
All About the Internet KEYList four search engines (answers will vary)GoogleYahooBingAsk JeevesBelow, list five uses of the Internet.ResearchSocializingNetworkingPlaying gamesSkypingWhat is a search engine?A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list called hitsList 4 web browsers (answers will vary)Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxGoogle ChromeNetscape NavigatorDefine the term Internet.The internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard communications protocolsWhat is the purpose of a homepage?The page that automatically comes up when you start your Web BrowserPictures and underlined links are examples of what?Hyperlinks8. Extensions are used at the end of URLs. List 5 extensions and who uses them:a..comCOMMERCIALb..eduEDUCATIONALINSTUTIONc..milMILITARYd..orgORGANIZATIONe..netNetworkf..govGOVERNMENTWhat is the star on the menu bar that takes you to frequently visited sites called?FavoritesU R L is short forUniformed Resource LocatorLabel the parts of this URL: . . LOCATION OF THE SITEc. untNAME OF THE ORGANIZATIONd. .comEXTENSIONS/SUFFIX ................

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