3. Cite examples of noun clauses in sentences.

[Pages:4]DATE: 16th June, 2022 CLASS: SS1D TIME: 8:00-9:20 PERIOD: 1st and 2nd periods. DURATION: 80 minutes SUBJECT: English Language UNIT TOPIC: Clauses LESSON TOPIC: Noun Clause SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Explain what a noun clause is. 2. Mention the grammatical functions of noun clauses. 3. Cite examples of noun clauses in sentences. 4. Identify noun clauses in sentences and state the grammatical functions. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES: A chart showing the functions of noun clauses. LESSON PRESENTATION STEP1: IDENTIFICATION OF PRIOR IDEAS MODE: The entire class TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES: The teacher asks the students to explain what a noun clause is. The teacher explains to the students that, a noun clause is a subordinate clause that performs the grammatical functions of a noun and noun phrases in sentence. STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: The students explain what a noun clause is. STEP2: EXPLORATION TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES: The teacher guides the students to mention the grammatical functions of noun clauses as: i) Subject of the verb ii) Subject complement iii) Object of a verb iv) Object Complement v) Complement of preposition.

STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: The students mention the grammatical functions of noun clauses.


TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES: The teacher guides the students to cite examples of noun clauses in sentences and state the grammatical functions.

1.As subject of the verb: This noun clause performs the action or act upon the verb it comes before. A noun clause usually contains a noun or pronoun as the headword.


i) That his son stole his car surprises me. (a. noun clause b. subject of the verb `surprises')

ii) What you said made no sense to me. (a. noun clause b. subject of the verb `made')

2. As subject complement: This noun clause come after a linking verb and refers to the subject.


i)The thief will be whoever wears a red shirt(a. noun clause b. complement of the subject `The thief')

3. As object of a verb: This noun clause occurs immediately after a verb, it function as an object of that verb.


I) My daughter eats whatever we put on her table. (a. noun clause b. object of the verb `eats')

4. As object complement: This comes after the object of a sentence and describes it.


I) you called my husband whatever name you wished (a. noun clause b. complement of the object `my husband')

5. Complement of preposition: This noun clause follows a preposition and completes the meaning of the preposition.

EXAMPLE I) The students are talking about what they just learned in the class. (a. noun clause b. complement preposition `about') STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: The student cite examples of noun clauses in sentences and state the grammatical functions. STEP4: APPLICATION MODE: The entire class TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES: The teacher engages the students to identify noun clauses in sentences and state their grammatical functions. EXAMPLES 1. Whoever murdered the boy should be apprehended and jailed for live. 2. The school organised what is called punctuality award. 3. The money was retrieved from the man who stole it. STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: The students carryout the activity. STEP5: EVALUATION TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES: The teacher asks the students to; 1. Explain what a noun clause is. 2. Mention the functions of a noun clause 3. Explain and cite examples in sentences. 4. Identify noun clauses in sentences and write state the functions. STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES: The students answer the questions. ASSIGNMENT Study adjectival clauses against the next lesson. REFERENCES 1. Ademola Adeoye; New Concept English. 2.Talata Phoebi; General English and Communication Skills for Tertiary Institutions and Schools.


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