Student Services Finance Committee

508 Memorial Union ● 265-9020

SSFC Chair, Zach Frey,

Organization’s Legal Name

Address and Zip Code:

Office Phone Number:

Name of Chief Administrator:

Name of GSSF Contact:

Office Phone Number:

E-mail Address: {Required}

*You may be contacted by SSFC regarding this application. Please check and respond to email / phone messages promptly!

IMPORTANT…please also include the following:

• Job descriptions for new positions

• Copy of hiring policy

*You must go through the eligibility process if your eligibility as a GSSF group has ended or if you have never received funding from the SSFC committee.

*Incomplete applications (e.g. unanswered questions and/or missing attachments) may jeopardize consideration of your application.

*Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

*Revised budgets will not be accepted after the deadline date.

*Groups and programs are encouraged to apply early.

*Please consult with the SSFC Chair to obtain the ASM/SSFC bylaws and GSSF governing procedures.

Please return this application to:

508 Memorial Union

800 Langdon Street

Madison, WI 53706

*The 2007-08 GSSF funding application deadline is Friday, September 8th, 2006 by 4:30 p.m.

*The SSFC Chair will contact organizations requesting continued SSFC funding during the ‘06 Summer to establish a hearing date.

*Organizations submitting an Eligibility Application for the first time should contact the SSFC Chair immediately to schedule a hearing date.

*The UW System Board of Regents is currently reevaluating certain statewide policies. While groups may still request funding for this line item, please be aware that your organization may or may not receive funding for rent and utilities if your space is not University owned or managed.

*All approved budgets will be effective July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008.

*Organizations are required to meet with the ASM financial staff to review a final version of their budget proposal prior to submission to SSFC. Budget applications will not be accepted if a group has failed to meet with ASM staff. Please contact SSFC Advisor Jena Olson,, to set up this meeting.

* All organizations are encouraged to meet with the Chair and Vice-Chair

*If you encounter any problems, or need any questions answered, please feel free to contact the SSFC Chair, Zach Frey; the SSFC Vice Chair, Kellie Sanders, the SSFC Advisor, Jena Olson, or the SSFC Financial Specialist, Rich Sterkowitz, 265-9020.


This form is available:

• On the ASM

• Outside the ASM Office, 511 Memorial Union


1. Did the organization receive a GSSF grant for the 2005-06 fiscal year? If so, what percentage of the funds was left at the end of the year? If more or less than 0%, please explain why (in detail). Cite each individual line item which was higher or lower than the allocated amount.

2. Please explain the reason for the percentage of increase/decrease from the current fiscal year 2006-07 to the level proposed for 2007-08 (if you have previously received GSSF funding).

3. If you are requesting increased funding, please prioritize all increases, give justification for each priority, and a breakdown of each expense. If the organization plans to request new permanent staff positions, please contact the budget specialist, SSFC Chair or SSFC Advisor to review all relevant procedures and documentation requirements as soon as possible.

4. Please specify the formal method the organization will use or is using to track and record the number of students/non-students the organization provides a service for. And include also the projected number of students and non-students (UW and non-UW) you expect to serve.

Users Served

Examples follow: _____UW_________Non-UW___

1,300 staffed office hours to respond to questions 1,000 50

24 organizational meetings 250 20

900 employment hours for 3 students 3 0

Please provide an outline such as the above example for each and all services you provide.

5. If your planned services, goals and/or operations are significantly different from those reported in the End-of-the-Year report, please indicate in what ways and why below.

6. Please submit a draft calendar of events, travel, programs, and co-sponsorships for your budget, including staff used and routine activities.


Please also complete the following questions if this is the first time your organization has applied for GSSF funding.

• If you are a new organization, answer the questions related to your organizational plans as they exist now.

• If you are a continuing organization but this is the first time you have applied for GSSF funding, respond to the questions based on your previous experience as well as your future plans.

(Organizations who have received GSSF funding in the past have already answered these questions in the End-of-the-Year Report and do not need to answer them again.)

1. Please indicate any major financial concerns facing your organization in the coming year.

2. How many employees does your organization plan on employing in the coming year? What is your policy for equal opportunity employment and how will it be enforced?

|All Revenue Sources Summary |

| |2005-06 |2005-06 |2006-07 |2007-08 |

|Revenue Source |Budget |Actual |Budget |Budget |

| | | | | |

|Intra-University | | | | |

|SSFC | | | | |

|101 GPR | | | | |

|ASM Event/Travel Grant | | | | |

|WI Union Directorate | | | | |

|Multicultural Council (MCC) | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Community Groups | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|City of Madison | | | | |

|CDBG | | | | |

|Human Resources | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Other | | | | |

|Membership Fees | | | | |

|Fundraising/Sales | | | | |

|In Kind Donations | | | | |

|Monetary Donations | | | | |

| | | | | |

|TOTAL REVENUE | | | | |

Note: This “Revenue” page is requesting total income or all funding sources to support your organizational costs.

