
The fruit of the DNATREE


And the leaves of the tree shall be for the healing of the nations Rev 22:2

• The fruit of StephenTree is multilayered poetry that resulted from 22 years of synchronicities that go beyond the veil of religion and philosophy

• In 1993 an experience changed the synchronicities to poetry, answering questions I had my whole life. In my loneliness, in my bewilder-ness, through my broken heart, She, (life) came.

• In order to understand the deepest layers of the poetry, an understanding of the tabernacle, the layers of a cameo, the layers of heart, the poetry of scripture, Veil of interpretation, original intent, the original intent of an altar, synergy, systems theory and much more.

• When you feel you have “uncovered the mystery” , my love, I swear you have just begun. Experience the Romance in Spirit between Steven and his life, Rumi’s 12th century romance


I’ve been searching through the past

Down the DNATREE

I’ve been re-membering

What life has to offer us for free

I came upon the advent of poetry

It taught me, it rocked me down to my knees

Called upon this councelor inside of me

To ask about the things that

Grew upon the tree

She said the blood of billions Had purchased this for me

It’s the DNA DNA DNA Tree

Well, blessed is SHE who nailed me to this tree

He presented himself to me...

Or should I say... he was mysteriously there.

Like the moon is mysteriously there with the setting of the sun

He speaks of - and in- synchronicities

Even his language is remarkable.

He lifts the veil from my eyes... and steps inside my mind.. and dances with me with greate intensity.

He is extraordinary, amazing, bizarre, distinctive and passionate

His mere intentions turn the ordinary into extraordinary

He is my special friend

He is Stephen

And I treasure his friendship

And I relish his uniqueness

I hope we can be

“Forever Friends”


“DNATree is in love with the Father and is poetical in the words used to tell of it, that is what I see.” PEH Theology Forums

“I appreciate your story!  You have dedicated more toward finding and experiencing your Truth than most all in our culture.  You have my respect!” and “ I believe that must be the incredible loneliness that Jelaluddin Rumi referred to in "I was a hidden Treasure and I longed to be known, so I created the world that I might be known". Wes1937 USNEWS forum

The best way to appreciate what you are going to read is to listen to the poetry tape (Romance in Spirit) first and feel a little of it in your own experience. Then going on to read this material will make more sense.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

The Poetry of StephenTree 4

The Story of StephenTree 10

Romance in Spirit 22

Selected StephenTree Writings 46

Theology forums 68

StephenTree (early years) 147

About the Author 149


This book is the first of the life experiences of Paul Steven Spence. (StephenTree) My life took on a form as I have written in this poem.

Like a tree I gradually took on this form. Like an empty canvas the painter waited for spirit to move, dabbing where spirit moved.

Until the painting took form. I did not know what it was to become, neither do I know all of what I am to become. But when he and she meet they know it is right!!

In the beginning I was called Adam which means Earth

I was alone and like a dream you came out of me

In my loneliness, in my bewilder- ness, through my broken heart, you came

All the miracles and meetings that were to happen to me in the spirit cannot be assembled in 100 volumes. But an understanding of my experience can be fathomed through the taste of the fruit I wish to offer, and through the spirit that is StephenTree. The theme of my life is that if one takes the clothes of another from the foot of the cross and puts them on as his own he is a robber and a thief, but he who’s best friend is his own spirit will come to know the true friend of THE SPIRIT.

Get to know StephenTree as you would long to know your own heart and you will find you cannot help but love your own heart.

I had many questions growing up and as I began to experience what others called injustices I really began to have questions. Mainly about what we were taught by our parents, by church, and society. What we are taught was very different from what most other people taught their children in the world and our parents and churches and society as well insisted that we were right. At first I did not argue but accepted this view and accepted the beliefs that I was taught when it did not work for me.

As a child growing up in Turkey, I spent most of my time alone. At three I played in an abandoned lot and collected up to twenty five turtles to feed and care for. The bay in Karshiaka was a wonderland at low tide when the boats would lay flat on the ground and the mud was filled with Stingray and starfish, as well as many interesting items lost by fishermen and boaters.

Blessed are the broken hearted

For they shall have tears of joy

Blessed are the lonely

For they shall find “the friend”

Blessed are the poor

For they shall inherit the treasures of the heart

Blessed are those that find the heart of hearts of hearts

For they shall possess “all things”

They shall find their cake and eat it too!

Selected Poetry of StephenTree

The veil of interpretation is what is separating you and I

We should never feel shame or blame

Remember the pain in the Garden

Remember you chose to live alone and hide yourself behind your tears

And like a veil, you have hidden yourself from me

I’m Standing, waiting at the door between the two houses

Until the moment,,,, you take me back

Why do you hide yourself from me

Remember the covenant we share?

Remember we created the sunrise to remind us to START NEW


I’ve been searching though the past down the dnatree

I’ve been re-member-ing what life has to offer us for free

I came upon the advent of poetry

It taught me it rocked me down to my knees

I called upon the counselor inside of me to ask about the things

That grew upon the tree

She said the blood of billions had purchased this for me

It’s the dna, dna, dna tree

Well blessed is she who nailed me to this tree

The trauma and loneliness of loosing family and children

Circumcised my heart and shattered my soul

Feeling the pieces, revealed a life of romance in spirit that fulfilled all scripture

Each experience over a period of several years, revealed more and more of what I had longed to know my whole life. What I learned, I call the story of you and I

You see there is only you and I and when the veil of this flesh is lifted, you and I are really one.

In the beginning I was called Adam, which means earth. I was alone, and like a dream you came out of me. In my loneliness, in my bewilder -ness, through my broken heart,,,, you came.

The heart is a rose, and the fragrance can draw anything you want.

As it was in the beginning my love

When I was the honeybee and you were my apple tree

For then, it was the fragrance of your heart that drew me to you

Remember we let the sea swells rise into the air, we let the mountains crumble we did not care, for I was your honeybee and you were as my apple tree

I was the prince, I was your wizard, I was your “lion of Judah”

Anything you wanted I brought it to you.

There has always only been, you and I, my love

The Table

What words does a table wish to speak

When four legs and a flat you be

Form dictates so much of thee

This is what a table says to me


What is on my heart

Or what is on this table

Or like an altar from long ago conveying the things the heart

Wishes to know

In the Moment

Let the moment give you everything you need

Let your hear unfold like an apple seed

As on the fruit each moment you feed

Let the moment give you everything you need

Meet in the Moment

I was there in the moment; I was walking down the street

I was turning round the corner when who did I meet

It’s a girl named Moment; she was looking mighty and fine

I asked her if she had a moment, I asked her if she could spare some time

Then I saw that she was layered, I knew that she was deep

She said she knew that I was coming and that any moment we would meet

I noticed a spark, like a twinkle in her eye

Began to wonder about Jesus, and Santa and how life comes in a moment

In a twinkle of an eye

I am a house of wonder

I am a house of dreams

I wondered if I could make a living wondering

And my life became wonder-full

All day long I ponder your poetry

You who made my life and my dreams

Wild hearts, can’t be broken

Was love the pain that started all this

Was it the cause that drew your first kiss

Or was it the reason I wanted you so

My blood runs hot but you already know

This is my passion play

Wild hearts can’t be broken

The preacher and lawyer have taken my bride

And by their view she is made to abide

Was this the reason that I died

It’s love across time get ready for the ride

This is my passion play

Wild hearts the time is right

The sun is chasing away the night

And the battle will be won without a fight

Cause no one’s wrong and no one’s right

You see the Baptist was no wind swept reed

His heart was sown from a wild seed

And everywhere that Jesus went

Few understood what he really meant

And now there is coming a time and it is drawing near

When within their hearts all men will peer

No longer will they say the truth is out there

For the word of God has been very near

Even in our mouths and in our hearts and we do not need a teacher

I am astonished by this angel guiding me

On my journey through loneliness

She fills my emptiness

Alone in bewilderness

It’s a loose interpretation of the original Exodus

The smallest of points will soon alter the largest of equations and render all the interpretations meaningless! Thus fulfilling all scribbling by scribes.

There has always only been YOU and I, my love

Though now you and I are called us and them

But when the veil of this flesh is lifted

You and I are one

She, she is my life, she is my wife

She came out from me in the beginning

We were one in the beginning

She is my dream and I am the dreamer

Now she comes to me in many forms

And it is like poetry, like synchronicity

And when he and she meet they know it is right

They dance like waves on the ocean of romance (life)

He builds the house from the ground up, she cleans it from the top down. When he and she meet, they know it is right!

The Story of StephenTree

In those days, everyone seemed strange. And the fearful, they gathered together in what they called churches and denominations and countries though their hearts were often separate from each other they gathered together. There came a man out of the wilderness, the strange,.. they thought he was strange, and the fearful of course feared him.

At night this man would light a candle, and incense on a small table and listening to music of any type pleasing. He would wander around the table dreaming. Lost in wonder he was to find his life hidden in his moments, in a reality he came to refer to as

Romance in Spirit

In my loneliness, in my bewilder- ness, through my broken heart, she (life) came.

This is the story of StephenTree, who spending days at home alone without opening the front door came to know his life in the uniqueness of the spirit that is life.

There is only you and I , my life

He does not write in the normal fashion of the day, and the veiled sometimes have difficulty understanding him. But what he has to say has astounded many who have met him, and changed many of their lives. This is the story of the spirit that is StephenTree.

.” When through a misunderstanding I found myself in jail for three days and also on the road to a divorce again I felt as though my life was over in spite of all that I had been shown by spirit in the past twelve years. I just could not understand why. Before this occurred I was repeating what a deeper layer of myself was saying. “I am he who lays his life down and I am he who will raise it back up again.” Let me transport you to the beginning of this adventure. I found myself sitting in the waiting cell by myself. Having never been in jail before this was extremely stress inducing, together with the loss of my best friend on earth, my wife, and the daughter I had stayed home and raised. I had never felt so alone in my life. The synchronicities that I had been experiencing for twelve years had taught me much yet I felt abandoned in this cell. I wish to express these aspects of my emotional state so that you might see what I was to experience. It is not the scripture that is the word of God but the spirit and context to which it is given. It was written, “The word is very near to you, even in your mouth and in your heart.” ‹’Once again I am shown another aspect of this mystery ‹’The smallest of points altars entirely the largest of equations and renders all interpretations meaningless. While sitting in the cell I felt what I wanted to occur. The feeling could be embodied in the statement.. Turn the tables. The spiritual archetype of resurrection was definitely needed here. As I wandered in circles in the cell I continued to express the emotion, (words are not as powerful as feeling) turn the tables...turn the tables...turn the tables. Later I was transferred to the B block and made some acquaintances there. I spent most of my time alone in the two-man cell thinking and feeling. Then started the synchronicities. ( Synchronicities were coincidences that I had been taught to recognize). Walking in circles in the cell I spoke only within myself. The men playing cards on the table on the first floor of the large room were oblivious to my intent. I continued to express. turn the tables over and over. All of a sudden a young man who must have been loosing at cards jumped up on the cement table and yelled loudly and with much emotion. THE TABLES ARE TURNED. I ran to the rail and looked down at the men below as the man who yelled jumped back down with his cards in his hand and proceeded to win the hand. I looked up at the TV that was mounted on the wall just as the animated commercial of the resurrection scene was being displayed. The date was march 1 1993. I knew that all things were sanctified to my use when it felt right. So I went downstairs and got the newspaper off the table and read the horoscope. ‹’--------------- ‹’ It does not seem so now but you will come out on ‹’ top in the end. ‹’ Legal matters will be dispatched with relative ease ‹’ Spruce up powerful friendships are on their way. ‹’---------------- No longer do I call you slave but friend. Jesus I took a piece of paper and wrote down all the things that were happening and began to write what I wanted. I want my baby and my home I want my baby and my home I want my baby and my home The second day I waited till 3:30pm to find out that I had my home because she had moved out. And that I would be able to see my baby as much as I wanted to. Upon getting out of jail I felt a new appreciation for life and freedom. I went to the mall and bought a Victorian Cameo key chain because I felt I was about to meet a girl named Victoria. I had had many synchronicities about this and ran into several small children named Victoria. Everywhere I went for two days I was running into Cameo’s. At this time I did not know the significance of the Cameo however. I found myself out just driving to do some thinking and was feeling a tremendous loneliness come over me. I really felt like meeting another girl that would help me get over the pain of what had happened and help me start new. I knew however that that indeed was the wrong thing to do. I had begun to refer to spirit in the feminine sense at this time. Driving in the truck I turned on the radio I had in the seat next to me and the song said Fill up the tank and go for a ride. I stopped at the Tom Thumb store I was passing and put fuel in the truck as I was on empty. I continued driving north on highway 87 out of Milton and passed Whiting field. Off to the right I saw a sandy basin that looked as though it were a river that was dry at this time. I found a dirt road and pulled in. I began to travel up a path when I heard rifle shots in the distance and just after hearing the shots I came up upon a snake in my path. A path went off to the right around the snake and away from the shots. I climbed down into the basin and began to walk south. The basin felt so empty that I began to think about the children of Israel as they traveled through the wilderness. The place was so barren and lifeless yet something was definitely there. All of a sudden the lonely feelings swept over me as never before in my life. I could not stop crying as I wandered the emptiness. Tears flooded my eyes and I began to cry out Girl, Girl why have you forsaken me. I came up on a cave that was open on the top and went back in the cave. Again thoughts of Moses in the wilderness flooded my mind as I cried out Girl, Girl where are you girl. The sides of the cavern were layered and I began to feel the heart of girl. She was a blue-layered pearl and her loneliness was a gift to me. Images of the proton and the electron and a love affair between them. This is my gift to you. Emptiness. Poetry I had never heard before flooded my mind ‹’ You thought you were alone when you let your tears fall but you were in my heart the Vacuum which ‹’drew you to me. The heart is a layered rose and the fragrance can draw the love you seek. Here, dig here for the treasure you seek. So I began to dig in the ground, up popped the ugliest small stone I had ever seen. Where is the treasure, I ask my heart. This is it, as this stone appears to be formless and void so is the beginning of a pearl. You will see, my love will come in waves, to layer this pearl. Many more feelings were processed that day and I knew in my loneliness and emptiness I was not alone. Leaving the sight I drove back to Milton and noticed many signs that had roses on them. Everywhere I turned were roses that day. Layers, pearls, roses, huh. That evening I went to the beach to think and came up on a beach bar that had karaoke that night. I went in and enjoyed the company of the people there and was talked into singing a song. I looked through the book they handed me and saw immediately the song “The Rose”. I remembered hearing the song before and knew it was the spirit that I was experiencing. I sang the song and knew it wasn’t me singing it. There were tears in my eyes and the song poured out of me. “The soul afraid of dying can never learn to live.” I could not believe that the people actually clapped during the middle of the song. I knew it was the passion that had served my life so many times before. The next day I woke up and went to town to walk and think. Spirit always takes whatever is on my mind and turns it into the next step. Ohh she’s cute, flirting, yea it’s sort of like walking in a new place and feeling the vibes or spirit that is there and then allowing myself to operate in that same spirit. So the girl is really flirting with herself because what you are saying is what her web of intent is drawing.

I found myself in the parking lot across from the Cisco restraunt in Milton, Fl. And I am letting go of the pain of loosing and focusing my intent in joy and in this moment in order to let the moment take me to something wonderful. As I walk across the lot I see a rose on the ground, a plastic rose, as I lift it to look at it I notice another rose on the license plate between the cars. As I walk across the lot I see three cars with roses hanging from the mirror. I walked around the Waffle House Restraunt to the video store and there on special on a big poster held by a eisel is a large picture of a rose and the name of the movie was Fragrance of the Heart. (Apr 1993). Cool like the roses and all I encountered yesterday north of Milton yesterday. I leave the video store and walk about a block to a gift store across from Blossman Gas. and walk in. I am just feeling my way around. I feel as though I should be looking at something on the shelves in order not to solicit questions from the woman at the counter. I walk directly to a counter and just stand there not even looking at the shelf. Something tells me... or rather I feel to focus at what is directly in front of me. Ohh, it is a heart shaped potpourri dish with a cover that has holes in it so that the fragrance may come out. Wow dude, cool. I am off again feeling all that I have come across today. I feel that this information is speaking on a multitude of levels or layers of heart. I cross Stewart street and begin to walk up the alley on the railroad tracks thinking I will walk to the Librairy. Several bees begin to buss around my head and as I feel this situation in context I see myself as a tree, like the DNA tree. All of a sudden the whole poem comes to me in feeling, not in words and I begin to translate or break down the seed feeling into parts.

The heart is a rose, and the fragrance can draw anything you want.

As it was in the beginning my love

When I was the honeybee and you were my apple tree

For then, it was the fragrance of your heart that drew me to you

Remember we let the sea swells rise into the air, we let the mountains crumble we did not care, for I was your honeybee and you were as my apple tree

I was the prince, I was your wizard, I was your “lion of Judah”

Anything you wanted I brought it to you.

There has always only been, you and I, my love

This was the spirit of this day; I was so powerfully devastated by the pain that was the decay of an old life that it required enormous passion to let go and the passionate focus on the new life that was growing in me. Through the work of spirit my feelings were held on the desired outcome instead of the problems. After fiddle farting in the library for ten minutes where I borrowed pen and paper and wrote the poem down, I left and walked back across Stewart Street. As I walked down the street I noticed a store that I had never been in before. It looked like a house is probably why I never visited it before. The sign outside said Gift Shop so I went in. It smelled lovely in this shop and I immediately noticed that they made potpourri here. Upon entering a side room I was welcomed by yet another surprise. The whole room was dedicated to Honeybees. There were wax figures all over the walls and books about raising Honeybees. Other rooms had bath beads and other fragrant items. I went home and began the usual ritual I have in the evening that gets me in touch with spirit. I dim the lights and light candles. This I found allows the mind not to be distracted by images in the room in a manner that would break my connection and or concentration. I put a poster board on the small table in the middle of the room and begin to play any music on the radio that FEELS right. After dancing, feeling, and writing down whatever feel right I ended up with the following chart. ‹’BABY COME ON, FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED ‹’this ain’t no way to leave the broken hearted ‹Š ‹’I live for your love and you for mine ‹’Here comes something walking down the street pretty soon we’re gonna meet. She he The allower The doer + - come to me my love take my hand and together we will walk ‹’through the door -Excitement -Passion When he and she meet they know it is right ‹’Make it real girl,,,you are (This is my spiritual language for something coming as a lover, but not necessarily a person) ‹’She wants me as bad as I want her ‹’The pain makes me feel what I really hunger for ‹’TRUE ROMANCE, TRUE ROMANCE ‹’Hey girl, ALLOW it to be. Stay always at the door with me. ‹’Surrender to her it is her dream!

I was so alive that I could not get to sleep that night. I realized that in my loneliness I had found True Romance. I went to sleep late that night and woke expecting a new adventure that next day. I was not disappointed at all.

I got the idea to look up Cameo in my encyclopedia and found the following information. Cameo, Kam e o, a figure or design carved in relief on a gem or other stone, a sea shell, or glass. Cameos are used as jewelry and as decoration on vases and other ornaments. A cameo is usually made from a material that consists of two or more layers of different colors, most often light upper layers and dark lower layers. The cutting is done on the upper layers, while the under-layers provide the background. The most frequently used materials are onyx, agate, sardonic, and conch shells. Layered glass is also used. Greco-Roman Cameo. Victory Driving a Chariot is the subject carved on sardonic by an artist who lived in the period of Rome’s grandeur. ‹ˆ

Later that day I drove the truck to pick up my daughter Raine in Pensacola. I took Raine to the mall and walked in the bookstore. At the entrance to the store my eyes caught hold of a book on the shelf in the back. I felt the color of the book first as I carried the baby to the back of the store. I straightaway picked the book from the top shelf. It was titled, The Victorian Grimier, and under the title were the words, Enchantment, Romance, Magic. The book was written by Patricia Telesco. I opened the book and my eyes fell upon a very familiar name, Lewis Spence. You see, my father’s name is Lewis Spence and the Lewis Spence in this book was the Scottish Mason that I had collected many of his books and I felt a profound connection with in that he wrote of Myth and Legend and was also a romantic poet. Besides the reference to Lewis Spence in the book it was also packed with things that were my experience and radiated my experience of the past few weeks. I had to express this to someone and turned and began to speak to someone who it turned out was very much into similar things.

I left the mall and driving home I suddenly felt like stopping at a little store called Kiley’s in East Milton. As I walked in I was drawn to the comic book rack. Which is unusual because I never read comic books before. I grabbed it before I read the cover. Warlock Resurrection. I flipped it open and was caught up in the emotion of this entity that lost his love. And through sheer force of will he was bringing her back alive. Then I came upon this page and was flabbergasted. Here he was reaching beyond death to draw her back. Neither Science nor Magic but a blend of the two. My senses perceive the separating of layers like the petals of a flower being peeled away. Undraping the mysteries of life and death. May I please change the word undraping to unveiling here, huh? My love has written my name in the stars. A wall was built around your memory yet it only veils me to you. This temple will be destroyed yet you will take these stones and build our home, our sanctuary.

During the first week of this experience I had come home to a home where the only piece of furniture was an old end table that had been bought from the used store for about four dollars. It was covered in trash as was the floor, remnants of an old life. I turned on a small portable radio as I was searching for where to begin ordering my home. The radio said, “clear off the table”.. So I did, then I put a piece of paper on the table and began to write.

What words does a table wish to speak

When four legs and a flat you be

Form dictates so much of thee

This is what a table says to me


What is on my heart

Or what is on this table

Or like an altar from long ago conveying the things the heart

Wishes to know

I really did not know that I would be writing poetry, I only knew that my life seemed to be telling me that I would be a writer. That table was then layered by the experiences I was to have. The rose, I placed on the table, at night I found that a candle helped me feel what was coming from my torn heart. The blood of my own life. What was coming out I was to learn much later was the blood of the billions that went before me, of my father(s), and this angel was guiding me through the storehouse (dispenser, spencer, Spence, Scottish name) I would leave a piece of paper on the table and I would wander, feeling the loss, feeling the pieces of my heart and life. Each day I found myself pondering the meaning of life, and of loss, and of this experience I was having with my life. It was layering that ugly stone that was my life as the world had taught me to see it. It seemed formless and void. I had found a very lonely yet surprisingly wonderful romance with my life alone. Sanctified apart from people, and from giving a dam about working for I had no life or family to work for, I had to find out what is was I had brought myself to this point for, for it felt as though I had been carried there.. This cup was empty, and the things that would come against me in the near future also seemed unfathomable at this point. Over time my experience of wondering and wandering around this altar table and around those things that had taken on a greater weight in my life (the weightier aspects of the law as Jesus saw them) would develop into a deeper relationship than I had had following the synchronicities to this point which became poetry. The spirit indicates that poetry will remain but that the use of it in my heart will change many other things about life, like in healings and in happenings. And in drawing my life to me as a dream. So as time went on I spent time and added things on the table to wonder about. I kept the rose, and candle, and a box as well as a cherry on the table as these things were aspects of heart, or door to spirit. The layers of my heart had to be in agreement or else they do not point to the original intent for which an archetype was created, I had to dream it perfect, with no fear, or hesitation in order for it to fit through that heart hole. I learned to work with “what is on my heart, or altar” and developed many ways to work with spirit. Here are a few examples.

I wanna ride wild horses, . I want to ride wild horses I knew it was coming, I was singing it, feeling it coming. “I want to ride wild horses” was the feeling that I was dancing to the night before. And the synchronicities about it were very plentiful. It came from a song that said “I want to ride wild horses, I want to have sex on the beach” Well although sex on the beach was a drink I might want to try, more frequently. if you were to see those two intentions visually the night before the riding of horses would be huge and in color because I felt it coming across the veil in my heart. So I was walking down the street singing this song and thinking about the fact that I had not ridden a horse in years but that I felt soon I would be on the back of a horse. A truck pulled up next to me as I was walking down this country road where I lived and a man asked if I knew where a certain person lived near there. I said that I believed so and hopped in the truck to go to where I believed he lived. Then the man that asked for directions asked if I would help him tear down a barn. I didn’t have anything else to do so I said yes. After working all evening tearing down the barn I started to leave after he paid me the wages he promised. As I was getting ready to leave he asked if I had ridden a horse before. I said YES. You know what that moment felt like, it felt like when he and she meet and they know that it is right. Well it was a full moon and we rode for hours to where he was moving. I realized all I needed was the confidence and the feel that is a spirit I had requested to come to me. It was perfect. When I got home it was very late at night. I turned on the TV to watch something that would take my mind off of the excitement of the nights events. The program on the tv was Lawrence Welk which I really didn’t mind because I had found to be open to anything and besides since my baby daughter indicated she loved the bubbles and the dancing on the program. Well the song that was just beginning was about how I am sitting on a rainbow and have life by as string. I realized that feeling and thinking something into your reality was very much like the equestrian idea of the horse rider that indicates the direction of the horse by the feel to the horse more that anything else. I also saw a program about a man who did not use anything but his balance on the back of a horse to guide him because his RELATIONSHIP with the horse was that highly developed. ‹’ Here are examples, Again the heart and self can be looked at as a vehicle for experience, instead of the layers being depicted as petals in a flower they are horses and layers of a pearl. ‹’I am he, Victory, driving his chariot between life and death ‹’She, she is horses, she runs as one spirit ‹’and the crack of my whip only excites her ‹’We, we commanded this cross to the edge of death ‹’passing through layers of the pearl ‹’You must loose control in order to gain it ‹’ You must loose your life in order to find it. “Loose myself and all I own, to find sure love” Is on the radio now, while I am editing this part. “Take my hand and walk through fire” “Drop all dreams and watch them shatter to find sure love.”

The home that I lived in was more like a shack, burning the candle at night I did not see the ugly scared walls, one night I actually dreamed of vinal floor covering that looked like the gold glow of the candles on the particle board floor. The next day someone knocked at my door and woke me up. It was a neihbor wanting me to install a water heater in one of his rental trailors. I told him I would and it turned out to be an easy job. I went into his home to get paid and he said I would have to wait until the first of the month. But he said if I wanted anything out of the shed out back I could go look. I went into the shed and there was a huge roll of gold and white vinyl like I had dreamed the night before. I asked him if I could have it and he said yes after I cut a small piece for his bathroom. I began to draw pictures of the house that I wanted to dream around my altar in and within two weeks the first hurricane showed up and tore my roof off and the FEMA people came out and gave me maximum, now many other aspects came into play here, for the poetry was how “I made the plans, but spirit makes my steps” and I was on the beach during storms dreaming of my daughters name Raine and of how my life would change like a storm and then within a short period another hurricane and FEMA again helped me. I found that I could build my home, as I wanted it.

Over the years many such occurrences happened, but to write them all would be to fill many volumes. At this point I should say I began to wonder even more.

I am a house of wonder

I am a house of dreams

I wondered if I could make a living wondering

And my life became wonder-full

All day long I ponder your poetry

You who made my life and my dreams


You and I Written By Paul Steven Spence

The trauma and loneliness of loosing family and children circumcised my heart and shattered my soul. Feeling the pieces revealed a life of romance in spirit that fulfilled all scripture. Each experience over a three year period revealed more and more of what I had longed to understand my whole life. This is the story of You and I. For there is only you and I and when the veil of this flesh is lifted we are one. In the beginning I was called Adam. I was alone, and like a dream you came to me. In my loneliness, in the wilderness, through this broken heart you came, my love. You said: You thought you were alone when you let your tears fall But you were in my heart The vacuum that draws you to me In my loneliness I found her, I found myself, and it was then that I knew that she had always been with me. She was my heart. Ark of the covenant She came back to me my “Dream Box” And it feels like the first time, like the springtime She is more than woman nor man She’s heart and I can’t help but love her She She is life She is my wife She came out from me in the beginning We were one in the beginning She is dream I am dreamer I have been to heaven and I have seen what it will be It’s us living as one eternally Though now you may not see, through the veil separating “the you” and “the me.” You see my love, there is only You and I Even if we speak of us and them And though you call yourself conservative and I am called liberal Or you liberal and I conservative Or I the bridegroom and you the bride When the veil of interpretation is lifted or even torn We will be one What power draws the two back together again. It is the heart which is a rose, and the fragrance draws the love you seek. As the altar of incense that stands before the veil between the two houses. The holy place and holy of holies. The fragrance of the heart joins the two together. I want to be your honeybee, won’t you be my apple tree It’s the fragrance of your heart that draws me to you Let the sea swells rise into the air Let the mountains crumble, we don’t care I just want to be your honeybee And you can be my apple tree I’ll be your prince, your wizard, your lion of Judah Anything you want, I can bring it to ya!

One of the greatest synchronicities of my life was the way I felt about keeping my daughter Raine in my life and the things that I had written on my walls in the old home about Raine. And then in April 1993 I heard for the first time the song Rain by Madonna. The song spoke many of the things that I had been feeling, it was amazing alone that the song was about rain, but it also mirrored the emotions of my life where I was not moving from this spot in my heart until I find why I put myself here.



I feel it, it's coming

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

When your lips are burning mine And you take the time to tell me how you feel

When you listen to my words And I know you've heard, I know it's real

Rain is what this thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

When you looked into my eyes

And you said goodbye could you see my tears

When I turned the other way

Did you hear me say

I'd wait for all the dark clouds bursting in a perfect sky

You promised me when you said goodbye

That you'd return when the storm was done

And now I'll wait for the light, I'll wait for the sun

Till I feel your

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say, never go away

Waiting is the hardest thing

(It's strange I feel like I've known you before)

I tell myself that if I believe in you

(And I want to understand you)

In the dream of you

(More and more)

With all my heart and all my soul

(When I'm with you)

That by sheer force of will

(I feel like a magical child)

I will raise you from the ground

(Everything strange)

And without a sound you'll appear

(Everything wild)

And surrender to me, to love

Rain is what the thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your

Rain, I feel it, it's coming

Your love's coming down like

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

Let me dress your wounds ,Let me ease your pain, These arms are shelter

In the pourin' rain..

For ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man what is prepared for you my love

Romance and Child’s Play

By StephenTree

A collection of short stories about Raine and her Father

Romance and Childs Play

During the period of my life that I was able to spend a lot of time with Raine, (my daughter) I began to think about writing about our experiences together so that Raine and I would have our own history and it also was related to my writing about life. So one particular day we were having fun and fixing dinner. It was just after the hurricane and Raine was helping me set the table in the kitchen but there was very little light because the storm had damaged the house and the lights were not on in the kitchen. Raine always liked to add something new to the table like she did when she played with her tea set. She told me that she wanted to take the candle from the small writing table (altar) and put it on the table so that we could eat. It was then that I knew the story I wanted to write about our experiences in wonder and magic together. For I then realized that the same way that I added something new that came into my life and into my writing table to dream about, Raine was doing to our dinner table and in her play. So I saw that my romance with life was as childs play and that Raines play was nothing other than romance with life.

Break my Teacher’s Heart

Raine and I wanted to have magic happen all the time but on this one occasion Raine was intentional about it and I had woke up feeling that Raine and I would have magic today. We were going to a Blackwater state park to go walking. On the way Raine started to do magic. She said watch this daddy, “break my teacher’s heart” and she broke a craker. She was very excited about this because she too felt that she was making magic. Just a minute later Raine began to get excited about controlling the moment and she also began to get very loud. I had to say loudly “Raine” and because I did not want her that loud she began to cry. I had been given a box of tapes with recorded music and selected one from the box to play so that she might calm down. The tape was not at the beginning but I put it in the player, the words that came from the Vanilla Ice song on the tape were…”I knew it from the start you would break my heart, you had me wound around your little bitty finger. Raine looked at me in astonishment and I looked back at her excited because of the words that were “in the moment”. Later Raine and I rewound this tape and put it in a recorder and let her say the words “break my teacher’s heart” just before the song began to play.

Dream a Party

I always loved to go new places and Raine at three years old she loved to be invited to parties more than anything. So whenever we would go anywhere we would run into a party or a fair in a small town and something strange would always be at the party or fair as well. Like the time that Raine and I ventured into Alabama and there was a fair downtown in a small town that we came across. The first thing we noticed was a balloon the same colors as the outfit Raine had on so we got it. Not only was it the same colors (green and yellow) but also the swirls on the balloon even matched the yellow swirls in her dress. We went weekly and sometimes daily to the local park and almost every time there was a party there and even if we are on the other side of the park we would end up getting invited to the parties.

Bad to the Bone in the Tree Daddy

Once Raine and I were driving with a friend (Barry Jones) in the car and we were doing a audio recording. The subject was related to an emotion having to do with the song “bad to the bone” as dna reaching to the bone, to the inner most hidden place within. Raine wanted to be in on the conversation but she knew she had to say something clever in order for me to let her say it on tape. She waited and then blurted out “bad to the bone in the tree daddy”. Hmm I thought, yes “in the tree” bad to the bone in the DNATREE,, Yes she had done it. She had said something clever to put on tape.

Without spirit, the bible, the Koran, indeed all things are but idols blocking the door between you and I.

Romance in Spirit

Here I give you the tools I used to find my life. The direction you are to go with your life is your own. The synergy of our combination will change all things. For there is only you and I.

Stephen’s Rod

In order to understand StephenTree you may want to understand the evolution of the rod. When I was a child I was shown a rod, one end good and the other evil. When I became a man I understood that one end was good and the other "for God's good purpose, acceptable to God"

Then I found you (spirit, my life) and also found that one end of the rod was now as those things on my altar were to be only what spirit has revealed and all other things created for another time and another's creation. Therefore in all things I find there is only "you and I". You see the child may have heard or read of the path but the spirit of our father(s) is he who went before us. Just as I wrote this on a rock out on the water at lake Tahoe a young man that had swam to the shore asked if the path was up this way. I pointed out what he could not see, for he had to go back into the dark cave in order to see the hole to the left that lead to the continued path. In the same manner they are veiled by what they think they see. For the water (understanding) that is from spirit is that water which washes away the sand revealing the TRUE FORM OF THE FATHERS Which having been revealed I see the rod as I see all things made by God, the one end as "my love, my life, the weightiest of good" and the other end as good as God or (good) is in all things.


Spirit's revelation of the Rod (all things are God, and therefore good yet I may not understand yet because I have not grown complete in spirit.

So we see that as we grow in spirit that the bad is eventually brought across the line into good as God is all and in all. So to judge one thing as bad is to separate God from that, but to judge as God judges is to see God in all things. To see the good, now even if I make a mistake in judging it is counted as good.

Consider how your mind works, for when I said “no I do not want this” I got it anyway because of the attention to it. Thereby I learned to only say yes to what I want and not allow what I do not want. The mind does not work like the rules that society has developed. They teach good and evil and attention to both what I want and what I do not want. I found that the mind is really like a dream capsule. I can fire off a dream on the way to the moon but if on the way I decide not to go to the moon, or worse fear hitting the moon these thoughts only add to the energy of going to the moon and add bad aspects of experience. On the other hand if I divert my attention towards that which I love in the moment (like Jupiter) I can then use that dream momentum to continue on to Jupiter. So we say only “Ya” but never “nay”. This is the spirit before the altar and this works best if you say “yes” to that which your life gave you specifically such as in a synchronicity. Like wondering after the miracles in your own life and collecting only the good. The synchronicities that occur in each life would be a good teacher to explore and find that which the heart desires.

Judging others as religion does is a snare. Because we are really only judging ourselves. We are creating our own hell when we judge another will go there, even if our judgment was from a book. Like David from Waco was only judging his own end when he said the end would be in a great fire.

Altar and Forms (StephenTree)


To understand StephenTree’s Romance in Spirit you must understand the poetry behind each of the basic forms that came to Stephen during the time of bewilderness. These forms can be used to “get in the spirit” of StephenTree and also understand the system of poetry that DNA archetypes use to speak.


The table/altar- the altar itself is a form and has much meaning. As most of the forms that are placed on the table it represents heart. Poem :

What words does this table wish to speak? When four legs and a flat you be form dictates so much of thee This is what this table says to me. like, what is on my heart or, what is on my table. Like an altar from long ago, conveying the things my heart wishes to know. (StephenTree)


The Rose, or flower, and apple tree, depict the heart in that through intention alone it draws what is on the heart/table to it as a rose draws a honeybee via the fragrance.

