K.K.L.B. ADIKARAM Senior Lecturer , Computer Unit, Faculty of ...

[Pages:7]K.K.L.B. ADIKARAM

Senior Lecturer , Computer Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka.

+94714951248 (Mobile) lasantha@agricc.ruh.ac.lk lasantha@daad-alumni.de


I am an academic in the field of computer science empowered with technical and mechanical knowledge, employed in the field of agriculture. This environment offers me a rare opportunity to link the field of agriculture with the field of computer science.

Personal Details

Full Name Address (Residence) Date of Birth Gender Civil Status Research Areas

: Kalutara Koralalage Lasantha Britto Adikaram : 468A, Parakkrama Lane, Pamburana, 81000 Matara, Sri Lanka. : 03rd July 1972 : Male : Married (2 Children) : Algorithms, Automation , Big Data Analysis, Feature Extraction,

Outlier Detection, Pattern Recognition


Jan. 1984 ?

Dec. 1988

Jan. 1989 ?

Dec. 1992 May 1993

? Aug. 1995

Dec. 1995 ?

Aug. 1999

July 1997 ?

Aug. 1999

Ordinary Level (High School Education)

Institute : Rahula College, Matara, Sri Lanka Subjects : Mathematics, Science, English Language, Sinhala Language,

Buddhism, Social Science Advanced Level (High School Education)

Institute : Rahula College, Matara, Sri Lanka Subjects : Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Certificate Course in Automobile Mechanics

Institute : Dimo Automobile Training Collage, Colombo 14, Sri Lanka Subjects : Automobile Technology Effective date: 15th August 1995 B. Sc. (General) Degree in Physical Science

University : University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka Subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Effective date : 22nd July 1999 Computer Literacy Course and Certificate Course of Information Technology

University : University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka Subjects : Computer Science Effective date : 29th July 1999

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Jan. 2000 ?

Aug. 2003

Dec. 2004 ?

Mar. 2008

Aug. 2011 ?

Apr. 2018

Certificate Course in Information Technology

University : University of Colombo Subjects : Computer Science

Effective date : 1st August 2003

M.Sc. in Computer Science

University : University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka


: Student Administration System for University of Ruhuna -

Using Visual Basic and MySQL

Effective date : 1st March 2008

Ph.D. in Natural Science

University : Technical University of Munich, Germany.


: Non-Parametric Methods for Data Processing and Knowledge

Mining in Bioprocesses

Effective date : 16th April 2018

Employment History :After completing B. Sc. (General) Degree in Physical Science on 22nd July 1999

) 22nd July 1999

02nd August 1999 ? Temporary Demonstrator

31st June 2000

Department of computer science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

01st July 2000 ? Senior Lecturer in IT & Hardware

31st December 2003

E-W Information Systems Limited, Sri Lanka.

01st January 2004 ? Systems Analyst

21st November 2005

University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

22nd November 2005 ? Programmer cum Systems Analyst

14th July 2008

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

15th July 2008 To date

? Lecture in Computer Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

April 2010 December 2016

? Researcher Bayerische Landesanstalt f?r Landwirtschaft, Institut f?r Landtechnik und Tierhaltung, Freising, Bavaria, Germany.

August 2011 April 2018

? Researcher Technische Universit?t M?nchen, Munich, Germany.

Duties & Responsibilities of Present Employment

Conduct lectures specially on programming and automation. Supervise computer related projects conducting by students. Examination paper preparation, invigilation and paper marking. Working as a programmer at Examination Branch of the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka to

facilitate staff to manage and analyze student marks. Conducting awareness programs to internal staff members especially on e-learning, internet,

e-mail, computer awareness and computer hardware. Maintain the Learning Management System of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of

Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

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Current Projects

Coordinator of the project "Development of commercial level scalable and customizable SMART polytunnel model for Sri Lankan domain"

Coordinator of the project "Content development project for IoT applications - Develop and publish IoT content in local languages for school students"

Resource person of the project "Commonwealth of Learning's L3 (Life Long Learning) Farmers programme"

Projects Supervised

Comparison of Nutritional and Post Harvest Quality of Salad Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Grown in Conventional and IoT Based Automated Protected Houses ? Final year research project of a student (Mr. D.S. Ranaweera) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2018.

Impact of IoT Based Automated Environmental Controlling System on Commercial Cultivation of Two Oyster Mushroom Varieties ? Final year research project of a student (Ms. D.M.N. Madhushani) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2018.

IoT (Internet of Things) Based Smart Automated Protected Houses for Salad Cucumber (cucumis sativus) Cultivation ? Final year research project of a student (Ms. M.S. Jayathilaka) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2018.

Effectiveness of IoT Based Automation System for Salad Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Cultivation in Protected House Under Sri Lankan Conditions ? Final year research project of a student (Ms. S.N.A. Jayathilaka) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2018.

