
Learning how to browse the internet is like giving your learners the magic key to the door of a whole new world. It is a basic skill that, once mastered, will enable learners to realise and enjoy the significant and wide-ranging benefits of being online.

Getting started

To get started you could briefly explain the concept of the internet and outline a selection of ways it can be used. Inviting learners’ own ideas for their use of the internet is a great way of finding out their level of knowledge and what they personally want to achieve by being online.

See also the Digital Unite guides on:

- What is a web browser

- Best websites for internet beginners

Other activities

- Demonstrate the basic use of a web browser and briefly explain that there are other browsers available.

- Start with simple activities such as navigating with hyperlinks and using the back and forward buttons.

- Explain the basic principles of internet addresses and get learners to practice finding a website by entering the address.

- Explain how to use a search engine e.g. Google and how to choose from the search results displayed.

Top tips

- Choose a good Home Page - google.co.uk is a “clean” site, which is uncluttered and avoids elements that may confuse beginners, such as pop-ups and scrolling banners

- The main things learners need to grasp are how to use a search engine to find an appropriate site and then how to navigate around it

- Before the lesson prepare some searches that you know will work and avoid unexpected results.

- When learners try their own searches it is important to strike a balance between practising searches and getting too interested in the content of sites that they find.

- Try creating an ‘Internet Treasure Hunt’ for learners to use to practise searching for different types of information

- If you’re teaching a group you could ask learners to pose questions to each other. More advanced learners could use email to ask and answer questions hence practising their email skills at the same time!

Other resources

For more ideas check out the DU guides to help you to plan internet learning sessions.


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