The heart is a rose and the fragrance can draw anything you want!!!!

As it was in the beginning, my love, when I was the honeybee, and you were my apple tree. For then it was the fragrance of your heart that drew me to you. Remember how we let the seaswells rise into the air, we let the mountains crumble, we did not care, whatever happened, I was your honeybee And you were my appletree. I was your prince, your wizard, your lion of Judah, Anything you wanted, I brought it to you! There has always only been You and I my love! (StephenTree)


The Cherry- A word that spirit would not let go of Fresh, new... you must empty the cup,, before you can fill it with something new. Also fun, joy. When getting into spirit, fresh like fruit on the vine was very important. Synchronicities always had a fresh element to them.

Let the moment give you everything you need, let your heart unfold as an apple seed, while on the fruit each moment you feed. (StephenTree)


The Box, again was as the heart but now likened unto the ark of the covenant containing the DNA which contained the Blood of billions. The experiences of all that came before me which is why it is said that Christ was slain from the foundation of the earth. For he is heart.

You came back to me my dream box, and it feels like the first time, like the spring time. Your more than a man or a woman, you are HEART, and I cannot help but love you. (StephenTree)


The cameo again is another aspect of heart/ dna. A layered cameo, remember in a cameo the form is in the outermost layer. Also cameos began to come to me when I was having synchronicities with Victory, and the name victoria. Victory riding his chariot was one of the first cameos created. It is a image of a love affair that goes back eons between spirit and form.. She and I.

She, my life, comes to me in many forms and it is like poetry, like synchronicity. And when he and she meet they KNOW it is right, they dance like waves on an ocean of romance. He builds a house from the ground up, she cleans it from the top down. When he and she meet they know it is right. (StephenTree)

Like a tree I gradually took on this form. Like an empty canvas the painter waited for spirit to move, dabbing where spirit moved. Until the painting took form.

I would like to give you a form to start with in order to implement a relationship with your life as I did. Starting with the form of a table or altar.

Here in this figure (fig 1) we see a man and an altar. The difference between a spiritual person and a worldly person is that the spiritual person has learned to “SEE ONLY” spirit whereas the worldly person “SEE’s ONLY” the conditions that exist in his world. By “seeing” the conditions and circumstances in his world rather than what is in his spirit and on his heart/ altar.. It takes knowing spirit to let go of the way the world teaches you to see life and to see only the way “your life” teaches you life.


Synchronicity or the “seemingly” coincidental experiences that turned into a river of life for me over a period of 22 years is the source of the thoughts and forms and experiences that became “that which is on my heart” I learned by these for about 12 years, but was also in the world and of the world other than what I was learning through the synchronicities. After about twelve years this all changed. I lost all the worldly things that we think make up our life as the synchronicities said it was now time to meet my life/ or die to that old life. This was done by the synchronicity of “she (my life) is even now at the door”. The thoughts and experiences began to “sanctify my life” and life purpose. Because I had lost everything that was important to the worldly view of what life is “family, things, business” I no longer had to take care of the ox , as Jesus indicated would cause men not to come to the marriage supper. I had all the time in the world to do what I loved to do and that was walk and dream. The dreams started by an old table (altar) that was left behind when my wife at the time left. The table was about 2’ by 2’ and about 3’ tall. I learned by the poetry of the moment that what I was to put on this table besides a piece of paper to write on,,,, was “what is on my heart.” The experiences with forms such as the plastic rose that started the synchs one day about the “fragrance of the heart” is one such form that I put on the table to feel the information that was seemingly alive in that each time I would think of the information that had come in the form of synchronicity.



I found that the information was so profound in the synch that I had experienced that it was also universal. In other words like the synchs about the veil of interpretation that came when I was trying to understand life and the word communication problem I had with my ex at the same time I was having the veil synchs, gives rise to all kinds of insight into understanding about relationships of all kinds. Not just husband and wife, but also nations and tongues and peoples, and you and your life. Two people have two different ways of looking at life. Well the intelligence in our dna (or God) does not look at life the same way that man does at this time in history either. So you must learn from your dna, how to work with it as you would any relationship. But if you reach for it earnestly, you will be satisfied. But a cup believing itself to be full because he is full of man’s teaching will not receive anything. You must empty yourself in order to be filled. You must loose your answers in order to find “the answer.” And not just one answer, but the answer to each moment is in that moment.

You cannot hope to find someone if you know not whom you seek in a crowded rail station. You must know intimately and shall we say “even to the fragrance” of whom it is we love and seek. In order to see that she/he/God is there in each moment. Peaple seeking God/ love/ life by seeking what man has instructed them as to the nature of God will be disappointed. You must seek this relationship on your own, and without it,,,, you have nothing that is imperishable.

In order to fully understand what I experienced as the use of an altar and the spirit that I speak of here having to do with an altar please go to the section on the altar.

Romance in Spirit Experiences,, Paul Steven Spence (StephenTree) .. . .---------------------------------------------- STEPHENTREE BLESSED IS SHE THAT NAILED ME TO THIS TREE . .---------------------------------------------- Each night... alone.. I light candles and incense on a poetry writing table...altar.... And experience.. what I call romance in spirit,,, In my loneliness,, in my bewilder.. ness.,, through my broken heart she (spirit) comes. . . .__________________________________________________ . . Let the flicker grow into the great fire of love Eenie Meenie Meinie Moe, I call the four from long ago fire, water, air, earth Wave, water elemental Form and Ritual Fire, water, earth and air, I call you here from everywhere come my love, fill my desire make my dream grow as a raging fire to reorder my life Fragrance of the heart,,, air elemental Example intent: I feel a huge wave come and sweep me off my feet as a knight lifts a princess and takes her to her dream. Again, I see as the spirit coming with white rament to clothe me. I have a place in my heart and home set apart,, to place all the pieces that remind me of my greatest intention. Sanctuary. Form And Ritual Intentions by form .. glyphs Broad Intentions,, they encompass the whole of an intent. ------------------------------------------------------- Return to yourself all I know is it is a matter of time She is like a rainbow, she comes in colors everywhere I’m in the mood.. brace yourself as the beat hits you. Can’t live if living is without (YOU) Strait up .. rapture from shoal the sunrise.. peeking through the window is inviting he and she meet + + faith + Man + women wrong + right ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + grounded + + In synchronistic word + + + + + All we all is all we are ^ ^ experience Faith action usually does not appear right as to the interpretation of letter, law, But, the fruit of the intention “feels right” _________________________________________________________________________ may 8, 1994 Confidence blooms like a flower ,, waiting for your love. U U U U U U Uuu nion, like the layers of an onion hearts, unfold like flowers before him. ______________________________________________________________________ You are only ( ) I am the words that are in your mouth and heart I am “You and I” together Just one key will unlock this door I am just waiting on my friend........................... Your my addiction the power of trust URGENT! Oh the glory Let the good times roll... (partying in Romance in Spirit) Confidence blooms like a flower waiting for your love We have two tickets to paradise. DANCE BOY! Feel Like a Filiment!!!!!! _____________________________________________________ Do you believe in Magic? Then she said,, “I will not betray your trust in me” Come on big wave Rapture!!!Speedy resurrection o glory ________________________________________________________ Huge! Reordering wave,, come rescue me I treasure your love... When you really really need it the most is when Rock and Roll dreams come true. ____________________________________________________________ Glorify the tree with YOUR fruit what is meant to be finds a way you can’t call it life standing outside the fire I am a tube,, spewing fire I feel lucky today __________________________________________________________ Love,, the strenth to try once more Fruit of life We’re in the love together and like fruit on the vine it gets sweeter all the time Do ya feel like NEW! New way of life YOU AND I will share a “springtime” of our love, that will be talked about for generations and endure many lives. ( ) of relationship Getting past the door “key,, springtime newness” Don’t hesitate Spirit you want to fill my every need _____________________________________________________________Name of Writer.. help publish me ------------------------------------------------------------ Don’t hesitate,, cause your love won’t wait I want more, more will you be there in the morning you are my addiction my coffee my drug __________________________________________________________ Listen to the tide slowly turning ,, listen to the ashes burning A door A passionate burning cross Shake the tree (dna) Shiver me timbers captain The virgins and their lamps waiting , drawing the fragrance of the heart,, the veil You misconstrued my IN TENT Let it roll!!! do ya feel the power Fullness (passionate,burning,cross, mobile, fullness) Wait upon the dream, then, when he and she meet,, it’s right. The answer to my most burning business question She,, the partner, helper.. workers of a company. The bitch is back,, bad to the bone Burning down the house, (house of Israel, house of America) _____________________________________________________________ Cool Running,,, the whole race is in the push off baby,,, Handle,, cb,, push start Momentum,,, in the moment 8 seconds stand by your dream Increase,,, spring me off ________________________________________ This is what it feels like for a shallow mind to go off the deep end It does not matter where you have been as long as it was deep. Is it you, Is it me, Is it magic It’s ten minutes after ten 1010 go boy,,, lets make it to the show tonight. Cinderella, your (s....) about to learn the power of your love. ___________________________________________________ hold your head up high Moses kept his hands up keep the door open feel the fullness bust through baby got to have you ,,, feel the magic when I hold you let the good times Rollllllll! ___________________________________________ Hearts unfold like flowers before him March 14, 1994 The feeling the magic is just starting happily lost What to do rise up sleeping beauty give me a book (to write) The new “Return of the Native” the apathy of Venn The Wizards love story (sanctify a book box) (program joyful) A promise she won’t take back,, I want to be loved like that All things (and ideas) are first sanctified and then laid before him. To my three children.. (Thinking of you) All for one, and one for all. My lord,,, she said,, and he said,, “and you mine” let me feel the power of your wave. Oh,, have ( )she and I are lost in ourselves ________________________________________________________ Baby Raine healing If you ask for bread, will a hand you a stone So close yet so far,, the dream that brings us together is the same dream that tore us apart. Back to the garden. ___________________________________________________________ Lay your hands on me Fertility $$$$ yea bread,, breadbasket Crave me girl (spirit) Like a virgin, touched for the first time done and complete it feels like the springtime shaken the sugar tree My sparks create a raging fire of love A young housemaid (spirit) came in to light the fire the time to hesitate is through,, come on baby light my fire Fill me up.. over flowing loving cup.. spirit Strength,, fertility,, fill me up love I leave it empty.. that you might fill it.. fill the emptiness our passion is rising. ( I want winning tickets) He knows I am the messenger of love. All glory to the one eternal life we live his present ____________________________________________ Our love is poetry in motion we don’t care what they say,, we don’t care what they do,, what do they know about this love anyway. take it as it comes girl, it is all coming back around We are strong girl, none can tell us we are wrong __________________________________________________________ At the party... (alone in my home. with the spirits) I was doing ok until the asked about you (former physical friend) Like coffee needs a cup.. spirit and form,,, you and I Louisiana Saturday night(the feeling) let that pony ride. I was Fricked, frickin out On the cb radio.. I heard some young people giggle.. I picked up the mike to make a funny.. “if you have to giggle,,, DO IT QUIETLY .. (note to be pissed when I say it like I really meant it. hehe I think he is possessed myself.. (said a nearby spirit in his head) Cowboy,, you ready for the ride of your life. Preacher,,, I was born to love you. Party,, break hearts.. it is a good circumcision _______________________________________________ painful.. disturbed feeling. come to my window.. I will be home soon broken by the dawn circuit training,, endurance,,, riding the wave Tammy ... let’s be friends again _______________________________________________ Face to face,, do you remember when my little brown eyed girl under the water fall,, you and I girl... Crème my box $$$$$$$$$$$ Treasure of heart________________________________________________________ fullness that fills the emptiness _____________________________________________ She will seek me out wanting to be loved my sticker book of fantastic sayings Remember the power of intent when putting the candle in (about having intention about making the candle act in a way,, at night alone by the altar.. ) __________________________________________________ the feeling on the other side of the door.. that is just love sneaking up on you.. (Transmute fears) leave the tender moment alone.. let the picture paint itself there is a prophet in Milton. Sudden change of heart You got to put on that party dress You and I,, as one society,, not forced as the unions that exist forcing what comes natural. Super frigging fertile Rituals that create intention For your eyes only, you are my body.. Wife,, life. All of you protect her honor If loving you is right,, I can’t go wrong ____________________________________________________ Lewis Spence,, writer,, and I (dream) riding on a Victorian monorail train that mysteriously appeared in a shopping center parking lot Left brain overload,, right brain experience Image and feeling to create rapture,,(quick ascension to glory) No doubts, no fears, just like when your here look god(heart) no hands FEEL IT!!!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________ I’m going to rock this town for you Well maybe you will slow down when your turn to hurt comes around I am a needle injected within her (life, town, world) world Cinderella,, does the shoe fit now.. _______________________________________________ Just a flower,, can syncronise things.... count your blessings Don’t ever look at yourself like they look at you.. look at yourself like I look at you.. like through a spottless veil. I only see your beauty. Even when she falls.. he makes her right. confidence leads to the doors in the moment. ___________________________________________________ And their dance is unrehearsed country 3 songs.. turn the tables,, luck be the lady It’s payback time MORE MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready for my love,,, my love is ready for you Let’s turn this world around.. Overflowing loving cup Like an old fashioned love song Work.. Feel good... solution is in the problem ______________________________________________________ Love is fertility that another dimension fits so perfectly like the hand and the glove Shaking her tree of seven branches.. Menorah Only the beginning Without love..(She, spirit) where would you be now Intent,,, allow _______________________________________________- Get ready baby cause here I come flow ingredients,, make it work smooth ____________________________________________ without a noise.. without my pride... I reach out from the inside Are you ready for the ride of your life We are ready to shake your tree like it has never been shook before Re .. fresh... ment plastic pitcher plastic shovel? If you loose the beat you loose the Rhythm Right now is your tomorrow.. Turn this thing around.. fulfillment comes from the expression of our creativity _____________________________________________________ Meet me there today love. Synchronicity turn up the heat _____________________________ I will take you where you want to go shower me with your love, shower me with the love I have been waiting for... that’s what friends are for The rhythm of the falling Raine (daughter’s name)

The Temple

After understanding the altar and how to focus on what is on your heart and letting go of the circumstances of life in order that you do not draw more of that. (Spend a period of your time away from others and TV and worries. Then we can go on and understand the temple. An understanding of the tabernacle and its relationship to home and house of meeting. (relationship) In the book of Exodus (bible)

I built a room where I could dream of you and then I built another with a veil I separated the two rooms. In my room I dreamed of you day and night until you came and knocked at the door between the two rooms. And I pulled back the veil and there you were, it was just as I dreamed it.

And God said, make me a temple and in the temple make two rooms and

place a veil between the two rooms. And this temple shall be a pattern

unto you. So likewise all the people made booths, or tabernacles round

about the pattern.

[pic]Fig. 4

The basic temple was two rooms separated by a veil. And God was on the one side of the veil and man on the other. Here is the poem that explains the basic of the veil and separation illusion.

The veil of interpretation is what separates you and I

we should never feel shame or blame

remember the pain in the garden

how you veiled yourself and hid behind your pain

like a veil, you are hiding yourself from me, my love

I am waiting at the door between the two rooms,,, until the MOMENT you

take me back.. why do you hide yourself from me.

Remember the covenant we share, remember we created the sunrise to

remind how to start new.

[pic]Fig. 5

In order to understand the basics of the temple and relationship basics spirit used many similitude’s. In fig. 5 we see a picture of two things that go together well and are meant to go together. “Like the coffee and the cup we were meant to be together” I found that that is how all things are created by this “fitting together” however, we can create even bad relationships with ideas and people that lead to a fulfillment that we did not expect. Such as the rapist and the victim. This too is a marriage made in heaven and if allowed to exist would rid ones reality naturally of negativity and the one that resides in spirit of wonder and joy need not fear this and by not placing themselves in that reality through fear or anger would not ever experience such a thing. So even though it may occur around you, since it is not in your heart it has nothing to do with you and cannot touch you. Both sides of the rapist and the victim are responsible for this act. The victim likes to believe they had nothing to do with it but understanding spirit and how the heart draws your life unto you would show you that both are responsible for what they put in and got out of it. To understand what is on your heart (altar) brings freedom as you realize what is creating your moments. No longer will you fear the rapist, or murderer for these things are not on your altar. If you were to see the circle of fears and thoughts within a victims mind you would be able to see exactly why they got what they got. Like David and the fiery end in Waco TX. He dreamed that you know. Or like my friend Doug in Florida, always angry at the thief that took his life and family, now he is stolen from each week and believes the world to be nothing but thieves. And the interpretations of women about men,, and all they draw are such as they believe. Modern Christians and other peoples of other religions believe that since they get more of what they believe it is the truth. Yet part of what they get is that illusion for the others are getting what they believe too and cannot understand why Christians don’t see it. The problem was that it was designed that way. And those that truly go beyond that reap the true rewards of understanding each other and how life, magic, miracles work. Like the smallest of points overlooked by the religious and the interpreters that never had it right once in history. That smallest of points that is spirit becomes a mighty tree. Unfathomable by the religious, they are looked upon as fools, knowing that the outcome will be otherwise.

And after much time it was written that the way into the Holiest of

Holies need not be by a priest as if a veil between us, but you now

having been washed by the blood of the billions that went before there

was a human race, and the billions killed in the name of religion, you will be able to go into the most holy place boldly.

For all that is separating you is the interpretations of your fathers

but you have the truth already in you. The age old passion play where

the builders (those that interpret God for others) become the very

nails that nail the son of man to the cross (dnatree) For was it not

the builders of interpretation that not seeing him for who he was

killed him. This understanding has been kept in the DNA of man and

explained in such stories as the Emergence of the Hopi belief, or the

wilderness journey of the Israelites. But what is really separating

you from the most holy place is the interpretations handed you by the

priests. If you accept them and believe them then you have eaten from

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But if you have gone

beyond that you should have had to wrestle with an angel at one time

over what the word of God really was. And if you had of overcome you

would have found it to be other than what they say in the great

cathedrals of interpretation. This has been how it was done from the

beginning. For to overcome is to see life, and to take hold of it is

to have it.

Now all interpretation including this one is meaningless unless you

have taken hold of life and particularly spirit for behind words most

of what is perishing is hiding.

You and I (StephenTree)

After 13 years of Synchronicities my life took on a very big change with “She, (my life) is even now at the door”. That was the message of the synchronicities in Jan 1993. My heart was circumcised by loss. After loosing all that was close to me my life began to come to me in many forms, the first was the teaching that there has always only been you and I. Not just my life and I, but an understanding of why it was said by Jesus, you do it unto the least of these you have done it unto me.





Veil of Interpretation

The veil of interpretation is what has separated you and I, we should never have felt shame or blame. Remember the pain in the garden (Eden, relationship, other) remember, you chose to live alone and hide yourself behind your tears, like a veil, you have hidden YOURSELF from me. I’m waiting, standing at the door between the two houses, Until the take me back. Why do you hide yourself from me? Remember the covenant we share? Remember,, we created the sunrise to remind us HOW to start new!



To speed up the relationship with your life and the use of these tools I wish to recommend another’s work to you as it fit’s well and I had many synchronicities with this channel. Her name is Esther Hicks , and the spirit she works with is Abraham. You can find directions to her explanations of intention and allowing on my web site. () The first three tapes are very much like what my life gave me only my life used the temple, veil, and romance with spirit. As a writer using her tools and an altar as I explain in this book will help you fathom subtle inferences in spirit that will lead to great discoveries.

Shame and blame are the biggest block or quencher of spirit, make it so that you are guided by your unveiled heart and within your reality such as these do not exist.

The weightiest of aspects. If you need to pee, the feeling will block the door to spirit, so you must process what your heart wants you to process before you stiff-neck your way to spirit overriding the weightiest of aspects. Love, joy, peace,, become a beggar and you will inherit all things. Your life will guide you to the weightiest of things.

trans·mu·ta·tion   Pronunciation Key  (tr[pic]ns[pic]my[pic]-t[pic][pic]sh[pic]n, tr[pic]nz[pic]-)

1. The act or an instance of transmuting; transformation.

a. The state of being transmuted.

1. Physics. Transformation of one element into another by one or a series of nuclear reactions.

2. The supposed conversion of base metals into gold or silver in alchemy.

Transmutation when you are working with an aspect of spirit is letting the spirit clean it up until it is wonderful. Take fear for example, did you know that it is 90 percent excitement? Let me give you an example of how the spirit using what is on my heart transmuted the fear of someone coming to the door. Here is the writings directly from that moment on my altar.

the feeling on the other side of the door.. that is just love sneaking up on you.. (transmute fears) leave the tender moment alone.. let the picture paint itself.

I was wanting to stay in this Spiritual state of Romance and was afraid slightly in my spirit that someone might show up at the door and I would have to lower the music and I would have to come down in some way. So I put the spirit on the table of the feeling on the other side of the door. And the intent to transmute. I then went on dreaming and the song came on. that is just love sneaking up on you.. And then another song ) leave the tender moment alone. Now I could keep this spirit and anytime I felt that at the door I give back to spirit this spirit and it is like a covenant that shields me from such things in such moments. It is a way for me to see such moments that is understood by spirit as it was given to me by spirit. It is always best to give back to spirit that which spirit gives you, for that is proper communication with spirit and understood as to the layers of meaning that the two, you and spirit came to understand this to mean.

syn·chro·nic·i·ty   Pronunciation Key  (s[pic]ng[pic]kr[pic]-n[pic]s[pic][pic]-t[pic], s[pic]n[pic]-)

n. pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties

1. The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism.

2. Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.

Synchronicity was the beginning of my experience back in 1980. I used to study bible 6-8 hours a night and

prayed about baptism and the word inheritance one night and began to write a poem about how the poem I was writing was my deed to my inheritance. ( I did not know what I was writing) the next day I hopped in my truck on the way to work and when I turned the radio on the first word out of the radio was the word inheritance. The man went

on to say on the radio that a man died and so a young man received a deed for a piece of land and the man called up his lawyer and asked,

“how do I know this land really exists, all I have is this paper” The lawyer said, “do you see the seal on that piece of paper” to which the

young man replied “yes” ,,, The lawyer then said “that seal tells you that that land exists. That began the synchronicities that because of being labeled a fool I had to keep quiet about for 20 years. At first I had many experiences with the word inheritance. Then the synchronicities began to speak of the 12 tribes of the Isrealites and then the 12 tribes of the American Indians. Of the Zodiac, of the twelve months, twelve tones and twelve hours. And of whole systems and systems theory. Then the synchronicity with the word


syn·er·gy   Pronunciation Key  (s[pic]n[pic][pic]r-j[pic])

n. pl. syn·er·gies

1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

2. Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect.

I was watching Gem and the Holograms with my daughter when they said the word synergy, I had

never heard that word and 5 min. later I walked out to my mail box and my fathers patent on the synergistic technology (he was inventor of

the year for the state of Florida for four years running in the 80’s)

was in the mailbox. I then put my daughter in the car and drove to

Memphis from Huntsville Al. On the way I passed a big bottle of Gas that had the words Synergy Gas Co. on the side. Upon arriving in Memphis I began to walk in a bookstore in the mall and there on sale outside the bookstore for 50 percent off was “synergistics,, the geometry of thinking by Buckminster Fuller” These syncs led me into a very lonely place where the friend spoken of by the Poet Rumi was really all I had. But the wonder was amazing, and the experiences something very few could believe when I told them of them.

The Covenant: Like the covenant that Abraham dreamed with God, or the covenant that the Israelites had through Moses, you develop an arrangement with your life through this relationship with spirit. Those that tell you that you are to use an old covenant do not know spirit. Through working with your life and understanding what is meant by “ask anything of the father” and “all things are first sanctified (in spirit) and then set before him”. Without developing that relationship and then trust, you cannot develop covenant and you are probably in a snare interpretation handed you by your fathers. (loosing all the things you trust like money, and family, and interpretations handed you by your fathers is how many are taught to trust spirit) Did you know that Jesus meant for the deteriation of his message to become a snare because of the builders of religion and that only those that find spirit and believe spirit can escape that snare? Read on…

Putting it all together: By setting up an altar about what is on your heart and listening to StephenTree poetry and later to music and working out your own relationship with spirit and with your relationship with the forms that are attracted into your life you will find not only who you are but why you are here. You will find that whatever you desire to do is made right by spirit and that spirit like a lover wants what you want and will sanctify it and make it right for you. Time alone to develop that relationship is essential. But first you might just take some time alone each day rather than separating yourself from others and society as I did. (Remember: what I offer is fruit, not to build your house but to clue you in to spirit which unless spirit builds the house, or layers the tree, or brings you the forms for your altar, we labor in vain.

To understand StephenTree you may want to take each of the basic forms associated with the altar that speak of heart and fresh and spirit and listen to the poetry and read of his experiences. This would give you valuable insight to develop or find layers (treasure) in spirit.

Favorite things: I have a tape about the miracles having to do with “favorite things”. Encircle yourself with the beauty you seek and the forms that spirit speaks through to you. Tie them to your heart with strings as the Israelites tied tassels to their clothes to remember the things of their God.

Lucky Charms: As you seek the things of spirit you will add to your life forms that will express the desires of your heart. An egg upon your altar might mean fertility. But if it is not something you ponder with your heart then it matters not if it is on this table.

Passion: Passion before the altar in feeling the subtle aspects of what you desire is as important as the effortless intent that defines the dream. (The passionate prayer of the righteous man availeth much.)

Loose yourself in spirit: You must loose yourself in order to find yourself. You must let go of the problem in order to find the answer. Spirit already knows what the problem is, now take off in your heart to something fresh, something new, something like YOU. (spirit) Wander, wonder, adventure.

Symptoms: Similitude’s (poetry) in your life that are pointing to what you are creating.

Moment: The moments with YOU I treasure. I put you down in the dungeon, in the round tower of my heart. Where a man’s treasure is there is his heart also. The time in synchronicity and the moments spent in spirit will become more than food or water, greater than gold or silver.

There is only You and I, my life

She, she is my life

She is my wife

She came out from me in the beginning

We were one in the beginning

She is my dream and I am the dreamer

Now, she comes to me in many forms

And it is like poetry

Like synchronicity

And, when he and she meet

They know it is right!

They dance like waves on an ocean of romance

He builds the house from the bottom up

She cleans it from the top down

When he and she meet they know it is right!

Party! Celebrate! Joy! Anything that you dream from a point of joy will be joyous. Feel your way to joy before you think your way to what you think you want. Joy Detergent, yellow.. clean all your dreams with joy.

Paradise: : My definition of paradise differs from most, for it is no different than where I find myself now within the universe, except that it is spent with the one lover which is life. So paradise is defined as “YOU and I living as one eternally! You being spirit “the keeper of my life” For this reason it is written “my life is hidden in you”.

She is life, She is my wife

She came out from me in the beginning

We were one in the beginning

She is my dream and I am the dreamer

Selected StephenTree Writings


If the body were a tent by

The Apostle Paul (Tent maker)

If the body was a tent

and this world a holy place[pic]

and if spirit rhelm was a tent

it would be the most holy place


Then the joining of these two houses would be a temple on earth



Of how it was obvious to the unveiled what intent Jesus had when he said, “ I did not come to bring peace “ And how “ brother would rise against brother” And why it was important that it be said how people would be saying “the Christ is over here, and another, no he is over here” As to religions, there is none right according to interpretation. It is impossible apart from spirit, you must let go of that veil, that book,

Scripture: it came from the word engraven image, yet all will be fulfilled, it is important that it be fulfilled in a way that none could have known. Like the Old Testiment was fulfilled by Jesus. It is the way of spirit to take the stone, the one small word that the builders of religion rejected and make the right people wrong. Thus it seems that spirit will take “ a people that were not called by my name” and dress them for the marrieage supper.

That separation (sin) between you and I on this planet, is the mechanism that will make the true fruit come out on the tree. All else will be burned. Of the battle to come, the turmoil that will cause the fruit of DNA, (blood of billions, slain from the foundation of the world to come out on the tree” “ And the leaves of that tree shall be for the healing of the nations. Let your prayer be that Armegeddon be this blood of billions. These archetypes of heart coming as our hearts will be open. The smallest of points altered the entire equation as Jesus through spirit (interpreted) the scribbling of scribes. Saying don’t worry you interpreters,” not one not nor tiddle will be DESTROYED of scripture, (there engraven image) until all be fulfilled. But as none could have guessed, the greatest lesson will erase scripture and all will see that what they truly sought was very near to them, even in their hearts and in their mouths. (Deut.)


Your life is like a canvas, and the brush strokes spirit. The painting gradually takes form.

Or like a cameo, the layers of stone are the beauty of each moment spent in spirit. (Rumi knew)

The fruit or form being in the outer most layer

I am life, your life (This is the fruit of my life, meant for P. Steven Spence)


Or like a form that grows on the table

What is on my heart

What is on the altar

Conveying the things that my heart wishes to know



Things that StephenTree has in common with


1. Believing the blood of Christ to contain the power that redeems you.

• Understand the meaning of the “blood of billions” by StephenTree

• Understanding that our hearts and our ancestors are the reason it is written “slain from the foundation of the earth.”

• Understanding that the “tree of life”, “dnatree”, and “cross” are very much aspects of the same living structure, or greater self.

2. Believing as it is written “the word of God is in your mouth and in your heart and that you do not need a teacher”

• Understanding that before books were written men spoke often of the word of God, and that before humans could read books they knew of the words power.

• Understanding what StephenTree means in the fruit of synchronicities, DNA layered cameo’s, the poetry of the moment, and the word of God are aspects of the same expression.

• That the loosing of oneself or dwelling in the spirit and synchronicities will fullfill the intent of scripture.

• That interpreting scripture without spirit is impossible and to dwell on the law and written writings leads contrary to the word of God. “There are none right, no not one”

• That the “scripture”, and other writings and teachings are given as fruit not dogma and too much of anything is not healthy, yet the word of God will quench all hunger.

3. Believing in the power of prayer especially fervent prayers.

• Intention followed by passionate positive emotion is the energy that creates that which is intended.

• Reaction especially negative reaction leads to spiritual death. So the saying of StephenTree, “ Life is intention, anything less than life is reaction”


The Quiver

Go into your closet and scream

In spirit and in truth ,, scream

Don’t use words, use passion

Don’t think feel

Thinking is like words, mere points in the equation

Feeling is like spirit, reaching the heigth, depth and the width

Feel it, ponder it, and spirit will make your path clear

The veil of the veiled, needs be torn at the blowing of Gabriels horn.

The cloth is laid aside, the moment the old man dies

His spirit born anew in the moment of meeting you

(future author commentary)

The footprint like a seal in the sand and the interpreters interpreted the seal and when the footprint returned not one was right

And the pearl that was hidden in the field, (scripture) the interpreters grabbed the garments at the bottom of the cross and proceeded to interpret the form that filled the garments

but none was right, no not one for their hearts were veiled


Interpreters misunderstandings because of their veil

(author returns and author commentary reveals the reason why it had to be done this way) So that seeing they may not see and hearing they would not hear and destroy the message) And then they all dwelled in the spirit and great was the fruit of that generation


Mustard Seed

The seed is in the thought which is within the fruit

that starts the tree growing ,

A thought will be the seed that starts the tree growing within you


A thought was hidden in the field and all the words around that thought will perish.

All that fear of judgement has made the sheep judgemental (the interpretation)

All day long I ponder your poetry

Testimonies on the internet,

I am pondering poems

a bible, the truth that is hidden in the lie

The tears that grew along side the wheat (gospel)

The tears (rain) will reveal the wheat

The pearl hidden in the field

in the last day the angels will separate the (gold in a pan)

the passion play hidden in the DNA (the seed)

When the truth returns, like fruit bursting out on a vine, none of the veiled will believe it though it were plain

Until the spark of spirit ignites the powder

I am not knocking on veiled hearts anymore

Though she were dying of thirst she could not even see the water in front of her


The more I knew, the more confused I got

Give me the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get LOST in your rock and roll and drift away,

And when those days returned that the fruit was to burst out on the vine, for the angels came and separated the tares from the wheat, in that love found the pearl hidden within the field. (scripture) Love indeed fulfills all scribbling by scribes!!!!

Tell me your stories again my love, let my days be a testimony to them

All day long I ponder your poetry, because you love me

You are my sword, first used to pierce my veil

Like pounding sand making me willing

Fall on this sword and you will live with me forever

The water would not flow, (veil, valve)

The conjestion at the intersection (holy place)

Stage coach could not get through with the gold

Panning for Gold (romance in spirit)

Words, too many words, confusion/ conjestion

therefore you removed the veil

When you find the gold then open your mouth and shout

Things our fathers have been saying for generations

Love indeed fulfills all scribbling by scribes

There is only you and I my love

Standing here before the torn veil

The intended bride rejected the spirit and that was when she felt rejected

Spirit was lonely and only could find a stranger to listen and talk to

Let your anger tear the veil which lies between you and I

Broken hearts can hear

Lonely hearts can hear

Thirsty hearts can hear

When the tables turn

For those that survive divorce, (tribulation)

And find that the veil is torn

You don’t want to learn their language, rather learn your heart and they will see you with theirs

Islamic heart,, rumi

Like the coffee and the cup, not two cups, not two coffee’s, but like the coffee and the cup, so it is with You and I.

fill my cup

Saved by spirit from the shame to come, for I did not need a teacher, for the word I sought was very near to me,, even in my heart and overflowing in my mouth

For the blood is the bleach (blood of billions)

that clears the veil, and makes my intentions clear

Strap you to the tree and whip you tender

Until you scream blessed is he who strapped me to this tree


bullets of blood

when the bullet hits the bone


If scripture is antichrist, and spirit is antidote

Ponder the possibilities

For they forced the whole world to take on the image of the beast (idol, scripture, book, interpretation)

When what was beyond this veil was heart,

Love fulfills all scribbling by scribes

She bore children and called it wonderful

He bore her reproach

and called her wonderful

Blessed is she that nailed me to this tree

(Religion) She is standing in the way between the two houses

I can’t see you my life

Fierce is my love for you, I will tear her in two, to reach you

Should I be, or not be, and the question IS the answer

All day long I ponder your poetry

You who made the mountains and the trees

God Judges the intentions of the heart



I baptize you with water which is understanding for it escapes their notice that the world was made by water and through water, but the spirit that comes after me is mightier than I, he shall baptize you with the spirit that is in your dna, and with fire which is the moments of your life. For your living is fire and your life is firewood

In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth

I was typing and listening to what Pam was saying

and I realized things about the nature of the layers involved in the split

Swept away by love

Try to rise above

I want this pallet clean

some painter (artist( from the 15th century

excuse me, he wants to be called

Didn’t you like to play alone as a child

Play alone, sometimes we like to play alone

In your closet, dream

It has little to do with anyone else

alone, in bewilder.. ness, dream

Let go of the veil of interpretation, you can dream as far off as you wish, cause when you loose yourself you usually find the friend, even if it is far below, or high above, or in the most secret place, the friend is right there.

Turn around bright eyes

What is the power that draws You and I back together again, no matter where you find yourself.

It is the heart, which is a rose and the fragrance can draw me no matter how far or near you FEEL lost. I appear and you find that you are right where you were to be. That that place you got lost to, is the door to the next dream, the enchanted trail never ended. You and I have traveled so far, yet we are home, for you are near me.

This is the answer to the question my mother asked, about her excitement that the water was turning to blood because the red tide seemed like a fulfillment of prophecy. I believe that her excitement is from the nearness of the return of the savior in her interpretation and not the calamity of what such an interpretation of scripture could entail. I wanted to tell her what it felt like, in that if I were to focus on a calamity that I interpreted the bible to say that so many times in my life it showed up in similitude in my own life. Like David at Waco believing that the end would come as a fiery trauma for man. In my life I saw the synchs as saying that the fruit was going to come out on the tree in 1992, and the next thing that occurs causes a slew of poetry in my own life about the day to day experiences coinciding with what was happening between spirit and man. But the real reason that I would not focus on a negative interpretation of scripture would be because like Jesus walking on the water understand that to look at those aspects or interpretations would be like looking at the waves (red tide) and not at the things that spirit has indicated to FOCUS my heart on. This I believe is the meaning of when Peter went to meet Jesus, taking the focus off of spirit and putting it on the surroundings. I found that an altar helps to give substance to the synchronicities. And adds form to spirit so that I can keep it forever in my heart.

