
Kelsey Di StefanoDaniela BerenguerFirst Two Paragraphs: Says:He states his opinion that we should not be responsible for feeding the planet because we have to worry about the people of tomorrow in our own country. He also explains how our planet is an Eden to nourish man. Although many people have polluted it by asking too much of it, if we solve today then we destroy tomorrow.Does:The writer strongly introduces his point of view and opinion. He compares the world to the Garden of Eden. He also explains how we should handle our situation and how people have polluted the earth. This helps develop his view point on the situation. Paragraphs Three and Four Says: He explains that the problem is not a lack of food, but that it’s an over population of people in too little time. He goes on to say if we safe the hungry abroad, the problem of over population will get worse in the future. It’s a never ending cycle. Does:The writer restates the problem at hand. He successfully warms us up to his opinion without making it seem like we are in a total doom. He follows with rhetorical questions, and then makes it seem that he could be correct. He then offers a predication that convinces us that the problem should be solved.Paragraphs Five and SixSays: Using history, the writer explains how over population is the cause of most of today’s problems. He then introduces the organization that he belongs to, Zero Population Growth Inc., and narrates how the organization planned to drive by setting examples with the “White America”, middle and upper classes. Does:The author blames many of today’s problems on population growth. By describing to us what his organization has done to stop the problem the world faces, he convinces us to support the organization. Paragraphs Seven Says:The author tells us his story about his own family, their needs, and their conscious decision to limit the number of children they have to benefit them. Does: The author exemplifies himself to perhaps to appeal to us using ethos. His experience makes him an “expert” in the problem we have today. He contrasts his situation to other people who don’t plan for the future, making him seem superior. Paragraph Eight and NineSays:The author deepens his opinion on the growth of the population and the responsibility one must have about handling how the population growth should be taken care of. He supports this claim by using example of black female, Ph.D.’s. He states that these women had to be smart to not have too many children to be stable in their work. He revisits the original question and explains how famine shows up due to people’s irresponsibility. He also restates that the US’ involvement can’t solve this problem throughout the world. Does:The author uses a common saying, “The future is with the children.” He uses this to compare the ideal way to raise children to solve the problem at hand. He provides a strong example of the responsibility that one must have to help eliminate the situation. He then returns to his original opinion and states that the problem is in the places that it is in due to their own irresponsibility and lack of planning. The author supports his opinion by offering a hypothesis that the problem won’t simply go away.Paragraph Ten, Eleven, and TwelveSays:The author explains why the US cannot be of any help in the long run. If the US cannot take care of itself first, and weakens, then the US can no longer help others in the future. He faces us with a strong reality by ignoring what the world is saying through famine, we won’t be able to solve anything. Does:The author illustrates how nothing good can come by just depending on the US. Then he uses an image of “children who are inevitably doomed to live and die in misery” to appeal to our pathos to make us understand his point. He reasons that the world is finite and that we must take care of it now, before it’s too late. Paragraph Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen Says:He concludes with the idea that this problem needs to be taken cared of today. He states that if the world is as it is, tried to work together, it would end badly. But if each country responsibly planned ahead for the future, then the situation at hand can only get better.Does: The author states a harsh proposition that many would not agree with. But he inevitably makes us see the reason in saving what we have today for tomorrow. ................

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