Nitrogen Assessing Method of Salad Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Based on RGB Colour Values of Leaf and Above Ground Parameters ? Final year research project of a student (Ms. K.M.S. Hasanthi) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2018.

Development of a SMS Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring and Controlling System for Greenhouses/Protected Houses ? Final year research project of a student (Mr. A.D.S.D. Wickramasinghe) of B.Sc. in Agricultural Resource Management and Technology degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2017.

Software application for calculating groundwater level ? Final year research project of a student (Mr. D.S.R. Wijewardane) of B.Sc. Agriculture degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2008.

Design a computerized automatic soil moisture recording and irrigation water applying system ? Final year research project of a student (Mr. L.H.M.C. Gunathilaka) of B.Sc. Agriculture degree programme, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka in 2009.

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Reviewed papers

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, P.A. Jayantha: Mathematical proof of Universal Linear Fit (UniLiFI) method: Unpublished

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Continuous Learning Graphical Knowledge Unit for Cluster Identification in High Density Data Sets. Symmetry, 2016; 8(12)., DOI:10.3390/sym8120152

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Multi-Variable, Multi-Layer Graphical Knowledge Unit for Storing and Representing Density Clusters of Multi-Dimensional Big Data. Applied Sciences, 2016; 6(4):96., DOI:10.3390/app6040096

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Non-Parametric Local Maxima and Minima Finder with Filtering Techniques for Bioprocess. Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2016; 07(04):192-213., DOI:10.4236/jsip.2016.74018

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, Mohamed A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Universal Linear Fit Identification: A Method Independent of Data, Outliers and Noise Distribution Model and Free of Missing or Removed Data Imputation. PLoS ONE, 2015; 10(11):e0141486., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0141486

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M. A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Data Transformation Technique to Improve the Outlier Detection Power of Grubbs' Test for Data Expected to Follow Linear Relation. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2015., DOI:10.1155/2015/708948

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A Hussein, T. Becker: Impact of Microsoft Visual C++ version on the performance of arrays and vectors.Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Science, 2014, 262-266.

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Multiple Memory Structure Bit Reversal Algorithm Based on Recursive Patterns of Bit Reversal Permutation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014; DOI:10.1155/2014/827509

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Outlier Detection Method in Linear Regression Based on Sum of Arithmetic Progression. The Scientific World Journal, 2014;, DOI:10.1155/2014/821623

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, D.T. Andrahannadi, M.K.D.K. Piyaratne, D.S.R. Wijewardana, C.M. Navaratne: A standalone samba-NIS/NFS server model for Windows and Linux dual boot clients with individual user authentication.European Scientific Journal, 2014; pp. 360-369

Technical Reports

Rainer Kissel, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, Amelie Pohl, Eunice Rivera Gracia, Mathias Effenberger: Betriebs-Monitoring: Vergleichende Untersuchung f?r die Einwerbung und Verg?rung von Gr?nlandaufw?chsen Abschlussbericht - Schwerpunkt Anlagen-Monitoring, Bayerisches Staatsministerium f?r Ern?hrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Germany; 08/2011

Conference Proceedings

M.S. Jayathilak, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, H.K.M.S, Kumarasinghe, C. Ratwatta Jr, and G.Y. Jayasinghe: IoT (Internet of Things) Based Smart Automated Protected Houses for Cucumis sativus (salad cucumber) Cultivation, International symposium on Agriculture & Environment (ISAE) 2019, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; 02/2019

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K.M.S. Hasanthi, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, H.K.M.S, Kumarasinghe, and C. Ratwatta Jr: Nitrogen Assessing Method of Salad Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Based on RGB Colour Values of Leaf and Above Ground Parameters, International symposium on Agriculture & Environment (ISAE) 2019, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; 02/2019

W.M.C.J. Wijekoon, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.K.D.K. Priyankara, A.C.P. Priyankara and G.C. Samaraweera: ICT Solutions for the Agriculture Sector of Sri Lanka: Potential Target Groups and Strategies to Inject into the System, International symposium on Agriculture & Environment (ISAE) 2019, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; 02/2019

A.D.S.D. Wickramasinghe, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, G.Y Jayasinghe: DESIGN OF SMART GREENHOUSE CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2018, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; 01/2018

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, P.A. Jayantha: ZERO MEAN TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE THAT IS NOT EFFECTED BY MISSING OR REMOVED DATA. Multidisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka; 12/2017

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, C. M. Nawarathna: Multi-language search for strengthening the outcome of systematic review. 2nd International Conference on Information Technology Research, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka; 12/2017

K.K.L.B. Adikaram: Introduce 12V / 24V Direct Current for Lighting Buildings to Save Energy and Reduce Electronic Waste. National Energy Symposium and Innovation Forum, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, Colombo, Sri Lanka

