
[Pages:15] Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

I strongly suggest that you print this report out right now and read it immediately.

There's a very big idea inside and many people have made a fortune once they grasped the concepts you are about to receive right here for free.


Proof That The Secrets You're About To Discover Work Like Magic................................................................3 "...Biggest Sale Of Over $249,000" ..........................................................................................................................................................3 "...Millions Of Dollars".........................................................................................................................................................................................3 "...Doubled Sales".................................................................................................................................................................................................3 "...Most Effective Training Program".......................................................................................................................................................4

Why You Should Pay Very Close Attention To What I'm About To Reveal To You....................................5 But Here's Where It Gets Really Cool ................................................................................................................................................. 6 But There Was The Problem..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Laying The Groundwork....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Not Canned, Planned .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 The Steps...................................................................................................................................................................................11 The Hierarchy Of Persuasion ............................................................................................................................................13 How To Structure Your Presentation ........................................................................................................................... 14


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic


"...biggest sale of over $249,000"

I made my biggest sale of over $249,000 using the exact methods you teach. Before using your product, I was hesitant in the whole sales process. Your product provided me specific guidance in the language and scripts I need to use and gave me the confidence. Your product has transformed my sales skills.

"...millions of dollars"

The techniques that Dave Dee exposes and reveals are ones I've personally relied on to make billions for my clients...and that I've relied on to sell more than a million dollars of my programs from the stage each year as a speaker. Anyone should pay any price to get trained to use these secrets. Dan Kennedy Author of 24 books on marketing and sales.

"...doubled sales"

Dave Dee's program is incredible. I have done a lot of webinars and taken several speaker's training programs, and this course had the most impact by far. I ran a webinar last week on my own, then I took Dave's course, put his techniques in place, and did the webinar again. The second time, with a smaller audience, I had double the sales! Kim-Walsh Phillips, CEO, Elite Digital Group


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

"...most effective training program"

I've spent more than 3 decades as a professional speaker. I've presented on stages in more than 50 countries to millions of people worldwide. And I say from experience that Dave Dee's course is one of the most effective training programs I've seen to date. There is no question that the strategies and techniques provided will help anyone to deliver a well-crafted presentation that is engaging and powerfully effective. I highly recommend this training for those who are serious about mastering their craft as a speaker, and more importantly, as a salesperson... Brian Tracy, Best-selling author, personal development guru, speaker.


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

Why You Should Pay Very Close Attention To What I'm About To Reveal To You

I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and answer the question, "Who the heck is this guy who calls himself the `Psychic Salesman' and why should I listen to him?" I used to be a struggling entertainer - a magician and mentalist to be precise. I was only doing three shows a month and was deeply in debt. Then I discovered the power of marketing and leads started pouring in. But that caused a big problem... I wasn't closing sales. I wasn't turning prospects into clients. Not only was it depressing, it was also painful because I was wasting all the money I was spending on marketing to generate these leads! I was desperate. It was do or die. Either I learned how to sell, or I was going to have to get a regular job which felt like death to me. I went out and read every book, went to every seminar, and studied every audio and video course from the famous, traditional sales gurus you would know. And you know what? Most of it didn't work. On top of that, I hated using the blatantly manipulative and high-pressure sales techniques I was taught. I knew there had to be a better way to sell. So I spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars studying the world's most powerful persuasion, influence, and mind control experts. And I saw things and learned things that I could not have imagined. I also started incorporating techniques I had been using in my mentalism show to my sales presentations including cold reading (the art of getting inside someone's mind), hypnotic language patterns, and more. From all of this, and after a lot of trial and error, I created a system that effortlessly turned prospects into clients without high pressure, old fashioned, outdated sales techniques. I call this my Psychic Salesperson System.


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

Once I put this system into place, my business exploded. I went from doing three shows a month to averaging 25-30 shows a month in less than 90 days. Other business owners started asking me to teach my system to them and to their sales teams and their results were just as incredible including doubling their sales.