All day long I ponder your poetry, my life.

What words does a table wish to speak, well when four legs and a flat you be, form dictates so much of thee, this is what a table says to me. Like, WHAT IS ON MY HEART, or what is on this table, what forms remind me of those moments in spirit. OR LIKE AN ALTAR FROM LONG AGO CONVEYING THE THINGS MY HEART WISHES TO KNOW.

In answer to a question on the internet about interpretation I wish to make it clear that I am not adding dogma to the tower of bible that was built, the builders own that book, they will not allow any other interpretation of it either. Anything that differs from the controllers, (builders) is called herosy. How many have been labeled by them in history and put to death. Jesus spoke of the builders and how it would be them again that kill the prophets, and that when you see this that it is a sign that they have reinterpreted scripture. No, this is the covenant between my life and I that went beyond the veil of interpretation of scripture that was created by the controllers that wanted to add tares to the field of wheat since they could not understand the words anyway, so that they could control people, keep them in fear which is the opposite of the original intent of spirit. Having not been there when it came forth but rather receiving writings that without spirit would just lead to the fear that the controllers intended. For intentions are very powerful spirits. But love is more powerful. No what I offer was meant as fruit, or like an altar that some may use like a tool to focus their heart. Remember, ask anything of the father and it will be given to you. Do you wish the interpretation of scripture, which I guarantee none can meet, just like the law that separated the new interpretation that the builders demand we worship has overlooked the smallest of points that can only be made plain by spirit. Yet if you cannot bear the life that would be required to be such a vessel then like so many that went away from Jesus at one point you cannot bear it. But believing that hell is the end if you do not have the correct interpretation has driven many to take on the spotted veil that was handed us at birth. And because of the fear of being wrong believe they have to be correct in complete interpretation at this moment or the consequence is hell. Without knowing it, their interpretation is leading to a hell.

When my back was against the wall and I could see no way out I found by letting go of the problem and not being in the spirit of the problem my life in the moment began to layer experiences that eventually corrected the problem that I was fretting about before I let it go. I spent my days dreaming and picking flowers and alone in spirit waiting till they called me into court and in that moment what I learned from the flowers (forms) in the moment, saved me so to say. Like the smallest of points that came along and changed the whole equation. With faith, even when she is wrong spirit makes her right. It was not that Samson had the right interpretation that made him able to sley so many in the moment, it was because he believed spirit that his dreams came true. That was why the letter was ineffective, because christians having the word of faith have no idea what it is. Believe me, to know spirit will make your life completely contrary to what is taught in churches.

Feet poetry,,, of getting in the spirit with someone by waiting for the door and romance in spirit occurs because of your ability to take them to a particular experience you had with your poetry. That also an understanding of human intent with respect to speaking of OTHER intents and using the same tree of intent as the poetry and speaking in that spirit.

About how a man that was intent on following God by praying his intent to God of a life that was very wonderful where he could create songs and meets someone that would like to see the fruit get out and the person has the resources and how lets say that they liked each other before figuring all this out. And then came along the interpreters,,, and they ask the man of his life and he says that he was fortunate to have this in his life. But the Interpretors (religious, judges) see that he has violated a law of God in that he wrote songs and she had money and they believed because of this particular interpretation of “anyone that does this type situation is an abomination and should be thrown out of the assembly” so they believing the letter would proceed to say that the thing, “evil interpretation of a scripture” was really in their mind and not in the intent of the heart of this man. So it is with religion, like one of the smallest of points that changes the whole equations and renders the interpreter the sinner and not the one that was interpreted as Ungodly.

Having a form of religion but denying the spirit.. lets say a father finds the romance in spirit and creates a form to remember this love afar, based on his experiences with life. Then the son comes along and he sees what his father had with life,,, but he does not understand the original spirit,, but in his fathers life it is played out as romance with his wife and that that is very good. So the son takes that as the meaning of the form that the father kept to remember this romance with life.. Then this son has a son and he sees that since his father did not have the spirit, but only the form that his relationship is not as great with his wife as the father of his father. But the son who is the father of this son could not show all the layers and the heighth depth and width of the understanding of the original father, and all this third son has is the interpretation of the form that the second father had. Thus the form not being made fresh (new) by the spirit looses more of the original intent. And then a man from another land comes and sees the form and hears the tale from the grandson of his fathers father and how he walked in romance with God but much is lost again. This man from another land is non the less impressed and feels that this was a wondrous thing and carries an image of this form to the new land and so forth and so on until the original intent is lost in the idol,, book story, form, that the original father had known. This was very well understood by the one named Jesus because of the understanding of the romance with God he had, he only feeling the intent of the original father that had romance with God and understood the relationship of the two houses that were joined. Having descended into the fears of man and the lost conditions that led the original father to express the romance with God that the emptiness in his heart drew as a roses fragrance draws the pollen. Leading the fathers to their inheritance. And then having ascended with spirit to seeing the power and romance with God and seeing the dead form of the ones that say they are children of the original father but they were fearful children that knew not the heart of the fathers, no only the interpretation which had become powerless and led to bondage. So it is with the religions of the day. They had become only salt to block the door to life so that the son of man had to find solace elsewhere and when solace came the religions of the day interpreted it as breaking their interpretation of the form and without spirit leading him out of it and showing him the mystery through the separate (evil, as the interpreters interpret) deeds of the fearful that interpret the form revealed the true word of God that was already in his heart. Therefore will the interpretation of a great form decay and become the antichrist as the interpretations of the Pharisees led them to temper Jesus. And being tempered he understood the original spirit. Thus understood the last will be first and the first will be last.

I like to tell the stories about my own life, and the stories paint a picture, a desire to fill the emptiness in others as my life has done for me. Let it be their life filling them through me like a lover.

I felt these words,,, they said, when you put a seed in the ground a tree springs forth,,

and when the seed (tree) is young the fruit is hidden,, and so is the seed.

But when the fruit comes out on the tree there is the seed plus the life of the tree will be carried with it. But the seed that died is now this tree,,, and the seed that will be will be hidden in the fruit.

Meet in the Moment

I was there in the moment, I was walking down the street

I was turning round a corner when who did I meet.

A girl named Moment she was looking mighty fine

I asked her if she had a moment I asked if she had some time.

Then I told her she was layered I told he she was deep

She said she knew that I was coming and that any moment we would meet.

I noticed the spark, that twinkle in her eye

Something about Santa Claus and how life comes in a moment in a twinkling of an eye.

My life continually making it fresh and new.

Juicy,, had to transmute what Pam was doing in the kitchen.

Ok,,, Pam and I just had a conversation born out of the use of the altar. How, the same way I use romance and ritual to get in the spirit can be synergised with fellowship with friends, like the table you sit around, and, what is on your heart. Likened to the table that Jesus and his disciples broke bread around and Jesus spoke of the marriage supper, (but none could concieve the drunken orgy). Sometimes people will get in the spirit with you and then great things can happen. Ok,, again let me take the table with craft on it as the altar. Things I dreamed while in romance in spirit could also be applied to craft. Such as : Enhance, Romance, make each job a dance. (StephenTree, systems theory) Or in the same manner I wander around the altar, (Dervish Romance) I learned to take the altar with me on the walk, after all it is what is on my heart. Our walk is taking on a form. Romance and Childs play, learning from children.

By taking qualities learned in romance in spirit and synergising with each segment of your life. Because in Romance in spirit I found that I saw things at a broader perspective and did not fall into the pits I did in my early life scurrying to survive. There was a time in my life that I lived off of very little but it was the best time in my life because of the amount of Romance in Spirit that was in my life. But others would tend to prefer the money world and could not get in the spirit with me, without going and doing something related to money.

Fill up the tank and go for a ride, so I looked down and the tank was on empty.

I was watching Gem and the Holograms with my daughter when I heard the word, synergy,

Once I went out on a boardwalk in north Alabama over a swamp. I had a wedding ring in my hand and a pamphlet called

Pamphlets about subjects like , using the form of a Cameo to understand how dna, or heart, layers our experiences into a tapestry,, but if we are stiff necked,,,

The first conscious synchronicity happened in about 1981 when I was reading Colossians 1:12 about the inheritance of the saints.

Once I was reading about the 12 tribes in the old testament and wrote about how we each should step out of our tribe into another and see the tabernacle from that new perspective

My life continually making it fresh and new.

Juicy,, had to transmute what Pam was doing in the kitchen.

Ok,,, Pam and I just had a conversation born out of the use of the altar. How, the same way I use romance and ritual to get in the spirit can be synergised with fellowship with friends, like the table you sit around, and, what is on your heart. Likened to the table that Jesus and his disciples broke bread around and Jesus spoke of the marriage supper, (but none could conceive the drunken orgy). Sometimes people will get in the spirit with you and then great things can happen. Ok,, again let me take the table with craft on it as the altar. Things I dreamed while in romance in spirit could also be applied to craft. Such as : Enhance, Romance, make each job a dance. (StephenTree, systems theory) Or in the same manner I wander around the altar, (Dirvish Romance) I learned to take the altar with me on the walk, after all it is what is on my heart. Our walk is taking on a form. Romance and child’s play, learning from children.

By taking qualities learned in romance in spirit and synergising with each segment of your life. Because in Romance in spirit I found that I saw things at a broader perspective and did not fall into the pits I did in my early life scurrying to survive. There was a time in my life that I lived off of very little but it was the best time in my life because of the amount of Romance in Spirit that was in my life. But others would tend to prefer the money world and could not get in the spirit with me, without going and doing something related to money.

Fill up the tank and go for a ride, so I looked down and the tank was on empty.

I was watching Gem and the Holograms with my daughter when I heard the word, synergy,

Once I went out on a boardwalk in north Alabama over a swamp. I had a wedding ring in my hand and a pamphlet called

Pamphlets about subjects like , using the form of a Cameo to understand how dna, or heart, layers our experiences into a tapestry,, but if we are stiff necked,,,

The first conscious synchronicity happened in about 1981 when I was reading Gem and the holigrams,

Once I was reading about the 12 tribes in the old testament and wrote about how we each should step out of our tribe into another and see the tabernacle from that new perspective

Get ready for the wild ride synchs one night.....

I was happy to hear that you were happy to hear from me,,

Her plans for the evening were to clean her house

It makes her feel good when it’s cleaned but not always fulfilled

Oh you mean just because I think it , it is drawing to me like a honeybee to a flower,

Oh my God! I better dream only the best and when I look at the book with a hot thin veil I see only the life, though you sat before me life and death. You said choose this day which you will follow.

Of trains, trees, tunnels and candles

Yesterday we lost ourselves on a train bound for experience. We dream them up you and I, those long trains of adventure. Where the synchronicities flow one after another like a caravan from another world. A world you and I created before we dreamed up time. Time makes more elusive this moonlight fantasy journey. Things, when what we really want is this moment. The best things, in the best moments.

You and I

I like to tell the stories about my own life, and the stories paint a picture, a desire to fill the emptiness in others as my life has done for me. Let it be their life filling them through me like a lover.

There has always only been You and I

Though now you and I are called Islam and Christian

Enjoy the fruit of StephenTree

A life broken from the teachings of man and spent alone for years

The poetry that resulted, is timely fruit for this moment

Join him in The Closet and enjoy the fruit of his life spent in Romance in Spirit with the wild heart

(Fierce is my love for you ,my life)

She (my life)will be here before we know it,, in the form I dreamed her

Just had the picture of how the dream that started the thing must die,,,like Jesus saying I must die and the veil was torn. Even interpretations about Jesus won’t stand between you and God because interps got corrupted by the builders. so a new covenant can come,,or go into effect,, if the cup to be filled is the same cup... I think we can add a new cup. So I must dream the Dawn into each dream so that it can transition... Most people say like I want that job and once they are there for a while it begins to rust. Now if I wanted to keep that job I could enhance, romance, make each job a dance, but I may have dreamed that I wanted to transition, using this job just as a spark to keep intact my life until I found my life here. This being (Pam) is a good cameo with me,, a great friend,, I believe she can transition easy because of the spirit that is close to her and her lack of veils.

The Quiver

Go into your closet and scream

In spirit and in truth ,, scream

Don’t use words, use passion

Don’t think feel

Thinking is like words, mere points in the equation

Feeling is like spirit, reaching the height, depth and the width

Feel it, ponder it, and spirit will make your path clear

The veil of the veiled, needs be torn at the blowing of Gabriel’s horn.

The cloth is laid aside, the moment the old man dies

His spirit born anew in the moment of meeting you

(future author commentary)

The footprint like a seal in the sand and the interpreters interpreted the seal and when the footprint returned not one was right

And the pearl that was hidden in the field, (scripture) the interpreters grabbed the garments at the bottom of the cross and proceeded to interpret the form that filled the garments

but none was right, no not one for their hearts were veiled


Interpreters misunderstandings because of their veil

(author returns and author commentary reveals the reason why it had to be done this way) So that seeing they may not see and hearing they would not hear and destroy the message) And then they all dwelled in the spirit and great was the fruit of that generation

Mustard Seed

The seed is in the thought which is within the fruit

that starts the tree growing ,

A thought will be the seed that starts the tree growing within you

A thought was hidden in the field and all the words around that thought will perish.

All that fear of judgment has made the sheep judgmental (the interpretation)

All day long I ponder your poetry

Testimonies on the internet,

I am pondering poems

a bible, the truth that is hidden in the lie

The tears that grew along side the wheat (gospel)

The tears (rain) will reveal the wheat

The pearl hidden in the field in the last day the angels will separate the (gold in a pan) the passion play hidden in the DNA (the seed)

When the truth returns, like fruit bursting out on a vine, none of the veiled will believe it though it were plain

Until the spark of spirit ignites the powder

I am not knocking on veiled hearts anymore

Though she were dying of thirst she could not even see the water in front of her

The more I knew, the more confused I got

Give me the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get LOST in your rock and roll and drift away,

And when those days returned that the fruit was to burst out on the vine, for the angels came and separated the tares from the wheat, in that love found the pearl hidden within the field. (scripture) Love indeed fulfills all scribbling by scribes!!!!

Tell me your stories again my love, let my days be a testimony to them

All day long I ponder your poetry, because you love me

You are my sword, first used to pierce my veil

Like pounding sand making me willing

Fall on this sword and you will live with me forever

The water would not flow, (veil, valve)

The congestion at the intersection (holy place)

Stage coach could not get through with the gold

Panning for Gold (romance in spirit)

Words, too many words, confusion/ congestion

therefore you removed the veil

When you find the gold then open your mouth and shout

Things our fathers have been saying for generations

Love indeed fulfills all scribbling by scribes

There is only you and I my love

Standing here before the torn veil

The intended bride rejected the spirit and that was when she felt rejected

Spirit was lonely and only could find a stranger to listen and talk to

Let your anger tear the veil which lies between you and I

Broken hearts can hear

Lonely hearts can hear

Thirsty hearts can hear

When the tables turn

For those that survive divorce, (tribulation)

And find that the veil is torn

You don’t want to learn their language, rather learn your heart and they will see you with theirs

Islamic heart,, Rumi

Like the coffee and the cup, not two cups, not two coffee’s, but like the coffee and the cup, so it is with You and I.

fill my cup

Saved by spirit from the shame to come, for I did not need a teacher, for the word I sought was very near to me,, even in my heart and overflowing in my mouth

For the blood is the bleach (blood of billions)

that clears the veil, and makes my intentions clear

Strap you to the tree and whip you tender

Until you scream blessed is he who strapped me to this tree


bullets of blood

when the bullet hits the bone

If scripture is antichrist, and spirit is antidote

Ponder the possibilities

For they forced the whole world to take on the image of the beast (idol, scripture, book, interpretation)

When what was beyond this veil was heart,

Love fulfills all scribbling by scribes

She bore children and called it wonderful

He bore her reproach

and called her wonderful

Blessed is she that nailed me to this tree

(Religion) She is standing in the way between the two houses

I can’t see you my life

Fierce is my love for you, I will tear her in two, to reach you

Should I be, or not be, and the question IS the answer

All day long I ponder your poetry

You who made the mountains and the trees

God Judges the intentions of the heart




Classes forming in Sonora, Stockton, Berkely CA. $20.00 one day class sign up here and be notified of next class.

Email, name, address ,phone and best time to contact to StephenTree1@



This page is mostly about my family and in particular my father Lewis C. (Cybert) Spence. He was inventor of the year for four years in a row in the 1980’s for the state of florida. He holds as many as 160 patents in everything from the Synergistic Engine, to the magnetic splitter combiner. Very soon I hope to have the newspaper articles about him with pictures and some of his patents on display. You might also now the name Lewis C. Spence being the name of the famous scottish mason writer. It turned out after my life led me to poetry and writing and metaphysics that I met Lewis C. Spence (the writer) in books that just (appeared) in my life, and I hold a special connection to Lewis Chalmers Spence. This link will soon have much of his work as well.



Marriage supper/ out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks/ from this form your eternal soul is fashioned.

Through my experience of living alone and spending the majority of my time in wonder, I have found how the heart is formed and how from this form the soul is formed, the eternal life that will rise again from the tree, the one life from which we all come. That time in wonder became poetry, that time in poetry became seeing. Activating a liniage of spirit that I saw in my father as he sat on the deck of the Maranatha (62’ Ketch ship we lived on in south florida) smoking his pipe and lost in wonder. He was an inventor, and now I recognize him in my own drive to wonder. He constantly came up with ideas about what he was working on. “His one love, to be a creator” My one love came in the form of synchronicities that later gave form to “my love”. I feel that the form we are to become and many are to change to will be represented by the life they live now in these last days of what we call “world”. For that world will swiftly change as we unveil the truths we have veiled ourselves to for a very long time. If they have a life of wonder they shall inherit the wonders of the universe. If they have a life of duty they will create for themselves duties. Many will change to a life of wonder soon as they find their life leads them. But many will tarry and for fear they will run after the ox, but life is not the things we think it is, but those already in wonder are already in heaven. Those for fear stay in dogma and turn to stone. (their hearts) A supper is that that is fed at the end of the day and just before the beginning of a new day. (Jewish poetry) This supper is like a lifetime of grazing by still waters. What is your ox that does not allow you to remain in wonder all the days of your life. I tell you the beggar shall inherit a greater inheritance than those that tend an ox all day to remain veiled.

As to out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks the plans are made the intentions are shown. So one which has found his own life, and learned from that would be as one that did not miss the supper.

Theology Forums

The following are excerpts from StephenTree writings on Theology Forums. Many amazing things happened and these writings will be studied further. How Christians responded and related to the spirit of StephenTree. Many synchronicities of loss and leaving occurred and many things came out having to do with the scripture being a snare to some that use it to snare men with fear. Many that are having trouble with Christian dogma have found StephenTree’s spirit refreshing and a return of the “good news” that is the Gospel. It festures the fears of the veiled by religion and interpretation and stirs them to anger. It unites all men and all teachings under the understanding of the twelve that went out from each other as all men and nations and tongues and beliefs. However, the power of the dogmatic is revealed and as the light reveals it also changes it. The power to know the “intent of the heart” is also a part of the spirit of these writings. See what happened between “you and I” on the forum.



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Original Sin as related to the unpardonable sin

Through learning from spirit I found that the only thing that separates me from God is my own beliefs. Like a veil I had hidden myself from you. Not the eating of the tree but the veil, for to be separate from God is death so when they hid they fulfilled the saying (in the moment you eat from it you shall surely die) Actually it was in the moment you hide or veil yourself from me you shall surely be separate from me which is death (spiritual), the not allowing the spirit to lead me out of that bondage. I am trying to speak your language. (stiffnecked dogmatic religious want to follow interpretation) So to veil is to quench the spirit. Like veiling yourself from your mate, or hiding because of shame or blame. It was the shame or blame that was created by the world interpretation and further misunderstood in christianity. By living in the spirit by faith without regard to the law you find that you fulfill the intent of the law yet you do not allow any shame or blame, because that is what veils.

The veil between you and God is made evident by the separation between you and others. The spirit takes you there to teach you about separation from those you love so that you can see clearly what it is that is separating you from God/life/ all that is and then from those eyes you see all things new. You see the original intent of the veil in the temple between you and I, God and man





Registered: Aug 2001

Location: Lynwood, Ca

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Re: Original Sin as related to the unpardonable sin



Originally posted by DNATREE

Through learning from spirit I found that the only thing that separates me from God is my own beliefs. Like a veil I had hidden myself from you. Not the eating of the tree but the veil, for to be separate from God is death so when they hid they fulfilled the saying (in the moment you eat from it you shall surely die) Actually it was in the moment you hide or veil yourself from me you shall surely be separate from me which is death (spiritual), the not allowing the spirit to lead me out of that bondage. I am trying to speak your language. (stiffnecked dogmatic religious want to follow interpretation) So to veil is to quench the spirit. Like veiling yourself from your mate, or hiding because of shame or blame. It was the shame or blame that was created by the world interpretation and further misunderstood in christianity. By living in the spirit by faith without regard to the law you find that you fulfill the intent of the law yet you do not allow any shame or blame, because that is what veils.

The veil between you and God is made evident by the separation between you and others. The spirit takes you there to teach you about separation from those you love so that you can see clearly what it is that is separating you from God/life/ all that is and then from those eyes you see all things new. You see the original intent of the veil in the temple between you and I, God and man


A little bit heavy for me, but i think DNA mignt be trying to make a point that is worth making. Think i'll follow this thread.


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Registered: Oct 2000

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Re: Original Sin as related to the unpardonable sin


Concerning original sin being related to the unpardonable sin, you have asked a "can of worms" question (I love it). .


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Re: Re: Original Sin as related to the unpardonable sin



Originally posted by revleonard

A little bit heavy for me, but i think DNA mignt be trying to make a point that is worth making. Think i'll follow this thread.


Yep, I think DNA is making a very valid point. And I hope I'm understanding the point they are trying to make.

When we forget about "the law" or trying to be "righteous" and concentrate on our walk with God and walking in love, then we find that we don't have to worry about the law or being righteous. Besides, the Word says we are righteous now. Boy, this could start going around in circles pretty quickly.

The veil in the temple that was symbolic of our separation from God was torn when Christ died to indicate that we are no longer separated from God. If there is a separation between us as individuals and God, it is our fault, not God's. Of course that has always been the case.

God Bless,






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Yes, their spirit, their connection to God, died because of their disobediance. God warned them ahead of time that would happen. They hid themselves because of shame or guilt. Another example of how shame and guilt separate us from God. As for forgiveness, who could ask for a better God than one who would forgive you before you even commit the sin!







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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

I don't understand why some are making a point to say they don't understand anything I convey. I believe this thread hows that they do understand some of what I offer.

The bride and bridegroom


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Jealousy is a very narrow door

But this jealousy is not jealous of what another has

No this jealousy is an impassioned intention

Bust her hymen, tear the veil of her heart and reveal her secrets

No my love this jealousy creates a holy intent

For in this intent "there is only YOU and I"

In your temple (closet) before the lifted veil

There is ONLY you and I, my life.

I lost my life,,, I went out on the street seeking whom it is my heart desires (song of solomon)

I cry out, "girl, girl, why have you forsaken me"

Moments later something catches my heart and again I am found for YOU (my life) come to me in many forms, and it is like poetry, like synchronicity, and when HE and SHE MEET they KNOW it is RIGHT. They dance like waves on an ocean of spiritual romance.

There has always only been YOU and I on this planet, my love.

Though now YOU and I seem to be Us and Them,,, or Muslim and Christian,,,, but when the veil of this flesh is lifted... you and I will again be one.

A divine jealousy will remove this veil that is separating you and I on this planet. We will be made naked before each other. As it was in the beginning my love, yet without shame. We will return to our home YOU and I.

I do not know how else to say it but how it was given.

Passionate prayer,,, Wildheart the time is right, the son (sun) is chasing away the night (there will be no sun for he/she is the light) And the battle will be won without a fight, for no one's wrong because no one's right. You see the baptist (John) was no wind swept reed. His heart was sown from a WILD SEED , and everywhere that Jesus went none understood all he said, but there is coming a time and it is drawing NEAR, when within their hearts all men will pear (bust her hymen, heart of man circumcised) No longer will they say the truth is over there (or there or there ,, religion) for the word of God has been very near, even in our hearts and in our mouths. StephenTree

PS.. Thomas,,,, my experience is that marriage only exists between God and man and covenants made with God to join us (men, nations, man and wife) in one intention. But the covenants are made with God and then the one chosen by God arrives. This is very clear in what you wrote:

(The concept of a 'divine marriage' - the bride, groom, and the chamber, is an expression of Union between man and his Maker - in essence it point to the resolution of opposites and the unity of the One God and as such it is used by many traditions.)

For there has always only been you and I, my life.

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-29-2002 at 12:35 AM


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The door to understanding the many metaphors of sex is first understood better by romance. For as it is impossible to "get in the spirit" with your lover without first knowing her, and romancing her, it is likewise impossible to create in the womb of spirit without first finding the suttle door to spirit. (the spirits are timid) For who says "you there give me what I want" and gets it. But he that knows how to speak to her without words and spends time with her in romance. So it is not so necessary to explain the meanings of the "veiled mystery" except you first learn the ways of romance. (For if I were to tell you what spirit revealed in the meaning of the mystery of sex, it is not as easily recieved as it is first experienced. And because of my intent to fill the emptyness here in this group of seekers I do not wish to provoke them with my knowing. Did you know that men were not to read the Song of Songs until they reached a certain age,, that is metaphor also. For who knows the secrets of one's loving except the two that share in it.

Spirit spoke in this manner as the song says " I don't care what they say, I don't care what they do, what do they know about this love anyway."


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Ok.. I had the following experience just yesterday Aug 12 concerning what was on my heart and the experiences I had these past two days.

Went walking with Pam and we walked into a magazine store and I wandered around while Pam looked for a magazine she had been looking for. I happened to notice the cover of the August 2002 issue of Bible Review had a picture of solomons bride. I opened the magazine to what I believe I am to post here at this site and in this thread. There was a picture of a pegasys (horse with wings) with a bride and bridgroom flying above the city. Beside the picture was the scripture from the song of songs and some findings that the magazine had made. (I found my only love. I held him, I would not let him go until I brought him to my mother’s house, into my mothers room,” the bride sings after combing the city streets for her missing lover (song of songs 3:4) Angels blow trumpets, a fish bird spins about in a frenzy and a horse carries the wedding bouquet, as the city celebrates the lovers wedding . in Marc Chagall’s 1958 oil painting “The song of songs IV”

Soaring above Jerusalem on the winged horse the couple is released from society’s constraints, which, in the poem, prohibit them from embracing in public.

(note here added later: It is the morning of the 14th Wedn. and I just woke up dreaming this. The spirit indicates and this is also how this relates to the concept of rapture. "You shall meet him in the air and so shall we always be with the lord" That in the way we dream (love making) with the lord, so we are carried aloft away from the eyes of societry. And should what we dream of come as a lover (the dream, not necessarily a physical lover) that it is therefore been sanctified. This is how my inner relationship with spirit is.)

Anyway that is what was written on page 29 of this magazine. The spirit had been on my heart about the bride and groom “secret place” which is how spirit relates to my life about our relationship.

I then came home to a movie just released at blockbusters (only one copy though) that was exactly the same spirit in one part. The movie was about a man born in 1900 called 1900 as a name and lived his life on a ship. It had to do with the “private moment between spirit and myself” Anyway the man was in a similar spirit as he was alone most of his life and he was a musician. He was playing and making a recording when he saw a woman, the music burst into emotion about what he and the woman were passing back and forth. They then said it would be a hit and the spirit came over the man that that was not for any other but him and that woman. In the same manner the spirit indicates it works with me and creates via our loving and sharing as in dreaming together. Many other synchronicities on this subject happened yesterday. I felt as though what I have offered and what others have may also be supported with this experience, as much of what they seem to say in this article is the same spirit we have offered here.

Bible review (202-364-3300)

One other thing that Pam really thought was like my experience was the man in the movie 1900 and how he reacted to the words "start fresh and new"

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-14-2002 at 08:45 PM




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There are two forces that utilize dreams. Beware, you are sadly deceived.




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Someone has said, "there is none so blind as those who will not see". This seems to be proven over and over as "logs" that people do not know or refuse to believe are in their own eyes are blindly displayed for others to see. Sadly, this quote from your post to dear DNA seems to be an example of that:

quote: There are two forces that utilize dreams. Beware, you are sadly deceived.

What I am saying, exactly, is while the first part of your quoted statement above MIGHT be true, the 2nd part, issued with the "authority" of a flat statement is nothing more than your opinion. To give you the benefit of the doubt, I believe you felt you needed to warn DNATree. The question is, why? (Before you marshal your post, realize the question is rhetorical. I am not asking to know your mind on the subject, but only to ask you to look at your own motives).


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Knowledge sometimes can be viewed as arrogance, though in some cases it is just knowledge.

My motive was to warn, to help one trapped in a trap that I was once in.

Do you not recognize the danger that DNA is in?



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No, John, I don't. DNATree is in love with the Father and is poetical in the words used to tell of it, that is what I see.



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Your blindness to DNAs plight has me baffled if not concerned.

I asked you not to belittle me. Do you think that I am ignorant of the scriptures?

Oh well. Right now I am at a loss. I have met your kind here, and all I can tell you is that your many words say little to me. I will pray about that.



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Witness, what on earth are you talking about here;

Your blindness to DNAs plight has me baffled if not concerned.

And where, did it come up in our conversation? As far as he is concerned, if you are a light to the blind, then start guiding the boy. I do well to understand one paragraph of what he writes, and I cannot say that when I think I understand it, that I am even understanding it. Therefore, I leave his correcting to those better suited to such tasks. Maybe you are the one better suited to deal with it.

Second, who is trying to belittle you? And what exactly is my kind? As to whether you are ignorant of the scriptures or not, I will let your own words decide. I have not attempted to pass judgement on you, merely to answer questions that you directed toward me, to the best of my ability. When I do so, I am accused of trying to belittle you? Maybe you can quote where I belittled you so that I can see the error of my ways and correct it?


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And what you are expousing is the same thing that has millions locked behind an interpretation unable to have true experience with spirit because true experience does not match those dead interpretations. Words like DANGER!!!!! are clear signs of theology designed to keep people in the dark by appealing to the fears of those who have not experienced true spirit.

( Originally posted by Heartofisreal:When man judges wisdom by his own heart he will be open to other spirits than the Spirit of G-d.. )

This is the "interpretation" also based on fear most widely used by the "interpretors". It is designed to bring fear to the new christian to keep them in the way that the group interpret. If you put it along side of the teachings of Jesus even though it was offered by an apostle. I tell you it is fear!!!!!! And it is blocking the door to spirit. What this interpretation leads to is that nobody in the group that believes this more than what Jesus spoke will have any real spiritual experience of which that experience would "UPSET" the group. Now anything "real or not" is kept away by this fear that was not the original intent.

Christians using fear in their tactics are the furthest away from spirit and will soon be shown to be the greatest stumbling blocks.

You have said it right:

(Originally posted by Heartofisreal: grace and truth come from the testimony of Y'shua haMoshiach, a LIVING WORD that will never lead the elect astray.)

So is this LIVING WORD the one that is creating so much separation as Mathew 10:24 suggest the plan of the words of Jesus were, (is that the word that will "never lead the elect astray") or is this living word the result of the trauma and cross of that experience written on your heart. Yes you are right,, too bad if it is only words about a living word and not a word that is alive in you. Repeating scripture makes one sound as though they are pious but the power demonstrated in your life would be much more real to me.

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-14-2002 at 01:54 AM


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I am not seeking to win any debate, I know what my life is about and do not need you to agree with me. But I don't care what the members of this board think about the fact that they cannot understand all that I speak. I did not ever say that was the intent. What I intended to communicate cannot even be put in words but if you wanted to understand you would be making progress. (All on this forum, I await the spirit to use this foolishness you do not understand) But I don't need to ask you the question as to wether you understand me or anyone understands me. I have completed my intent in that I know you all were effected by my life experience and how I communicated on this forum. Wether I am strange or uncomprehendable by some is not part of the equation. As small as it may seem I have completed my intent and wether I post anymore will be according to the fruit that I see.

Actually I did not know about your Logos and Rhema. With the power of God I do believe all things and see great validity in that especially if spirit sanctioned it for your life.

As to your suffering, that is exactly what I mean in that wether it was the you getting pierced by me or I getting misunderstood and blamed by you that is the path I speak of and though you are on one side of this veil of interpretation and I am the one on this other side we both are hurting each other by not reaching to understand each other. You see you have hit upon what I am saying just you cannot take yourself and see Christ in both sides because of interpretation. I am not trying to destroy your beliefs but I am expressing what my life is here to express and many will be effected in many ways. It is my intent that Christianity move toward allowing spirit to flow and not block the door with interpretations. For that was the original intent of what is called word of God.

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-14-2002 at 12:09 PM



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There is only You (catholic) and I (protestant)

There is only You (Muslim) and I (Christian)

There is only You (wife) and I (husband)

There is only You (man) and I (God)

There is only YOU and I

There has always only been you and I on this planet

and if you do it unto the least of them,,,you have done it unto me. I tell you neither catholic or protestant will get you into the kingdom but only the SPIRIT. Let us lay aside the veils of interpretation that have been separating YOU and I on this planet and let the spirit do the work of joining our hearts. For it is only that Spirit that can go beyond those veils.


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Party on in the spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the purpose of life is Joy in the spirit and to attain this is to see spirit and not the calamity (storm) around you. And when the storm is over he will plant my feet upon solid ground and I will find myself standing where he has promised by his spirit.

For he will keep me in his "secret place" as the sun passes over. For my DELIGHT is in him and though the world pass away I will be found in him. ( I don't know about scripture but this is what spirit has said to me)


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That's a refreshing perspective as far as I'm concerned!

You have put the Fun back into fundamentalist dogma.



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I wrote this dancing around and listening to a Willie Nelson tape last night.

(That we based on all these facts

Ain't necessarilly true.) Willie Nelson Song

Is it facts we seek, or is it to know him (spirit)

Well stated is this problem with facts:

( Originally posted by Lydia: the difficulty I have (or at least one difficulty) is knowing when we have this flawed (albeit accommodated) understanding in the first place. How could we ever know this? And further, how we might go about knowing how we might have known that we knew that we were in error in this regard, if indeed we might or might not be in error about that particular point of issue on the way to yet another point as well, and so on.)

As to wether the bible is flawed, was it meant to replace the spirit? Or was it meant to create the conditions of heart that would reveal the spirit? For the path of life and relationship is the same path as "those who went before us" and written on the path is the truth. The path is the song sung by billions who went before us.

Another Willie Nelson song as spirit transmuted it.

"A man is born, but he's no good, no how, without (THE) a SONG. (spirit)" And "there is no love at all, without the song. (spirit)"

You can try to interpret, you can try to collect the best interpretations. But without the spirit of promise you have wasted your time.

You see the problem with interpretations is that they really are unbelief. They are the so called facts that removed the spirit from the equation. The only truth is what is written on your heart by spirit and if you have collected facts or interpretations what power have they except that they be written on your heart. (for faith is in that which has been written on your heart not read from a book) So what witness have you of these facts except you present how they were written upon YOUR HEART. What good does it do to quote scripture if you have no testimony written on your heart. And if after meeting spirit you find it contrary to the law, interpretations, (as is written) what you are told to believe (law) what is it then that your testimony allows you to overcome but interpretations and the mass that demand you worship them. For they have millions and money and vote but what one filled with spirit can do compared to 10,000 formed in the image of dead interpretations.

(For my witness I have been labeled A#1 heritic over and over, but so was Jesus.)

(like the smallest of points overlooked, the SPIRIT alters the equation and renders all the interpretations meaningless, and in doing so fulfills all scripture. Bringing back what was stolen by those that never knew him.)