The “Expense” page which follows is requesting only the expenses you are requesting to be paid from the funds received from SSFC.



|Position Title |Hrs/Wk |No. Wks |Hrly Rate |Actual Budget 05-06 |

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| | | | |$ |

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|Position Title |Hrs/Wk |No. Wks |Hrly Rate | |Approved Budget 06-07 |

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|TOTAL SALARIES | | | | | |

| | | | | |$ |

| |

|Position Title |Hrs/Wk |No. Wks |Hrly Rate | | |Requested Budget 07-08 |

| | | | | | | |

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|TOTAL SALARIES (1) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |$ |

*If more than one person holds the same position, please list each as a separate line item. If the hours per week or hourly rate change for a position between semesters, please list each as a separate line item (for example, if a person works different hours in Summer Semester versus Academic Year). DO NOT AVERAGE hours per week, hourly rates, or number of weeks between separate positions.

*The academic year includes the first pay period which includes any day(s) after the official start of classes in the fall semester, the last pay period which includes any officially scheduled spring semester exams, and all pay periods in between. The summer session includes any pay periods which start after the last scheduled exam of the spring semester and end before the first class day of the fall semester.

|FRINGE BENEFITS |2005-06 |2006-07 Approved |2007-08 Requested |

| |Actual | | |

| | | | |

|TOTAL FRINGES (2) |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |


|Advertising | | | |

|Child Care Fees | | | |

|Computer Soft/Hardware | | | |

|Equipment | | | |

|(different from equipment rental) | | | |

|Equipment Rental | | | |

|Membership Fees | | | |

|Miscellaneous | | | |

|Office Supplies/Furniture | | | |

|Postage | | | |

|*Printing/Photocopying | | | |

|Program Supplies | | | |

|(complete detailed attachment) | | | |

|Rent (space/office) | | | |

|Telephone | | | |

|Travel (complete detailed attachment) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|TOTAL S&S (3) |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|TOTAL Sales Credits (4) |$- |$- |$- |

| | | | |


| | | | |

|TOTAL CAPITAL (5) |$ |$ |$ |

| |

|**TOTAL EXPENSES |$ |$ |$ |

*This line item does NOT include printing included under Program Justification details on the following

pages; those printing monies are accounted for in the Program Supplies line item.

**Total Expenses =

Total Salaries (1) + Total Fringes (2) + Total S&S (3) – Sales Credits (4)+ Total Capital (5)

Program Justification:

The program expense budget has historically included all program expenses of the various programs planned by your organization during the fiscal year. The SSFC would like you to break down each of the programs sponsored by your organization to better guide the committee and the financial staff tracking your budget on the detailed expenses related to each program. Please complete a separate budget sheet for each program you plan to sponsor or co-sponsor during the fiscal year. The total of each individual program will match the PROGRAM SUPPLIES budget listed on page 5 of 8.

|GSSF Group Name: |

|Program Name: |

|Program Date: |

|Duration: |

|Place: |

|Number of Attendees: |

|Program Cost Detail: |Per Person |Total Per Budget Category |

|Airfare (for speakers) | | |

|Equipment Rental | | |

|Food/Beverage (for campus wide events only) | | |

|Honorariums/speaker fees | | |

|(include per person breakdown) | | |

|Hotel for Speaker | | |

|Mileage for Speakers | | |

|Newspaper Ads | | |

|Off-Campus Space Rental | | |

|On-Campus Space Rental | | |

|Office Supplies | | |

|Printing | | |

|Per Diem (Meals) for Speaker | | |

|Room Rental | | |

|T-shirts | | |

|OTHER: (detail expenses) | | |

| | | |

|TOTAL |Per Person:* |For Event: |

|Please explain the additional need for this event and how it would benefit the campus at large: |

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|If you have included requests for T-shirts, food or beverage, please explain why they are essential to the success of this event: |

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*NOTE: Per person costs are calculated by dividing the total event costs by the number of attendees.