But Here's Where It Gets Really Cool

I was asked by my mentor, Dan Kennedy, to speak at one of his seminars to teach his audience my Psychic Sales skills. The one caveat was that I needed to sell a product at the end of my presentation, so I put together a product I called The Psychic Salesperson System & Toolkit which laid out my system in a step by step format.

But there was the problem...

I had only been doing "one-to-one" sales presentations either in-person or over the phone. I had never sold to a group before. Would my Psychic Sales skills work in a one-to-many sales environment? Well, at the end of my presentation, I created a buying frenzy. I had a stampede of people running to the back of the room, credit cards in hand, to buy what I was selling. When the dust settled, I had sold over $300,000 worth of a product in just 75-minutes and ended up being the top-seller at the entire event. Not only had I developed a bullet-proof system for selling one-to-one, but for group sales presentations as well. Since then, I've refined my Psychic Sales process into a real system that works like magic for one-to-one selling, selling in webinars, in video and in-person group selling presentations. The results amaze even me.

I routinely sell $15,000 - $40,000 services over the phone with a single call. I created a webinar that generated, $1.5 million dollars in sales, running on

autopilot in two-years and is still going strong.

My live presentations, some in-person, others broadcast live over the Internet

have produced sales of $292,356.36, $125,000, $220,048 and on and on. (It is rare for me not to sell six figures every time I speak.)

I not telling you this stuff to impress you. The truth is, I am only good at a handful of things and outside of those things I'm very lame. (Ask my wife Karen how I am at fixing things around the house!) But, I am truly excellent at selling and helping other people get good at it as well.


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

Getting good at selling isn't going to automatically change your business and make you millions. In fact, if you offer an inferior product or service, then I've got really bad news for you: The process I teach will only accelerate how quickly your market knows that. But, I can also tell you that learning how to successfully close more sales will bring you HUGE benefits. You are leaving a lot of money on the table and missing out on a lot of new customers, clients or patients, right now, if you aren't closing sales. Plus, you are working harder than you have to and struggling when you don't need to be. On the other hand, once you get good at selling, whether it's in-person or via media, you're going to have a newfound power and confidence to get your message out to more people, generate a FLOOD of sales and have the ability to make money, in big chunks, on demand.


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |

Four Secrets For Crafting Sales Presentations That Sell Your Products or Services Like Magic

Laying The Groundwork

I'm going to share with you the foundational steps that I use to lay the groundwork for crafting killer presentations. This system has produced MILLIONS of dollars worth of sales for myself, my private clients, and students. If you use what you're about to learn, this report will be the most valuable thing you read all year. First, a story to get us to where we're going. I remember it well... It was my first day as a real deal salesperson at WHMP radio in Northampton, MA. I was nervous but excited about all the money I was going to make. The sales manager, Tom Hennessy gave me an in-depth training program that consisted of a slap on the back and the words, "Go out there and get `em `killa'". With that, I was thrown to the wolves without a clue as to what to do. But I knew that I had to do something so I started cold calling on businesses by going door to door. As you might have guessed, this was ugly and demoralizing. I was rejected over and over again. I had read in Tom Hopkins' book, "How To Master The Art Of Selling" that I shouldn't take rejection personally as they were rejecting my offer, and not me. On paper that looked good, but when you are told over and over again "I'm not interested", it gets to you ? especially when you're wet behind the ears. At this time, I didn't know anything about positioning or lead generation ? in fact, I didn't know much at all. I went into every sales situation unprepared, totally winging it. I hadn't heard of scripting a sales presentation. Eventually, it dawned on me that all professionals script their presentations. If you go to see a Broadway play, it doesn't feel like the actors are reciting lines they memorized. It feels real because it's well-scripted and rehearsed. A professional football team has a set of scripted plays that they practice over and over again. Winging it is never a good idea.


? Copyright 2016 Dave Dee, Inc. All rights reserved. |


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