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-10-2002 at 10:36 PM


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The new man overtakes the old

. The new man that has been growing overtakes the old man. It is better to go into heaven having one eye than having two being thrown into hell. (note here about loving a woman and domestication of a man by love.) This is the two minds that grow side by side the one (spirit) overtakes the other, flesh (interpretations of man, letter, own understandings) The love of spirit domesticates a man you do not need a law. For the law had me pondering what it is I was not to be doing but the spirit had me pondering a universe without regard to that thing that I was not to be pondering. (the bad thing the law says not to do)And if you allow it (that which you should not be pondering) in your temple then you have created it. But if by the power of love’s spirit I see through this veil of flesh and only see YOU, my love, my life, my savior, my queen, in the forms that make up this universe with me, then those things (bad things the law says not to do but have the thought of the thing I am not supposed to do in them) are not even in my world




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Re: The new man overtakes the old



Originally posted by DNATREE

This is the two minds that grow side by side the one (spirit) overtakes the other, flesh (interpretations of man, letter, own understandings) The love of spirit domesticates a man you do not need a law.


You list "interpretations of man", "letter" and "own understandings" as of the flesh. I assume you mean false "interpretations, letter, own understandings". Therefore correct interpretations of man, letter and own understandings are things of the spirit?



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Actually all interpretations change for all interpretations are made up of layers of understandings and all things become new. Lets take the understanding "God is Love", for example. In times past what that meant was different than the interpretation that was handed us by our fathers. For there is no true love outside of God. And our interpretations of what is to be loved is wrong. All interpretations,,, as in not one stone left on top of another. But do not misinterpret this now either for this is a wonderful thing, for what man when the reality itself has changed around him does not change his interpretations.




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Originally posted by DNATREE

Actually all interpretations change for all interpretations are made up of layers of understandings and all things become new. Lets take the understanding "God is Love", for example. In times past what that meant was different than the interpretation that was handed us by our fathers. For there is no true love outside of God. And our interpretations of what is to be loved is wrong. All interpretations,,, as in not one stone left on top of another. But do not misinterpret this now either for this is a wonderful thing, for what man when the reality itself has changed around him does not change his interpretations.


There is a difference between understanding and interpretation in scripture but you seem to use them interchangeably and this is confusing me. Nevertheless, once the correct understanding or interpretation is received it cannot ever change because it has been understood or interpreted as God intended it to be and God does not change. You mention "God is love" for instance but I don't think anyone knows the full meaning or understanding of that phrase. It does not negate the phrase "God is a consuming fire" either nor the many other descriptions of what God is. Your last statement I would vehemently disagree with that once a man receives the correct understanding of the word of God that understanding cannot change regardless of the circumstances as the book of Job is a wonderful example. Take care and God bless you and yours.




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When my life told me that I was to receive an inheritance I did believe. But as I received what I was to receive it was not what I thought it would be. (It was more than I thought) So the fact that I could not understand what the inheritance I was to recieve was because of my understanding at the time does not change the fact that I was to receive it, just what it was and that changes everything. It changed every meaning of what I had been handed to believe as Christianity.





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Many have seen as I did 22 yrs ago that the spirit in the words of Jesus had to be inspired. But the problem is that the interpretations that have been put in place by fearful controllers have negated the true SPIRIT of the words and indeed are even blocking the door to understanding that could lead one to true experience in spirit. It is because of these seeming hypocritical interpretations that you yourself have trouble with the christian interpretation. But were you to let go of that veil and seek only spirit in the way that your life would lead,, then you would be a believer as well,,, not in the interpretations that because of the great separations that they create are obviously ANTI-CHRIST, but in the reality of your own experience with spirit.

Now as the experiences proved to be for me and teaching me in all manner as to what my life was about (not what the churchies intended for my life) then it became clear through the layering of days in spirit what the meaning of words misinterpreted by controllers were really saying. Validating me, as the interpretations were at the same time condemning me. In that after a time of relationship with spirit I was given the power to overcome these heritics that would call me a heritic. For it has always been that the religious were they that persecuted the stranger (put into bondage the believer in spirit) and in there fear they created systems (laws and interpretations) designed to quite their fears. These systems are easily negotiated by spirit so that THEY may live in their dead interpretations and you can go on to understanding who you really are and what your purpose is. It is that man inside me that was growing in faith with spirit that overtook the fearful questioning interpretor inside me and took the word of Spirit and overcame them resulting in a life of wonder seeing things that ear has not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what is prepaired for each of us in spirit. Now if it has not entered into the heart of man how then is it already written in a book which is the creation of man. For writing and sculpture (idols) and such were creations of man and man it is that says this is law. But it is not the law of God, for the law of God is perfect and is not words but spirit. There are literally thousands of points made within the scribbling of scribes (scripture) that if one were to be out of place would alter the meaning of the entire equation of scripture. Therefore it is not to be interpreted by any other than the original spirit that inspired it. And that spirit it is that divides the chaff from the wheat revealing what is real and what is put there by man in 65ad or 365ad or selecting which books in 1600ad or well anyone except for those blinded by scripture can see what I am getting at.




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The reason I write the way I do is because that is the way I experienced it. As I have written before on this forum, my intention is to get one to wonder, but our minds want a step 1, 2, 3 method and then we want to give that method to everyone as the truth. But that is not the intent of spirit because what you are about is a new creature different than the other cells in the body. I would remind each of those on this forum that had you been in the company of Jesus as he spoke in parables that you too would be saying similar things that are spoken here about "I think I understand but...." Rather than explain I would ask that you read what I have written before on this forum because it explains the same thing in many different ways. You can go to members and search under dnatree and I would direct you to the last post before this one because it is similar to your experience but mine was in a presbytarian church.


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Money power influence of the church, is it of God?

Before you add your vote and money to the worship of interpretation please consider the following.

Rome at the time of 26AD

1. Rome had conquered most of the known world and the synergy of culture that that created was similar to what is happening today now that the oceans like the mediteranian are no longer separating us. It was thought to be a flowering (fruit) of culture at that time as what is happening now is a flowering (fruit of dna) For now is the time that the fruit is to come out on the tree as the first fruits did in a time past.

2. The roman emperor indicated that he would put himself in the temple to be worshipped in Isreal. Jesus said when you see this to run to the mountains, but that they would be gathered again in the end time. Jesus said this about 26ad when the Roman Emporer was making himself a God to be worshipped by all. Now if all this happened why do we think that what is present is not anti-christ. (this would account for the separation the dogma is causing and the lack of true power and spirit. (The religious at the time were as the one that gave power to the beast (rome) who were their controllers at the time, in the same manner that fundamentalism gives power to the controlling aspect of government.(America believing she is right, that rightness feeling is like a power that gives us the right to do things to others even if they think we are wrong) It must be noted that the religion is a forum that is not a part of the average stranger in America’s life. And in this forum they have power through money and vote while the stranger on the streets opinion would be washed away by this Christian power of money and influence. (Is this the power that was intended???????????????)

3. Christians believe that we are in the period before the anti-christ appears but Jesus said that even then anti-christs were infiltrating the understanding that he was to leave behind. (like one of the millions of smallest of points that because man will no longer be killed as easily for speaking against the self appointed rulers in Christianity these points will someday change everything. Like the smallest of points that can change the whole equation.)

4. There is a little section in the bible that tells of a time after this is defeated that after a millennium that the truth would return and put away the power of the devil. The spirit indicates that the interpreters wanted their people that they wanted to control to believe that an anti-christ was coming so that they could use that fear to keep the interpretation as they suggested, when the anti-christ Jesus was speaking of was to come in 65ad and they were scattered. We are really at the point where God will put away the power of the anti-christ which is this interpretation. (For the ones that used the interpretation to keep the people in check were anti-christ and this has been handed down to us as the interpretation to worship.

What I am saying is that the smallest of points can change the entire meaning (interpretation) and that we must remember who it was that enforced (put to death anyone that disagreed, pope religion, crusades, burnings) this interpretation that we demand the whole world worship now. So before you give power to your church to stop my voice, as I am just a voice in this wilderness of the peoples, I must remind each of you on this forum that if you did not hear it from God the book that is worshipped as God says that you do not have ANYTHING and the interpretation you may be worshipping is what billions were killed for not believing by anti-christ, and you know that one of the points out of place will render that interpretation meaningless. Woe to the religious that have given the stranger on the street no voice, who have demanded that God is an interpretation and that without that interpretation the stranger is left out on the street. For they have made it a sin to follow spirit and have on their hands the blood of billions put to death for their beliefs that differed from the interpretation man demanded others worship. How much greater will the condemnation of this generation be. For I will make the stranger “right” and shame will be the reward of those that wanted to be right above the rightiousness of God which is not of the law (interpretation man demands you believe is a law) but of faith in spirit. Many would not understand the reason I have chosen to live in my car much of the time, to wander, to wonder. I have no money to speak of but I have everything because of what has been taken from me freed me to see what was really imprtant. I do fix electronics and write, but what sustains me is the spirit. Life is not what you were told by the world, and what they teach in churches is not much different than what you are taught by the world, such as some things are good and some things are bad. Some things are right and some things are wrong. But this is what we teach a baby, what God has for you is much weightier.

Many things will be changing soon, (for the seeds were planted 40 years ago to bring this about) what if when the evidence comes out that we are worshipping an interpretation and that the original intent was something else, something that was killed by those that wanted this interpretation to be IN CONTROL. What will you do, will you turn a blind eye to the stranger?

What happened between 26ad and 60ad was a flowering that leveled beliefs to the ground, can you see the signs of the times? And as it was written of another generation "for was it unto you that it was given,,,,,, or from you that it came forth...

What we believe to be human has flowered and been cut down before,, and like a tree fruit has been the intent of the owner of the vineyard. The path of those who went before us has been the same that they thought that they were right and found something much greater in the end. For they followed their interpretations and when they evolved to a point in their understanding the smallest of points changed everything. This happened before what we can understand as history and it was by the spirit that this occured.

The preacher and lawyer have taken my bride, and by their view she is forced to abide, is this the reason that I died...... It's love across time get ready for the ride!!!!!!!

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-04-2002 at 10:03 PM





Registered: Aug 2002

Location: Cardiff, California

Posts: 20


I think I am following what you are saying but it is difficult and I find myself having to add punctuation to separate your thoughts!

Can you give some examples? Do you consider the term "interpretations' as synonomous with traditions? Are you saying that the church has validated long standing traditions, "interpreting" them as divinly ordained? Or are you making a completely different point?

Also, are you grouping all expressions of Christianity together under a single thought or "interpretation" or are you refering to a specific element?



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Thankyou for your question as the intent of the heart is clear in your question.

What I am saying is that if one was to truely have experience with spirit would spirit validate these interpretations that we have been handed from our fathers. Well after many years of experience I have found that spirit is not about validating those but rather what spirit gives is something to validate you as a son of God. The most shocking example is salvation,,,, the need for salvation in 30ad had to do with what was to happen in 30 yrs, but of course men would benefit from the relationship with spirit but what they were given back then is not as much for us now as what spirit offers now.

Let's take the law of Moses for another example, If we were present in the congregation that were near the point of death without water and food and if we had to come up with a covenant between this mass of people to lead them into what they have to do you would understand the overbearing intent of the law of Moses. It would be like if you found yourself in a group of excape prisoners and need to create order. You see ask anything of the father and it will be given to you and that was what they needed. Now it is the way of spirit to let another generation believe whatever they want and stay in bondage to their own interpretations about why that law was given to that group wandering in the wilderness. But it was further learned that that law revealed our separations and that therefore though it was "the law of men" given to them for a purpose that without being there would be far removed from our interpretations, it was still useful as anything bad usually leads to a truth.

So I am saying that learning from spirit revealed to me that most that want you to adhere to the law are of the "fearful and unbelieving amoung us" for they not knowing spirit could not trust that they would not be in danger without that form of external control. For they see what they fear and they draw it ever near to them with their intent layered with fear. But he that abides in the spirit knows that fear is the power of separation that leads to death. But love and joy and "as a sheep to the slaughter" is the way of the spirit not fearful for "though art with me" and knowing "nothing happens without spirit seeing".

You see we have been handed many interpretations. After learning from spirit the ways of spirit it is easy to say that none are right, no not one interpretation. For that was the plan to bind the strong man,,, he that lords it over others and keeps them in bondage by interpretation. For it is not for the purpose that the interpretations tell us that these things were allowed to be but that those that crucified Christ in the first place would "pick up the clothes (veils, interpretations) from the bottom of the cross and be bound by them as it has always been that way that the "sons of the pharasees" would take the interpretations and lead many into bondage. For if spirit did not write it on your heart was it ever written? You see that is why they could never win, for it was not the interpretations,, but the true spirit of the words which is only known in true relationship to spirit.





Registered: Aug 2002

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Ahh! Now I think I understand! If I am understanding you then, I will inject some of my own thoughts and you can see if you agree!



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22yrs ago my daily devotions were taken and deceminated amoung the elders of a church that my family attended that I had originally attended but I knew they could not go where spirit was leading me. I was called to a meeting of these elders where they held up the bible and said "this is the word of God" we cannot sanction your beliefs "which no one would have known had they not taken my writings and passed them around" and you are bringing fear to your family and this church. After much debate the tried to cast the devil out of me and I ended up living on top of Monte Sano Mountain in Alabama for several months in my car. This veil of interpretation led to me loosing all I had because they were "right" and I was "wrong". And this has happened in one form or another many times whenever I got around religious people. So for 20 years I lived in the spirit alone with the wildhearts of this world. (bikers, sailors, bums, lost folk) I wandered for years learning from life and from others that had experienced the truth of what the "interpretors" actually are. What you experienced in your church was very similar to what I experienced before leaving and studying alone. But even alone they came to me over and over and demanded that the truth was what those that killed billions in the name of that truth was. I had peaple when I answer them to run under cover because they FEARED lightning striking because I denied their interpretation of God. About ten years ago I began to meet each day those that had similar experiences as I. In the moment I would meet people having exactly that experience I was having and understanding each other though we were strangers "we were seeing face to face" The spirit indicated that the "tables would turn on this planet soon" and that the very ones that worship words on a page and not the spirit that authors all things would interpret what is coming because of that deluding influence and what will occur would be as Mathew 10:28 Do not think I have come to bring peace but the sword for brother will rise against brother. (paraphrased) And that the truth that is to be learned would be learned from this as life had taught me from this.





Registered: Aug 2002

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Well I have to say that we come from different aspects of life but I see you now face to face! And it is very hard to convey a thought without verbal dialogue but I think down the road, the church will find itself polarized into camps of opposition, with one being state validated and one being divinely empowered, I agree! I can see persecution carried out by those who call on God's name - against those who are called by His name!

By the way! I have a brother in the Lord that I fellowship continually and is part of my life, who had the same experience you have! His favorite saying is "I do all for those I ride with!"

Love in the Lord


The Miracle in Peh’s Life having to do with one is taken, and a broken and contrite heart.


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Consider a tree how it grows, for first a tender leaf comes forth and after much growth branches and fruit. When first you find spirit you find that what the heart desires is not silver and gold but the very spirit itself. So the wonder of spirit is as the plant that springs up and then the summer comes and the things that are of spirit and the things that are of man are tested. But for the tree that overcomes it will go on to further growth. Now learning the language and suttleness of spirit would then give way to more layered experiences in spirit. Experiences and finding you have what you need. Now as the tree grows the layers of experience change from suttle thoughts and coincidences to more profound experiences and then when mature the tree begins to bring forth fruit. So you see that what the heart desires will be not what you think you want. For who would lay down all they own in order to have more given to them the next day. For the heart desires union first, then experience, then to fill the emptyness between you and I. Now it is in the fruit stage that having been sanctified that anything you desire would "turn out to be what you get". For first finding the kingdom it was written that then all these things are added unto you. Now that is the path of great reward, but many will not say in their hearts yes "crush me" that I might live and know all that I need to know to attain this life, (which is the requirment of this path) but another path such as that of Intent and Allowing (spoken of by Abraham Hicks for example) could shortcut this and you can have what you think you desire now, but it will cause growth and learning but the great path of the heart may only be known by the path of our fathers which is what Jesus spoke of. Salvation is actually a given except that you short it out with your separate intentions and experience desolation. I say this because without giving yourself wholly to life you will not be taken hold of by spirit so why play christian if you do not intend to become a sacrifice. No rather embrace the love in all things then. And study how your true heart intentions already create your reality. You see I would recommend the path of spirit that I took but if you want spirit to give you the desires of your heart without first being crushed and experiencing years of loneliness I believe you may want to ask the spirit to lead you to how to manifest without that pain. For magic comes in many forms, for anything you ask of the father believing will be given to you but first it has to run the gauntlet of your beliefs that you were taught. That is what the sanctifying process is for to change all those beliefs. But the fastest way is to forget all you think you know and believe all such as tells you asking the father to make it so.




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The thing that freaks out my "common-sense" mind is that on a very amazing level, I understand you, DNATree! [pic]

You talk like my spirit thinks: in Word pictures and spiritual realities blended together; the gist spiraled out for easy reading by my ordinary mind. [pic]

Thank you, I am copying and pasting so I can absorb it, and by His grace, be able to feed it to my "babies" in easy bits.


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For the spirit already knows what your heart desires and as I go into romance in spirit it is to get in the spirit with that knowing. I used to pray as others interpret praying yet without results. Then I learned to loose myself in the moment. By making an area where I can listen to whatever music feels Wonder-full. And lighting that allows me to focus on something Wonder-full. And I would let go of thinking and first I would not be putting out requests but just getting in the "joy of the lord" for the "joy of the lord" is preimptive to bliss and bliss preimptive to romance in spirit. Experiment with writing and catching all the most wonder------full thoughts and words that may speak to me from the music or a bible passage or my own experience. Collect wonder,, and experiment with Romance in spirit. By loosing myself I am not praying help me with this big problem for the big problem is already know by spirit. And the way of spirit is away from the problem and toward the life. At first alone with no life I spent days like this at a time and had the most wonderful experiences in spirit. Then once I got focused in wonder I could take my altar with me in my heart and loose myself in wandering and wonder. Prayer is not what interpretations say, it is lovemaking in the soul, it is feeling my way respectful of timid spirits within myself. You must loose your interpretation of prayer in order to find spiritual union.

It is not necessary to suffer but we veil ourselves and so when suffering happens it points to a veil. Jumping for joy in that moment when you normally react another way would change a smallest point in an equation. (Life is intention, anything less is reaction) The more I stay in romance in spirit the more I find that my moments work and that I grow like a flower unfolding, but when I stray into bondage to interpretation or other than spirit I feel more and more separate and veiled. So the jolt comes to take my heart to the place I met you my life.

Throw away your interpretation of prayer and spend time in wonder.... then you will be able to answer these questions yourself. For the word you seek is very near to you, even in your mouth and in your heart and you do not need a teacher.

Excellent spirit for recieving from God Peh..thank you for what your life demonstrates here.

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-31-2002 at 07:58 PM




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Ken and DNATree

I'm honored beyond words by your words of praise. Thank you both for taking time to post them.

I learned this morning after I posted to Lydia that my mother had died at 5:25 am California time. I am on the east coast.

The "cracked" place in the spirit in which I wrote to Lydia served me well in making it possible to feel my daughter's loss and find words to comfort her. I am so grateful to my G-d and your G-d for making that part of this day.

Since I cannot go to California I am making this reply part of the "farewell" ceremony for my mother, may G-d keep her in his arms forever!





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Everywhere I walked yesterday thoughts of your situation kept coming in. I had tears that after a time turned to joy. Blessed are the broken hearted for they shall have tears of Joy. For I know the emptyness of such a loss but I also know the power of such an emptyness as I am sure you do too. It is hard when one is taken and we are left. And in such a group as this we are all broken by one's loss. For we know it is the spirit working in us to see God's will. But love grows like a tree in our hearts especially in such a spot of heart as this.

Some experiences yesterday,,, the movie dragonfly about such a loss and how the spirit worked in a very mysterious way.

A song that had the words "the words of every sad song seem to say what I think"

Come on (spirit) finish what you've started,, this ain't no way to leave the broken hearted.

The white flower that shows up about mother. The Lilly.

I see great joy in spirit concerning you PEH


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Dear DNATree

How kind of you to think of me, and how sweet the visualizations you gave me. I am blessed.


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I would like to leave this writing I wrote in 1994, I think it is appropriate here. I had to cut some out to make it fit.

These are the words that express the love affair between the writer and his God. If any other should read these it should be consumed as fruit. Eaten and the parts that are not understood are let go of and passed on. Perhaps you might keep these crazy memoirs locked in your dresser drawer until that day your heart is broken. Until then you may not understand the babblings of this fool. In that day this instrument will reveal itself on the strings of your heart in a way you will not be able to comprehend, yet you will feel. Let that day come as a theif in the night. StephenTree Wild Hearts Wild hearts can't be broken Wild hearts can't be broken Was love the pain that started all this Was it the cause that drew the first kiss Or is it the reason I wanted her so My blood runs hot but she already knows This is my passion play This is my passion play The preacher and lawyer have taken my bride By their law she's made to abide Is this the reason that I died It's love across time get ready for the ride This is my passion play This is my passion play The trauma and loneliness of loosing family and children circumcised my heart and shattered my soul. Feeling the pieces revealed a life of romance in spirit that fullfilled all scripture. Each experience over a three year period revealed more and more of what I had longed to understand my whole life. This is the story of You and I. For there is only you and I and when the veil of this flesh is lifted we are one. In the beginning I was called Adam.(Which means Earth) I was alone and like a dream you came out of me.(Eve which means "MY LIFE") In my loneliness, in my bewilderness, through my broken heart you came, my love. You said: You thought you were alone when you let your tears fall But I was in your heart The vacuum that draws me to you. In my loneliness I found her, I found myself, and it was then that I knew that she had always been with me. She was my heart. Ark of the covenant She came back to me my "Dream Box" And it feels like the first time, like the springtime She is more than woman nor man She's MY heart and I can't help but love her She She is life She is my wife She came out from me in the beginning We were one in the beginning She is dream I am dreamer I have been to heaven and I have seen what it will be. It's us living as one eternally Though now you may not see, through the veil separating "the you" and "the me." You see my love, there is only You and I Even if we speak of us and them And though you call yourself conservative and I am called liberal Or you liberal and I conservative Or I the bridegroom and you the bride When the veil of interpretation is lifted or even torn We will be one What power draws the two back together again. It is the heart which is a rose, and the fragrance draws the love you seek. As the altar of incense that stands before the veil between the two houses. The holy place and holy of holies. The fragrance of the heart joins the two together. I want to be your honeybee, won't you be my appletree It's the fragrance of your heart that draws me to you Let the seaswells rise into the air Let the mountains crumble, we don't care I just want to be your honeybee And you can be my appletree I'll be your prince, your wizard, your lion of Judah Anything you want, I can bring it to ya! There is so much the lover wishes to say to his bride. How beautiful you are behind the veil.(The flesh. The words are as mere points in the equation whereas the spirit I wish to offer is the entire equation. This spirit I speak of is that of human, both male and female, being torn over and over (dieing daily) by the apparant pain of life. Yet confident that something is there.. like a mother to comfort when I come out from this womb. Unwilling to accept what man (flesh and blood) has interpreted life to be. Unrelenting in this quest, as though it were another within me or an emptyness designed for this task. Like seeing her eyes (life, she) in a crowded train station and knowing you knew her before yet unable to pinpoint the when. Until one day the coincidences begin that take me on a long journey within myself. Unable to communicate this to anyone without pushing myself further to wearing the purple robe of fool. Yet where it leads within is worth the price of loneliness, and makes use of that pain as though it were the very door to heaven. After twelve years of these coincidences occuring. A dramatic experience happens that shattered my soul. Feeling the pieces reveal a life of romance in spirit that fullfills all scribbling by scribes. It began when I lost my love, my wife, my dream box, and feeling that I would never find the joy I had with her. I longed for her return. She did return but as the life we all had known and lost millenia ago, she is is life, she is my wife. You see, she really never left me for it was God loving me all along. It was "The Passion Play". Ark of the Covenant You came back to me my little dream box And it feels like the first time Like the springtime Your more than woman nor man Your my heart And I can't help but love you My love, my life Even though you sley me Yet do I love you Bust my hymen Tear the veil of my heart And reveal the secrets The true circumcision is of the heart Tares and wheat The veil of interpretation is what hides you from me my love We should never feel shame Or blame RE-MEMBER the pain in the garden You chose to live alone and hide yourself behind your tears Like a veil you have hidden yourself from me I waited, I waited at the door of our house But you would not take me back Why does she hide herself from me!! Re-member the covenant we share Re-member we created the sunrise to remind us TO START NEW! You see my love all relationship consists of "You and I". Even if we are talking of us and them. Groups contending with groups or individuals cooperating or divorcing. There is only you and I, my love And though you call yourself conservative And I am called liberal Or you liberal and I conservative Or I the bridegroom and you the bride When the veil of interpretation (That which separates being interpretation) When this veil is lifted or even torn We will be one This illusion of duality This veil (flesh) is the perishable part, the outer layer of the snake is what will be shed, the outer form of the Cameo blooms but a short season. You and I will stand before each other naked yet without shame. As it was in the beginning my love. Now we see through a glass dimly. This love will unite those who were formally afar off. Eve your name means life you came out from me in the beginning. There seems to be that which I call inside myself and that which I call outside myself. Where do I end and you begin. The smallest of points will soon altar the largest of equations and render all the interpretations meaningless. Thus lifting the veil between you and I. When you feel, feel with all the layers of heart. Don't think girl, feel, therin is your power. Thinking is as considering points in an equation yet I am unaware of the synergy of their combination. You may consider few points at a time yet you can feel every layer of the depth and heigth and width. The heart is a rose and the fragrance can draw anything your heart desires. Clear the table of your mind it appears to have conflicting forms on it because of empty interpretation. Remove the veil with your love. I am always at the door waiting and I will love you in any form you desire. Turn around brite eyes. (Total eclipse of the heart) Your interpretations are the veil. You must give up your life in order to gain it. You must loose control in order to find it. I got up from my bed feeling lost and alone. I went out on the street looking for the one my heart adores. (Song of Soloman) Have you seen my love I cry out feeling this deep emptiness. Moments later I have forgotten everything for something has taken my heart and I am again found. Life seems to be that I constantly loose myself and find myself in a completly new way over and over again. Again in this moment the poetry begins to flow and again I am found. My life is hidden in you. In you I have my being, and move, and live. Our love is poetry in motion. You thought you were alone when you let your tears fall. But you were in my heart the vacuum that drew you to me. Let my anger tear the veil which lies between you and I, for to put the wrath on you is to be angry at ones self. This is the cycle of pain. This veil (interpretation) is not part of us. It was the clothes we were handed at birth. Meant to wear until we found each other, my love. Then we are clothed in glory. When I look at you I look past this veil,.. and see myself. Then who you are,...who I am,...who we are is clear. (Think of the pain and loneliness of the young lion as he peers into the pool.(Lion King) I remember now that when I found you, I was to leave my father and my mother, and cling to you. Individual, on either side of the veil. Without interpretation, with nothing but the emptyness that is individual. Naked before each other (unveiled) they are the same, they are one. The ones emptyness is filled by the others fullness, here is the mystery of ecstacy. This truth is all of this and more. You, you my love are wonder-ful. This is the key to more. When you think you have finished unveiling this mystery, I swear, you have just begun. It has not entered into the mind of man that which is prepaired for you, my love.(NT,bible) I do not speak of what you will read here. No, this is a shadow of the love affair that is the experience of this man. You are a completely new expression and if you are aware of what you are experiencing then you are aware you were carried on eagles wings to this meeting between you and I. The true romance, the true worship will be at the door of YOUR spirit. How beautiful you are behind the veil. Tablernackle (OT,bible) The original intent, A thin veil is hottest isn't it baby. What shall I liken this love affair to: It is like the steps of a blind man that are met by plateaus. This love is like the groove the needle rides, Rock me in the groove. Heaven is like you and I in love, no words are necessary, it is unspoken. Yet all is said. Heaven is in puddles, like a squirrel in the woods unseen until she spirit moves, then she is distinguished from the backround. Like the wind when she moves you hear it. Deut 30:14 For the word you seek is very near to you, even in your mouth and in your heart. She comes to me in many forms, and in poetry and syncronicity When he and she meet they KNOW!!! it is right They dance like waves on an ocean of romance He builds a house from the bottom up She cleans it from the top down When he and she meet they know it is right She She is life She is my wife I have been joined with her She and I were one in the beginning She came out from me in the beginning she is my dream I am dreamer He builds the house from the ground up she cleans it from the top down when he and she meet they know it is right What is the momentum of all that I AM? I am relationship. I am the joining of two houses. Remember the pattern in the wilderness. Exodus 25:9 He builds a physical house, she creates a spiritual. She and I, You and I. There is only you and I, my love. Ohh baby when we touch the honesty is to much, and I have to close my eyes and hide. Moses veiled his face from me on the mountain. He had to veil himself from the people. At the reading of interpretation a veil came over all their eyes. If my face were suddenly unveiled, you would surely die.(change) I promised you in the beginning. I hid from you in the garden. I am the desires of your heart. Relationship, the fragrance that draws the honeybee to the appletree. Spirit to form. Consider for a moment the fragrance of our love.

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-03-2002 at 10:54 PM



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Dear DNATree

You are brave to share your writing with us. I'm not sure I grasped the full meaning you intended but this one sentence struck me as being especially full of meaning concerning the relationship between the believer and God:



I am the desires of your heart


My prayer for you and all of His beloved children is that we might find Him Who seeks us; whether in joy, or in a broken and contrite heart and spirit, may we find Him Whom our souls love.



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Because it is a written record and so many are speaking of what they have not experienced but read. The resurrection seems only valid when you have actually experienced it. Out of that experience (testimony) you are capable of overcoming. So it does not matter wether it happened or not, just that it happens to you. Let the presumtuous go in their closet and find it before they preach it.


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So far removed from the original spirit when these things were happening and so many self appointed priests having interpreted in 2000 yrs, so I know that I should read it but stay away from the interpretations waiting only for the spirit to reveal what cannot be figured out. Even if it seems it can be figured out, it is obvious from the many interpretations that it is not to be figured out by interpretation but rather when you find your back against the wall and no way out, that experience that occurs that in itself says "If God be for you, who (including christians) can be against you". And when the spirit reveals to your spirit that the meaning of what has been written is for a myramid of intentions and creations by our fathers and by ourselves, and, that in my own pain and separatness I did have it spoken by my life in the very moments of my daily experiences what it is that is separating me from that Spirit of God. And finding the very thing that I was instructed as a child to worship was actually an interpretation that was the cause of the separation. (Veil) And in understanding this I was led to be (born again) each day in the newness of spirit having died to that law (interpretation) but alive to the spirit in each moment. For in the moment having one thing taken and leaving an emptyness I found what it is that fills each moment and with what it fills so that it was given me in the moment poetry to remember the spirit of that moment as spoken by the spirit. Blessed is she (spirit, life, those that despitfully used me) that nailed me to this tree! (dnatree)


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Let's say that you found spirit, and spirit revealed in the book the smallest of points that the interpretations of the day overlooked. And this smallest of points changed every point (made all things new) that you were taught by the interpretations and in fact this point that was shown you was spirit itself. Now those that reason having experienced this would understand it reasonably. But those that have not it would be reasonable that they had not recognised this although the book they reason with demands that there faith is not in the book but in the spirit.

As those that went before us, I must limit (humble myself) myself to your reality to speak to you. (pre spirit christians) They do not know of the box they are in.

Every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.


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Jesus in the spirit said "Only those that the father gives me hear my voice" Wether a spirit is of God or of interpretation is known by the fruit, but speaking in parables so that they could not see, they being the veiled. So because one man recognises spirit and another calls it foosishness was this not the same for Jesus. So it is the good pleasure of spirit to draw one to water, and if this be water from spirit will not the spirit lead the thirsty to the water. So you see like a tree I offer this fruit but it is the work of spirit to lead the seeker to water. The tree knows the intent of fruit and of seed. I would that you believe spirit before you believe me. For to the interpretors who do not know that the virgin is pregnant they see it as foolishness that she hungers for pickles and icecream, but is it right for her to listen to them or to continue to ALLOW that emptyness to be filled with what she knows within spirit will satisfy. If you love the letter (law and interpretations) more than spirit than you will die by that letter without ever living, but if you love spirit you will die to the letter (interpretations) and be alive to spirit, being led beyond what satisfies the dead. First tell Jesus that he was wrong in speaking in such a way that only those in spirit could understand, then maybe spirit would reveal another way for it to be done since man's wisdom feels they are right. But for now I cannot but offer it as it has been given to me, so am I to change what was given so that it looks like an interpretation, or leave it full of wonder as spirit gave it? Consider also that what is coming will reveal why these things are veiled to some, but now in there interpretations to some I am anti-christ, but then those that speak of spirit having experienced spirit seem to have less trouble seeing the greater intent of the heart.

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-30-2002 at 10:46 PM



Registered: Mar 2000

Location: Indiana

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Actually you have mixed 2 verses together... you said:

"Only those that the father gives me hear my voice"

(John 6:37 NNAS) "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.

And there are 4 other verses that deal with "my voive", but it seems likely you were referring to

(John 10:27 NNAS) "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;

Cut here…………………..


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Thankyou Ken,

But actually I leave the burden of proof to spirit for I am not referring to a verse as to the letter of a book but to a spirit when I said "only those that the father gives me hear my voice" For though it is true that both things were written in two spots the spirit is that which I wrote. It is nice that you have found that the complete spirit of what I said was found in two verses. You see it is also true of that spirit that those that are drawn are those that spirit led, and also it is true that they are they that would hear "my voice" but to those that "hear" it was not Jesus or DNATREE that they are listening to "but they know when they hear spirit" And so when you are reading the book (bible) it is not Jesus or Peter or Moses that you hear or that you are seeking. So when you say "it is not clear what verse you are referring to" I am not refering to a verse but a spirit for the mystery surrounding what is really sacred will soon separate verse and spirit bone and marrow. Lastly it will soon be common knowledge that judgeing spirit by scripture is a stumbling block but those that have found spirit judge spirit by spirit and spirit will in the end fullfill every jot and tittle of the book some worship as God. So for now I can only say what my life has said and of course it will not match some theology interpretations. You see I have not condemned when I said that out of the mouth of what is called christian has their own end come. For in truth spirit sees the good intent of each heart and there is much good in your and my "working out our salvation with much awe and passion" but of course the words as they were translated were a slightly different spirit. Hmmm wonder how the spirit got changed in the book, could it be a fearful interpretor that translated awe of God to make it something awefull or terrible. So you see though I read the book and I too was to first interpret it as the fearful for I too experienced that. When I began to have experiences in spirit they were not terrible but full of awe and wonder. And what seemed to be important in the spirit was not what was picked to be important by those that wished to "Lord it over me". The spirit only saw as though I was already perfect, so I guess the one Jesus in the spirit accomplished what he set out to do. But is he so proud that once done it was not offered free. Or must I first pay Jesus homage rather than the true savior which was the spirit that was in him. You see have I not glorified only spirit in all that I have written, you see that is my intent. For it was man's interpretations that made the glory go to "who is right". And so I don't have to be right for spirit avenges my heart.

You see Ken, though you think that it was not YOU and I that have dealt with interpretations before and the outcome was much different. For once the interpretors argued the world was flat because that was what the interpretations said that the scriptures said. And inventors such as my father were killed because the scripture said that messing with things like electricity was not what God wanted us to do. Now in these days we are past that and the interpretors from that day are dead but the invention that they declared was not scriptual lives on. Was not it the interpretation of scripture that was the stumbling block in all of these instances before. But now in this day the interpretors know better they think. But in the age to come all interpretation will end, and tongues and knowledge but the spirit which is the WORD of God will endure. And what of those interpretations that were so right and each generation men were killed and told how wrong they were. Those interpretations along with the interpretors are dead! But the spirit of the one that saw past the veil of interpretation (inventor, writer, man of faith not of interpretation) lived on past the interpretations. So what I am saying is that "judge a tree by it's fathers" for Jesus saw that the Pharasees were not of their father Abraham (who was not of interpretation but of faith in spirit) or of Moses (who did not go out into the wilderness to find an interpretation but a spirit) But the Pharasees were of there father the law, the interpretation, the established right way as was written, the snake was their father for the snake is writing over time that losses the spirit because of the fearful controllers that interpreted. You can tell when spirit died in what is called church when it was the romans that were no longer the killers but the christians were the crusaders and they started killing because of their interpretation. Is this how the father/son of christianity accomplished his intent? It is a worldly mind that believes God would not trick the world by letting such interpretations change the whole spirit for the very Chosen were not spared in 60 AD when the temple and the nation were scattered. But in this time all will be accomplished in a short time and the right people that even when they persecuted the inventor seemed sanctioned by God but though those interpretors died believing they were right and the inventor died having left an invention to live on but he was shamed, in time spirit avenged the heart and we now know that the interpretor was wrong. But all things are changing faster and by 2012 what we all believe will be changed by the smallest of points overlooked by the builders.

