
Numbering Systems Assignment

In order to get full credit you need to pass in your work. You can give it to me on paper, scan it, take a picture of it or whatever creative method will work for both of us!

Binary/decimal conversion:

10111010 in binary = ______________ in decimal

124 in decimal = _____________________________ in binary

101100110011 in binary = _____________ in decimal

456 in decimal = _____________________ in binary

Hexadecimal/decimal conversion:

D4 in hexadecimal = __________________ in decimal

536 in decimal = _______________________ in hexadecimal

ABC in hexadecimal = _______________________ in decimal

7635 in decimal = _______________ in hexadecimal

Binary/hexadecimal conversion:

1101001111001111101 in binary = _____________ in hex

C6E in hex = ___________________ in binary

100110001010111011010010 in binary = _______________ in hex

F79D in hex = _______________________in binary


Write the ASCII 8 bit binary code for the following hex:

43 4E 51 74 32 70

What is the hexadecimal for the following ASCII 8 bit binary code

01100110 01001100 01001111 01110010

Tell me the characters (upper case letters, lower case letters numbers etc) for the following ASCII 8 bit binary code.

01001111 01100101 01001100 01110010

Write the ASCII 8 bit binary code for the following


In notepad, I wrote this text file and then opened it so you could see the hexadecimal translation of what I wrote. Tell me what I wrote (be aware of upper vs lower case).



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