Travel Justification:

The travel expense budget has historically included all program expenses of the various travel planned by your organization during the fiscal year. The SSFC would like you to break down each of the travel programs sponsored by your organization to better guide the committee and the financial staff tracking your budget on the detailed expenses related to each program. Please complete a separate budget sheet for each travel program you plan to sponsor or co-sponsor during the fiscal year. The total of each individual program will match the TRAVEL budget listed on page 5 of 8.

|GSSF Group Name: |

|Program Name: |

|Program Date: |

|Duration: |

|Place: |

|Number of Attendees: |

|Program Cost Detail: |Per Person |Total Per Budget Category |

|Airfare | | |

|Food Expense (must be detailed in itinerary-per diem is not | | |

|reimbursable) | | |

|Hotel | | |

|Mileage | | |

|Registration Fee | | |

|T-shirts | | |

|Other (Detail Expense) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|TOTAL |Per Person:* |For Event: |

|Please explain the additional need for this fconference and how it would benefit the campus at large: |

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*NOTE: Per person costs are calculated by dividing the total event costs by the number of attendees.

Description of Expenditure Definitions:

Salaries: Wages paid to permanent staff or student staff employed by the organization.

Fringe Benefits: Employer’s share of benefits paid for employed staff such as FICA, unemployment compensation, health insurance, life insurance, Medicare, etc.

Advertising: Newspaper or publication ads.

Child Care Fees: Child care fees for student parents.

Computer Soft/Hardware: Equipment purchases under $5,000 per unit, software/computer program

enhancements under $5,000 or printer cartridges.

Equipment(non rental): Electronic equipment purchases under $5,000 per unit not included in the computer soft/hardware line. If the organization dissolves and an equipment purchase under $5,000 has been made from SSFC funds, ownership of said equipment shall revert back to the SSFC. Contact the SSFC Financial Specialist for disposition instructions.

Equipment Rental: Fee for use of equipment for one-time programming events.

Membership Fees: Fees paid by organizations to join a membership organization. No GSSF organization can charge membership fees.

Miscellaneous: Expenses not paid in other budget categories. For instance, if an organization does not have a program supplies budget and they want to support food costs of a one-time program, they could use this category to expend food costs. However, if an organization does have a program supplies budget, food costs would be paid from program supplies.

Organizations budgeting funds in this category should be prepared to justify how these dollars will be used.

Office Supplies: Pens, pencils, subscriptions, books, magazines, postage stamps ordered from MDS stores, etc. or office furniture less than $5,000 per piece. If the organization dissolves and a purchase of non consumable office supplies and equipment under $5,000 has been made from SSFC funds, ownership of said equipment shall revert back to the SSFC. Contact the SSFC Financial Specialist for disposition instructions.

Postage: Bulk mailing costs, postage charges assessed by an on-campus mailroom/dept., or mailbox fees.

Printing/Photocopying: Cost of reproducing newsletters, brochures and other major publications, and the reproduction costs associated with printing fliers or one-time printing.

Program Supplies: Professional fees/honorarium, interpreter costs, food costs associated with a campus wide educational program, and other costs associated with a one-time event or series of events sponsored by the organization. Dollars would not be paid from this category for core service costs such as telephone costs used to provide core services or administrative costs of operating the organization. Expenditures paid from this budget category must have been included in the SSFC funding application an approved by the SSFC.

Rent (office/space): Cost of office space.

Telephone: Charges for long distance, local calls, cell phone service, etc.

Travel: Vehicle rental costs, airline tickets--lodging, registration fee for organizational members to attend conferences or meetings. This budget would not be used for speaker costs traveling to this campus to provide a program for the student organization. No GSSF money can be used for food for travel purposes with the exception of a food event that is a part of the program/conferences itinerary when that food expense is not already included in the program registration fee.

Sales Credits: Income received from an internal or external agency from the sale of supplies or services and deposited to the segregated fee account.

Capital: Equipment purchases of $5,000 or more per piece. If the organization dissolves and a capital purchase has been made from SSFC funds, ownership of said equipment shall revert back to SSFC. The ownership of non-consumable supplies and equipment in addition to capital purchases shall also revert back to SSFC. Please contact the SSFC Financial Specialist for disposition procedures. Records to all SSFC capital expenditures will be kept on file in the SSFC office.

ASM Grants: All GSSF funded groups are prohibited from receiving ASM Operation, Travel and Open Fund Grants while receiving GSSF Funds. This does not, however, prohibit GSSF funded groups from receiving ASM Event Grants.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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