There is a reason why I cannot "give an interpretation" for "what spirit is" for not having experienced spirit it would be misinterpreted. But I will say this that many synchronicities have been written on this website that explain aspects of spirit's nature within my reality and these layering and growing in relationship to my life and spirit can be seen as a tree that grew overtime. And this tree cannot be described except that it grow in you. All my past interpretations were as the grass and the thornbushes that when the fire (time of trouble in my own life came) these burned up and the tree remained. So you see my faith is not based on something I read or heard or chose to believe but on the continued layering of days in awe of my own life and the spirit as manefested in the synchronicities. So when they ask "what spirit" I must say that as they would not understand my father Lewis C. Spence (inventor) but I understand him because I know him. So they who do not know the spirit (heavenly father) will not know whom I speak, for it is in the relationship with that spirit as I experienced it at the edge of death and in the mundane moments of each day that makes me know of whom I speak and that it is of God. I am sure the interpretors have an interpretation for why it was written in days of old that when a man lay with his wife it was that he KNEW her. For nothing is created in spirit but that you know her. But the spirit that created interpretations is disjointed and it is really a theory as it does not fit from beginning to end but the poetry of life (spirit) fits across the board from the relationship of husband and wife to you and I to us and them to God and man. For spirit was in poetry she before it was he and it was for that reason that a man KNEW his wife.

As for what name is this spirit, you have heard it said "his name is wonderful" and "his name is councelor" but the original intent of name like under any other name was not given you do not know what the original spirit of NAME is. For name did not exist before spirit and name separated spirit as all language "name giving" did. So if what we mean by the Name Jesus no longer has the same spirit as when it was when he was walking the planet then the name has lost the spirit and it is only an empty shell such as a body without a spirit is no longer Joe. But a day is as a thousand years to God so it is the morning of the third day, and though he lay dead in the tomb of interpretation this spirit is to rise again and put away the power of the snake forever.

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-02-2002 at 09:58 PM


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Hi Smaller,

I have been on a trip to see my daughter Raine so I could not answer until now.

You say that the problem as you see it is DEPARTURE FROM THE WORD. But you see it is Christianity that has departed. For all that claim that others departed from the word have departed from the word for the word is not scripture. Jesus indicated that there would be those that take the veils from the foot of the cross and put them on as if they could imitate the spirit that was in Jesus. But just as the faith of Moses and Abraham were different from the manifestation of faith in Jesus so you are to be a new creature, and it is made obvious who it is that is putting on the clothes left behind and who it is that receives a garment from spirit. For the word is not the word that was... that is scripture. But the word of God as spoken through the prophet Elijah, or through StephenTree, or through one filled with true spirit will not appear as one that put on garments from the foot of the cross. For a new creature is he who dwells in spirit and leaves the old behind. You see any one point along the way that was changed would leave interpretation which many believe to be God meaningless. So the chances that the interpretors of this generation are correct is impossible. But one born of spirit is as one that has let all that go and speaks only of what spirit has given.

You say our separations are caused by sin... but the word sin was derived by the word separation (from God and each other) And it is interpretation that is separating us, God and man. Yes the SCRIPTURE does tell us that over and over, but scripture is an idol if it is made to be the WORD. For which would you follow the word from God or the interpretation of scripture which man demands you believe to be the word of God for us now, so they can use this word in any way to control others. I have shown that the smallest of points changes the equation and meaning of scripture so that one using it to control others is meaningless. But that you have the power of God manifested in your life that would sway more than the dead rhetoric of Christianity.

I do understand how the masses that have not been crushed by spirit could believe that scripture was the word of God as the interpreters of past ages have set it up to be. But if God were to reveal to you that the word of God is alive in you and not in a book (except that spirit reveal a meaning thereof) then you would follow that word would you not? Now without telling me what the book says about scripture being profitable, tell me where it indicates the word of God to be a book. A scroll also is pointing to DNA spiral. For the book does insist that the word of God is in your mouth and in your heart, and that the word of God as spoken by the prophets was the word of God, but if the book said that the writings of scripture were to be the word of God (for this generation) and that spirit would make it so then the children of the fathers of interpretation would have a case but it does not!

But under the false assumption that the book is the word of God many evils have been done against others and many more will be done. For the SON OF MAN has endured three days (one day is as a thousand years, morning of third day is upon us) and will rise again and put away the power of the interpreters that have been separating men. I am going to post (Does Scripture Decay) and speak more of this on this forum. I also am going into spirit about this forum to create a seed which will change many things in the lives of those participating. For then it will reveal the splitting to the marrow over what is spirit and what is the intent of each heart. Many will be glad, and many will have their heart's intent revealed.


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I am not trying to get you to accept another interpretation (this one being by me) I am showing the futility of interpreting by reading or thinking. Only keeping belief empty until spirit fills it in a way that I know that my "interpretation" is from God and right for ME. It is how I show the need for spirit rather than "interpretations" handed us by the last generation. By leaving belief empty until spirit explains it would allow reading (being baptised in the words of the book) but the baptism of spirit is of spirit not of the words, and it will fulfill the book but not at all as it has been interpreted by the religions or the generations before us.


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If a child were to reason why their parents get divorced most often they would come to the wrong conclusion without an adult helping them with it. If a child does not understand that the food is not prepared yet they might cry, then he would need an adult to explain the process of food preparation.(AND THE WORK OF SPIRIT) And if the child still does not understand then the child would have to trust what the parent says is true. In the same manner what we think we understand about scripture and the past (history) would be influenced by the other youngsters on the planet and without consulting the "spirit of the father" we would find ourselves like unruly adolescents "going astray" as christianity has in the past 2000 yrs. So it is the job of spirit to "lead the child of God into all truth". After learning from spirit, I have found how easy it is without spirit to believe any current or fashion of understanding. But what is the chance that the fashion or current of thought is of God? I too believed in the fashion of the church until spirit took hold of me and then all that was written concerning him that spirit would take hold of was experienced but it was at the hand of christians that my stripes were recieved. The irony of it was the understanding that comes from being in such a position. Now what I have spoken has been very misunderstood by many on this board for you say that what if two were to recieve two different experiences leading to two separate truths could they both be right for them. Yes, that is what is intended between the liver cell and the kidney cell. For both started with the same foundation but because of their position in the body they were to become two separate NEW CREATURES. Now this would scare the worldly mind of the modern christian not knowing the work of the spirit. For what I have spoken of on this forum was the foundation given by spirit that would lead you to anything your heart desires, and God would sanctify it and make it right. But without knowing spirit one would think this foolishness. No Ken the job of scripture was to convict, the job of spirit is to fill, so you having believed the job of scripture is to fill might fill that which spirit alone is to. Why is it such a stretch of the imagination to believe that the worldly interpretors of the past that protestants rejected would have made a mistake about the difference between scripture and the Word of God for the Word of God once written is not the word of God without the original spirit as given to Elijah, or John the Baptist, or Jesus. You believe that the churches have the spirit correct of the scripture therefore it is still the word of God. Not knowing that God is Spirit one might believe that the understanding given to the words of scripture is the same spirit, but I tell you it is only an idol blocking the door. Before writing, in order to understand the suttleness of spirit man made idols from their experience in spirit and later generations misinterpreted, therefore it was written that you should not make an idol. But not understanding the true spirit of that man when writing came along thought that they could preserve the true spirit in the words but alas I tell you the true spirit is in your mouth and in your heart, and the spirit given to the words of 2000 years ago by this generation is ANTICHRIST!


As long as you believe the lie that scripture is the word of God you would not look for the word of God in your experience. You would be full already if the scripture were the word of God. But it cannot be for God is not the author of such confusion. If you find the word of God it would reveal the true nature of scripture and interpretation.

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-19-2002 at 07:14 PM


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The Christian Abomination that is coming

The abomination that will cause desolation

Religion is where the fearful and unbelieving hide themselves behind a veil, but in the end religion and the fearful will perish. For spirit indicates that "Isreal" is "one man that struggles between man and God and overcomes"

If you were to hear Jesus speak of how the message that he was conveying would change in spirit until you had what was to be called the abomination that will cause the desolation of mankind, and the abomination of the original Intent. This could easily be seen at the time of Jesus because even though those around him were right there with him they did not comprehend the spirit. So like the twelve always signifies they began to interpret what Jesus meant,,, and then years later (300plus years) men far removed from Jesus and that original spirit were trying to tie down the interpretation by selecting which letters and writings would be kept and called a new testament. Now if a group of men in modern times were to do that and then say that this (these letters and writings were to be viewed as "THE MOST HOLY WORD OF GOD you would laugh at them and say well I will perhaps read them but I know that if it differs from the original spirit then it would only cause an abomination of that original spirit, therefore I would be left with the words of Jesus which speak exactly of that abomination spirit and how that it would come to be. But because Jesus’ words are in there with it you try to make it all fit into an interpretation (an abomination) Because when the truth that Jesus was talking about returns, those that worship the abomination that Christianity has become will do the greatest of separations as they themselves believe that the words of scripture are the word of God. But he who overcomes will know that though Christians believe that Jesus would not trick the sheep like that,,, it is for a very good reason. For the only way to make straight the way of the lord is to remove the abomination that is blocking the door between the two houses.. (the veil) But because they believe it sacred and indeed they believe it to be the word of God, they will blindly refuse as their mirrors of other religions are seemingly stupid in their unwillingness to let go of their abomination and find spirit within them.. which would lead to such a fulfillment anyway. But don't believe me.. but do believe Jesus,,, For if you really believed his words you would have been crushed and hated by the right people (self righteous,, according to their interpretation of a book. And you would not recognize real faith that is of God though apart from the law)

You see the smallest of points,, will soon altar the interpretation rendering all the so called Christian interpretations meaningless. The only way to find God is within,,, and if 6 billion people find him it will be in 6 billion ways, for God is much bigger than the box that Christians put him in. Yes it is the fulfillment of scripture... but not via interpretation.. but by spirit. For to know the spirit is to see beyond that veil. Soon we will find out if the fearful masses that call themselves Christians indeed love their interpretation more than they do each other,,, or for that matter, more than they love ME.. The least of the brethren! So sure they are right that they now demand all worship their interpretation which will soon perish with them. Many that do not know me or Jesus think that I pull my interpretation from the air... but those in the spirit know from whom all things come. Enjoy your rightness,, and the moment you have in the firing seat, where since you are so obviously right that you don't even hear what others say.. no.. it is merely your turn (senior elite,, chief,, Christian) to laugh and say how foolish others seem to be, why can't they see what is WRITTEN in front of their eyes. Love your interpretations,,, because they will be changed,, in a moment,,, in a twinkling of an eye.. And the truth you have demanded was right will perish as your life also will. But if you actually find find the spirit Jesus was talking of, you will overcome all churches and interpretations, and there will only be, You and I, my life.

No we are too smart for that... it escapes their notice that never have the religious been right. Religion is not the path, prayer in a closet is.


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Like the smallest of points that changes the entire equation this thread has been altered by one word that changes it's meaning. The original title that I posted with that was modified by someone was (The abomination of INTERPRETATION that will cause desolation) And the fulfillment of what you also indicated is exactly what I am saying IS HAPPENING AS WE SPEAK but they will not believe it is interpretation that causes the desolation. So it would be better that you have no interpretation and run and get your heart broken (circumcised) that you might tear through those layers of your heart and find the truth. A broken and contrite heart will be had by everyone soon. Believing that God is coming to make you right because of your interpretation. But at that time many will ask that the mountains just fall on them for the broken heart that they posses will burn up all interpretation and everything that is not of spirit. And then will a great outpouring come to those that believe beyond that to the spirit and all will be fulfilled. But to those that cling to interpretation it will be as a falling away, yet those that repent and let go of interpretation spirit will fulfill the scripture to the last jot and tittle but not as anything they have imagined. For thus will be the lesson of interpretation and "no fleshly interpretation will glory" but on that which comes from spirit will SAVE you. Thus making real what each Christian has spoken with their lips, and reconciling those on this planet that seem far away in interpretation but that the "right people" have killed because of the interpretation being different. Upon this generation will all the wrath of the abomination of interpretation be poured out in that they feeling right by their own interpretation (righteousness) have put to death billions such as the savages and the pagans, but had they recognized spirit they would have recognized them, though different in interpretation, yet they spoke only of spirit and not interpretation. For each have heard them speak of the GREAT SPIRIT that made all things, and provides all things, but you did not recognize that that was the same, HOLY SPIRIT that made all things , and provides all things. Cling to the illusion of being right and you too will perish along with the veil that is about to be removed.




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that is an interesting understanding. i must admit that, while i believe i am grasping the fundamentals of the statement, i may be a bit lost toward the culmination of interpretation presented.

however, as i am understanding it, i believe it opens up quite a paradox.

for you see, you made this statement,

"Cling to the illusion of being right and you too will perish along with the veil that is about to be removed."

now, this begs the question, "do you think you are right?"

you must think you are right, else, why would you be making assertations that you consider to be "truth"

as for me, i am of the mind that scripture is right. it is the word of the LORD and the LORD is always right.

in this sense, i may say with certainty that "god is love" and that i am right in that statement and anyone who claims, "god is not love" i may say to them, "you are wrong", and my judgement of errency is true.

however, i am wondering, "are you right"?

it seems to me that you have trapped yourself in a paradigm in which there can be only wrong.

for, if you answer, "yes, i am right", then, haven't you negated your entire premise which is against those that are "right"?

if you answer, "no, i am wrong" then you are again wrong.

how do you reconcile this paradox?

i will admit that i may be misunderstanding your statement, though i will also ask, "who is right?"

if no one is "right" then, of course everyone is wrong, including you, which makes everyone "right"

quite a paradox




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What I am saying is it is not important to be right as in the spirit, so it is not important if I am right just that I am in the spirit and if spirit decides to make me right then that is for her good purpose for apart from spirit I know I am unable to see truthfully what is in front of me. If you look for someone to be right that you might follow them you will likewise perish. I speak of whom the source is not what the interpretation should be, for in reality there is no interpretation, but ask anything of the father, believing, but without spirit what is believable. I just got your post and will answer more later but gotta run to brunch with the girlfriend right now. (Consider however that Jesus's interpretation was not from scripture but completely from spirit, yet it fit, fulfilled scripture and he was made right because of faith not because he had the right interpretation.) So now do you believe that you can be made right be interpretation?



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have a pleasant brunch.

as for your question, though i will admit , though i believe i am interpreting it correctly, i may be mistaken.

as for being made "right", it is my understanding that only the LORD can do that for someone. to make them "morally right" so to speak. as for if you are asking "do you think your understanding of scripture is correct"/ then i would have to say, yes, according to the understanding given to me, my understanding of scripture is correct.

by, i do not think this understanding makes me "right" morally speaking, but "right" concerning "what is truth"?

not to say, i know everything. but what i know, i suppose i know.

however, i can see what you mean by what you are saying, i believe, and i would agree with it to the most part.

it seems most are concerned with being "right" in interpretation. but it is my understanding that there are those that are "right" yet, unconcerned with "being right".

but it wouldn't be prudent to "throw out the baby with the bath water" so to speak

but i understand this is a deep subject with myriad points of perception from which to grasp the underlying principle.



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Ya know, I don't think I have the gift of interpreting tongues, as I don't think I understood what you were trying to point out. I don't recall you stating that Jesus is the ONLY way to GOD, nor that Jesus Christ is Lord. For only by the Spirit can a man say Jesus Christ is Lord, and from your lengthy conversation, I didn't perceive you to have this Spirit. Perhaps you can slow down and collect your thoughts a bit more concisely, maybe add some coherency to go along with it? I think you confuse the love of the Word and the desire to know what it says, among us, as being religious and not spiritual? It is the desire of our Lord that we meet and discuss his Word that we might understand how to keep it and be like those in the church at Philadelphia. We would wish it to be said of us" because thou hast kept my Word, I will keep thee from the hour of trial...". It seems, and I say seems as I am having trouble following your point, that you come here, spouting off that we won't listen to another viewpoint, yet one would think that you would state the viewpoint before tearing into us for not listening. Why are you so angry?



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While I was on my trip to see my daughter I was given this walking around El Paso about your comment, "why are you so angry?"

It is not that I have confused as much as perhaps you are confused.

For you percieve me angry when I am being adamant about my intent.

So let me ask you,,,, was Jesus angry when he cleared the temple, or was he adamant? And if he was angry, with what anger was he angry?

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-17-2002 at 10:43 PM



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Does Scripture Decay, while the Word of God endures forever?

Does Scripture’s meaning decay? Does Language decay? While the word of God endures unchanged in our beings.

How does AWE (of God, life) become AWEFUL (I am saving the punchline for last, the smallest of points that will change any equation towards love) It was love that used the grain, from the temple, to feed the masses though the interpretations of the day were that that was a sin. It was love that saved the life of a woman when the interpretations of the day were to stone her. It was love that answered the interpreters when they said that you must wash your hands before eating and the answer was that it was not what goes into the body that defiles but what comes out of it. (for out of the heart comes……) You see it is what you put in your heart that matters, if it is interpretations then it will be by those interpretations that you have judged the world that you will be judged. So why is it so that the word of God not be recorded as in a book but that it be in your heart?

· From scribe to scribe

· Without spirit of the ORIGINAL INTENT of God (life) they INTERPRET in vain

· As new generations of (separated) interpreters change the meaning of words so that the words loose original intents and gain other meanings put there by fearful dogmatic interpreters (pharasees) causing a decay in the original intent of the meaning of words and most phrases in scripture.

· As cultures change meaning changes of words. (example: In the time of Jesus the word "name" carried more layers of meaning than it does now. As in the “name of Jesus” They hate the light because it reveals them separate from the light, therefore they take away from the original meaning.)(decay)

· Having a form of religion but denying the power. (they clothed themselves in the veils left at the bottom of the cross. (interpretations)

· Following flesh and blood (Only you "spirit of God" can make me happy)

· All things come forth from God yet they decay because of (separation from God) sin. Consider a flower, or manna. For the true manna is that bread that comes down from heaven that you should eat and live. The true manna will not decay.

· The supposed self evident truths of our fathers were written down less because it was thought to be known by all so why record the obvious. Example: There once was a common understanding of the twelve tribes idea that led to Zodiac and the twelve Apostles but is not written plainly in scripture other than the pattern of the twelve surrounding the tabernacle and this being called “the pattern”.)

Rather than elaborate on each of these clues, I would like to give others a chance to input their experience and understanding that came, not from a book, but from God.

And so spirit of our fathers, I INTEND by knowing your ways that you bless these words and use them to reveal your purpose and our original intent, our first love.

Love believes all things but the letter of none. Remain empty (of interpretation) until God fills. (Only you can make me happy, my life, my love, my God. You Spirit of God are "the way", you are the life I live, you are the truth. Let all men be called liars, let me be born new as one that forgot the former interpretations that you might fill me.

Last edited by DNATREE on 07-17-2002 at 08:54 PM


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Spirit, Romance and Childs Play

I am about to go see my daughter (Raine) in Alabama by bus from California. This is part of a scrapbook I have about our experiences. She is 10 years old now. The song Rain by Madonna came out just after I felt I would loose my daughter forever in 1993. For those that have trouble with the spirit I come from this might be a door to better understand where I am coming from.

The story of Raine

The Story of Rain(e)



I feel it, it's coming

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

When your lips are burning mine And you take the time to tell me how you feel

When you listen to my words And I know you've heard, I know it's real

Rain is what this thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

When you looked into my eyes

And you said goodbye could you see my tears

When I turned the other way

Did you hear me say

I'd wait for all the dark clouds bursting in a perfect sky

You promised me when you said goodbye

That you'd return when the storm was done

And now I'll wait for the light, I'll wait for the sun

Till I feel your

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say, never go away

Waiting is the hardest thing

(It's strange I feel like I've known you before)

I tell myself that if I believe in you

(And I want to understand you)

In the dream of you

(More and more)

With all my heart and all my soul

(When I'm with you)

That by sheer force of will

(I feel like a magical child)

I will raise you from the ground

(Everything strange)

And without a sound you'll appear

(Everything wild)

And surrender to me, to love

Rain is what the thunder brings

For the first time I can hear my heart sing

Call me a fool but I know I'm not

I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain top

Till I feel your

Rain, I feel it, it's coming

Your love's coming down like

Rain, feel it on my finger tips Hear it on my window pane

Your love's coming down like

Rain, wash away my sorrow Take away my pain

Your love's coming down like rain

Let me dress your wounds ,Let me ease your pain, These arms are shelter

In the pourin' rain..

For ear has not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man what is prepared for you my love

Romance and Child’s Play

By StephenTree

A collection of short stories about Raine and her Father

Romance and Childs Play

During the period of my life that I was able to spend a lot of time with Raine, (my daughter) I began to think about writing about our experiences together so that Raine and I would have our own history and it also was related to my writing about life. So one particular day we were having fun and fixing dinner. It was just after the hurricane and Raine was helping me set the table in the kitchen but there was very little light because the storm had damaged the house and the lights were not on in the kitchen. Raine always liked to add something new to the table like she did when she played with her tea set. She told me that she wanted to take the candle from the small writing table (altar) and put it on the table so that we could eat. It was then that I knew the story I wanted to write about our experiences in wonder and magic together. For I then realized that the same way that I added something new that came into my life and into my writing table to dream about, Raine was doing to our dinner table and in her play. So I saw that my romance with life was as childs play and that Raines play was nothing other than romance with life.

Break my Teacher’s Heart

Raine and I wanted to have magic happen all the time but on this one occasion Raine was intentional about it and I had woke up feeling that Raine and I would have magic today. We were going to a Blackwater state park to go walking. On the way Raine started to do magic. She said watch this daddy, “break my teacher’s heart” and she broke a craker. She was very excited about this because she too felt that she was making magic. Just a minute later Raine began to get excited about controlling the moment and she also began to get very loud. I had to say loudly “Raine” and because I did not want her that loud she began to cry. I had been given a box of tapes with recorded music and selected one from the box to play so that she might calm down. The tape was not at the beginning but I put it in the player, the words that came from the Vanilla Ice song on the tape were…”I knew it from the start you would break my heart, you had me wound around your little bitty finger. Raine looked at me in astonishment and I looked back at her excited because of the words that were “in the moment”. Later Raine and I rewound this tape and put it in a recorder and let her say the words “break my teacher’s heart” just before the song began to play.

Dream a Party

I always loved to go new places and Raine at three years old she loved to be invited to parties more than anything. So whenever we would go anywhere we would run into a party or a fair in a small town and something strange would always be at the party or fair as well. Like the time that Raine and I ventured into Alabama and there was a fair downtown in a small town that we came across. The first thing we noticed was a balloon the same colors as the outfit Raine had on so we got it. Not only was it the same colors (green and yellow) but also the swirls on the balloon even matched the yellow swirls in her dress. We went weekly and sometimes daily to the local park and almost every time there was a party there and even if we are on the other side of the park we would end up getting invited to the parties.

Bad to the Bone in the Tree Daddy

Once Raine and I were driving with a friend (Barry Jones) in the car and we were doing a audio recording. The subject was related to an emotion having to do with the song “bad to the bone” as dna reaching to the bone, to the inner most hidden place within. Raine wanted to be in on the conversation but she knew she had to say something clever in order for me to let her say it on tape. She waited and then blurted out “bad to the bone in the tree daddy”. Hmm I thought, yes “in the tree” bad to the bone in the DNATREE,, Yes she had done it. She had said something clever to put on tape.


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Emptyness and Spirit

I am astonished by this angel guiding me on my journey through loneliness, she fills my emptiness, in bewilderness, it's a loose interpretation (clue) of the original exodus. (Original Emptiness intent)

After posting the following message on the internet Pam and I had many Synchs this week about that emptiness and the work of spirit.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for rightiousness, and blessed are those that know they are poor in spirit for they shall be filled, Don't be ashamed of feeling empty, of not having the answers. Allow yourself to be empty and let no man fill what is the spirits to fill. She waited for her beloved and knew his heart when she met him.

Pam and I talked about the time I had gone through so much about emptyness in a deserted canyon wilderness. I was crying because I had lost home and children and was alone and my life had indicated that "she (my life) is even now at the door". So I was in this basin crying "girl, girl, why have you forsaken me" speaking of spirit from my perspective. I then found myself in a layered cave with no ceiling. The spirit said that I was in the "heart of girl" I was crying and digging because I needed so much and did not know where it would come from. I found this ugly small stone "beginning of a pearl" I did not know what was to happen in the days to come but now I know it was to layer that pearl. (Cameo)

So this week she wanted to take me to a place called "Indian grinding rock" near volcano california. We were talking about the grinding rock and aspects of heart. (many holes in the rock used to grind acorns) Then we began to talk about the "vacuum of emptyness that draws what the heart will allow" Like remaining empty during a fast to draw spiritual food. We went to the next park which was called "black Chasm" it was a large cave under our feet we were told. (large emptyness) and then the synch with the gems and the water because that was also what they did there. So spirit reminded me of the experiences before about the gems coming from the emptiness. "blessed are the poor (empty) in spirit". But this adventure matched the experiences I had had before about emptiness and gems. We also played with the spirit here.

(Black chasm, emptiness, the chasm between you and I on this planet. the emptyness between us. Chasm spelt shasim,,, shazam!!! the emptyness is a magic word or the magic word more closely is in the emtyness, in the chasm. (writer) What's wrong with the obvious, get a clue vs an interpretation. Gems water panning emptyness.) Ok, so you see how my life offers many aspects to WONDER after.)

Pam and I walked to the store and on the way we found a braslet with 11 gems (yellow green, found by the road) we then went to the store and she wanted candles so we found these new ones the exact color of the gems and the candles said "fortune" on them. So then we came home after renting the movie DEEPLY that just came out on video. It was about a story how a love was lost and how this story reached to the heart and of the emptyness between the two lost lovers. The story spotlighted a boat that was the same green as the braclet and the candles, the boat was called "fates fortune" having to do with the "knowing" that the emptyness had brought. Then we began to have images of Micheal Angelo's painting of man reaching to God and the GAP between their fingers reaching. And then of the poem I wrote my daughter about reaching for each other. Many other Synchs occurred about the power of emptyness and of not filling it with an interpretation until spirit gives you something real. So this is just the last few days in which all this and much more happened about the spirit and emptyness. About creating emptyness in the form of what we want and allowing it to come.

Can you feel what the faith of one that has had experiences with spirit would be like compared to reading a book and trying to believe?

So you see that between you and I is this veil,,, and in my knowing I wish to focus on creating an empty place where the veil once was so that like the Gap between neurons something magical can happen. (where ever two, or three are gathered in my name (spirit) , there I AM in the midst.

(The smallest of points will soon alter the largest of equations and render all their INTERPRETATIONS meaningless. Thus fulfilling all scripture)

Do you love me? If you did you would recieve my spirit. But if you love your interpretation more,, then it is by that interpretation that you will be made desolate. The "right people" of this day no matter what religion love their interpretation more than they love me, therefore the "interpretors" (muslims,baptists)on the right will battle the "interpretors" on the left (catholic, jews) and you will see how nature eliminates the proud and the self rightious. But those that hold the interpretations will have no room for the spirit that is to come from this separation (sin) emptyness between you and I. How can they see the original intent if they are too busy trying to prove each other wrong. It is the same as with the pharasees, for the spirit of power and faith was reduced to self right..ness and arguing, therefore did the original intent come and make their temple desolate. The abomination of interpretation that caused desolation. And they were scattered among the people. (but the remnant of spirit was a seed in the earth)


Last edited by DNATREE on 07-06-2002 at 09:16 PM


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In the 365 years before what we call scripture came around (after the Gospels) many things were decided by groups of infallable men. I would not trust anything on earth unless spirit reveals it. Luckily that is what Jesus said, but to do so as always has been will mean that you will have to go against what is worshipped as God by the world. And you will be persecuted by those that worship the sanctioned interpretations in the book. For what they worship is an interpretation of scripture, but the true word of God as spoken in scripture is not words on a page, it is spirit, and that spirit as is written (deut) is in your mouth and in your heart. It is impossible to believe this without going though each step that each of you are going through. But faith is beyond the interpretations and if you die (veil yourself to spirit by shame or blame) in the wilderness then you might see why the fearful and unbelieving did not find it and understand the mystery as to why so many millions that go by "christian" are separate from each other. Because what is of spirit has little to do with what they (the world) demands you worship as God. You see, Jesus even said this plainly but it is hard to believe that so many can be veiled until you understand why we would choose a veil of interpretation to hide behind in the first place. Spirit overcomes all interpretations and what is RIGHT in the moment is what spirit leads you to not what you do because of an interpretation of what is right to do. For every moment is different and the spirit knows what is right for each moment. So let go of the veil of interpretation and find spirit. Set aside everything else if you have to and go alone in the wilderness and find the smallest of points that changes all equations. I led you through the great and terrible wilderness of peoples and ideas. With thirsty ground where there was no water (understanding from spirit) I fed you water from the rock. (it looks like a trickle at first) In order to humble you (focus you on the source, which is not man or book but spirit) To do you good in the end. That you might know from where your life comes. But that trikle will turn into a fountain (in your relationship and learning from spirit) and that fountain rising up to eternal life. (not as the world teaches but as spirit teaches) Deut 8:15

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-29-2002 at 08:33 PM


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You might have heard me say " even when she falls he makes her right" speaking of spirit as masciline. And you have heard me say "she is my life, she is my wife, she came out from me in the beginning" again speaking of spirit. So like heart which is neither male nor female but the layers of human so is spirit not what we think. And the weightier attributes of spirit unseen by the trite. What is obsurd is how many debate the nature of what they have not experienced but only read about. For though it has been with them like a shadow they search everywhere else unbelieving.


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Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for rightiousness, and blessed are those that know they are poor in spirit for they shall be filled, Don't be ashamed of feeling empty, of not having the answers. Allow yourself to be empty and let no man fill what is the spirits to fill. She waited for her beloved and knew his heart when she met him.


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I used to teach in a Presbytarian Church, at first they said I was anointed when the Synchronicities started, then they feared me when the synchs went beyond their veil of interpretation. Finally I had to leave and live in the woods due to the fears of the Christians in Huntsville Al. Here are some links on synchs

From that article:


The word "archetype" is defined by Webster as "original pattern or model." Jung took this Platonic concept, refined it and applied it to depth psychology -- specifically to his theories about the "collective unconscious."

Jungian archetypes presuppose that all people -- even across cultures -- share a common landscape of attributes, have a similar relationship to all the primal qualities of human energy and expression. Individuals may manifest these qualities in different proportions, but the energy or attitude of every archetype is contained within every human being to some degree, however imperceptible it may seem. Obviously, some individuals will be more predisposed towards certain qualities than others.

From that article:

"This ... involves a certain curious principle that I have termed 'synchronicity,' a concept that formulates a point of view diametrically opposed to that of causality. Since the latter is merely statistical truth and not absolute, it is a sort of working hypothesis of how events evolve one out of another, whereas synchronicity takes the coincidence of events in space and time as meaning something more than mere chance, namely, a peculiar interdependence of objective events among themselves as well as with the subjective (psychic) states of the observer or observers."

According to Jung, synchronistic thinking is "field thinking," the center of which is timeä specifically, a moment in time. From a synchronistic point of view, the important question is not why has something occurred, or what factor caused this effect, but rather which things like to happen together at the same moment. What types of events, including psychological events, have a tendency to happen together in time?

We have a notion that events tend to cluster around a moment in time, as evidenced by folks sayings like "Good things (or accidents) happen in threes." In our own culture today, this exists as a superstitious kind of popular awareness.

Nevertheless, a tendency has long been evident for several scientists or inventors to make the same discovery, completely independently, at the same time. And, in these days of global media, it is easy to observe that ideas and inventions tend to crop up in different places at the same time. On a more personal level, one has been known to wonder why the obscure, but needed, library book is always the one already checked out?

Although belief in synchronicity might seem to fly in the face of scientific method, which adheres to an ability to objectively pinpoint, measure and predict cause and effect, the principle was indirectly validated by the physicist Werner Heisenberg's discovery in 1937. In the proof of his Uncertainty Principle, which still stands, Heisenberg demonstrated that, in the realm of sub-atomic particles, the act of perception influences what is being perceived, such that any accurate measurement becomes impossible. This can loosely be interpreted to imply the essence of the Synchronicity Principle, which is that everything that happens in a given situation at a given time participates with, and affects, everything else.

For the fruit of what I learned having to do with christianity and synchronicity see stbasics.htm


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I am sorry that I have not returned your last message and I realised why I was having problems getting in the SPIRIT to speak to you because there is something you have to know about me and that is that if it doesn't feel good that spirit won't help (meet me or bother with the intent) me there in such requests. And it is not you either,, it is me. For that is how I am shown to see it that I don't know how to make it feel right and must ask spirit to get me in the spirit in a joyful way. The reason that my own self is resisting is because spirit says that I have FEEL that I had spoken to a similar spirit before and though I offered in joy the intent was not joyful that returned and so it felt as though it were a nip on the heal. But that I believe both of our intents are involved and that yours as well will manefest between us.(So I wish to feel only that love might form, and so it is that I am looking for a door. (mutually benefiting empathetic relationship of sorts) So you see it is not that it is true that I should even feel this way and I am asking spirit to help me see you different that I might serve you best.


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The point is,,,, is it more important that spirit be a he or a she or the fact that spirit will reprove the world of sin and of rightiousness?


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You might have heard me say " even when she falls he makes her right" speaking of spirit as masciline. And you have heard me say "she is my life, she is my wife, she came out from me in the beginning" again speaking of spirit. So like heart which is neither male nor female but the layers of human so is spirit not what we think. And the weightier attributes of spirit unseen by the trite. What is obsurd is how many debate the nature of what they have not experienced but only read about. For though it has been with them like a shadow they search everywhere else unbelieving.


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Superiority of Spirit over interpretation and even over Jesus

Spirit indicates that interpretations are as a Thorny bush (judges 9) and that spirit is as the tree that grows in relationship to spirit and when the fire came the Thorny bush was destroyed and the tree remained. Any interpretation given by man will perish along with man but that which is grown in spirit and of spirit is as " Unless the lord (spirit) builds the house or layers the tree, we labor in vain" For even though the words that Jesus said enabled him to walk on water these words have no power apart from spirit imparting them to you" But man builds a house by looking around at the interpretations that man has and selecting which he believes to be true and placing them together he builds. But even if these words were the words of Jesus, or or StephenTree if spirit did not give them to you they will not have the ingredient "(spirit) necessary to impart power or save you from death. And the interpretations which is as a crown of thorns to those born of the spirit, causes only anguish and soon one born of spirit dies to even those interpretations as he does the law for those interpretations have become a law which says you must believe this or that. Now spirit testifies that even the name Jesus is part of an interpretation that purifies those in spirit and traps the fearful and unbelieving behind a veil of interpretation. Spirit testifies in all ways that it is better to burn the bible and have no interpretation rather than to fall into interpretation without overcoming. For that interpretation will then block the door and crystalise you into a place that is fruitless such as religion and the separation of interpretation. So then we die even to the name of Jesus, forgetting all that we believe to be true for the sake of spirit that we might be led. For abraham was alive in the intent as he was a man without a home from UR wandering so is the people, and he did fall into bondage to interpretation and spirit was to free him over and over. But Jesus showing that the true life was that of human/god that goes beyond even our father abraham to the father of our fathers. Thus in poetry showing what was to come. That this inheritance was not just for the sons of abraham but unto all men, both Jew and Gentile, both the chosen and the unchosen. But those that choose themselves are evident by their love of interpretation, those that are closer to the path of their fathers are known by spirit and by being hated by those that put on the CLOTHES of self rightiousness... otherwise known as those that are of interpretation. So from the perspective of spirit one can see that all are on the path, but those that have not died to interpretation have persecuted those born of the spirit from the foundation of "CIVILISED WORLD". And that the time has come to remove that thorn bush that is blocking the door to spirit. There fore each of us ask for the fire that burns up all interpretation and the things of spirit only remain, and in doing so those that appear first as to interpretation will be last and those that appear last according to interpretation will be first in spirit. For to fill an emptyness with interpretation is like planting a tree whose fruit is desolation (destruction) but to remain empty only that the spirit might sow a tree that grows and at the edge of death overtakes interpretation as a lion overtakes the prey. So it is finished, in that at the edge of anialation, we will all be changed. And so my testimony is FINISHED, which they did not believe and which I am to take now to the stranger, spirit at the edge of death will overtake all interpretation and what transpires will change all men and all interpretations will be rendered meaningless. Spirit, like the smallest of points that the builders have overlooked will change all equations rendering all interpretations,,,,,,, meaningless.

