials they gather

3. The course includes an introduction to information, its sources and provide instruction in using them to plan, search and develop a strategy of how to conduct library and Internet research. A combination of lectures, labs, quizzes, projects and assignments, a Midterm and a Final exam.


The student will take any research assignment which is assigned in another class and work on it for the assignments in this course. If the student is not assigned a research project from another class, the student will create one to use for the purposes of the exercises in this course. The student will have it approved by the instructor. The student will submit:

1. The topic, clearly defined; thesis sentence.

2. A three item bibliography (use MLA or APA style).


Students enrolled in LIB 100 must complete the lab assignment attached to this syllabus. The lab is to be completed in either the learning center at 31st street or the Library in either Brooklyn or Manhattan and must be signed by the librarian, a work-study in the library or myself.


Plagiarism is defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary (m-) as “stealing and passing off the ideas or words of another as one's own.” It is additionally defined in that source as “literary theft . . . [that is to say, as presenting] as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” and it will not be tolerated in this course. Plagiarized writing will be returned to the student and will not be considered as work done towards the completion of the course.



| | | |TEXTBOOK READINGS– done after|

| | | |class- |

| | | |as reinforcement |

|1 |Review Syllabus |e-literate video presented by Pacific Bell/UCLA Summit |get journal/ |

| |ACRL Information Literacy Standards | |Notebook for |

| |Quality of Information |Information Literacy Survey |Access & Entry instructions & |

| |Overview of Information Sources: Print vs. | |Search strategies and lecture |

| |Electronic |Teaming of students and Introduction of each other |notes |

| |Introduction to ASA Library website & ASA | | |

| |Online catalog |Give students Library electronic resource access codes | |

| |Introduction to eBooks | | |

|2 |Plagiarism |Information Literacy research video |pgs. 22-27 |

| |Introduction to the tutorial wiki | | |

| |How to locate a book in a library from OPAC to | | |

| |call #/title to shelf | | |

|3 |Reference, Reserve & Circulating Books |Class trip to NYPL Research Library (not the branch) |Pgs. 43-53, 76-82 |

| |Classification Numbers |Monday July 21, 2008 from 4:00-5:30. Meet at Astror Hall | |

| |Public Libraries – 3 New York City Systems and |42nd and 5th avenue | |

| |their online catalogs, | | |

| |Specialized Libraries – Research, Virtual |In class tour of NYC Library Research Libraries- SIBL | |

| |Libraries |(Science, Industry and Business Library), Schomburg | |

| | |Center for Research in Black Culture and Library for the | |

| | |Performing Arts and Brooklyn Public Library’s Business | |

| | |Library | |

|4 |Introduction to printed information sources |Quiz: How to check out a book at ASA Library. |pgs. 41-43, 53-56, 107-114 |

| |Parts of a Book | | |

| |Fiction vs. Non-Fiction | | |

| |Serials and Newspapers | | |

|5 |Point of View |In class discussion of point of view from 2 New York City|pgs. 38-40, 129-132 |

| |Biased vs. Unbiased Information |newspapers using articles on same subject from New York | |

| |Propaganda vs. Advertising |Newspaper. Instructor will bring newspapers and | |

| |Primary vs. Secondary Sources |discussion of advertisements from print source. Think | |

| |Scholarly vs. Popular Sources |about point of view, reliability, biases, what it is | |

| | |trying to do, and what is missing. Instructor will bring| |

| | |advertisements. | |

|6 |Types of Research Assignments |In class writing exercise of actual term paper thesis |pgs. 34-38, 188-191 |

| |Analyzing Term Paper Assignments – Reading, |class members have been given | |

| |Focusing and Planning the Assignment | | |

| |Thesis Statements |In class practice APA and MLA citation exercises | |

| |APA and MLA Citation styles | | |

|7 |Midterm Exam Review |Midterm Exam | |

|8 |Introduction to Databases |In class brainstorming session of keywords for actual |pgs. 57-58, 87-89 |

| |ASA and Public Library Databases, NOVELNY |term paper assignments class members have been given | |

| |Keyword vs. Controlled Vocabulary Searching | | |

| |Boolean Logic | | |

| |APA and MLA Citation styles for databases | | |

| | | | |

|9 |Exploration of Specific ASA Databases; Gale |Keyword searching and database demo’s | |

| |Virtual Reference Library, Encyclopedia | | |

| |Britannica Online, EbscoHost, etc. | | |

| |Continued, APA and | | |

|10 |Introduction to the Internet : History, Web | |pgs. 58-64, 121-123 |

| |2.0, dark net, hidden web, digital divide |PowerPoint: Evaluate websites | |

| |Evaluating Websites | | |

| |Hidden Web |Demonstration of Google advanced searching | |

| |APA and MLA Citation styles for websites | | |

| |Google advanced searches | | |

|11 |Plagiarism revisited | |pgs. 186-188, 191-194 |

| |Copyright |In class demonstration and discussion of citation | |

| |Bibliographies and Parenthetical Documentation |machines, etc. | |

| |Using Quotes | | |

|12 |Citing eBooks, Databases, and the Internet |In class practice APA and MLA citation exercises | |

| |Review of APA and MLA Citation | | |

| | |Demonstration of citation capability of Gale & Ebsco | |

| | |databases | |

|13 |Online Searching of Important Websites |In class exercise on creating a MLA or APA citation. | |

| |Listserves, blogs and directories, peer-to- | | |

| |peer, social networking | | |

|14 |Review for Final Exam |Final Exam | |

|15 |Student Evaluation |Learning Outcomes Survey |Semester Project Due & |

| |Course Evaluation | |Competency Based Lab |

| | | |Assessment Due |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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