A.C.P. Priyankara, ? U.I. Samarawickrama,? M.K.D.K. Piyaratne, ? K.K.L.B. Adikaram, ? A.L.K. Wijemannage: Interoperable Web-GIS Service for Collecting Meteorological Data: A Case Study in Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2017, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka; 01/2017

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, P.A. Jayantha: A robust technique to transform time series with missing data into a zero mean series. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions - 2016, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka; 11/2016

A.C.P. Priyankara, K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.K.D.K. Piyaratne,D.T. Andrahannadi,U.I. Samarawickrama:USE OF GIS TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE QOS IN COMPUTER NETWORKS. APNIC42, Colombo, Sri Lanka; 10/2016

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M. A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: NON-PARAMETRIC HIGH AND LOW EXTREMA FILTERING METHOD FOR FILTERING EXTREMA IN DYNAMIC DOMAINS. SAITM 6th Annual International Research Symposium on Engineering Advancements, Malabe, Sri Lanka; 06/2016

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Novel nonparametric extrema identification method. 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna; 03/2016, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15509.93923

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, Mohamed A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: A Simple Reliable Unstructured Data Synchronization Technique for Biogas Data. ISAE 2016, Sri Lanka; 01/2016, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2048.8726

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Outlier Detection Method for Identifying Outliers that are not in Gaussian Distribution. 12th Academic Sessions, University of Ruhuna; 03/2015

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Improving the performance of an algorithm by using multiple single dimensional memory structures for index mapping. 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON 2015); 01/2015, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3619.5049

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K.K.L.B. Adikaram, M.A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Data Transformation Technique to Improve the Outlier Detection Power of Grubbs Testfor Data Expected to Follow Linear Relation.. International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment-2014 (ISAE 2014); 11/2014

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, D.T. Andrahannadi, M.K.D.K. Piyaratne, D.S.R. Wijewardana, ChampaNavaratne: A Standalone Samba-NIS/NFS Server Model For Windows and Linux Dual Boot Clients with Individual User Authentication. Wayamba International Conference, Sri Lanka; 08/2014, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2833.0722

K.K.L.B. Adikaram, Mohamed A. Hussein, M. Effenberger, T. Becker: Data warehouse framework for unstructured biogas data. International Conference of Ag ricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06 - 10.07.2014, Zurich; 07/2014, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3881.6489

D.S. Wijewardane, C. M. Navaratne, R.U.K. Piyadasa, K.K.L.B. Adikaram: Software Model to calculate Groundwater Level. 65th Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science; 01/2009, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2700.5922

Professional Certifications and Trainings

10th ? 29th October 2016 ? Workshop on Technology application training class of automation & information for developing countries organized by institute of Automation Shandong Academy of Science, Jinan, China.

22nd ? 25th June 2015 ? course on Proposal Writing Course conducted by Graduate School, Technical University Munich, Germany.

19th June 2015 ? course on Survival Guide to Peer Review conducted by Graduate School, Technical University Munich, Germany.

15th ? 18th June 2015 ? course on Writing Scientific Manuscripts High-Impact Practices conducted by Graduate School, Technical University Munich, Germany.

5th ? 29th November 2013 ? course on Writing Scientific English for Publication conducted by Graduate School, Technical University Munich, Germany.

11th October 2006 ? Workshop on Open Source in Education organized by Department of Computer Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

21st September 2006 ? Workshop on Teaching and Learning Process organized by Staff Development Committee Members, Faculty of Science University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

17th February 2006 - One month Program on e-Learning Technology conducted by the Advance Digital Media Technology Center, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

08th June 2003 - A+ certification program conducted by CompTIA, USA. (ID Number ? COMP001001260304)

09th November 2001 - One month course on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science conducted by CIT Campus, Channi, India.

January 2001 - ACS (Australian Computer Society) examination in Information Technology conducted by Australian Computer Society.

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Other Certifications

23rd February 2000 - Proficiency in English Course conducted by English unit, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

31st July 2003 - Certificate in English for Employment conducted by English unit of University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Successfully completed "Preliminary Certificate in Marketing" conducted by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.


Member ? Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ? Reg. No. 8725/E Member ? National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka ? Reg. No. NSF/STMIS/05/3279 Member ? Alumni Association, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.

Non-Related Referees

Prof. S.D. Wanniarachchi, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupituiya, Sri Lanka.

Email: sdwanni@soil.ruh.ac.lk

Prof. P.A. Jayantha, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara, Sri Lanka.

Email: jayantha@maths.ruh.ac.lk

I certify that the above particulars are true and accurate according to the best of my knowledge.

K.K.L.B. Adikaram 12th June 2019

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