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-20-2002 at 11:13 PM




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Registered: Jun 2002


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well, i'm still not sure if i'm understanding you right. it seems like we are understanding the same way but using different words to relate our perceptions. maybe not.

but if not, what i am wondering, if interpretation is bad, then what are all of those angels doing flying around interpreting visions and dreams, and why is jesus interpreting parables for his disciples?

maybe you should define "interpretation" more clearly?

i just really cannot pin down what you are really trying to say


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Very good Zadok,

For even though spirit might give me the answer to your question splitting hairs to the marrow, if you were to be in the spirit and you hear it from my lips and spirit says that these are not the words of Steven but of spirit, then you would find that they fit for you, But if you do not know the spirit and you are judging these words wether this interpretation is greater than the one you already have filling that spot, then these words are powerless, for the leaven of eternal life is spirit not the words. And it is not my arragance about my interpretation that makes this a right....iousness that is of spirit but that spirit testifies to you that these words are spirit.

Let my anger tear this veil of interpretation which lies between you and I on this planet. For to put the blame on you is to be angry at ones self. I have my wrath firmly focused on what is separating you and I and us and them.

Complete writings of StephenTree (sorry, too many have been asking the same question over and over and it is answered over and over in many different ways but the unbelieving are to be veiled by the God (interpretation) of this world. So I post this file as a testimony to that)


Last edited by DNATREE on 06-21-2002 at 12:44 AM




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It is true that prisons will be no more, for in the temple only he that dreams to kill and the fearful need worry. And it is a natural illimination of both the fearful and the angry hater. But those outside this marriage of spirit need not fear the robber or the murderer. For that was the natural way of things before interpretation. So go in your temple and only see the one you love on the other side of the veil. If you have not given up family and father for the truths sake you will not be worthy of the salvation you believe you have. It would be better that you just walk away, for if you truely knew spirit you would be hated by all, yet have no malice toward none for a period of sanctification that you might have your eyes opened to what is spirit and what is interpretation. It is the fears of the interpretors that created the bandaid called prison. This too will be revealed. I must soon leave the fight between you and I on this planet and go off with spirit into a secret place for a time. For I must go where my love takes me. In that place I will continue to dwell in spirit in the moment and "have a blast". For that is the intent of life. As man fights each other over who has the right interpretation the broken and contrite heart will reveal the truth.

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-16-2002 at 09:23 PM


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Broken and Contrite heart toward each other

This so that many might understand a way of spirit within my life as standing naked before you, unveiled in interpretation.

The spirit indicates that I was allowed after speaking of what spirit had in plan for me with relation to Ken to experience the following.

In that spirit said that at first I should see this as Ken so I was tricked by spirit in the moment to see the name Ken at the end of a post after reading the post about Elucidating spirit. As this is a way of spirit to trick me by my own intentions in order to TEMPER me and have me understand and tell what many have wondered. In that the different spirit in the writing asking to (elucidate) had more of the "intent of the heart" to understand me and that each of us should have a broken and contrite heart in our approach to wanting to understand each other and in wanting to understand God.

And so those that know spirit might know that this is the heart that is required to ask of this spirit.

As there is only you and I and this veil of interpretation that separates us. Now from my perspective this covenant had been made that "Even when she falls he makes her right" as that you might know what part is spirit and what part is words.

I have been off on a three day trip along the ocean, and had many wonderful things that I shared with my life in the synchronicity of my moments.

In spirit I saw Jesus the Christ as praying with great drops of sweat as blood. And the spirit indicated that the original intent of "without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins" was more of a broken and contrite heart such as when Jesus was "very intentful" in his prayer. Knowing that unless spirit give him what he wants in spirit first. He would not have it in real life.

Because of a relationship with spirit rather than one with an interpretation about spirit, spirit wants to make right he who walks in spirit

In spirit and with an unveiled heart to God and in my imagination I find that I can jump from one car to another when they are speading and in my imagination feeling the experience I can sense all of the hesitations and fears I might have and so I can Jump and jump and jump and jump until all the intent is clean and I am not fearful but excited should I be in that moment and many times then I find myself in that same situation as though I walke upon it on a path and in real life then I know that I am in a "cradle of process" as a baby and I know that YOU are with me. For I dreamed it and YOU showed up in that form. And what fear now should I have of it for now you have said that it is you not the horse that carried me when I dreamed it. For if you have not jumped from car to car speading in spirit you cannot do it in the moment that it is ripe in your life. First layer your experiences with spirit in imagination that you might know that he is with you when the dream comes as a lover. Not that you collect the imaginings but that you collect the synchronicities that will testify to what I have said here and then on them you might layer your dreams and see each fulfilled as God coming in each form that you dreamed to show you the fruit of your dreams that you might focus and train your dreams and make them clean. But don't worry for the veiled will not see the power in these words anyway for the God of this world has blinded their eyes by filling their cups so that they cannot recieve more.

Offer up a fresh cup, one without a stain of what formerly filled it (interpretation) A cup (heart) completely empty and if the spirit brings to your rememberance from a dead interpretation a vowel then that vowel can be as the word of God that you might live by.

As a child born comepletely forgetting the former things of a life once lived. For you see the spirit in the book belongs to God but the letter of the book was seized by his foe.

It is not your promise from God unless it comes through your heart and is KEPT within your heart. For many will know that a thing that comes to them from the outside actually came to them through their hearts. For the heart is as a Rose and the fragrance can draw anything you want!

If at the end of any thought or intent you did not have another thought which was to judge the first then you would find out in the fruit of that thought who it is that judges. For spirit is in the dawn of your thoughts while they are still feelings in the first milliseconds before they are changed to thoughts and then words and then in your interpretations you put in each layers of thoughts as judgements of the first and thusly you hesitated in what was given you from spirit. But if you were to go into a private place and stay in spirit without words,,,,, feel the thoughts and what the moments of your path are saying to you. If all you hear are your fears than ask continually that your heart open as a rose, And love what your life is to you as "Even though she slay me yet will I love her" And take from those moments whatever miniskul fragments you are given to eat from spirit in that bewilderness and then keep that in your heart and likewise each day you dwell always in the spirit gleaning what it might have for you in your passionate intent as before an altar with one you love there intent upon listening with the dim candlelight of spirit leading your hearts to the appropriate questions. And after much time all things are made new and seen fresh and believing all things wonderful and asking the father/ lover/ God/ beloved of how we might see these past interpretations that we are creating by and then in a way removed from all interpretations I was taken to places and events that did make new each promise and each fragment. And so like a tree growing up or a fountain filling up so that the spirit might bring to my remembrance in the moment that I need that which was given me in a moment as what I have come to know as synchronicity. Ok,, the reason it is run together is that I was translating the feelings expressed by the synchronicities of late that had lead to the forming of understanding that lead to these words. And in the spirit of Joy I do end this with a spirit that was given to me in times past in order to stay lighthearted as joy is the grease of all miracles... Duh! In that 22 years ago in former lives I had learned from synchronicities that nothing really matters for the only bad that comes is what we make bad in our hearts for the natural flow of the river is love. And so I am laid bare in my attempt to reach each of you here.

Now watch how the smallest of points within language changes the spirit greatly and the intent at the end of a prayer. " We pray in the SPIRIT of the one called "Jesus the Christ"

And so lastly let us bless not so much what goes into my mouth as what I have offered from it.

And so that you might further distinguish the spirit that chose to fill the cup from "the cup" the cup would like to add "I think this is all very cool ***" (deleted expletive, admin) For he is considered by himself to be the least of the brethren a beggar of sorts. With a British Mum and a Cherokee dad. Well enough about me, Get on with praising the Lord.

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-15-2002 at 09:04 AM


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The promised return is SPIRIT, interpretation is the golden calf

She could not wait

For the promise of his return

She took a husband

A Woman had a dream of the man that would be coming

But thinking she decided to take a husband that was presented by others to be that one. And then when the real one of her dreams came she could not recognize him.

For as Moses did tarry on the mountain so is it in this time that they began to build. But if spirit does not build they labored in vain.

For the wait was part of the work of spirit, that you remain empty, not choosing a husband until the promised return of the one. For the return is like an emptiness in her heart that she refuses to fill with the images that they created until the promise of the return of the bridegroom. She waits in the house before the veil alone in her closet. She was hated by those that had gone on and taken to themselves a God. But they desired a king, they desired a husband and so they took the veil and the vow but alas it was not he. It was only an image that could not do anything for them. And as those that Moses returned and the multitude had made for themselves a religion, it was utterly destroyed, but those that recognized spirit said I will go on and take what has been promised but most did not go in because they did not recognize him when he returned. (fearful and unbelieving)

Like fasting until spirit fills, so it is with one that is born of the spirit. No interpretation will do until it is given me from your lips my love. Not wanting to be filled until the true bridegroom knocks at the door. So it is that the stranger will recognize him but the intended bride will not saying “you tarried and I did not think you would return therefore I took a husband.” How have you reconciled that it is spirit that must build? Do you think that religion is right though it’s fruit is nothing but separation? Because of being filled with interpretation will you deny others and say they are evil? Will you judge as religion demands you judge each other? The spirit of Jesus is the spirit of salvation, but it is they who hid behind this interpretation veil that will need to be saved. (free in the garden until you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then you are veiled and die spiritually, needing to be born again spiritually) It will become very real, and if you demand that interpretation be true than you must fulfill in your interpretation every jot and tittle as it was with the law and by interpretation I have shown you that that is impossible. For the smallest of points will come along and blow your entire equation, but if you die to the new law that says you must believe this or that and wait for the promised return in your heart you will find it. It was the filling of the holy place with interpretation that was like a full cup that could not be filled by spirit. You must die to interpretation and wait for spirit, and in doing so you will be hated by many, and you will be brought before them and weighed by their interpretations. They will judge you harshly but you will then have your eyes opened. As one with no group you will be alone, but in that loneliness you will find spirit. Many found hard what Jesus said and went away so it will be when they find they have made an idol.

Last edited by DNATREE on 06-09-2002 at 10:45 PM




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Hello Friend,

I would like to ask you what the sorce of your information is?

In Messiah's love



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Don't let what I say bother you, but don't ask me the source as I have already told you, find it. Like a tree I gradually took on this form, like an empty canvas the painter waited for spirit to move dabbing where spirit moved, until the painting took form. And seeing the form that it was makes the fruit come out on that tree. The almond staff that budded, where does such authority for ones own life come from. Does it come from the beliefs of man, does it come from a book, No we both know that our life is from God.




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Salvation is not anything in the future,,, it is being saved in this moment. As every time she falls she falls on gold, and even when she falls he makes her right. If you do not experience salvation in this moment, how can you exspect to be saved in a future moment. Saying I believe Jesus will not save you now or then. But taking hold of spirit as Jesus did and dieing to what you think is right will.


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More meaning in a tree than the color of fruit

When Jesus said that a tree that does not produce good fruit should be cut down he was speaking of the abomination that Judism had become. therefore the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could be likened unto a group that believes in separations between things like this pile is all good and this pile is all bad. Kind of like christianity and the abomination of interpretation that has lead to such separation between men over doctrine yet none will be right, no not one. But the tree of Religion, (Judism, Christianity, Islam) only creates separation, just like the earthly city (jerusalem) has no peace thou it's name is peace. That is why spirit was to interpret, but the right people love their interpretation more than they love you and I or God. Thus you know they are not the children of abraham, but the same spirit as the pharasees. Christians like pharasees cling to what they believe they have interpreted right, and if you show them the obvious poetry that spirit speaks they cannot go there, yet Jesus rebuked the Pharasees because they could not see past the letter of their interpretations, which were handed them by men that did not know God but did use the interpretation to control others and by controlling others they felt less fear of the unknown. But it is spirit that is to show you why you should not fear, not words in a book. Book words mean nothing unless God reveals them to you. In fact the intent and passionate faith of a muslim killing christians would be closer to the faith that is from God than the fearful that cling to words in a book and say they are the words of God without ever knowing God. But then they say,,, who has known God, are not we all blind? So unless God has revealed it unto you,,, you are sinning telling others these are God's words without it being revealed to you by God. The right people that worship the bible without knowing truely the heart of God, or of the fathers before them for that matter, are an abomination of the original intent. Should you actually engage spirit you would be a new creature unlike your neibor or fellow God seeker and the things that you will be shown will be unlike any have seen. If you do not believe that you do not know the least of the heart of Jesus, you are an imposter, a book reader and someone that feels they must control others because the interpretation that they found in a church or handed them by their fathers says it should be. Remember the bible is an invention like the letters and the words and even like TV. It is an instrument that men created along with alphabet to store parts of an equation but without the spirit of the original intent you might as well say "everyone must obey the tv, for out of it comes the words of God" This would sound stupid, but when words writing was first invented, such a thing as a HOLY BIBLE would have been stupid. Not that Jesus was not full of spirit, but the pieces that were left in a book have been interpreted in such a way as you would die to see truely what their origin was. So go ahead worship an interpretation and demand everyone worship it also for your name is in the book but not as the one you believe you are

Last edited by DNATREE on 05-30-2002 at 02:54 AM


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Like Catholic and Protestant, the pharasees and Sadducees were the abomination of interpretation of Judaism because though they knew the words of their book, without spirit they could not OVERCOME the mainstream teachings that required man to see the writings from the obvious point of view. Like interpreting: For to have an interpretation is unto spirit like a full cup so the truth that is from spirit cannot fill the cup further. First like a virgin (untouched) by the beliefs of the day you submit only to that which spirit reveals to you. And yes you make sure it fulfills scripture until you know whom it is you have believed. You see that is why the faith of Moses did not match the implementation of the faith of abraham, but it was indeed faith in God. But what people call faith nowadays is merely the appearance that they believe the God created by the interpretation. It was not the scripture that was the abomination for the scripture is merely writings. But it is what is coming from the mouth of the masses that call themselves "christian" that will defile them.. that is the abomination. You see many think that I am against them as christians, I am showing them what they are creating by believing the interpretation over spirit. And how the very ones that they think do not follow God and they condemn as the pharasees condemned those that did not follow their INTERPRETATION, are as the least of the brethern which christ said you have done it unto me. Soon information will be revealed that will show that it is not the scripture but the abomination of it that is being worshipped as God. Many will leave christianity then but the veiled that are blinded by their own interpretation will remain until last. What is to be learned will fulfill the saying "the last will be first and the first shall be made last" But, fear not for the truth is not as christians have wanted others to fear, but it will be a great fire that will reveal the true INTENT of their hearts and many will leave the interpretation behind to live in the moment with spirit without regard for the interpretation or the law or writings for spirit will fulfill all that for them. If you will look at my INTENT without thinking in terms of "WHO IS RIGHT" for to be right is not the purpose of life, it is a stumbling block.

Again I am not trying to show you I am right and you are wrong for it is not that way. But it is the belief that you are right according to interpretation that will be " the way that seems right but leads to destruction" I am here that the spirit willing you might see past the veil of interpretation." The purpose of scripture is not to build an interpretation such as has been done but to show as the LAW showed, to convict, that you might find spirit and be saved from the abomination of interpretation that will lead to desolation. Should you go beyond the veil and find spirit it will lead you to see Muslim and Jew and other beliefs as trees of fruit and yourself back in the garden unveiled from your God yet able to eat from all things (trees) without shame and spirit would show you the good in all, for love believes all things but spirit is the door to see them from their Original Intent which is how they were created by God for you. To the pure all things are pure, to the veiled all things are shameful, blameful. The way to be separate is to be in spirit, therefore you are separate from the ways of interpretation of the flesh, and being separate from THAT you find yourself one with sprit and your neihbor, you see the love in all things, yet condemn none. There are thousand that are about to burst forth on this planet with the same spirit I have yet the words will be different but the meaning will be the same. For spirit does not use words only to teach. For words are not capable of writing this on your heart, no you must take up your cross and get nailed, like lambs to the slaughter I am not saying anything that you do not already know. Once you find spirit by starting over and letting go of the veil of interpretation and let spirit speak in your moments, it will lead you to be hated by those in your assembly, they will not understand you for a very long time as spirit will first lead you in a way that will require you to allow yourself to be thought a fool in your groups. Then you will leave and be very alone, and rejected, and your heart will be torn over and over daily, but the life that will come out of your very being, and the moment that you will share with the only lover there really is. God. That will reveal what life really is.

Last edited by DNATREE on 05-30-2002 at 10:09 PM


shall never thrist...


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Peace DNA.

I think you cannot see the forest for the trees. The majority of people in this world are like dogs. They live their entire lives just following the direction of the pack. Even most leaders are like dogs, they just perchanced upon a public 'megaphone.'

True leaders many times are never ackowledged by the public. They honestly seek the truth, regardless of what is commonly believed.

I think your hang-up about 'interpretation' is your fustration with the 'dogs' of Christianity. Dogs will be dogs. Not that being a dog-christian is bad, just a handicap. But there is a right interpretation of the Scriptures, and almost all denominations have small bits of the right interpretation. No one has the full interpretation, most just think they do. I pray continually that G-d gives me a little more understanding of the Scriptures everyday.


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Peace to you also Chris

I think you cannot see the tree because of the forest... lol

My hangup with interpretation is that it is what separates men from God and each other. Now I will tell you that I think that many within christianity are close to spirit but cannot reconcile what is called the word of God by the interpretors for they find themselves recieving messages from spirit but it is taken from them when they get back to the SANCTIONED belief. I know that I had a very hard time letting go of what everyone warned me with their fear was the word of God. But you will find that what they say is the word of God is the word of man's interpretation, and that the word of God should you actually find it will first destroy everything you ever believed and make all things new, not just once but new every moment. Yes there is a right interpretation of scripture that both you and I agree cannot be abtained by reading it but it is the spirit that will lead you into all truth. The truth says that by interpreting as the Pharasees did you cannot recognise God, spirit, messiah, yourself. So in other words if you know that to be a fact what is the possible chance that what everyone says you must agree upon in order to go to heaven is actually the correct interpretation. I found even if I read the correct interpretation someone wrote that would be meaningless as well. Like being baptised with water, it is the baptism of spirit that is of greater importance. Water in the bible is poetic for understanding as "it escapes their notice that the world was made by water through water" But spirit is the fire that reveals not water.



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Ken, Chris, and others posting here. I don't want you to drop your belief and believe that water is poetry for understanding that comes down from God.

but why would we want to change water to wine

and why would water be changed to blood

and why out of his side came blood and water

and why does the Jordan River mean "Water that descends"

and why does Galallee mean "circle" as if the Jordan is the water that flows through the circle.

And why did the waters have to be divided anyway (Moses)

And why if water were only water would we want to be baptised in it.

It is not wether you or I are correct but wether you have wondered after him.. for it was written that they wondered after him who was called the True water that cometh down from heaven.

And why would he tell the Samaritan woman that he was the true water that comes down from heaven that when you drink of this water you will not thirst again. If you have not figured out my intent it is to get you to look beyond the accepted veil of truth and wonder after him.

My intent is that you do not follow me or any flesh but that you do follow spirit, cults like christianity demand you follow what the ESTABLISHED belief of the Sanctioned interpretation. I am here that you may see that interpretation is nothing without spirit, and with spirit all things become true. Like the smallest of points all interpretors will overlook, spirit reveals the things that make all things fit together as it will bring together even YOU AND I, those two who formally were far apart. You and I meaning both Ken and DNATREE, man and woman, christian and muslim. If you follow the interpretaton you have been handed you and I, will continue to pierce each other on this planet as once they have pierced us, and we have pierced them out of our rightious anger they will for get that they started it and only remember how we killed their brothers, and then they without them will have much less to live for and will do greater things to us, and we in our rightious anger again will cause the desolation of all things. The way to stop it is to let go of all such things and take hole of the only point able to change all equations. (the spirit of love) When I lost a million dollar business and family and home in one day. My life showed me how to find and focus on only what I love. And to let that be all that I see. There is only you and I my love,,,, my life and all that I love is as the lover. The only one that is worthy of my attention.

I am a house of wonder

I am a house of dreams

I wondered if I could make a living wondering

and my life became wonder------full


Last edited by DNATREE on 06-01-2002 at 11:32 PM


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It means making a religion and how I did not come to bring peace but the sword. And how they fought and killed each other. Like the virgins that did not attach themselves to the religion (appointed husband) of the day that was separating men. But waited for the return of the truth from above. The right people interpreted that they must be right (guess who will be wrong, the right people) They must have a form,, book,,, writing,, to worship. If Christians knew where their Golden Calf came from they would run from it. That was why something else was hidden in scripture (within the engraven image) Was it not this same gold that was used to form the house. (tabernakle) Being full and veiled by their book,, interpretation,, god. If something real was happening on the planet right now they would be blind to it. In fact no matter what comes they will believe it cannot be of God because of the fearful interpretation that misleads them. Yes they are the sheep and they are headed for the slaughter. But he that is born of the spirit like John the Baptist would not seem to fit a mold. Like Moses was not the same as Abraham or elijah. Christians think that to be like christ you are to act a certain way not knowing what is meant by (not according to the law but of faith,,, and then what is faith except that that comes by hearing the true word of God in your life and thereby believing THAT WORD and the fruit that it creates in your life which will not be like any of the prototypes of anyone that went before you but will be of faith.

Last edited by DNATREE on 05-14-2002 at 11:19 PM


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The gospel of love that is in our hearts recognises no hell except what you are allowed to create in illusion. But in truth all things are pure, without true love of life and the spirit of life all things appear evil

My life took me to the "original intent " of anything is to see how it was created by God. To look at it through another door is to not see the original intent. That is why it is impossible without spirt.

Over and over in writings,,,, including scripture, it was shown that the religious would take out of the scripture the experience such as sacrifice which was originally related to cooking instructions. They would make it a toil and a pain for the people therefore the spirit said "I do not want your sacrifices" for they had lost the spirit of why they did it and kept only their interpretation. These are they that broke in to steal, for they did not go in the door of original intent. For it takes spirit to go in that door. Was not killing the fatted cow first a celebration of life? Was it not the joy that was first. Was it not the singing before a battle that was the point and not the battle. For to win, is to first win in spirit. But the religious see only the battle and that that is what God wanted. (Most christian interpretations are the same spirit as the muslims that saw only the chance to be right, to be separate from all that is in their rightness, it is a mirror of the beast that christianity has become, demanding the whole world to believe what they read which always was condemned by the spirit as the way that seems right but leads to death. Therefore it was written that they were not the children of abraham for they had not the same spirit but just jumped on the bandwagon of "we are right" WAR) This is the spirit of darkness, for to have the spirit is to see the original intent. But the joy and the battle were in the example for you, but the religious only see the battle. If you had Joy you would be looking for a new beginning. "Behold I will make all things new" but if you are of the interpretation handed by the fathers that killed so many in the name of God then you are looking for an end, for a tribulation, for a "get even" and you do not know the spirit that christ and budda and Rumi and Moses and elijah, and john the baptist,, because you are so right you are creating a hell,,,, an end, For the spirit is the spirit of the dawn and of the springtime,, and of newness,, fresh as fruit that is even now ripe on the vine..

The battle that is coming will not be between right and wrong... it will be two equally wrongs,,, fighting to be right... guess who wins.. neither will win.. but he that is not of this marriage.. for it is a marriage. For there is only you and I... like the two rooms they have seated themselves in a room where the other side of the veil is their creation,,, opposite,, waiting to give them the hell they dream of.

But you can "be saved" from the erradication that is to come.. you can leave all those interpretation and go into your closet and find spirit... the spirit that I want to live, and love, and wonder after you my life...

I heard a preacher the other day talking about how glad he will be to get off this rock..he called it a pile of dung,, he wanted to be saved from this hell.. I tell you David from Waco dreamed of a fiery end for you and I.. but who inherited his dream. If you do not love life you will be given the door out soon, but if you love life and the spirit that is life.. then you will die to that old way of believing and walk in the newness of the spirit. Either way,,you must die. It is much easier to stay where everyone says "we are right" Dogma Separates/ but love integrates... Soon we will find out if our desire to love and understand others.. muslim...hindu.. beggers... is greater than our desire to be right. Christians have followed the new law that is separate from the spirit,,, the new law says "YOU MUST BELIEVE THIS"

Last edited by DNATREE on 05-15-2002 at 09:53 PM


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The original intent of the fathers

Having a form of religion but denying the spirit.. lets say a father finds the romance in spirit and creates a form to remember this love afair, based on his experiences with life. Then the son comes along and he sees what his father had with life,,, but he does not understand the original spirit,, but in his fathers life it is played out as romance with his wife and that that is very good. So the son takes that as the meaning of the form that the father kept to remember this romance with life.. Then this son has a son and he sees that since his father did not have the spirit, but only the form that his relationship is not as great with his wife as the father of his father. But the son who is the father of this son could not show all the layers and the heighth depth and width of the understanding of the original father, and all this third son has is the interpretation of the form that the second father had. Thus the form not being made fresh (new) by the spirit looses more of the original intent. And then a man from another land comes and sees the form and hears the tale from the grandson of his fathers father and how he walked in romance with God but much is lost again. This man from another land is non the less impressed and feels that this was a wonderous thing and carries an image of this form to the new land and so forth and so on until the original intent is lost in the idol,, book story, form, that the original father had known. This was very well understood by the one named Jesus because of the understanding of the romance with God he had, he only feeling the intent of the original father that had romance with God and understood the relationship of the two houses that were joined. Having decended into the fears of man and the lost conditions that led the original father to express the romance with God that the emptiness in his heart drew as a roses fragrance draws the pollen. Leading the fathers to their inheritance. And then having ascended with spirit to seeing the power and romance with God and seeing the dead form of the ones that say they are children of the original father but they were fearful children that knew not the heart of the fathers, no only the interpretation which had become powerless and led to bondage. So it is with the religions of the day. They had become only salt to block the door to life so that the son of man had to find solace elsewhere and when solace came the religions of the day interpreted it as breaking their interpretation of the form and without spirit leading him out of it and showing him the mystery through the separate (evil, as the interpreters interpret) deeds of the fearful that interpret the form revealed the true word of God that was already in his heart. Therefore will the interpretation of a great form decay and become the antichrist as the interpretations of the pharasees led them to temper Jesus. And being tempered he understood the original spirit. Thus understood the last will be first and the first will be last.

About how a man that was intent on following God by praying his intent to God of a life that was very wonderful where he could create songs and meets someone that would like to see the fruit get out and the person has the resources and how lets say that they liked each other before figuring all this out. And then came along the interpreters,,, and they ask the man of his life and he says that he was fortunate to have this in his life. But the Interpretors (religious, judges) see that he has violated a law of God in that he wrote songs and she had money and they believed because of this particular interpretation of “anyone that does this type situation is an abomination and should be thrown out of the assembly” so they believing the letter would proceed to say that the thing, “evil interpretation of a scripture” was really in their mind and not in the intent of the heart of this man. So it is with religion, like one of the smallest of points that changes the whole equations and renders the interpretor the sinner and not the one that was interpreted as Ungodly. So it is with the interpretations of the builders. Not knowing the intent of the heart but only seeing something they inerpret as the mans intent they judge him. So which one is evil from this understanding. The man that had the intention to follow God. Or the interpretors that believed him evil because of how they interpreted his intent? This is the story of my life with christians. That as spirit led me to understand things it was through the interpretations of those that knew not the spirit but worshiped the words that my life took form and understanding what the intentions of the fathers were from a very different perspective than the conditions that exist now that so many are using words meant for another time and context to judge everyone. And doing so are blocking the door to life, and without knowing it they are persecuting countless billions in history and even in this generation. So though these same will say I blaspheme it is only the interpretation they worship as God that yes I blaspheme, yet they continually in their interpretation and judgments blasheme spirit.

Last edited by DNATREE on 02-20-2002 at 08:05 AM


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Because of the fall, (belief in the fall) man is veiled and does not know he has never left the garden. Ask anything of the father and it will be done. Turn around bright eyes,


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Dogma Separates, Love Integrates

They had the scriptures but when Jesus came they could not recognise him by looking at him through the veil of their interterpretation. Jesus took the one thing they overlooked about faith and love and leveled their temple. (tree cut down, no fruit, not one stone on top of another) How much greater will the wrath be of the modern interpreters. While having the very words that speak that you should love your neihbor what is the fruit of Christianity? Separation, War (We Are Right), because they believe they are right they feel they have the right to take the choices of others.

Dogma Separates, Love Integrates

Dogma Chains, Love allows

Love ernestly wants to understand others

Love indeed fulfills all scribbling by scribes (scripture)

The moment is near that christianity will be changed, all things will become new, and not one stone (precept) will be left on top of another.

Now we see through a glass dimly, this love will unite those that were formally far apart. Islam and Christian, as you and I. But the builders of religion, that love being right will not have it and their god (book) will give them power to spew hate and separatism.

But when the perfect comes, that book will be fulfilled, not as the builders interpret, but as it has always been done from the beginning. Were you here when the nations fell 26000 yrs ago.

Those that believe they are right,,, because they have all 66 books written by man whose number is 6 in there head, or in their hand. And they have told the begger on the street that he is wrong,,, Get ready,, for I will make the begger right and take the rightness from the "right people" for they are blocking the door between "you and I" on this planet. And they will say "he has done this to me" but it is what came out of their mouth that defiled them. I do not want you to recieve what you want others to recieve by believing it.. Was it not written, ask ANYTHING OF THE FATHER. Why would you create a hell for others. Again it is scribbled by scribes "What comes out of your mouth will defile you" Could we not ask OF THE FATHER that the blood that flows up to the bridle be the blood of billions,, already paid for since the foundation of the earth,, written on our hears.... BUST HER HYMEN,,,, TEAR THE VEIL OF HER HEART AND REVEAL THE SECRETS, the true circumcision is of the heart. The smallest of points will soon alter the largest of equations and render all the interpretations meaningless... so that all may be fulfilled.

Here is love,, for I was put in a garden with twelve trees (earth) (tribes) My love who tended the garden said that I could eat from all the twelve trees,, just do not eat from the one tree that says that some is good and some is evil,, Love integrates/ dogma separates StephenTree





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dog·ma (dôgm, dg-)

n. pl. dog·mas or dog·ma·ta (-m-t)

An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.

[Latin, from Greek, opinion, belief, from dokein, to seem, think. See dek- in Indo-European Roots.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

You don't have a dogma? You don't, say, believe the Bible is true or that Jesus died on the cross? Both of those things are dogmas.

Everyone interprets what they read when they read it - if you cannot interpret something through the medium of your understanding/experience of the world, and your understanding and knowledge of the English (or Greek, or Hebrew or whatever) language, then how can you understand it? What the Bible says is filtered in your mind through things you have heard others say about its doctrines, your understanding of the meaning of the words in our present culture, and what you think. So I don't see how you can condemn interpretation when it is what everyone does.


"Reason should be the basis of every activity, reflection must come before any undertaking" (Sirach 37:16)

"Fight to the death for truth..." (Sirach 4:28a)

My Website

WorldBeliefs Forum




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It is not dogma that was to lead you into all truth, it was spirit,, everybody has come short of the glory of God, all have gone their own way and not followed spirit,, so since everybody has done it, does that make it right. Will it be said, well everybody in Christianity did it, so why is it wrong to believe we are right? If it was told us to believe anything and the father will give it to you then why would we want to believe something that is not love, why would we want to condemn all but those that believe the book to hell. Will it not be the believers of religion that should recieve what they believe about others. (Not that they will, for that is what the blood of christ has paid for, christians will see that) Remember though they had a whole nation following a religion, not one was right. From a STRANGER or BEGGER on the street not blinded by fearful dogma this would be the nature of what happens to religion.


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Scripture = Engraven Image

Scripture,, it comes from the word engraven image,, without spirit and

context to which it was given,, the bible,, the koran,, all things are

but idols blocking the door between you and I...

Religion is sin,, separation from each other...

You see God will not change, the fire of the light of spirit reveals

the stubble from the wheat, being separate is hell, and we are

perfectly free to create that. When modern interpretation leads to a

hell where one is taken and another left, and somehow being right is

not as fulfilling as loving each other, then we will find the truth in

all of this. The right people of this age will be made wrong.. and the

whole world will thank God for that. Or thank each other, as there is

only you and I,, no one would like to believe that it has been you and

I from the start, that is what Jesus was saying but none would have

it. Don't you think that your heart would have come complete with the

blood of billions, slain from the foundation of the earth. Don't you

think that a memory of this passion play called life would exist. In

my loneliness, in my bewilderness, through my broken heart, (life)

she/he/heart came. The right people won't have it, they love the idea

of being right more than they love you or I. Without spirit and

context to which it was given, the bible, the koran, all things are

but Idols blocking the door between you and I. If you are separated

from the least of them,, you do not know me. Enjoy the idea of being

right, self rightious, for it will perish!!!





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Well that is better than most... most keep people from hearing my words no matter what... yes I will reply,,, but I have to take your questions and put them on the altar,,, if I get an answer I will post it.

What is on my heart.. or what is on this table

Or like an altar from long ago conveying the things my heart wishes to know...

A lot of what I look at is the intent of the heart,,, If you are only interested in being right.... then I will allow you to feel that... but if your desire to love and understand each other is greater than your desire to be right... then I am not waisting my time.




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Well DNA, there are several observations to be made thus far.

First, you criticize others for "wanting to be right" you want to do the very same thing. You come out and begin saying that other's beliefs are false, and that "your way" is the truth. Now if this isn't claiming to be "right", I do not know what is. In other words, you are being hypocritical for condemning in others what you yourself do.

Secondly, while you say that you want love to be the motive in discussion, (which is of course yet another example of you claiming to be "right") and I agree that this path is the best to follow, since this is what the Bible commands, we have a problem to overcome first and foremost. This is: how do you define love? Further, the moment you claim to be able to define it you are once again violating your maxim that other's must follow, while you may disregard it at will. At any rate, lets talk about the definition of love, perhaps we can proceed from there, for I am no mood to waste time either. And if you have another issue that weighs heavily on your mind, and you wish to discuss it, then by all means, suggest away....


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This is fruit,, it is not dogma... it is really between my life and I.. I am not condemning. The dogma man worships as God condemns, it is this condemnation that one feels when their beliefs are shown to not be of God. Because they feel that if they are wrong they could go to hell,, they feel the condemnation of their own beliefs not mine. This is my covenant with my God, It left no stone unturned, and made all things new. It is when we look in a mirror that we get most angry. I don't ask that one person believe me. If the spirit leads you to fruit, then eat. But Christians have no idea how separate they are from others, nor the pain they cause others by forcing the whole world to follow their interpretation which soon will be shown to have little to do with the original intent. They say love,, yet they will kill more than the billions killed in the name of hate, and WHAT GIVES THEM THE POWER... IT IS A BOOK OF WORDS THAT THEY HAVE INTERPRETED, VERY SOON THE GREATEST GOOD WILL BE SHOWN TO BE THE GREATEST EVIL, WHEN THEY LOOK UPON WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED. Therefore, what is the difference between the beast and this large group of interpreters that demand the whole world worship their interpretation. You see the true meaning of spirit is not to give a book to follow but to show that if you have a king and follow anything other than heart, YOU WILL GO ASTRAY. Therefore it is written, not one JOT not TIDDLE until all be fulfilled. But when love comes,, all else will cease.. Don't believe me, but do believe your own God!!!!!! In history,, whenever a prophet was sent they rejected them.. and funny how no religion has been ratified by the one that said he would come. On the contrary,, he SCATTERED EVERYONE! From another spiritual perspective christians are blindly killing believing they are loving. I lost all I owned because the right people felt justified because they did not understand me. I was antichrist,, and lived in the wilderness because I had no home. Being right is not what is important, soon we will find out what is, we will find out if our desire to love and understand each other is greater than our desires to be right. For there is none right,,,, no not one.



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scripture = engraven image

DNA....sees the TALKERS ken,

he does NOT see the walkers....

and that is dna'S WHOLE POINT.

u dont GET IT,



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scripture =engraven image


LOVE, is the key.

and without love, all the talk and all the study and all the scriptures are useless.... it is this simple...

and so....... define LOVE.... OR BETTER YET......

.......................DEFINE GODS LOVE....

Jhn 3.16. and

john 14.V.21-23.

THATS THE love God wants.

men give to God everything HE DOES NOT WANT.

DNA is expressing this in a fantasy form. like a story...

what love do ''christians so called'' give HIM?....

IT is the only ''so called- army'' that is mostly filled with traitors.

Talk is cheap and so gushy, and so many LIES, KEN and this world PROVES them all...

religious-people GOT IT WRONG, it looks good on paper BUT does not work when the INSTRUCTIONS are set aside. You see

they failed to follow God's HOLY instruction book but made up their own one...called ''i did it my way and my way is right''.

..................a form.............. it is described as,

thats why now it has become..........

''just as it was in the days of Noah etc etc''...

i wonder where all the 9 fruits of the spirit drifted off too??

looks like they excaped.

the religious talked about them but forgot to use them.. hehehehehe.......

DNA has some good points... just a different expression...

but it just PROVES ONE THING.... this world DOES NOT SEE.....CHRIST... anymore. and no amount of huffing and puffing and serpent excuses shall make it otherwise.




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scripture =engraven image

well ken,

DNA cannot see ''the fruit'' he is looking for, for all there is IS chatterers shouting mixed truth with paganism....mostly.

PLAY-ACTORS, masquerading, as ''Christians''....mostly.

when u have a world, gone insane, where is THE FRUIT of the Holy Spirit?

who is standing for ''the church'', in a nation at war??????

when u have the days of Noah KEN, staring you IN THE FACE, where is the fruit KENNETH??????


PEACE is a fruit

LOVE IS a fruit......and the 7 others TO BE DISPLAYED in a person.

D.I.S.P.L.A.Y.E.D...... ON SHOW.. LOOKED AT...

where KEN where can DNA look?

get real and stop being a new age avatar cartoon.



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Registered: Mar 2000

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I just briefly read this whole post , and i thought about comenting ,but to be honest i dont know what this is about , and i wouldnt know whos side i was on .

What do you have to do sit cross legged and hummm to understand what dna is saying?




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

You are Wonder- full my love,,, understand this and you will create volumes... In my loneliness, in my bewilderness,,, through my broken heart,, she came. There is none right,, no not one... don't follow me... follow the spirit that led you to me,, yes take eat.. but like fruit,, only take what is nourishing,,, I.. am bursting forth as many roses on this vine,,, and my fragrance will draw all men unto me.... hearts will unfold like flowers before me..

Many think I am saying that I am ,,, but I am saying I am a vessel,, don't you know the rocks will be shouting soon.





Registered: Mar 2000

Location: Indiana

Posts: 1948

Dwayne, to be honest, the answer is yes. And, well, the answer is no. The answer is rather like the sound of one hand clapping with a deafening sound. Like the effervescence of the smell of blue, as it shines invisibly throughout the universe. For only those blind to the things of this world can see it. Yea, and verily, twas brilig in the slithy tove. But not I, no!, forsooth and forsake the idea!!. Instead, empty yourself that the fullness may come. So that being empty, you can be full, and being full, you can be purple. So forgo the leisure of Lothlorien, and face hard and steadfast towards the nazgul, the wraiths, yea, even against Sauraman and Saruan, the epitome on fullofselfness, so that by being weak, you can be invincible, empowered by the essence of hobbitness. Fly!! Fly!! And in your mind, gaze lovingly and longingly and the lint in your belly button. Know that the lint is there for you, a part of you and yet, seperate from you as the two of you are one. And being seperate, celebrate your unity in individuality, realizing the through this, and the Vulcan mind meld, the secrets of the universe are open to you.

Signed, lovingly, Katamirshvishnuwalawalabingbang.

(friends may call and donate any funds towards my universal personal cause by writing checks out to "Kata", and may call at BR549)


in the begining God created man in His image, and ever since then, man has been trying to return the favor


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Looking throught the veil, I only see you, my life,

Empty yourself so that you can recieve the fullness,, I like that..

Love is intention,, fear is reaction

Seeing those in a chat room about religion,,,, feels like separation when we argue fuss and fight...

Dreaming again about a movie that was about the great explosion that some want to have happen so that they would feel right...(And the movie is called YOU AND I.. how about if love transmutes that desire into a wonderful explosion of ideas. Ideas begin to come alive for us,, .. (let me see if you see it in love) begin exchanged and growing rapidly.... let's call that the time of that all (both you and I) may be fulfilled. Remember , my love.. Lets make the jackels running in the wilderness,,,thirsty hearts..... and the water God........ In my anger, I thought it would be good for you, I want you to know I do not want that for you.



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Registered: Apr 2000

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Some observations:

Why do the ones who think that they are fully spirit filled always have trouble using the normal conventions of communication?

Makes me wonder how the Holy Spirit could have possibly guided such a wonderful literary text as the Bible.

Why do they always claim to have the truth, but are unable to define it or spit it out?

All I can say, is that the longer that they can dance and dodge the truth that they claim, the longer that the truth of what they really are is avoided. Though wait a second! I think most of us are pretty used to their tactics right away, and have little difficulty determining their guidance. The Holy Spirit gives the truth, shares the truth, and guides His children to the truth. Why the subterfuge? We are not blind!





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Registered: Jan 2002


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22 years ago my life took me through "what is the word of God" what about the letters where man said this and that about scripture and they did not know that what they were writing would become scripture 300 years later. To those that desire to know I will tell them of the miracles that led to what I know about scripture.. but for now consider that before you think you feel,,, before writing there was pictures, before words there was feeling, without words how did we articulate the layers that make up an idea. Before words were invented was the word, and the same was in the beginning with God, and God intended, spoke, ernestly and passionatly,,, but it was not language. This love is like you and I in love,, no words are necessary.

It's big but here is the first

romispirit.mp3 27meg 28 minute poetry


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Registered: Jan 2002


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Christianity must die and love grow

It does not matter what you want it will find it's way to you, as do your fears. It does not matter if I am a tribesman in a remote place or if I go to the depths of anyones personal hell, spirit, heart, dna, is there with you in that MOMENT. And shows up in a twinkling of an eye.

Very soon the world will find out why it is so that scripture is not the path.... that scripture more rightly veils causing separation causing death (requiring you to let go of that life and start fresh,, new) The fruit of DNA will be BURSTING forth on this planet... you will know them by their fruits.. let go of the veil.. the interpretation that you are hiding behind.. none will be right.. as shown on this forum, interpretation only leads to separation.. when this gets amplified.. and the separations means death to your friend, wife, child.. you will then be pierced in your heart and see why the partial must be done away with and love replace it.. not love as the churches teach for that will be shown to be the greatest separation.. Because it is a fact that the veiled will not hear these words, only those that are led by spirit know what is beyond religion. The supposed sinners on this planet do not need a teacher... it is the veiled (modern christians) that are sick and need a physician. I cannot contend with religion much longer. It is time to give it to the stranger on the street..(I will give it to a people not called by my name) they see it but the letter has blinded the eyes of the fearful and unbelieving. Dogma separates/love integrates.. the letter of your dogma will keep you from hearing my words. Also it is not the words but the spirit,,, words are but points in the equation.. the spirit is the heigth, depth, and width.

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Registered: Sep 2001

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Wow! What a fulfillment of Romans 1:18-32, showing how people supress the truth!



"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." Proverbs 30:6,7

Last edited by Christian on 01-03-2002 at 09:54 PM[pic]





Registered: Mar 2000

Location: Indiana

Posts: 1948

If the Scriptures are not authoritative, then on what basis should I accept ANYTHING you say as authoritative!?!?

What interpretation are you hiding behind?

And why are you allowing this interpretation to separate you from Christ? And His body?

What is your definition of “love”? And why should I accept it?

Suppose it is YOUR heart that is veiled? (2 Cor 4:3-6 NNAS) "And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, {4} in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. {5} For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus' sake. {6} For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

It is indeed the sinners who are sick! Jesus said so! Am I to take your word over His? (not likely) (Mat 9:12 NNAS) "But when Jesus heard this, He said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick."

I cannot contend with religion any longer either!!

You said



Dogma separates/love integrates..


Awww, this sounds very dogmatic of you! Where is your toleration now? This dogma of yours just separates you from the Body of Christ, which, in effect, means you are separated from LIFE.

But I would venture to say that the letter of your dogma prevents you from hearing the gospel.

You said



Also it is not the words but the spirit,,, words are but points in the equation.. the spirit is the heigth, depth, and width.


Why then do you use words to describe this as spiritual? And if you can use words to describe the spiritual, why can’t the Christian? This seems very hypocritical of you.

Lastly, (Rom 8:38-39 NNAS) "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, {39} nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

These are the dimensions of the spirit you ought to be concerned about. Without Christ, you are a dead man walking.

Please, come to Christ, He IS your ONLY hope.


in the begining God created man in His image, and ever since then, man has been trying to return the favor[pic]





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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Soon we will find out if our desire to be right (rightious) is greater than our desire to love and understand each other.

The smallest of points will soon alter the largest of equations and render all the interpretations meaningless.. thus fulfilling all scribbling by scribes...




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Registered: Sep 2001

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"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled" Matt 5:6

"For I say unto you, That except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven" Matt 5:20


"Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." Proverbs 30:6,7[pic]



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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Exactly,,, unless our interpretation of rightness goes beyond the scribes (scribbling of scribes) you will NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. I am saying nothing you don't already know, now it is time to believe it. Without spirit it is impossible to please God. Yet how many know spirit that say "we are right" WAR=we are right. They do not know spirit, they know their interpretation which they demand everybody worship as though their interpretation were God.



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Registered: Sep 2001

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Now some dialogue, and I'm glad, as long as it is open and honest discussion in an objective manner on a topic. I'm not much for just reading someones monologue over and over, especially when it is so relativistic like your's has been so far.

It would be beneficial if we can first define righteousness, according to the Scriptures.....not your (or mine) own subjective definition or undestanding of it. This righteousness that Jesus was speaking of is surely of most importance, and evidently to be hungering and thirsty for it is a blessing from God. First of all, to make a correction to your statement 'without spirit it is impossible to please God', when the Scripture's say:

"Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" Hebrews 11:6

1. First off I'd like to know if you have faith that the Scriptures are the word of God, because in one of your first posts it seemed to indicate that you do not have confidence in the Scriptures. Do you have the confidence that the Scriptures are true? If so, then we might be able to discuss them objectively; if not...

2. then I would ask you what ground you have for making any judgements at all, about things like 'righteousness' or 'love'.

Those terms are not up for grabs. They are Biblical terms and they mean something, not just what we want them to mean.

3. Do you think it is 'wrong' for someone to really want to be sure he (or she) is right? If so, are you so right? If not, then let's talk about that.





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1. For the word you seek is very near to you, even in your mouth and in your heart and you do not need a teacher, Deut. Scripture is profitable but without spirit it is death. I cannot serve two masters at once, there was a point in my life where spirit nailed the new law, interpretation to the cross.

2. Judgements,,, don't let my words bother you, this is my life, it is fruit. As one that walked out into the wilderness and could not read even if the world had given him an instruction manual. Did I go out to understand what the world wanted me to know. Did I seek the letter that man made or spirit that was to be found only in spirit.

3. Right,,, the smallest of points can alter a gene and change the entire equation. That is the problem with dogma, the smallest thing overlooked, and you are wrong. What does it matter if you are right. A couple that were argueing named Afghan and BlessAmerica, they at one time were you and I, but they would rather destroy the house than live in it together. Is your desire to be right greater than your desire to love and understand each other. You do it unto the least of the brothers you have done it unto me. If we moved in spirit, even if we were wrong, spirit would make us right. You may not understand but if you were passing Abraham as he was about to kill his son on the altar would you have understood before it was all written as scripture?





Registered: Jan 2002

Location: Seattle, WA

Posts: 49


Your vague generalizations need to be defind if you expect others to think logically on your position. What is the point of posting personal philisophical ramblings if others cannot define your vernacular.

What is "spirit"?, and what part does this nebulas entity play in your thought process. There are obvious distinctions between your "spirit" and the "Holy Spirit" within me.

If your love for others is so overwhelming and or you hold understanding that we are missing, please lay it out clearly.

You seem to contradict yourself, left and right, which indicates to me that your position is nothing more than human logic and thus completely worthless.

I am truly interested in your belief system, but your love is without merit if you are not understood.

God Bless



Phil 1:6[pic]



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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

It is the job of spirit to teach, my job is to show what spirit has done in my life, and offer it as fruit to be used by spirit. In order to understand what I am saying it would take intention and love. You cannot approach me with intentions that indicate that you are right and exspect to understand me. Because it takes an empty cup to recieve anything. Most christians believe they are already rich in spirit. But like the trickle of water in the wilderness that after time turned into a lush garden, so it is with a relationship with spirit. Spirit recognizes spirit. But man that believes he is right because he read a book already has his inheritance. If you are seeking bread from heaven do you go to the kitchen and eat? No, you fast,, and have fervent, passionate intention that you desire the bread of life. A man believing he already is full will recieve nothing. If I have shivered any man's timbers then let him seek from God. If you are already full then we will see if you have enough oil, for the time is indeed short.[pic]



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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

They can read what is in front of them.. but they will never fathom real love.

Love Integrates, Dogma Separates

Love Allows, Dogma Chains

Love ernestly strives to understand others

Love indeed fullfills all scribbling by scribes

The point that the builders overlooked,

It is not religion we want, it's relationship

There is only one, though now there seems to be

You and I

us and them

east and west

islam and christian

right and left

bride and bridegroom

husband and wife

you and heart

There is only you and I and you and I are one

You (my life) you are my heart and I can't help but love you.

If I told you clearly you would not understand,,, don't you know why it was that they were to wonder after him.

You are wonder-full understand this and you will be and empty vessel ready to be filled in each moment.

If it was relationship that the bridegroom wants to see then obviously Christianity is a veil!





Registered: Jan 2002

Location: Seattle, WA

Posts: 49


You have said "Religion is sin". Correct me if I am wrong, but are your ideals not orginized and acknowledging some form of Deity greater than you? If so, you are a religion of one, and thus you contradict yourself.

In addition, The word "scripture" has never in any literary circle come from the word for "graven image" or anything even remotley resembling it. The Hebrew word for "scripture"is "Kathab" (kaw-thawb) meaning "a record or book, a form of written text". In the Greek, the word for "scripture" is "Graphe" (graf-ay') meaning "a holy writ, or a document". Your theory is thus inconsistent with ancient near eastern semantics.

Furthermore, you claim scripture is an idol, yet you freely quote from it. 2 Tim 3:16 says " all scripture is God breathed...". One cannot arbitarily choose scripture to validate a position and ommit the remainder. I appears you are using the scripture you condem, to back you preconceived notions. Thus once again you contradict yourself.

I am truly interested in your beliefs, but your lack of logical thought seems to indicate once again, elementary human logic applied to the deity.

However, You make a very very valid point. We are guilty of seeking intillectual affirmation over loving others ( James 2:17).

To this I will concede.

This is simply my humble opinion, so do with it what you will. God Bless.



Phil 1:6[pic]


Many to come


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222


It is not for them that you are forgiving. For it was the fact that you believed them to be to BLAME that you feel they need forgiveness.

The veil of interpretation is what separates two people. (you and I)

we should never feel SHAME OR BLAME.

Remember the pain in the garden. (shame, eden)

You may not see it but, you chose to live alone (separate from God)

and hide behind a veil. (interpretations about bible)

And like a veil you are still hiding yourself from me. (God, each other)

(the rest of the poem veil.wav )

If you believed "ask anything of the father and it is given to you" then you would know why you got what you got. Everything is from God. not them. And it was because you thought it, and believed what you were taught, shown,

Once again, like the stone the builders rejected, our interpretations which if we don't worship these interpretations, we are labeled wrong, occult, pagan,

Like the stone, overlooked, the smallest of points once again will soon alter that largest of equations, thus rendering all interpretations meaningless.

Like standing before the veil, in the temple, there is only you and I. If I do it unto them, I have done it unto you, my love (lord) It is not for them I forgive, it is because I see that I get exactly what I allow in my heart. They do not know that when they feel anger, blame, shame, it is like incense rising from an altar. We get what we have allowed, believed in our hearts. The whole world seems to be as we believe, A small change to say the least, just like beauty and the beast. I know they will not hear me, the builders, the "right people" They worship 66 books, which were interpreted by man whose number is 6 which after fashioning this idol they demand the whole world worship their interpretation. Let us forgive them, for they know not what they do, and again after killing billions in the name of rightiousness, they will soon look upon whom they have pierced. Without spirit, the bible, the koran, all things are but idols blocking the door between you and I my love.

I have had everything taken from me in my life because of what spirit has given me. Yet their is no blame, for I know that it was created to show me the greatest love, that is only seen from the tearing of the veil between you and I.

The right people that worship an interpretation, (we never needed to be right, that was what grace taught) these same have taken the choices from countless millions, in this country it is impossible without spirit to live without being forced to believe what our fathers handed us at birth. The knowledge of such a thing as good and evil. When the Good that christians worship is finally shown to be the greatest antichrist that ever existed,...........

Anyway, seeing who you are in the light of the torn veil between you and I, holy place and holy of holies eliminates the reality, or need for forgiveness. You live in spirit where there is only Christ, or God and you and what is done to them you do it unto him, and when you see what is really on your heart it will know why it was allowed inside your world, because the belief in it was in your temple. Impossible to remove without spirit. StephenTree P. Steven Spence



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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Shame, blame, separation (sin) war, death, fruit of tree of K G&E

The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is Shame, blame, Separation, war, death

Therefore what we thought would civilize us will in fact create greater separation and destruction than having only the law of (spirit) heart and nature.

Wealth blinds the eyes of the controllers and motivates them to create a system to protect wealth. Wealth believes itself to be wisdom in that the decietfullness of riches motivates the wealthy to empower one system of law or another which is how riches are gaurded. (choose an idol that they give power to by the wealth to control others that might threaten that wealth.) It is believed that such wealth cannot exist without such a system to uphold it.

It was written for the understanding of the masses that were believing in many things that "ye shall have no idols, or the work of your hands you shall not worship" For it was known in ages past what happened when an object (idol, book, understanding) was "lifted up" to worship above what is revealed by your own life that the priests like kings would loose the original spirit and intent causing many through the "INTERPRETATIONS" to fall into bondage to what at one time was understood but only a shell remained.

We think to be lawless is bad, and indeed it would be for the fearful for what you allow in your temple is what you draw near. But nothing will compare to the evil done by the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil which religion always resurects as the weightiest understanding. But those of the spirit are drawn away from the decietfulness of such teaching (which only leads to separation and war and death) and are drawn by the power of the heart to that which they love. Focusing on the joy present in the moment and the treasures that spirit reveals. While spirit speaks little of the things the world tells you are important. (such as good and evil) Here is the snare of the "self rightious".

By using the system of thinking that Jesus did, you can see how concentraiting on the weightier aspects of love, and treasures of spirit rather than the law, and what is good and what is evil, would lead one to a life that is sanctified to spirit and peace and joy reigns. Not a peace as the world offers, but the peace that passes all such understanding as they would have you to worship.






Registered: Mar 2000

Location: Indiana

Posts: 1948

DNA and Rev, I have been asked by a dear friend, whom I have not seen in some time, to pass the following message on to you both.

Kata says;

I too am reaching for the Vitale element, such that my hair can reach the divine perfection known as "D i c k Clarkianism", who, to him who has ears, let him hear; and let him prove his wisdom by speaking with a Cajun accent, that the wise one known as “The Waterboy’s mother” says that this D i c k Clarkiansim or the manifestation thereof, is actually “the devil”. But here we speak of only the spiritual manifestation of the perfection known as “his hair”. In this way, by emulating and adopting Clarkianism, the perfection of my, and, if you are wise, your hair, will be able to withstand torrential rains and 60 mile an hour gusts of wind. And yet, as the teacher as said, be unmoved by the storms of life, and will remain in place even during the song “the name game”, and yet, all this will remain to be above all interpretations.

And while many, who are blinded by the truly evil one: Rogaine, will think themselves free, it is only those whose hair and spirit have followed the spirit and not the mere interpretation of Clarkianism whose hair, while defying all natural laws proves itself to be truly free. For by the formless form of its rigid fluidness, it is thereby revealing its supernatural origin, which is of course, all the proof one needs for the veracity of all my claims. For that which was written for the people to have and gain knowledge by virtue of its being written and naturally, interpreted, actually was not meant to be read and interpreted at all. This is a great mystery that only I, Kata, will be able to explain by the art of non-interpretation. And yet I will do this justifying of my explanations by my wholly, and thereby holy, unverifiable claims that this is what Jesus Himself actually meant in His teachings. For no one can ever really interpret the claims of my non-interpretations of Jesus’ claims and teachings, for in doing so, they will have interpreted, and this is not to be permitted.

We begin by moving through the roots of my D i c k Clarkian hair, then to my physical body, which is thus also furthered on towards the remarkably blissful state of joining the cosmic unconsciousness sometimes known as "the Jerry Springer Show". These two states, i.e. "Clarkianism" and "cosmic unconsciousness" match perfectly with the only two angels mentioned by name in the Bible, Gabriel and Michael, which represent only that which I say they represent, and nothing more, though perhaps, far far less. And all others who speak differently or contrary to me are relying on the evil sprays containing chemicals harmful to the ozone layer, thus proving their deceitfulness.

Now Gabriel as messenger corresponds to cosmic unconsciousness by delivery of the unutterable message



" "



And Michael relates to Clarkianism by the warring factions in the world and above it, by the shaking tumult known as the “rate-a-record” conflict. Thus when the combination of these divine principles, i.e. when the unutterable “ “ corresponds with the “I give it a 10, its really danceable”, this shows that our striving towards the perfection of immediate wish fulfillment is near completion. Now this rare cosmic event, when spoken of and clothed in pseudo spiritual language, and if said in the right intonation of voice, perhaps with bongos playing softly and slowly in the background over Mike Meyers poem “Woman, Whoa man”, will impress upon the open minded, intellectually elite, and hopefully the financially affluent, the reality and the creation of our own destinies by virtue of saying that the “Spirit” allows us to interpret that which we desire.


****Importantly we must adamantly immediately state, yet without being overly dogmatic and politically incorrect by being accused of being bigoted and narrow minded, we must NOT actually “interpret” and certainly never use the word “interpretation” or “interpret” for ourselves or anything we ever say, for indeed, we actually engage in non-interpretation in everything we say, write or think ---- giving us the freedom for the creation of many different realities by using the words in the Scriptures to suit our fertile imaginations and thereby simultaneously creating our own inner sanctum.*****

Whereby we may at last hear the deafening sound of one hand clapping, as this reality overtakes the world, which, conveniently enough, we have ourselves created. For we, like God, create the realities in which we live by speaking into existence the reality we prefer at any given moment by appealing to and yet at the same time denying the Words of the Scriptures, while ingesting large amounts of Prozac and Haladol.

However, and unfortunately in some cases, many of those who can speak into reality their own reality have failed to do so. And even more unfortunately, some have even had the audacity to attempt to speak into existence realities, interpretations, and even the sacred non-interopretations which are contrary to my own, in which I was instructed by the other voices in my inner sanctum to immediately prevent any further occurrences of this blasphemous universe altering manifestation of unhipness by the simple servile act of presenting them a special blend of Kool-Aid.

Thus, for those not speaking into existence a reality that might be reasonably similar to my own, or at least, one that I would judge to be acceptable even if it might deviate from the perfection of my own in some minor ways, I would say to "boldly speak forth that which you will", and hope for your own sakes that it goes well with you if I fail to concur with your reality.

Then for those failing to speak into reality a reality that could be their reality, they unwittingly err and allow a reality to come into non-being resulting from their failure. For even if a reality is not called into existence, a reality or non-reality from the cosmic unconsciousness or the Last Train to Clarksville inevitably seeks to fill the void. They thus non-speak into reality a reality that differs from THE reality (i.e. mine), which is in reality, no reality at all, unless you allow for non-Clarkian realities, which is not really that wise. This then thwarts the will of the Unthwartable One, which causes the One who has no need of anything to have need, and by needing and not needing, one realizes finally, the key to all knowledge; namely “ “

Kata, the bellybuttonlintless One-- who fully realizes that belly button lint is not Toejam.

You have been blessed.


in the begining God created man in His image, and ever since then, man has been trying to return the favor




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

I will have to go back and finish reading it Ken but that was even funnier than when you did it the first time. We have not finished laughing. (Seriously, not laughing seriously, but seriously none the less.)

(Gone reading Ken's message)


Wow you thought up all that for me Ken, Well I am touched [pic][pic]"""but you knew that didn't you"""))))))LOL

What's really unusual is the bald synchronicity I have been having. Ummmm I haven't figured out what it means yet. But if it is from me I would that it be a blessing.

Here's to believing that you and I (on this planet too) can see face to face soon.

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-09-2002 at 09:11 AM






Registered: Mar 2000

Location: Indiana

Posts: 1948

Yes DNA, I did partly write it for you, and am aware that you have been touched and, like myself, are "touched", and are in the process of being touched.... whist all the while trying to keep in mind our private cultural personal spaces and not allowing ourselves, be they inner or outer selves and/or inner or outer bellybuttons, any violation of the said spaces, yet all the while insisting on this seperation amidst our unity.

(that was Kata again.. the problem is shutting him up once he gets started, kinda like the donkey from Shrek... now you know why I do not invite him into the conversation very often... I am kicking him out again right now....) [pic]


in the begining God created man in His image, and ever since then, man has been trying to return the favor




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Off the funny subject I would like to say something that may be misunderstood along with everything else I have said being misunderstood because that is the nature of such undertakings. (it was appointed that the whole world would reject him (misunderstand him) and then the end would come... speaking of Jesus of course.)

It is not riches that is the problem, it is the intent of the heart along with having such influence that riches affords.

(you have to limit yourself and your way of speaking to communicate with christian forums, for their sakes. Because if you go out speaking in scientific terms they will not hear you. They will really misread you then. So you break the formula down into parts that their LANGUAGE can understand. If I were speaking to historians I would approach it differently.)





Registered: Mar 2000

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Great observation DNA, so when will you go ahead and limit/break down everything into parts of our (their) language so we can understand you? [pic]


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Who said it is I that will do that, for the seed spewers are itchin to spew and when you meet thousands like me (as the fruit comes out on the tree) you will see it is the work of spirit not StephenTree. I am just the bud on the appletree telling of fruit to come. Basically you have not seen anything yet compared to what is coming in the hearts of man. For I am here to watch this tender leaf grow but it is not my work but he who sends me. You see the spirit has changed even on this board in the past few months and branches are forming where the smallest of thoughts began. Like what starts a pearl is very small, the ______ that starts a rose on a vine is very small, what it is that chooses where a branch willl grow is very small and what starts a tree to grow is very small. So small in fact that it was overlooked by the "interpretations."







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I believe that this is for others on this forum and that my answer to you can be found in more recent posts you can get to by using this link other.htm click on the theology forums link and the posts from today and yesterday should be easily found because I am answering you both in these recent posts.






Registered: Mar 2000

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Posts: 1948

Help me out here DNA, if youse can…. You had originally said



(you have to limit yourself and your way of speaking to communicate with christian forums, for their sakes. Because if you go out speaking in scientific terms they will not hear you. They will really misread you then. So you break the formula down into parts that their LANGUAGE can understand. If I were speaking to historians I would approach it differently.)


So I asked you to help me by breaking your thoughts down into language I could understand (for my sake), a serious attempt at real communication with you I might add. But then you say



Who said it is I that will do that, for the seed spewers are itchin to spew and when you meet thousands like me (as the fruit comes out on the tree) you will see it is the work of spirit not StephenTree.


So on the one hand you say that you will adjust your writing style to suit the audience, and yet when I ask you do to so, you act surprised that I would expect you to be the one the do the very thing you suggested be done in order to facilitate communication!



in the begining God created man in His image, and ever since then, man has been trying to return the favor





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Originally posted by Ken

REV ROFLOL!!!!! You crack me up!!!!! Often I do not know what happens in conversations (may I use that word?) with DNA either. My "darn it, I hate when that happens" was in response to DNA's saying that I was a "seed sower itchin to spew" and that in my "interpretations" I was overlooking the pearl, the rose bud, the bud on the apple tree, etc. and in overlooking these things, I am oblivious to the true working of God. So I say again, "darn it, I hate it when that happens....." [pic]



Whew!!! If it's happening to you, then i must be ok. All those buds.

My mom taught us not to waste, back in the 60's we would eat the apples and smoke the tree.

Thought it was catching up to me.....



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Do you really want to understand me Ken ?????????

because your intent appears (because of the fruit of the intent which cannot be hidden) that you do not want to understand but that you want to prove something. First answer me this,,,, out of all you have listened to and read from me, do you agree with one thing that you did not already understand, and if so what is it? That is where you and I should begin our mutual intent. And our mutual intent should be to the same end or I am waisting my time. Your humor in the face of your difficulty is of great service to you, I believe that is your greatest strength, I would not stray from that even when I feel overcome, REACT to all difficulties as you often do from that SPIRIT.

Step one:

If a man's heart is set against another man they will never see face to face. (they will never share in the spirit) But if that man goes to his heart first and changes it's intention about who he is seeing, then he would be able to see clearly the same words that before he could not see. Ok there is step one if you really want to understand me, do you believe in step one, because without step one there is no step two. In order to have step one you would have to believe that God was in them, all of them including yourself. For you are not listening to their words but you are looking unto the spirit. When you have believed step one unto repentance and do see your God in them,,, all of them,,, then you will BEGIN to see all men face to face. If you do not believe step one then there is not step two.

You have heard the song "open your heart to me, I have the lock and you have the key" Without an open heart toward a spirit or person you cannot connect. Even if you say the same thing only using scripture.




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I was reffering to others like me, the words not the same but the spirit will be when I spoke of seed spewers. And I was reffering to the fact that you have overlooked what you know was correct in my writing to find the gnat. Having never spoken of the good that I spoke rather your tendency was only to find the gnat wether by misinterpretation or whatever. For this reason I have not believed your intent is to understand the first point but only find the gnat.

Originally posted by Ken.

(Thirdly it strikes me as rather odd that simply because I see a discrepancy in your writing, and then point it out, that you would assume that my heart is against you.)

Your fifth point was also a misinterpretation for I was saying that if you can it would be great to always react like that. (As when bad things happen "jump for joy" in order that the spirit of joy be the reaction or answer to the difficulty. I know how hard it is to react that way when you are in a bad space. I was not saying that you did not rather I was praising you for that spirit and encouraging you to use it ALWAYS. You misinterpreted me. (Originally posted by Ken:How can you assume or know with certainty that I do not always react in the same spirit?) What could make you misinterpret such an obvious intent on my part. What word did I imply you did not use it always and that I had any other intent? I was noting your strengh in always reacting with that spirit.. commending you! That is the opposite of how you took what I said.

The question with step one...(Originally posted by Ken: I can never presume to know that God is in everyone. ) I am sorry if your interpretation forbids however God is all and in all as scripture alludes for he is even in a donkey should God determine to speak through a donkey. Are you saying that God can be in a donkey but not in a beggar muttering supposed nonsense. Having been brought to my knees by spirit on this point I know that you are wrong, God is in them, and it is God that speaks even through Bin Laden and Bush though they believe themselves separate. Having heard the voice of God and read it on the bathroom wall I know that God is in them.

Those who come after us will have to read over much endless misinterpretation to get anything out of you and my discourse so since you do not see God in them I have no more to say to you. There is no STEP TWO (as we cannot agree on step one) for you are believing you are speaking to a devil and that God is not in me this is clear. I will not respond to you anymore since your misinterpretation of me is without end or intent of true sharing as illustraited by the constant misinterpretation.

(you might want to put me on your ignore list as I intent to do that with you for others sake rather then endless misinterpretation of my words)

As to I should repent and see God in you,,,, I do see God in you, especially your humor and I have done as I have asked you to do.

There once was a woman that was misinterpreting everything her husband said because she was bent on divorcing him. She had made up a story about him and he went to her and said "do you not know when we go to court over this and the truth comes out that "you will be blown away". The woman then called the police and furthered building her story against him by saying to the police "this man has threatened me" he has said that he would blow me away." Was that the intent of the man? What was her intent? Why not by your truth stimulate others on this forum to God rather than being bent on making me look foolish. You asked for me to break it down so you can sincerily understand me and when I did you proved your intent was not for me to break it down so that you could understand it but you were laying in wait for another reason and that was not your true intent. If your intent changes maybe someone else will contend with you further, I have no more to say to you Ken.

Pro 9:7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked [man getteth] himself a blot. 8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

In our striving together for the truth you and I have come to better see what is meant by "interpretations of man" by the misinterpretations of men and woman desiring divorce (separation).

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-16-2002 at 12:57 AM


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Do you love me?

Paraphrased from many posts: (Does anybody understand DNATREE? Can somebody please tell me what he is saying)

"you" understand me don't you,,, yes "you"

(written in the memory and spirit of Atheist Devine)

How bad do you want to understand them in the equation of "us and them". Do you love them more than you love your interpretation of God. If indeed you were to find that your interpretation was not God and then were to look at a scale of wether you loved your interpretation more than you loved them,,,, how would the scale read?

Those that love their interpretation that they collected unto themselves more than they love "them" Do not love me. And if you do not love me you can NEVER understand me. And if you do not know (understand) me you will not understand them. You then live separated believing them evil but all the time you will be manefesting greater evil in your separation. If you misunderstand the least of "them" you have misunderstood me. Go back and see me in them then returning you will see who I am.

And if you do not know me, how can I say I ever knew you?

Apart from a lack of scripture in my writing is this truth?

Is it not truth because it reveals something you don't want to see?

Can we agree on one point here?

Is your desire to be "right" making you feel I have to be proven wrong?

If this is truth, how would you intend change?

If we do see how we are persecuting "them" how can we better relate the message of Jesus to include "them" since we cannot see the true "intent of their heart" and therefore know that we are wrong in Judgeing "them"?

It is not for "them" (that don't understand me) that I post here you know. It is for "you", it has always only been for "you"

It's love across time, get ready for the ride.....

Quote from Lewis C. Spence (father, inventor, mentor) "The priests say that they had coffee and donuts with God and so now they know better"

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-14-2002 at 11:03 PM




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Since he is gone I would like to post what he placed elsewhere as it is what I speak of here.

(Copied from Atheist Devine's post in prayer section)

Some prayers you might like...

I was reading a book the other day, and saw some prayers you might like First time I've ever been in this bit of the forum.

These are all from Prayers of Life by Michel Quoist:

Son, I beseech you, don't sleep any more

"I shall be in agony till the end of time," God says.

I shall be crucified till the end of time.

My sons the Christians don't seem to realise it.

I am scourged, buffeted, stretched out, crucified. I die in front of them and they don't know it, they see nothing, they are blind.

They are not true Christians, or they would not go on living while I am dying.

Lord, I don't understand; it is not possible; you exaggerate.

I would defend you if you were attacked.

I would be at your side if you were dying.

Lord, I love you!

That is not true, God says. Men are deluding themselves.

They say they love me, they believe they love me, and, as I am willing to admit, they are often sincere, but they are terribly mistaken. They do not understand, they do not see.

Slowly everything has been distorted, dried up, emptied.

They think they love me because once a month they honour my Sacred Heart.

As if I loved them only twelve times a year!

They think they love me because they keep to their devotions regularly, attend a benediction, eat fish on Fridays, burn a candle or say a prayer before a picture of my Sacred Heart

But I am not made of plaster, God says, nor of stone nor of bronze.

I am living flesh, throbbing, suffering.

I am among men, and they have not recognised me.

I am poorly paid, I am unemployed, I live in a slum, I have tuberculosis, I sleep under bridges, I am in prison, I am oppressed, I am patronised.

And yet I said to them: "Whatever you do to my brothers, however humble, you do to me"...Thats clear.

The worst is that they know it, but that they don't take it seriously.

They have broken my heart, God says, and I have waited for someone to have pity on me, but no one has.

I am cold, God says, I am hungry, I am naked.

I am imprisoned, laughed at, humiliated.

But this is a minor passion, for men have invented more terrible ordeals.

Armed with their liberty, formidably armed with their liberty,

They have invented...

"Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing."

They have invented war, true war.

And they have invented the Passion.

For I am everywhere that men are, God says,

Since the day when I slipped among them, on a mission, to save them all.

Since the day when I definitely committed myself to trying to gather them together.

Now I am rich and I am poor, a workman and a boss.

I am a Union member and a non-Union member, a striker and a strike-breaker, for men, alas! make me do all kinds of things.

I am on the side of the demonstrators and on the side of the police, for men, alas! transform me into a policeman.

I am a leftist, a rightist and even in the centre.

I am this side of the Iron Curtain and beyond.

I am a German and a Frenchman, a Russian and an American,

A Chinese from Nationalist China and one from Communist China,

I am from Vietnam and from Vietminh.

I am everywhere men are, God says.

They have accepted me, they possess me, the traitors!

Hail, Master!

And now I am with them, one of them, their very selves.

Now, see what they have done to me...

They are scourging me, crucifying me,

They tear me apart when they kill one another.

Men have invented war...

I jump on mines, I gasp my last breath in foxholes,

I moan, riddled with shrapnel; I collapse under the volley of machine-gun fire,

I sweat men's blood on all battlefields,

I cry out in the night and die in the solitude of battle.

O world of strife, immense cross on which, every day, men stretch me.

Wasn't the wood of Golgotha enough?

Was this immense altar necessary for my sacrifice of love?

While around me, men keep on shouting, singing, dancing, and, as if insane, crucify me in an enormous burst of laughter.

Lord, enough! Have pity on me!

Not that! it isn't I!

Yes, son, it is you.

You, and your brothers, for

several blows are needed to drive in a nail,

several lashes are needed to furrow a shoulder,

several thorns are needed to make a crown,

and you belong to the humanity that all together condemns


It matters not whether you are among those who hit or among those who watch, among those who perform or among those who let it happen.

You are all guilty, actors and spectators.

But above all, son, don't be one of those who are asleep, one of those who can still fall peace. Sleep!

Sleep is terrible!

"Can you not watch one hour with me?"

On your knees, son! Do you not hear the roar of battle?

The bell is ringing,

Mass is starting,

God is dying for you, crucified by men.

I like youngsters

God says: I like youngsters. I want people to be like them.

I don't like old people unless they are still children.

I want only children in my kingdom; this has been decreed from the beginning of time.

Youngsters - twisted, humped, wrinkled, white-bearded - all kinds of youngsters, but youngsters.

There is no changing it, it has been decided, there is room for no one else.

I like little children because my likeness has not yet been dulled in them.

They have not blotched my likeness, they are new, pure, without a blot, without a smear.

So, when I gently lean over them, I recognise myself in them.

I like them because they are still growing, they are still improving.

They are on the road, they are on their way.

But with grown-ups there is nothing to expect any more.

They will no longer grow, no longer improve.

They have come to a full stop.

It is disastrous - grown-ups think they have arrived.

I like youngsters because they are still struggling, because they are still sinning.

Not because they sin - if you understand me - but because they know that they sin, and they say so, and they try not to sin any more.

But I don't like grown-ups, they never harm anyone, they have nothing to reproach themselves for.

I can't forgive them, I have nothing to forgive.

It is a pity, it is indeed a pity, because it is not true.

But above all, I like youngsters because of the look in their eyes. In their eyes I can read their age.

In my heaven, there will be only five-year-old eyes, for I know of nothing more beautiful than the pure eyes of a child.

It is not surprising, for I live in children, and it is I who look out through their eyes

When pure eyes meet yours it is I who smile at you through the flesh.

But on the other hand, I know of nothing sadder than lifeless eyes in the face of a child.

The windows are open, but the house is empty.

Two eyes are there, but no light.

And, saddened, I stand at the door, and wait in the cold and knock. I am eager to get in.

And he, the child, is alone.

He fattens, he hardens, he dries up, he gets old. Poor old fellow!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Open, all of you, little old men!

It is I, your God, the Eternal, risen from the dead, coming to bring back to life the child in you.

Hurry! Now is the time. I am ready to give you again the beautiful face of a child, the beautiful eyes of a child...

For I love youngsters, and I want everyone to be like them.



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I know I am to be seen by some as a wolf in sheeps clothing but I also know that even if I am rejected here that:

Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

Do you think this has changed, do you think that it only speaks of Jesus for it says that the builders always choose the wrong stone and the children of the builders believe it is the "right" stone.

Atheist Devine was not wrong, sure he was not complete in his understanding but who amoung you are? I have been rejected by all men, does that make me a liar in God's eyes, no quite the opposite?

And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders,(who might they be speaking of within this generation) and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, (am I any better than he) I am here to speak what I was killed for speaking before.

Now as christians love to say,,,, I know you are sincere "witness" but you are also sincerily wrong. Not that Atheist Devine was comeplete but neither are you and if you do not learn from him even what you think you have WILL be taken away from you.

I know the spirit could have spoken to this generation without christianity, I have limited myself to speak from this perspective for all things are of God, but if you do not learn from these what you think you have learned WILL be taken from you. I have spent my life learning what you believe and what they believe but I tell you it is rubbish compared to what spirit has to offer. Forget what you think you know or it will be taken from you.




Those quotes of DNATREE were not quotes of dnatree.... where did you find them and why are you saying they are my words. I am sure it is just a mistake as I have read quotes within other writings and missed the actual writer.



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Originally posted by DNATREE


Those quotes of DNATREE were not quotes of dnatree.... where did you find them and why are you saying they are my words. I am sure it is just a mistake as I have read quotes within other writings and missed the actual writer.



Boy is my [pic]I sort of forgot who I was talking to, Sorry for the error!




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Yes you did, I am a son of God and you have indeed forgotten who you are talking to. Let me remind you.

(Before I went on my trip to tahoe this weekend to wonder in the spirit I placed this in the last message here from me.

(tliw/j5:26r11:9) It means "tliw=they lay in wait"

and the verses for those that worship them will be their own judgment as it is written. as a man judges so shall he be judged. I have not judged you, you have. :

3 Jeremiah 5:26 For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.

This is only half the equation of what was told to me concerning you.

The rest of it is Romans 11:9 Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:

Do you know what that means, that means that I don't have to fight you, For salvation is of the lord not what I do here, I have already won. If you will look back through the DNATREE posts you will see where others are doing this as well.

For what they think they have will be taken from them.



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I don't know what the intent of those that quoted me wrong was but it seems as though they were trying to trap me because I thought a quote of someones was Kens and was happy because it seemed as though Ken's "intent of the heart" was better toward me, but I had judged "well" of him wrongly... what was the intent of misquoting me. Please explain because I must be missing a point that you have made and would like to understand what you "really" are saying by misquoting me. If it was to snare me then they have been snared by their own interpretation. But if it is not then an explanation of why I was misquoted will help all of us. Now I want you to consider that God would use unleavoned (unrespirited) scripture to snare those that try to use the leavon of the pharasee's which is misinterpretation by reason rather than spirit. Now I know there is a better explanation that has not been given for why I was misquoted and then the statement "Boy is my [pic]I sort of forgot who I was talking to, Sorry for the error! ". If it was not premeditated "snare" to catch me in an error then their must be another explanation. I am waiting for that explanation. But if it was to catch me then I have shown that scripture has caught them.


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

The salt has lost it's savor

The salt has lost it’s savor

The spice has lost it’s flavor

The pie has lost it’s layers

The fizzy root beer as the original intent (designed to be foolish that they may be caught in their own snare)

Having gone into a shop and being served the real thing. It was so fizzy that the bubbles were dancing on the top, the taste was so rich and layered. The burn was all the way to the belly! Now that was the original intent of he who created “root beer”.

This is as the spirit in the time of Jesus.

Then once removed what is left is only a shadow, for the rootbeer has lost it’s fizz. (for when the bridegroom was taken away is the first step in loosing layers, the fizz, and spirit.)

Along came the “controllers” stealing the clothes from the bottom of the cross, and duplicate the recipe. This is as a bad copy of a flat soda.

Then these same “controllers” duplicate this and put it out by the can. The can further removed layers that made the now flat imitation further removed from the original.

Then after drinking this many got sick and that became the norm.

They then took the yukky tasting mockery of the original intent in big plastic containers further removing layers of the original intent. Now after this had set for a long time on their table and many had gotten sick they then found it necessary to make a law that all must drink the misinterpretation they placed on the table. First remove the interpretations so that one drop of true fresh water can sweeten the water again.You see it was not people that were to be trodden under foot but the rotted interpretations that they demanded others worship as God. For when the salt (interpretations) has lost it’s savor (layers of meaning) then it becomes of no use but to be trodden under the foot of men.

Having found the "original intent" the self rightious say that it is poison, though it's taste is sweet and it's meaning cut's to the marrow. Instead they demand we drink the rotted scum of misinterpretation.

Without spirit you have only been snared by your own beliefs and others have been judged by what you think you understand. For God had forknown your heart and therefore he set a trap for you. In order that he might draw together those two that have been separated by such as this. You and I. Is your desire to be right greater than your desire to love and understand each other. If so, your rightness will be made a snare to you.

I am your spirit, I am your life, I am the path you are on.

I am the fresh water

I am the fresh bread

Anyone that drinks this fresh water and taking one drop will be able to make fresh that which was spoiled.

For the true bread was that bread that is leavoned by spirit, but the spoiled bread is that that was leavoned by such as the pharasee's which by their misinterpretation their spoiled bread became a snare to them.

Yes I am life, for life itself speaks

I am your life

I speak along your path

As once you believed and they taught you to fear the fall.

You believed all the more that I would catch you.

The voice that says "I may fall" is the child.

The voice that says I will catch you is spirit

Consider the gazzel that jumps from cliff to cliff, he has no fear blocking the door between where he is at and where " I will catch you" And should his foot slip, he again can be caught, and should he further slip another chance and another so that if he then looses balance he falls on gold. (for should I be in real danger, the miracle shows up at this point in believing ) For by having fear we draw the fall, but having the spirit of " I will catch you" we learn to leap unhindered and unhesitated.

There is only "YOU and I"

For when you are with the one that loves you, it is I really loving you. And when your friend is with you walking, it is I who walk with you. And whenever I appear in the synchronicities fo the path, know it is I blessing you with the gifts in the storehouse (dnatree) of your fathers who went before you.

There has always only been you and I my love

But the voice that says "watch out lest you ______(whatever fear)" Is not your love and not your enemy. For you gather only the weightier things upon your table. (heart, altar)

As good was once as far from bad, let what you love be only what you let on your heart (altar) And that other, (things you thought were evil or did not understand) be created for another time, or another reason. But then you will not judge what is not on your heart.

When I was a child I was shown a rod. One end good and the other evil. When I became a man I understood that one end was good and the other "for God's good purpose, acceptable to God"

Then I found you (spirit, my life) and also found that one end of the rod was now as those things on my altar were to be only what spirit has revealed and all other things created for another time and another's creation. Therefore in all things I find there is only "you and I". You see the child may have heard or read of the path but the spirit of our father(s) is he who went before us. Just as I wrote this on a rock out on the water at lake Tahoe a young man that had swam to the shore asked if the path was up this way. I pointed out what he could not see, for he had to go back into the dark cave in order to see the hole to the left that lead to the continued path. In the same manner they are veiled by what they think they see. For the water (understanding) that is from spirit is that water which washes away the sand revealing the TRUE FORM OF THE FATHERS Which having been revealed I see the rod as I see all things made by God, the one end as "my love, my life, the weightiest of good" and the other end as good as God or (good) is in all things.

Childs perception of the Rod


Adult perception in past ages of the Rod


e by God though I do not yet see the good in it.

Spirit's revelation of the Rod (all things are God, and therefore good yet I may not understand yet because I have not grown complete in spirit.

That which I love__________________________________good

So we see that as we grow in spirit that the bad is eventually brought across the line into good as God is all and in all. So to judge one thing as bad is to separate God from that, but to judge as God judges is to see God in all things. To see the good, now even if I make a mistake in judging it is counted as good.

For I sat on a rock and wondered and you came to me. For a long time I thought you were part of me, now I know that you are.


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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222


Please understand I am not talking about individuals so much here as the "interpretations" that they follow. (Let my anger tear the veil of interpretation which lies between me and you, for to put the anger on you is to be angry at one's self. For there is only you and I and when the veil of this flesh is lifted, you and I are one.) Please don't take it personally, our intent is to learn and get to truth. I am willing to be wrong you see because sometimes if your desire to be right is greater than your desire to love and understand each other then we are not serving each other or God. I just am bringing to light things that the stranger cannot defend himself on because he is judged by the interpretations of Christianity. That is like me judging you by my interpretations. Would you like that. You see this book (bible) gives that multitude great power over men but it is not the power of God. It is the power of interpretation as the pharasee's judged. You see when they say that I do the same thing on this forum they overlook the fact that my interpretation does not judge them at all, but what I am saying is that your own "christian interpretation" is what you are using to judge others and they have no chance to refute this because you supposedly (all the christian faith) have God on your side therefore your interpretation that all must follow is god. This is the god I spoke of that (ye are gods) "any god that creates a hell will go there" Therefore I have the God of Abraham behind me when I say that because ye are gods, and you are creating your hell) but my words were stolen and misinterpreted as the original words of Jesus were. Only the control by who supposedly owns the words is left and that is what will be proven soon. If your "interpretation" has one point out of place then it is not the word of God that you are judging others by, it is you judging them using self rightness, so until you are perfect you cannot interpret for anyone else. If you think I am judging you are wrong, I am just showing you what Mainstream Christianity is putting forth from their mouth and according to their own words they will be judged by themselves,, not me,,, not God,, ye are gods, and the god that creates a hell will go there. Love believes all things, christianity is hating most all things except their own interpretation that is not of God. They think since they own the book and no other "interpretation" can be allowed because of the "interpretation" that "they are right" but they have not read the fine print and when the spirit that comes after me places his foot print down it will be much worse toward these than what I have warned you of. I am not judging, this is a warning. Will you cover it up so that millions locked in the clutches of man's interpretation will never see it, or will you warn them of the footprint that is coming? Cause when it occurs it will be as in the days of Babel when their language was confused,, the smallest of points altered everything.




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Registered: Apr 2000

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Stirred up the bees nest, eh?

I claim to not judge but to warn. You claim the same thing, though both of us see judgement in the other. Who is right?

You claim to know God, and yet your very words have shown that your claims cannot be trusted. No one is claiming perfection, unless you are, but could it be possible that some here have been where you are, and have grown out of it?

Should the traveler not warn other travelers of the danger on the road, if they have already encountered them?

Regardless, though your words try to set it aside, you have become angry. You are trying to control this, and that is noble of you, but still you behave as if poked by a stick. I hold no weapon in my hand, and other than deception, have accused you of no crime. It is not your fault that you believe what you believe, just as I was convinced that I understood the truth when I too followed the path you are on. Sadly, it is not even your fault that the words that I offer are a stick to strike, instead of a stick to help you from the quagmire of your beliefs.

I know who you speak of. This one who will soon be here. He is not God. You are right, he will make all who love God Almighty and who follow Jesus Christ to suffer horribly. How can you rejoice in such a one as he? He will make the earth a living hell. What kind of master is that?

Will you hold the axe over the head of his enemies, and deliver the fatal blow?



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Registered: Jan 2002


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It is not for them that I am delighted but for the rest of the world that will not be judged by them anymore. For the stranger and the begger I am delighted indeed. Has God told you that your interpretation of this one that is coming is correct or has a book told you.




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

I am delighted that they who are blocking the door to seeing what Jesus was saying will be removed and the world will not have to worship the interpretation anymore. You cannot see that they have judged the world falsely. I have not come to judge the world but to reveal how you will judge yourselves. For all go to heaven wether you want some to go to hell or not, but the self right that have read a book and judged the world without ever consulting spirit have been caught in a snare. Your original intent of the love of Jesus will be fulfilled. For even those that blaspheme the spirit of God in me here can repent and stop persecuting "the stranger" and help him as Jesus taught. You see it is not for those that do not believe christians that a repentance is due, but for those that read a book and judged the world saying they must repent, these are they that must repent. They believe themselves safe behind the veil of that interpretation. They are the most endangered species but by their own creation. Like the smallest of points they have overlooked they believe others evil because they do not agree with an interpretation that did not come from God. So believing them evil they have judged themselves evil. Why is it so evil for me to say you are in heaven yet veiled. It is for this good thing that does not condemn anyone that I will be called evil. But them having read a book and not waiting for the spirit they are judged themselves already by such a belief in an idol of collected scripture. Just because the truth will set all men free and be a blessing to all the nations does not make it evil. It embarrases hypocrites, and sets millions in christianity free for many are close to the door but cannot reconcile the interpretation they are told is infallable. The path of destruction is the path of reading a book and never having consulted spirit, before you open your mouth and judge others. Ironic, that God would judge christianity this way, but how marvelous it is in my eyes. For first judgement will come to them that the veil be removed so that the spirit of God in all men may then be poured out as a blessing to the nations.




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Rom. 14:4 "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand."

You have spoken well for it is not I who judge you but yourself. If you understood what I believe you would know that I reveal what you believe thus are creating. It is just that you do not understand me until the veil is removed you will not. And you cannot have it removed until you humble yourself and come in through the door. Do you love me? Do you wish to understand me even if it reveals things about you you do not like revealed. If my words are veiled they are veiled to them that are perishing. For God does not judge another, you judge yourself for you are God. I am the good news that you will not be judged by another for I do not judge you your interpretation judges you. If you knew God you would not have any fear of what I am saying, in fact you would jump for joy over what is coming. Have you not noticed I am just as any "stranger" you have met. I sound "strange" until you get to KNOW me. Then I am your friend. Until you get to know the "stranger" you have not fulfilled the "original intent" of the one you believe you love. (Jesus) If Jesus (wildheart) was here you would deny him as well, your interpretations of who he was would not allow you to see him. For your fear is not that Jesus will be destroyed but that your denomination and yourself will be destroyed. If you do not destroy your own beliefs now they will be destroyed, for that was the original intent of "born again". You must first remove "right" from your eye in order to see God. Is God your denomination, or is God all things. Go to the most "strange" amoung your denomination and learn from them, raise that one up and you may have something worth pondering.




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

When you finally do understand me you will see I was your blessing. This spirit is what you prayed for. For what you wanted was to be made new and once you have dealt with what is even now at the door you will be completely changed. The condemnation you feel is not from me but your own belief. Speak to me as you would a friend and you might begin to see me. For I judge no one, I just show you how you are judging yourself. And I know that many see this but would not admit it because they love being right. First give up all that you have and gather the things of the heart that are not learned from a book and then you will have something to keep eternally. And I am judged by no man and have learned not even to judge myself. Do you know how free that is. For this reason the spirit speaks "there is no condemnation for those that are called according to the spirit" But the interpretation that has lost the fizz has lost the spirit and their scripture shall become a snare to them.




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

My friends call me Stephen, my first name is Paul, my second, Steven, my last name Spence, my spiritual name is StephenTree, my name on this board is dnatree, but I have had many many more names before in this life and another. Now the spirit has many names for his name is wonderful, councelor, almighty God, but the names do not stop there for his name is also heart, life, source, and ummm of course John, his hame is John, and what is your nickname John?



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Registered: Apr 2000

Location: Williamstown, N.J.

Posts: 2104


I really do not have any nicknames. I am usually called John, though my students call me Mr. Green (not an easy thing for me to get used to). I have been called many names that I will not repeat, though these were not names from friends, and tend to be vulgar. [pic]I have little need for other epitaths. Unless perhaps good servant, a title that I hope to be given at the end by my Lord. You could call me scum, or trouble, if you wish, though those names are shallow. Oh yeah, sometimes I call myself nerd cubed (to the third power). [pic]

Thanks for sharing your name, if Paul offends (my intentions are to honor your parents) then let me know. I can call you Steven if you prefer.


Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222 Good bye

This will be my last thread because it is no longer a joy. So I do what I always do and start fresh. Tommorrow I will not be here to answer in my own defense anymore.

I will do something completely new. But first here is my last two messages. The honeybee and the good bye.

The heart as illustrated by the honeybee.

I want to illustrate how my life created my perception of the heart.

If you can visualize the relationship of the honeybee to the flower, in that the heart of the honeybee can be seen as following his delight. For though he loves the nectar, the law of God is completed in him as layers of his own intentions. What I mean is at 90 degrees to the intent of the honeybee with the flower life is using the honeybee to complete it’s perfect work. (Pollination) And many other processes that the being of the honeybee does not have to worry himself with for it is Gods work in him. The honeybee does not have to do this for it is written on its heart. Now the heart of man is a formable thing and each is creating his own heart by what he chooses to fill it with. The experiences and the exquisite nature of how life teaches the individual through synchronicity and all wonders as well as all writings is the water and wonder of life as well as my greatest teacher. I am your way, I am your truth, I am your life is what spirit says to me and only me. What does he say to you and only you? What does a book, or a church or any other flesh know about this love between the bridegroom and bride? And whose business is it. Anyway. Inquire of your Christ as to what is the greatest love that you can give back and be about only that. It may be what you already are DIEING to do. But if not I bet what you are dieing to do is something that will teach you the most about spirit.

Wether I am a stranger, or a anti-christ or a fool is for each of you to determine for yourself. Anyone that takes my words and claims they can interpret them for someone else hates me and is a thief of my words.. And anyone that takes them and it helps their spirit it is for their private interpretation not for another.

Take out the bad layers

You think you see

And in everyone you will find me

First let me apologize to each of you if I have offended,,, I was just myself in the moment with my life’s spirit. I want you to know that you are so free that you can create exactly that which is perfect in your sight. Collect for yourself everything that you love, and ponder only these things. I had to become like the members in this group in order to communicate with them. I do not necessarily believe that you should believe what I say just that you eat it (fruit) if it tastes sweet to you and the parts that you do not want or believe let go of. To those that spirit speaks through me let it be unto you spirit, but if you believe another way than God wishes that you continue your path and do not give a thought to my life. I do not wish to offend. I am just me, a stranger, . What I offer is from my perspective and embodies feelings from people hurt by Christianity that do not have a voice. It is truth from my life, and therefore only fruit for another, I cannot demand you worship this new interpretation for that is not the freedom we are given. It entitles me to the rights of any fruit, I can put my seed in it and if it is sweet then they will eat and pass it on. It may be a point in the equation you overlooked or it may be your interpretation fulfilling itself in another way. If what I offered hurt you then understand my intention is only to fill the emptyness and like any other creature my God defended me because of my testimony in my reality.You are already right before you felt you have to be right (but not as the world says "this is what is right"and you do not have to change from who you are to be right maybe just to grow more. Just if you find something good,,,, don’t throw it out because it will not fit in your interpretation of a book. You were put in this garden with twelve tree's you are free to eat from all of them accept beware of the parts that lure you into shame and blame. Is not all things fruit yet one eats what he loves and discards what offends him. Anyway when a tree begins to bring forth bad fruit you cut it down and start over. Now I am going to cut down my own tree here on your forum to show you that my God does not demand you eat my fruit, because it is really fruit best suited outside of this house. Like the stranger so that he can defend himself from religion in the future. The fruit of this here is really meant for another and she will study it and love it and receive it as a gift. So I will gather my words and take them to her. Perhaps the Indians, yea the hopi, their right everybody else go to hell… haha just joking! Oh when someone tells you that the truth is in StephenTree’s writings or in the Baptist church or buddist or hindu don’t believe them for the truth is only given in your spirit by the truth revealed to you by your God. I myself want some to believe Christianity so that they can keep servicing mankind the way they are with better fruit as a non interpreting entity. This is my life. If it is not sweet fruit to you, then don’t eat it. These are my words, whoever uses them to free men, to them they are a gift. Whoever uses them to enslave men is a thief and a robber. (But that is not necessarily a bad person as we all did that at one time didn’t we ALL.) Did not christ suffer the same? Thank you each of you for allowing me to communicate. I wish all men on both sides of all issues blessing. Please do not alter any of the threads until I finish copying all that I have written. In order for me to continue responding here it takes me to a place that is not one of my loves, and so I could not continue from this venue to produce the best that I can offer. I must go elsewhere..... God bless you all,,,, you are not wrong, you are just not right and that is not a bad thing. Please try to forget I was here unless I benefited you. Thanks

"Ahh a fresh start, where shall I wander and wonder tommorrow?"

Last edited by DNATREE on 08-21-2002 at 10:27 AM




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Well actually I have said what I have to say and can learn much more from my life in the moment. I appreciate even those that did attack me as it is not the words a man leaves behind but the spirit. What is more important, the punctuation, the spelling, the interpretation, the words someone wrote, or the spirit they left behind? Thanks all of you, you helped me complete my intent here. And I plan on taking each thread and having them studied by myself and others but not here. I believe the spirit (smallest of points I have been given by my life) will change things elsewhere for many persecuted by religion, and in time (fast, short, time) for all of christianity. Not my words so much as the spirit for "I am bursting forth as many roses on the vine, and my (God as man's spirit) fragrance will draw all men unto me. Hearts will unfold like flowers before me! God bless and peace is not too far away after what is blocking the door is removed. Oh and final blessing to PEH and his house, and VMAT. . You see my life has taught me many things alone, but I did not know what I learned writing and struggling for and with each of you to get to what God has for us. You see most of what I wrote was new "in the spirit" to me and would not have been learned except that I see what you were wrestling with yourselves. Not what I wrote but what actually happened here will be the focus of a links page in the future to show how the spirit did speak through "YOU and I". There is no home in christianity for the stranger, nowhere he can lay his head, nowhere he is accepted. I mostly live in my car (I don't work, money comes from coincidences and working on tv's at motels here and there. So I may drop in and peek from time to time. I will come and peek from time to time but don't plan on contributing here anymore as I have said what I came to say and learn. Bye and thank you again.



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Registered: Jun 2002

Location: south carolina

Posts: 114

Dear DNATree

I'm sorry the forum is not giving you joy as it once did. I for one will miss peeking in at your poetical writings. I usually didn't understand much you said, the "stream-of-consciousness" type of writing is difficult to follow when you are outside the mind creating it. But, what I did understand was your love for God and mankind, and your great desire to be totally enwrapped in His love for you. I am sorry that people have not been kinder to you, I found you a great refreshment and blessing and believe many others would too, if they would not strain to put meaning to what you say beyond what you intend, which is, (pardon me for presumption, but I believe I also have the Spirit [pic]) verbal paintings of the things of the Spirit. I thank you for mentioning me by name in your blessings, I am grateful and believe it to already being done because of your prayerful intention.

God richly bless you , my chaver tov



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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

Just one more thing then, for (you)

Consider the harlot of revelations

For did not Jesus already forgive the harlot

And turning the other cheek he forgave them that had said “how dare you forgive the harlot”” You cannot forgive the harlot.”

The intended bride rejected him (the spirit)

That was when she felt rejected.

For the spirit was lonely and only could find a “stranger” to talk to. (StephenTree Intro)

But how could he forget his body, his wife.

His Joy

Love you!




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Registered: Jun 2002

Location: south carolina

Posts: 114

Dear DNATree

Don't want to prolong your departure, as I sense these messages are doing, but I had to respond to your last post. It stirred something in me that has been working for a few days: and that is that we live in what we believe in. That is, if I believe in the world around me, that is where I "live", seeing, hearing, feeling, absorbing what there is around me. If I believe in the Kingdom of God, that is where I "live", experiencing its special sights, sounds, and atmosphere.

As you wrote, "The intended bride rejected him (the spirit)

That was when she felt rejected."

If I do not seek Him, I will not find Him. It is not that He has rejected me, but that I have "believed out" of Him.

Thank you, dear DNATree, for your obedience to the Spirit in posting this confirmation that it is the Spirit Who has been speaking to me of this.




Eben Abram

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Registered: Mar 2001

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[pic]May the Words of my mouth and the Meditation.....

Shalom Alecheim DNA

Family is family

Friends are friends

As I have told one I will tell a thousand.

As I have invited one I will invite more

You are always welcome at my shabbes table and in communion we would drink wine and break bread together till break of dawn and you be on the Way of the L-rd.

You shall return here and when you do your friends shall still be here and none whom would appear hostile are truly enemies at all but merely Human Beings you have not yet met in the hour of affliction.

Is it not such a time as this we were all born?

Then if so be the L-rd has chosen you to go you shall be blessed....... and if be he make a way for you to stay we shall be blessed indeed.

The L-rd bless thee and keep thee but as it is given to man to appoint and annoint to others a blessing or a curse;

I choose to bless you.

G-d bless you in the fear of the L-rd and the love of his grace as you seek his face and your place in this world.

Shall it not be we hsall hear of you and give thanks be to G-d the Almighty we have known you?

Aye and I say yes.

Be blessed

Eben Abram


Every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.




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Registered: Jan 2002


Posts: 222

I will return in the newness of his return, for he is continually making me brand new. You see what you all have said here is what I was waiting for.

One will be taken and another left (let this spirit increase)

Broken and contrite heart toward each other

It is expediant that I go away, for if I do not the comforter will not come.

For when one is taken and another left, the void in the one left is the treasure

For then the one taken, is found within that one left, within that void..

When the veil of this flesh is lifted, you and I are again one.

We don’t want to be right, neither the left or the right, but this is all that I would want you to remember. As Paul said, I wish that you knew nothing, but Christ, and him crucified. For the rejection, and the loneliness of that bewilderness is the meeting place of your heart. I am a teacher, but none would hire me for what I teach is already taught by life.

Behold I am making all things new. (spirit)

It is not anything I said that will speak as loud as what has happened between "You and I" on this forum. It is not what you and I say here that is as discriptive as what happened here.

Read it again (The story of you and I) READ IT AGAIN, THE STORY OF "YOU AND I"..... The never ending story!

"New Leaves (words) " Coming to a tree near you![pic] And when he opened his eyes, he saw men walking around as trees.





Registered: Jul 2002


Posts: 56

DNATREE, consider me your friend. I'm very sorry to see you leave and i hope you'll be back one day. Blessings to you and to your family. -Titus

StephenTree Early Years

As a teacher and student of bible I was immersed in the writings of old and new testament writers and studied for hours each night until the synchronicities started with the word “inheritance” from the bible and in a poem related to Collosians 1:12 “the inheritance of the saints in light”. These beginning writings and what “was on my heart as early as 1980 will be posted on the web site as they are dug out of storage.

A collection of the early radio programs that StephenTree did called “my offering” that was directed towards Christians to help them understand the veil that they have separated themselves behind should the spirit find it time to reveal this in their lives. A copy of the tape of messages is available at . These were also prophetic about the fruit that was to come out of StephenTree as well as on the dnatree among humans in the coming years.

Speaking of my children

I have three children, from three different relationships. Solomon had more children from more relationships, ok.

Early attempts to communicate were translated into foolishness by what I came to see as the veil between myself and my children. The veil of interpretation between the mother and the father. I was not able for years to put into words what I was experiencing and what I would have wanted to pass on to my children. I began to have intentions that my life began to translate into wonderful experiences while thinking of my children that I could write about and if they should truly wish to understand me they would begin to see what it is I wish to pass on to them. But as they grow I was growing in a direction that would only cause a rift between them and their mother’s way of living and understanding life. I dreamed that one day they would have these same realizations relative to myself in their moments with spirit. Raine indicates many experiences where she is understanding this communication already. Because of the relative closeness of my relationship with Raine I was able to raise her alone for much of the time in her first few years, and give her much of the spiritual inheritance I was given. The synchronicities with the song Rain by Madonna and the book Spirit… A friend in Rain about a horse are examples of this closeness. With Sarah I had sent a book to her when she was about four that was returned to me and I later gave it to her at about age twelve. The name of the book was “The Giving Tree”. I had no idea at the time that I would be called StephenTree or that much of my life would be about the dnatree. I wrote each of their names and my private hopes for each of them on the walls of my farm home in Milton, Florida during the years of bewilderness. I have often wondered things that I could not tell them as children and wrote of my experiences with Raine which I hope to publish as a book for them called “Romance and Childs Play”. Because of the veil of family and society that they live behind I found that I should not even try to defend myself but rather “remain silent” until they find me in their moments as the “voice of their father(s)”. And once this veil has been breached I intend to be a friend as I wrote in the front of the book to Raine… (no longer do I call you only my daughter but my friend, for we shall be “forever friends”) Forever friends was the name of the last chapter in the book Spirit… A friend in Rain. If I was to try to convey this to them now I feel it would not benefit them as much as if they found me “in their loneliness, in their moments”. Their mothers were a great service in creating home and a envirment to grow. One day I hope that they will have the opportunity to receive what I have created through loving intent for them.

Song “My father’s Eyes”

About the author

Born the son of an intense wonderer (inventor) Paul Steven Spence’s ability to dream was amplified by a life spent mainly alone. Most of his childhood was spent moving first from Tucson, Arizona, to Izmir Turkey, then to England (where his mother had been born,) to Oklahoma, Texas, back to Turkey, Illinois, then florida where much of his teenage years were spent living on a 62’ Ketch Ship. Young Spence stayed in wonder so much so that a teacher wrote a note home about his constant day dreaming. His father was determined to make him memorize the entire Book of Knowledge encyclopedia set because of lack of attention to school work. The ironic part of this is that the first page, which Steven did memorize, was about the excellence of wonder.

Leaving home at 15 Steven was motivated by his fathers ideas of work and duty. Which served him well to provide for a young wife. Steven joined the Army at 17 years old and after a long school in Missile electronics at Redstone Aersonal Alabama he went to Germany Steven found it easy to do well in the Army and made Honor Graduate of the battalion leadership school and was promoted fast to become the youngest Sergeant in his battalion, just 18 years old. He was also commended for his efforts in rebuilding the electronic hut which serves the electronic control section of the Pershing Missile Battery. Steven soon became an instructor of the leadership school and traveled Germany teaching. He later taught at Redstone Aersonal Alabama in the vacuum tube dept. Later in civilian life he would teach electronics and cad graphics systems as well as own his own service company. He was given the customer satisfaction award from Honeywell for the south eastern region.

Now Steven was always around a castle of sorts since he was a child and when he moved to Germany he found himself living just a block from a castle in Reckberg Germany. Steven was drawn to the mystery of castles and even made a home made metal detector and found an English penny in the mote of one castle dated 1914.

Steven was changing within himself constantly and found that most interpretations of relationship were too confining and he was unable to conform to societies ideas of family and marriage. Feeling rejected yet liberated Steven decided after three tries to lay down the promise of love with a woman and spent years feeling and growing a new relationship with his own life. After years alone and a new birth he found himself quite able to create wonderful relationships with others but was not wanting to have a relationship with a woman as it often altered his own time and spirituality alone. But he had many friends and acquaintances and felt that that was more the original intent for his life anyway.

Miraculous experiences alone and with others layered and grew his intuitive understanding like a tree growing. Synchronicities like a treasure of experience that would become the major focus of his life and would be his primary relationship like a shaman and his life.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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